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Wang Z  Xiang L  Shao J  Wegrzyn G 《Plasmid》2007,57(3):265-274
ColE1 plasmid copy number was analyzed in relaxed (relA) and stringent (relA(+)) Escherichia coli cells after supplementation of culture media with adenosine monophosphate (AMP). When a relaxed E. coli strain bearing ColE1 plasmid was cultured in LB medium for 18 h and induced with AMP for 4h, the plasmid DNA yield was significantly increased, from 2.6 to 16.4 mgl(-1). However no AMP-induced amplification of ColE1 plasmid DNA was observed in the stringent host. Some plasmid amplification was observed in relA mutant cultures in the presence of adenosine, while adenine, ADP, ATP, ribose, potassium pyrophosphate and sodium phosphate caused a minor, if any, increase in ColE1 copy number. A mechanism for amplification of ColE1 plasmid DNA with AMP in relA mutant bacteria is suggested, in which AMP interferes with the aminoacylation of tRNAs, increases the abundance of uncharged tRNAs, and uncharged tRNAs promote plasmid DNA replication. According to this proposal, in relA(+) cells, the AMP induction could not increase ColE1 plasmid copy number because of lower abundance of uncharged tRNAs. Our results suggest that the induction with AMP can be used as an effective method of amplification of ColE1 plasmid DNA in relaxed strains of E. coli.  相似文献   

Chen DQ  Zheng XC  Lu YJ 《Plasmid》2006,56(3):167-178
ColE1-type plasmids are commonly used in bacterial genetics research, and replication of these plasmids is regulated by interaction of RNA I and RNA II. Although these plasmids are narrow-host-range, they can be maintained in Legionella pneumophila under antibiotic selection, with low-copy number and instability. Here, we have described the isolation of two novel spontaneous mutants of pBC(gfp)Pmip, pBG307 and pBG309, which are able to mark the L. pneumophila with strong green fluorescence when exposed to visible light. One of the mutants, pBG307, has a single CG-->TA mutation in RNA II promoter located 2-bases upstream the - 10 region. Another one, pBG309, has the same mutation, as well as an additional CG-->AT mutation in the 76th nucleotide of RNA I, or in the 6th nucleotide of RNA II. A plasmid with the single mutation in RNA I, pBG308, was also constructed. Characterization of these plasmids carrying the enhanced green fluorescent protein (gfpmut2) gene revealed that the green fluorescence intensities of these plasmids were 2- to 30-fold higher than that of the wild type and both of the mutations contribute to increase the plasmid copy number and/or plasmid stability. The mutation located in RNA II promoter played a more dominant role in elevating the copy number, compared to the mutation in RNA I. We also tested the mutant plasmids for replication in Escherichia coli, and found that their copy number and stability were dramatically decreased, except pBG307. Our data suggest that these plasmids might be useful and convenient in genetic studies in L. pneumophila.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Xenopus have identified a new checkpoint protein called Claspin that is believed to transduce the checkpoint DNA damage signals to Chk1 kinase. Here we show that the human Claspin homolog is a chromatin bound protein either in the absence or in the presence of damaged DNA, independent of its association with ATR. Furthermore, we show that human Claspin is found in complex with PCNA, an essential component of the DNA replication machinery, and is released upon DNA replication arrest. Interfering with PCNA function by overexpression of p21 mutant, impaired in its interaction with Cdks but not with PCNA, leads to ATR-dependent Chk1 activation. These findings suggest that the dissociation of Claspin-PCNA could be part of the signal leading to Chk1 activation.  相似文献   

Summary We have identified and localized two incompatibility determinants (IncA and IncB) within a 1.3 kb segment of ColE2 sufficient for autonomous replication. The IncA determinant is localized in a region shorter than 250 bp and expresses incompatibility against both ColE2 and ColE3. The region which determines sensitivity to the IncA determinant seems to overlap with the region specifying the IncA determinant. The expression of the trans-acting factor(s) specifically required for replication of ColE2 interferes with expression of the IncA determinant against ColE2 but not against ColE3. The IncA determinant might be at least partly responsible for the copy number control of the plasmid. The IncB determinant is localized in a 50 bp region (origin) which is sufficient for initiation of replication in the presence of the trans-acting factor(s). The IncB determinant is specific for ColE2 and seems to be due to titration of the trans-acting essential replication factor(s) by binding.  相似文献   

In this study, oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis was used to change the consensus sequences of the LexA binding motifs in either one of the two SOS-boxes of the ColE7 operon. The results indicated that both mutants produced larger amounts of colicin than cells harboring the wild-type ColE7 plasmid. This finding would imply that two biologically functional SOS boxes exist in the ColE7 operon. In the non-induced state, no lysis of cells harboring wild-type plasmids occurred at 37°C, whereas, cells harboring recombinant plasmids containing either one of the mutated SOS boxes underwent lysis within 100 min under the same conditions. This result indicated that adaptation of two SOS boxes of the ColE operon would obviously tightly control the expression of ColE operons. In such a way that it may prevent excessive expression of the lysis (cel) gene, thus safeguard the host cells from being lysed in ordinary living conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The complete nucleotide sequences of the 1.5 kb regions of ColE2 and ColE3 plasmids containing the segments sufficient for autonomous replication have been determined. They are quite homologous (greater than 90%), indicating that these two plasmids share common mechanisms of initiation of replication and its regulation. An open reading frame with a coding capacity for a protein of about 300 amino acids is present in both ColE2 and ColE3 and it actually specifies the Rep (for replication) protein, which is the plasmid specific trans-acting factor required for autonomous replication. The amino acid sequences of the Rep proteins of ColE2 and ColE3 are quite homologous (greater than 90%). The cis-acting sites (origins) where replication initiates in the presence of the trans-acting factors consist of 32 bp for ColE2 and 33 bp for ColE3. They are the smallest of all the prokaryotic replication origins so far reported. They are nonhomologous only at two positions, one of which, a deletion of a single nucleotide in ColE2 (or an insertion in ColE3), determines the plasmid specificity in interaction of the origins with the Rep proteins. Both plasmids carry a region with an identical nucleotide sequence and the one in ColE2, the IncA region, has been shown to express incompatibility against both ColE2 and ColE3. These results indicate that these plasmids share a common IncA determinant. A possibility that a small antisense RNA is involved in copy number control and incompatibility (IncA function) was suggested.  相似文献   

Summary We have localized the regions sufficient for autonomous replication on the genomes of the colicin E2 (ColE2) and colicin E3 (ColE3) plasmids and analyzed the replication functions carried by these regions. A 1.3 kb segment of each plasmid is sufficient for autonomous replication. Plasmids carrying this segment retain the replication properties of the original plasmid. The 1.3 kb segment consists of three functional portions. Firstly, a 0.9 kb region which specifies at least one trans-acting factor required for replication of each plasmid. Secondly, a 0.4 kb region located adjacent to one end of the 0.9 kb region, which is required for expression of the trans-acting factor(s) and probably contains the promoter. The region across the border of these two portions of ColE2 is involved in copy number control of the plasmid. The third portion is a 50 bp region adjacent to the other end of the 0.9 kb region, which contains a cis-acting site (origin) where replication initiates in the presence of the trans-acting factor(s). The action of the trans-acting factor(s) on the origin is plasmid specific. The 50 bp regions functioning as the origins of replication of ColE2 and ColE3 are the smallest among those in prokaryotic replicons so far identified and analyzed.  相似文献   

Summary Three mutations were introduced into the cea promoter using oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis. The resulting mutant promoter has the Escherichia coli consensus sequences at its-35 and-10 positions, separated by the optimal spacing. In addition, a plasmid with a mutation in one of the two LexA repressor binding sites in the cea regulatory region was isolated that decreases homology with the consensus LexA binding site. The effects of these mutations on cea expression were studied in cea-lacZ protein fusions. The promoter-up mutant, when present in a multicopy plasmid, showed a shorter induction lag when compared to the wild-type cea gene, and there was less of an effect of the catabolite repression system on cea expression. However, when present in a single copy in the bacterial chromosome, catabolite repression and an induction delay were observed, despite the increased strength of the promoter. The operator mutant showed a slightly higher basal level of expression, but was still repressible. Induction occurred with a shortened lag period, but the effects were not as great as with the promoter mutant. These results support the idea that tight repression by LexA contributes to the delay in cea induction.  相似文献   

Two multiple-copy, ColE1-type, plasmid cloning vehicles, pHUB2 and pHUB4, have been constructed that carry four different single restriction sites down-stream from the phage lambda promoter pL. The promoting activity of pL is switched off at low temperature in the presence of a cIts gene that specifies a temperature-sensitive repressor but could be activated by heat induction. cIts was located either on the host chromosome, or on a second plasmid pRK248 that is compatible with the cloning vehicle, or on the vehicle itself. Three different restriction fragments, each carrying the gene trpA of Salmonella typhimurium or Shigella dysenteriae, have been inserted into the EcoRI, BamHI and SalI sites, respectively, of these plasmids and pL dependent expression of the inserted gene in Escherichia coli was determined by measuring the enzymatic activity of the trpA gene product. Heat induction resulted in a level of expression of trpA corresponding to 1 to 6.6% of the total soluble cell protein as trpA protein. The level of trpA protein production depended on the particular insert and the plasmid used.  相似文献   

The nonheterocystous filamentous CyanobacteriumPlectonema boryanum strain UTEX 594 contains at least two plasmids. A small 145 kb plasmid was cloned in pBR322. It has no homology with the bigger resident plasmid or with chromosomal DNA. A small fraction of the plasmid is present in the form of multimers or concatemers. Copy number and hybridization patterns of the plasmid were similar under dinitrogen-fixing and non-fixing conditions. Restriction site mapping of the plasmid was done to enable its use in the development of cyanobacterial cloning vectors. It is among the smallest natural plasmids reported from bacteria.  相似文献   

Cloning of the lacI gene into A ColE1 plasmid.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D L Hare  J R Sadler 《Gene》1978,3(4):269-278
The binding of lac repressor to lac operator was utilized to isolate an EcoRI fragment of lambda h80dlac (i+ as well as iq) that contains the lacI gene and lac promoter-operator regions. Ligation of this fragment into EcoRI cleaved pMB9 yielded chimeric DNA molecules of mol. w.t. 9.6 . 10(-6) and 1.5 . 10(7) daltons. Transformed strains containing the plasmids were analyzed for repressor production in vivo and in vitro. Repressor production in one plasmid strain is 7-fold greater than that in heat-inducible lambda h80dlac(iq)lysogens.  相似文献   

Summary The virG gene of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid pTiBo542 has previously been reported to elicit stronger vir gene expression than its counterpart in the pTiA6 plasmid, a property we call the superactivator phenotype. The DNA sequence of the pTiBo542 virG gene was determined and compared to that of the pTiA6 gene. The DNA sequences of these genes differ at 16 positions: two differences are in the promoter regions, 12 are in the coding regions, and two are in the 3 untranslated regions. The 3 end of the pTiA6 virG gene also contains a probable insertion sequence that is not found downstream of the pTiBo542 gene. The base pair differences in the two coding regions result in only two amino acid differences, both in the amino-terminal halves of the proteins. Five hybrid virG genes were constructed and used to activate the expression of a virB::lacZ gene fusion. Differences in the coding regions of these genes accounted for most of the superactivator phenotype, while differences at the promoter and 3 untranslated regions also contributed. These findings suggest that the properties of these VirG proteins and their quantities are important for vir gene induction, and also suggest a long-term selective pressure for mutations contributing to differences between these two genes.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of plasmid pAP4 isolated from Acetobacter pasteurianus 2374T has been determined. Plasmid pAP4 was analysed and found to be 3,870 bp in size with a G+C content of 50.1%. Computer assisted analysis of sequence data revealed 2 possible ORFs with typical promoter regions. ORF1 codes for a protein responsible for kanamycin resistance similar with Tn5 transposone, ORF2 encodes a resistance to ampicillin identical with Tn3 transposone. Plasmid has in A. pasteurianus five copies and in E. coli DH1 about 30 copies per chromosome and it segregation stability in both strains is very high. Based on the data on replication region, plasmid does not code for a replication protein and origin region is similar with ColE1-like plasmid.  相似文献   

Summary The seg mutants (seg-1 and seg-2) of Escherichia coli cannot support the replication of the F factor and mini-F plasmids at 42°C. We cloned the wild-type E. coli chromosomal DNA fragment complementing the seg-1 and seg-2 mutations and found that both mutations were complemented by the wild-type dnaK gene coding for a heat shock protein. Transduction with phage P1 indicated that the seg-2 mutation is located at about 0.3 min in the region containing the dnaK gene in the order trpR-thrA-seg-2-leuB, consistent with the locus of the dnaK gene. Cloning and sequencing of the dnaK gene of the seg mutants showed that there was one base substitution within the dnaK gene in each mutant causing an amino acid substitution. These results indicate that the seg gene in which the seg-1 and seg-2 mutations occurred is identical to the dnaK gene. The mini-F plasmid pXX325 did not transform a dnaK null mutant to ampicillin resistance at 30°C in contrast to plasmids pBR322, pACYC184 and pSC101, which did. The active dnaK (seg) gene product is therefore essential for replication of the mini-F plasmid at both 30° and 42°C.  相似文献   

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