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Elevated temperature has potential to influence the biological mechanisms regulating ecosystem–atmosphere carbon exchange. The relationship between warming and heterotrophic microbial respiration remains poorly understood, not least in terms of the differential sensitivity of microbial groups to temperature and the complexity of interactions with other biota. Cord‐forming basidiomycete fungi are dominant primary decomposers in temperate woodland. Decomposition rates are determined by the composition of the decomposer community, ecophysiological relationships between these fungi and abiotic variables and interactions with other organisms. Amongst the latter, a major determinant is the balance between mycelial growth and removal by soil invertebrate grazers, which can themselves be affected by elevated temperature. We investigated the impact of elevated temperature on fungal foraging and decomposition of beech (Fagus sylvatica) wood in soil microcosms to which the invertebrate grazers, Folsomia candida and Protophorura armata (Collembola), were added in factorial combinations with five basidiomycete fungi. Species‐specific impacts on mycelial development and function resulted from differential sensitivity of fungi to warming and grazing. Temperature impacts on collembola abundance were resource‐specific, causing increased grazing pressure by both species, but on different fungi. Grazing often counteracted warming‐induced stimulation of mycelial growth, but occasionally amplified the temperature effect, with implications for colonization rates of new resources. High grazing pressure did not prevent increased fungal‐mediated decomposition of colonized wood, as fungi utilized more resource‐derived energy to maintain explorative growth. Impacts of elevated temperature on decomposition are likely to depend on local composition of the fungal and invertebrate decomposer community.  相似文献   



Efforts to predict the responses of soil fungal communities to climate change are hindered by limited information on how fungal niches are distributed across environmental hyperspace. We predict the climate sensitivity of North American soil fungal assemblage composition by modelling the ecological niches of several thousand fungal species.


One hundred and thirteen sites in the United States and Canada spanning all biomes except tropical rain forest.

Major Taxa Studied


Time Period



We combine internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from two continental-scale sampling networks in North America and cluster them into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 97% similarity. Using climate and soil data, we fit ecological niche models (ENMs) based on logistic ridge regression for all OTUs present in at least 10 sites (n = 8597). To describe the compositional turnover of soil fungal assemblages over climatic gradients, we introduce a novel niche-based metric of climate sensitivity, the Sørensen climate sensitivity index. Finally, we map climate sensitivity across North America.


ENMs have a mean out-of-sample predictive accuracy of 73.8%, with temperature variables being strong predictors of fungal distributions. Soil fungal climate niches clump together across environmental space, which suggests common physiological limits and predicts abrupt changes in composition with respect to changes in climate. Soil fungi in North American climates are more likely to be limited by cold and dry conditions than by warm and wet conditions, and ectomycorrhizal fungi generally tolerate colder temperatures than saprotrophic fungi. Sørensen climate sensitivity exhibits a multimodal distribution across environmental space, with a peak in climates corresponding to boreal forests.

Main Conclusions

The boreal forest occupies an especially precarious region of environmental space for the composition of soil fungal assemblages in North America, as even small degrees of warming could trigger large compositional changes characterized mainly by an influx of warm-adapted species.  相似文献   

盐渍化土壤根际微生物群落及土壤因子对AM真菌的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
卢鑫萍  杜茜  闫永利  马琨  王占军  蒋齐 《生态学报》2012,32(13):4071-4078
为探明盐渍化土壤影响下AM真菌与根际土壤间的关系,试验选取宁夏碱化龟裂土、草甸盐土、盐化灌淤土3种类型4个样地上典型植被群落,测定了植物根际土壤养分含量、微生物群落结构、AM真菌侵染率以及孢子密度。结果显示:盐渍化土壤根际微生物碳源利用类型显著不同,对芳香类化合物的代谢能力整体较弱;红寺堡草甸盐土上微生物优势群落为氨基酸代谢类群,惠农盐化灌淤土为多聚化合物代谢群,西大滩碱化龟裂土为碳水化合物代谢群。AM真菌孢子密度与微生物碳源代谢群间的关系比较复杂。其中,惠农样点根际土壤孢子密度与多聚化合物微生物代谢群呈显著正相关,西大滩地区孢子密度与碳水化合物微生物代谢群呈显著正相关。土壤有机质、全盐、全氮、碱解氮等土壤肥力因子及土壤中的HCO-3、Na+、Cl-等盐基离子含量能解释AM真菌孢子密度与土壤环境因子之间相互关系的大部分信息。较高的HCO-3浓度促进了AM真菌侵染率的提高,但高盐浓度下Na+和Cl-降低了菌根侵染率。土壤对AM真菌孢子密度、侵染率的影响因土壤盐分组成类型的不同而异。研究结果为深入了解AM真菌多样性,促进宁夏盐碱地的合理开发与利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

A majority of plant species has roots that are colonized by both arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and non-mycorrhizal (NM) fungi. The latter group may include plant mutualists, commensals, parasites and pathogens. The co-occurrence of these two broad groups may translate into competition for root volume as well as for plant-derived carbon (C). Here we provide evidence that the relative availability of soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) (i.e., soil nutrient stoichiometry) controls the competitive balance between these two fungal guilds. A decrease in the soil available N:P ratio resulted in a lower abundance of AM fungi and a corresponding increase in NM fungi. However, when the same fertilization treatments were applied in a soil in which AM fungi were absent, lowering the soil available N:P ratio did not affect NM fungal abundance. Taken collectively, our results suggest that the increase in NM fungal abundance was not a direct response to soil nutrient stoichiometry, but rather a competitive release from AM fungi responding negatively to higher soil P. We briefly discuss the mechanisms that may be responsible for this competitive release.  相似文献   

A field study was done to assess the potential benefit of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) inoculation of elite strawberry plants on plant multiplication, under typical strawberry nursery conditions and, in particular, high soil P fertility (Mehlich-3 extractible P=498 mg kg−1). Commercially in vitro propagated elite plants of five cultivars (‘Chambly,’ ‘Glooscap,’ ‘Joliette,’ ‘Kent,’ and ‘Sweet Charlie’) were transplanted in noninoculated growth substrate or in substrate inoculated with Glomus intraradices or with a mixture of species (G. intraradices, Glomus mosseae, and Glomus etunicatum) at the acclimation stage and were grown for 6 weeks before transplantation in the field. We found that AM fungi can impact on plant productivity in a soil classified as excessively rich in P. Inoculated mother plants produced about 25% fewer daughter plants than the control in Chambly (P=0.03), and Glooscap produced about 50% more (P=0.008) daughter plants when inoculated with G. intraradices, while the productivity of other cultivars was not significantly decreased. Daughter plant shoot mass was not affected by treatments, but their roots had lower, higher, or similar mass, depending on the cultivar–inoculum combination. Root mass was unrelated to plant number. The average level of AM colonization of daughter plants produced by noninoculated mother plants did not exceed 2%, whereas plants produced from inoculated mothers had over 10% of their root length colonized 7 weeks after transplantation of mother plants and ∼6% after 14 weeks (harvest), suggesting that the AM fungi brought into the field by inoculated mother plants had established and spread up to the daughter plants. The host or nonhost nature of the crop species preceding strawberry plant production (barley or buckwheat) had no effect on soil mycorrhizal potential, on mother plant productivity, or on daughter plant mycorrhizal development. Thus, in soil excessively rich in P, inoculation may be the only option for management of the symbiosis.  相似文献   

Changes in labile carbon (LC) pools and microbial communities are the primary factors controlling soil heterotrophic respiration (Rh) in warming experiments. Warming is expected to initially increase Rh but studies show this increase may not be continuous or sustained. Specifically, LC and soil microbiome have been shown to contribute to the effect of extended warming on Rh. However, their relative contribution is unclear and this gap in knowledge causes considerable uncertainty in the prediction of carbon cycle feedbacks to climate change. In this study, we used a two‐step incubation approach to reveal the relative contribution of LC limitation and soil microbial community responses in attenuating the effect that extended warming has on Rh. Soil samples from three Tibetan ecosystems—an alpine meadow (AM), alpine steppe (AS), and desert steppe (DS)—were exposed to a temperature gradient of 5–25°C. After an initial incubation period, soils were processed in one of two methods: (a) soils were sterilized then inoculated with parent soil microbes to assess the LC limitation effects, while controlling for microbial community responses; or (b) soil microbes from the incubations were used to inoculate sterilized parent soils to assess the microbial community effects, while controlling for LC limitation. We found both LC limitation and microbial community responses led to significant declines in Rh by 37% and 30%, respectively, but their relative contributions were ecosystem specific. LC limitation alone caused a greater Rh decrease for DS soils than AMs or ASs. Our study demonstrates that soil carbon loss due to Rh in Tibetan alpine soils—especially in copiotrophic soils—will be weakened by microbial community responses under short‐term warming.  相似文献   

Microbial decomposition of soil organic matter produces a major flux of CO2 from terrestrial ecosystems and can act as a feedback to climate change. Although climate‐carbon models suggest that warming will accelerate the release of CO2 from soils, the magnitude of this feedback is uncertain, mostly due to uncertainty in the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition. We examined how warming and altered precipitation affected the rate and temperature sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration (Rh) at the Boston‐Area Climate Experiment, in Massachusetts, USA. We measured Rh inside deep collars that excluded plant roots and litter inputs. In this mesic ecosystem, Rh responded strongly to precipitation. Drought reduced Rh, both annually and during the growing season. Warming increased Rh only in early spring. During the summer, when Rh was highest, we found evidence of threshold, hysteretic responses to soil moisture: Rh decreased sharply when volumetric soil moisture dropped below ~15% or exceeded ~26%, but Rh increased more gradually when soil moisture rose from the lower threshold. The effect of climate treatments on the temperature sensitivity of Rh depended on the season. Apparent Q10 decreased with high warming (~3.5 °C) in spring and fall. Presumably due to limiting soil moisture, warming and precipitation treatments did not affect apparent Q10 in summer. Drought decreased apparent Q10 in fall compared to ambient and wet precipitation treatments. To our knowledge, this is the first field study to examine the response of Rh and its temperature sensitivity to the combined effects of warming and altered precipitation. Our results highlight the complex responses of Rh to soil moisture, and to our knowledge identify for the first time the seasonal variation in the temperature sensitivity of microbial respiration in the field. We emphasize the importance of adequately simulating responses such as these when modeling trajectories of soil carbon stocks under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

We assessed the potential of using 14C contents of soil respired CO2 to calculate the contributions of heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration to total soil respiration. The partitioning of these fluxes is of utmost importance to evaluate implications of environmental change on soil carbon cycling and sequestration. At three girdled forest stands in Sweden and Germany, where the tree root (autotrophic) respiration had been eliminated, we measured both flux rates and 14C contents of soil respired CO2 in girdled and control plots in the summers of 2001 or 2002. At all stands, CO2 flux rates were slightly higher in the control plots, whereas the 14C contents of respired CO2 tended to be higher in the girdled plots. This was expected and confirmed that heterotrophically respired CO2 cycles more slowly through the forest ecosystem than autotrophically respired CO2. On the basis of these data, the contributions of hetero‐ and autotrophic respiration to total soil respiration were calculated using two separate approaches (i.e. based on flux rates or 14C). Fractions of heterotrophic respiration ranged from 53% to 87%. Values calculated by both approaches did not differ significantly from each other. Finally, we compared the 14C contents of soil respired CO2 in the girdled plots with the 14C contents of heterotrophically respired CO2 calculated by three different 14C models. None of the models matched the measured data sufficiently. In addition, we suspect that inherent effects of girdling may cause the 14C content of CO2 respired in the girdled plots to be lower than ‘true’ heterotrophically respired CO2 in an undisturbed plot. Nevertheless, we argue that measurements and modeling of 14C can be developed into a valuable tool for separating heterotrophic and autotrophic soil respiration (e.g. when girdling cannot be performed).  相似文献   

在多年定位试验的基础上,采用LI-8150-16多通道土壤碳通量测量系统对传统耕作和免耕处理下玉米田的土壤呼吸进行了连续观测,以探讨不同耕作措施处理下土壤呼吸对降雨的响应。结果表明:降雨发生瞬间,土壤呼吸受应激反应影响迅速降低,传统耕作和免耕处理下分别较降雨前降低62.9%—92.9%和35.8%—56.9%;降雨后,传统耕作和免耕处理土壤呼吸的降幅范围分别为31.5%—89.2%和15.7%—59.9%;土壤体积含水量接近于18%时,传统耕作下土壤呼吸比免耕下高51.8%,当土壤体积含水量高于30%时,传统耕作下土壤呼吸比免耕处理下低43.0%,表明传统耕作土壤呼吸更易受土壤水分的影响,波动幅度大;传统耕作处理下土壤呼吸随土壤温度的升高而增大,免耕处理下土壤呼吸随土壤温度的升高变化不明显;土壤体积含水量较小(20%)时,不同耕作处理下土壤呼吸均随土壤含水量增加而增加,含水量较高(30%)时则均随土壤含水量的升高而减小,两种情况下均为免耕处理的变化速率更大;双因子线性模型可较好地描述玉米田土壤呼吸对温度和水分变化的响应。  相似文献   

Warming temperatures are likely to accelerate permafrost thaw in the Arctic, potentially leading to the release of old carbon previously stored in deep frozen soil layers. Deeper thaw depths in combination with geomorphological changes due to the loss of ice structures in permafrost, may modify soil water distribution, creating wetter or drier soil conditions. Previous studies revealed higher ecosystem respiration rates under drier conditions, and this study investigated the cause of the increased ecosystem respiration rates using radiocarbon signatures of respired CO2 from two drying manipulation experiments: one in moist and the other in wet tundra. We demonstrate that higher contributions of CO2 from shallow soil layers (0–15 cm; modern soil carbon) drive the increased ecosystem respiration rates, while contributions from deeper soil (below 15 cm from surface and down to the permafrost table; old soil carbon) decreased. These changes can be attributed to more aerobic conditions in shallow soil layers, but also the soil temperature increases in shallow layers but decreases in deep layers, due to the altered thermal properties of organic soils. Decreased abundance of aerenchymatous plant species following drainage in wet tundra reduced old carbon release but increased aboveground plant biomass elevated contributions of autotrophic respiration to ecosystem respiration. The results of this study suggest that drier soils following drainage may accelerate decomposition of modern soil carbon in shallow layers but slow down decomposition of old soil carbon in deep layers, which may offset some of the old soil carbon loss from thawing permafrost.  相似文献   

测定了宁夏黄土丘陵区植被恢复近30年的天然草地和农地不同粒径团聚体的土壤养分含量、微生物生物量、呼吸特性和生态化学计量比等指标,探索黄土丘陵区植被恢复对不同粒径土壤团聚体的养分特性和微生物学性质的影响.结果表明: 微团聚体(粒径<0.25 mm)质量百分比、各粒径土壤团聚体养分(有机碳、全氮、速效钾)含量、C/N均表现为天然草地大于农地,其中1~2 mm粒径团聚体有机碳、全氮含量在天然草地和农地中均最高,C/N也较高,说明植被恢复能有效促进土壤团粒的形成,适宜养分积累和有机碳的汇集,且在1~2 mm粒径团聚体上表现最为突出;天然草地各粒径土壤团聚体微生物生物量(碳、氮)、基础呼吸强度均高于农地,而呼吸熵低于农地,可见植被恢复措施可有效提高各粒径土壤微生物生物量与活性,并使土壤生境趋于稳定;但由于养分特性的差异,不同粒径团聚体微生物特性对植被修复的响应存在差异,其中天然草地土壤1~2 mm粒径团聚体微生物生物量碳,<0.25、0.25~1、1~2 mm粒径团聚体微生物生物量氮,以及1~2、>5 mm粒径团聚体基础呼吸强度显著高于其他粒径,即上述粒径团聚体的微生物生物量和微生物活性在植被恢复过程中逐渐被改善.表明宁南山区植被恢复有效改善了土壤团聚体的肥力状况与结构特征,且1~2 mm粒径团聚体的改良效果最为突出.  相似文献   

培养条件下二氯喹啉酸对土壤微生物群落结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨除草剂二氯喹啉酸对土壤微生物群落结构的影响,在25℃黑暗培养条件下,采用磷脂脂肪酸法(Phospholipid Fatty Acid,PLFA)分析了二氯喹啉酸(0对照、83.3和166.6μg/kg干土)处理对淹水和不淹水水田土壤微生物群落结构的影响。结果表明,在实验处理的60 d内,不淹水水田土壤在83.3μg/kg二氯喹啉酸处理后对土壤微生物生物总量、细菌生物量及真菌生物量有抑制作用,而166.6μg/kg二氯喹啉酸处理后各生物量指标均显著增加,但是两种浓度处理均使土壤真菌/细菌比值下降,说明二氯喹啉酸处理会使不淹水水田土壤微生物稳定性下降;淹水水田土壤在83.3μg/kg二氯喹啉酸处理下,对土壤微生物生物总量和真菌生物量有促进作用,对细菌生物量有一定的抑制作用,166.6μg/kg二氯喹啉酸处理对土壤微生物生物总量、细菌及真菌生物量均有促进作用,从真菌/细菌比值上看,不同浓度处理与对照无显著差异,说明二氯喹啉酸对淹水生物稳定性无明显干扰。PLFA主成分分析表明,不同浓度处理的两种土壤微生物群落均以含14∶0、15∶0、16∶0和18∶2n6c的微生物为优势种群。  相似文献   

Seed banks represent a reservoir of propagules important for understanding plant population dynamics. Seed viability in soil depends on soil abiotic conditions, seed species, and soil biota. Compared to the vast amount of data on plant growth effects, next to nothing is known about how arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could influence viability of seeds in the soil seed bank. To test whether AMF could influence seed bank viability, we conducted three two‐factorial experiments using seeds of three herbaceous plant species (Taraxacum officinale, Dactylis glomerata, and Centaurea nigra) under mesocosm (experiments 1 and 2) and field conditions (experiment 3) and modifying the factor AMF presence (yes and no). To allow only hyphae to grow in and to prevent root penetration, paired root exclusion compartments (RECs) were used in experiments 2 and 3, which were either rotated (interrupted mycelium connection) or kept static (allows mycorrhizal connection). After harvesting, seed viability, soil water content, soil phosphorus availability, soil pH, and hyphal length in RECs were measured. In experiment 1, we used inoculation or not with the AMF Rhizophagus irregularis to establish the mycorrhizal treatment levels. A significant negative effect of mycorrhizal hyphae on viability of seeds was observed in experiments 1 and 3, and a similar trend in experiment 2. All three experiments showed that water content, soil pH, and AMF extraradical hyphal lengths were increased in the presence of AMF, but available P was decreased significantly. Viability of seeds in the soil seed bank correlated negatively with water content, soil pH, and AMF extraradical hyphal lengths and positively with soil P availability. Our results suggest that AMF can have a negative impact on soil seed viability, which is in contrast to the often‐documented positive effects on plant growth. Such effects must now be included in our conceptual models of the AM symbiosis.  相似文献   

The influence of rainstorm on soil respiration of a mixed forest in southern New England, USA was investigated with eddy covariance, rain simulation and laboratory incubation. Soil respiration is shown to respond rapidly and instantaneously to the onset of rain and return to the prerain rate shortly after the rain stops. The pulse‐like flux, most likely caused by the decomposition of active carbon compounds in the litter layer, can amount to a loss of 0.18 t C ha?1 to the atmosphere in a single intensive storm, or 5–10% of the annual net ecosystem production of midlatitude forests. If precipitation becomes more variable in a future warmer world, the rain pulse should play an important part in the transient response of the ecosystem carbon balance to climate, particularly for ecosystems on ridge‐tops with rapid water drainage.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根化翅果油树幼苗根际土壤微环境   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以我国二级濒危保护植物翅果油(Elaeagnus mollis)为供试植物, 通过温室盆栽试验, 研究接种丛枝菌根真菌对翅果油树幼苗根际土壤微生态环境的影响。试验设计分4个组: 摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)单独接种组(GM)、脆无梗囊霉(Acaulospora delicata)单独接种组(AD)、混合接种组(GM + AD)、不接种的对照组(CK)。测定了菌根侵染率、生物量、根际微生物数量、土壤pH值、土壤酶活性及其对N、P营养的影响等指标。结果显示: 菌根真菌对3个接种组均有侵染, 其中, GM + AD的侵染率最大(90.5%), 生态学效应最好; 与对照组相比, 接种组的生物量均明显提高(p < 0.05), 其中GM + AD组生物量显著增加, 是CK组的2.2倍; AM菌根对根部微生物种群数量产生一定的影响, 主要是使根面上的细菌、放线菌、固氮菌的数量显著增加(p < 0.05); AM菌根使根际pH值降低, 与菌根侵染率呈显著负相关关系(p < 0.05); 接种组根际土壤磷酸酶、脲酶、蛋白酶的活性增加, 根际土壤的磷酸酶、蛋白酶的活性增加量与菌根侵染率呈极显著相关关系(p < 0.01); 接种组的根际土壤中, 可直接被植物吸收利用的N、P元素出现富集现象, 与菌根侵染率呈显著相关关系(p < 0.05)。研究表明: 丛枝菌根的形成改善了翅果油树幼苗的微生态环境, 提高了根际土壤肥力。  相似文献   

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