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Nestin expression in rat adrenal gland   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The constituents of the intermediate filament network of adrenal gland cells have not been deeply investigated in vivo. Adrenocortical cells have been reported to express cytokeratins and vimentin, but the intermediate filament components of the adrenomedullary cells are still unknown. Nestin is an intermediate filament protein that is mainly expressed in the developing nervous and muscle systems. It has been reported to be unable to form filaments by itself and it co-assembles with vimentin. Using immunocytochemical and biochemical approaches, the present study demonstrates that nestin is expressed in situ either in the cortex or in the medulla of adult rat adrenal glands. Nestin-negative cells prevalently form the zona glomerulosa whereas the zona fasciculata and the zona reticularis are mainly nestin-immunoreactive. Nestin-positive cells always express vimentin-like immunoreactivity but several cells apparently expressing only vimentin are detectable too. Nestin is also expressed by adrenomedullary cells that also display a faint vimentin-like immunoreactivity. We hypothesise that the inconstant detection of nestin in adrenocortical cells depends on their different functional moments. Moreover, even though our data do not allow to confirm vimentin in adrenomedullary cells, in situ detection of nestin in the adrenal medulla indirectly supports in vivo expression of vimentin in chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Expression of tyrosine receptor kinase B (TrkB), a receptor for brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), is markedly elevated in the adrenal medulla during immobilization stress. Catecholamine release was confirmed in vitro by stimulating chromaffin cells with recombinant BDNF. We investigated the role of TrkB and the localization of BDNF in the adrenal gland during immobilization stress for 60 min. Blood catecholamine levels increased after stimulation with TrkB expressed in the adrenal medulla during 60‐min stress; however, blood catecholamine levels did not increase in adrenalectomized rats. Furthermore, expression of BDNF mRNA and protein was detected in the adrenal medulla during 60‐min stress. Similarly, in rats undergoing sympathetic nerve block with propranolol, BDNF mRNA and protein were detected in the adrenal medulla during 60‐min stress. These results suggest that signal transduction of TrkB in the adrenal medulla evokes catecholamine release. In addition, catecholamine release was evoked by both the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and autocrine signaling by BDNF in the adrenal gland. BDNF–TrkB interaction may play a role in a positive feedback loop in the adrenal medulla during immobilization stress.  相似文献   

We elucidated the functional contribution of K(+) channels to cholinergic control of catecholamine secretion in the perfused rat adrenal gland. The small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (SK(Ca))-channel blocker apamin (10-100 nM) enhanced the transmural electrical stimulation (ES; 1-10 Hz)- and 1, 1-dimethyl-4-phenyl-piperazinium (DMPP; 5-40 microM)-induced increases in norepinephrine (NE) output, whereas it did not affect the epinephrine (Epi) responses. Apamin enhanced the catecholamine responses induced by acetylcholine (6-200 microM) and methacholine (10-300 microM). The putative large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel blocker charybdotoxin (10-100 nM) enhanced the catecholamine responses induced by ES, but not the responses induced by cholinergic agonists. Neither the K(A) channel blocker mast cell degranulating peptide (100-1000 nM) nor the K(V) channel blocker margatoxin (10-100 nM) affected the catecholamine responses. These results suggest that SK(Ca) channels play an inhibitory role in adrenal catecholamine secretion mediated by muscarinic receptors and also in the nicotinic receptor-mediated secretion of NE, but not of Epi. Charybdotoxin-sensitive Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels may control the secretion at the presynaptic site.  相似文献   

We elucidated the contribution of endogenous pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) to neurally evoked catecholamine secretion from the isolated perfused rat adrenal gland. Infusion of PACAP (100 nM) increased adrenal epinephrine and norepinephrine output. The PACAP-induced catecholamine output responses were inhibited by the PACAP type I receptor antagonist PACAP- (6-38) (30-3,000 nM) but were resistant to the PACAP type II receptor antagonist [Lys1,Pro2,5,Ara3,4,Tyr6]-vasoactive intestinal peptide (LPAT-VIP; 30-3,000 nM). Transmural electrical stimulation (ES; 1-10 Hz) or infusion of ACh (6-200 nM) increased adrenal epinephrine and norepinephrine output. PACAP-(6-38) (3,000 nM), but not LPAT-VIP, also inhibited the ES-induced catecholamine output responses. However, PACAP-(6-38) did not affect the ACh-induced catecholamine output responses. PACAP at low concentrations (0.3-3 nM), which had no influence on catecholamine output, enhanced the ACh-induced catecholamine output responses, but not the ES-induced catecholamine output responses. These results suggest that PACAP is released from the nerve endings to facilitate the neurally evoked catecholamine secretion through PACAP type I receptors in the rat adrenal gland.  相似文献   

Cytosol from the adrenal gland of male and female rats contains a specific binding protein for oestradiol-17β. This protein has all the characteristics of a cytoplasmic oestrogen receptor. It is excluded by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration, has a sedimentation coefficient of 8–9 S by sucrose density gradient centrifugation in low salt and dissociates into a 4 S form by centrifugation in high salt (0.5 M KCl). The binding protein is heat sensitive and oestradiol-17β binding is eliminated by protease and by sulphydryl blocking reagents (2mM p-chloromercuriphenylsulphonate). The bound oestradiol dissociates very slowly at 0°C. The adrenal oestrogen receptors have a very high affinity for oestradiol-17β, but lower affinity for oestradiol-17α and do not bind testosterone, androstene-3,17-dione or corticosterone. Scatchard analysis of the saturation data for oestradiol revealed one class of high affinity binding sites with an apparent equilibrium constant of dissociation KD at 0°C of 5.8 × 10−10M. The number of binding sites was calculated to be 70 fmol/mg cytosol protein. Cytosol fractions from androgen insensitive (tfm) male rats contain oestrogen receptors in amounts very similar to that of the normal littermates.  相似文献   

Opioid peptides and their precursors of the proenkephalin family are found in the chromaffin cells of the rat adrenal medulla in low quantities. However, if the gland is denervated, there is a 10 to 20-fold increase in enkephalin-containing (EC) peptides consisting mostly of the precursor proenkephalin. The denervation-induced rise in medullary EC peptides is blocked by hypophysectomy, and partially reinstated by corticosterone, dexamethasone or ACTH treatment. In the intact rat, intermediate doses of corticosterone or dexamethasone reduce the denervation-induced increase in EC peptides, while a high dose of dexamethasone restores this response. These results indicate that glucocorticoids exert a permissive effect in vivo on the denervation-induced stimulation of EC peptide biosynthesis.  相似文献   

VSNL1 encodes the calcium-sensor protein visinin-like 1 and was identified previously as an upregulated gene in a sample set of aldosterone-producing adenomas. Recently, by means of microarray studies we demonstrated high expression of Vsnl1 gene in rat adrenal zona glomerulosa (ZG). Only scanty data are available on the role of this gene in adrenal function as well as on regulation of its expression by factors affecting adrenal cortex structure and function. Therefore we performed relevant studies aimed at clarifying some of the above issues. By Affymetrix® Rat Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip, QPCR and immunohistochemistry we demonstrated that expression levels of Vsnl1 in the rat adrenal ZG are notably higher than in the fasciculata/reticularis zone. In QPCR assay this difference was approximately 10 times higher. Expression of this gene in the rat adrenal gland or adrenocortical cells was acutely down regulated by ACTH, while chronic administration of corticotrophin or dexamethasone did not change Vsnl1 mRNA levels. In enucleation-induced adrenocortical regeneration expression levels of both Vsnl1 and Cyp11b2 were notably lowered and positively correlated. Despite these findings, the physiological significance of adrenal Vsnl1 remains unclear, and requires further investigation  相似文献   

The concentrations of noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (ADR), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DOP) have been studied in the left ventricle and the left adrenal gland of control and streptozotocin (STZ) - treated rats at various intervals (12, 24, 30, 34, 38 and 42 weeks) after the induction of diabetes. The only amines detected in the heart were NA, 5-HIAA and DOP, whereas those detected in the adrenal gland were NA and ADR. Differential changes in the catecholamine concentrations occurred in the heart and the adrenal gland at different stages of the metabolic disorder. In the heart the initial changes in short-term diabetes included an increase in NA concentration but this did not persist in the longer term diabetic animals (30-38 weeks following STZ injection). In the adrenal gland there was an initial reduction followed by a steady increase in the concentration of NA and ADR throughout the period of the study.  相似文献   

Prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) is a novel peptide found in bovine hypothalamus as an endogenous ligand of an orphan G-protein-coupled receptor (hGR3). It is known that PrRP is widely distributed and plays roles in the central nervous system (CNS). In particular, PrRP acts as a neurotransmitter that mediates stress and activates the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. On the other hand, only a few studies have so far been performed on PrRP in peripheral tissues. Among peripheral tissues, appreciable levels of PrRP are found only in the adrenal gland; however, the PrRP-producing cells in the adrenal gland have not been identified. In this study, we detected PrRP mRNA in the rat adrenal medulla. So, we tried to identify the PrRP-producing cells in primary culture cells of the adrenal medulla. We found immunopositive PrRP cells among the cultured cells from the adrenal gland, but not in the adrenal gland tissue, by means of immunocytochemistry. The PrRP immunopositive cells were double positive for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and for phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT), which indicates that PrRP may be produced in a part of the adrenaline cells in the adrenal gland. This is the first report that PrRP is produced in the adrenaline-containing cells of the adrenal gland.  相似文献   

The response of the adrenal gland to zinc deficiency was examined in male weanling rats. In comparison with decapsulated adrenals from ad libitum fed controls, glands from zinc deficient rats had greater relative weight (mg/g body wt), DNA concentration, and total lipid and cholesterol concentrations as well as a smaller protein/DNA ratio. Several of these differences (protein/DNA and cholesterol concentration) could be attributed to the inanition accompanying zinc deficiency, as zinc deficient values were similar to those of pair fed controls. Values for total DNA and protein concentration were similar for all groups. Electron micrographs of the zona fasciculata showed a small number of lipid droplets in the adrenals from ad libitum fed controls, an increase in lipid droplets from pair fed controls, and an even more striking increase in lipid droplets from the zinc deficient adrenals. The increased adrenal lipid composition in the zinc deficient group may be secondary to enhanced steroidogenesis or a zinc deficiency-induced defect of lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Distribution of P2X receptors in the rat adrenal gland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distribution of each of the seven subtypes of ATP-gated P2X receptors was investigated in the adrenal gland of rat utilizing immunohistochemical techniques with specific polyclonal antibodies to unique peptide sequences of P2X1-7 receptors. A small number of chromaffin cells showed positive immunoreaction for P2X5 and P2X7, with the relative occurrence of P2X7-immunoreactive chromaffin cells exceeding that of P2X5. The preganglionic nerve fibres that form terminal plexuses around some chromaffin cells showed P2X1 immunoreactivity. Intrinsic adrenal neurones were observed to be positively stained for P2X2 and P2X3 receptors. P2X2 immunoreactivity occurred in several neurones found singly or in groups in the medulla, while only a small number of neurones were immunoreactive for P2X3. Adrenal cortical cells were positively immunostained for P2X4-7. Immunoreactivity for P2X4 was confined to the cells of the zona reticularis, while P2X5-7 immunoreactivities occurred in cells of the zona fasciculata. The relative occurrence of immunoreactive cortical cells of the zona fasciculata was highest for P2X6, followed by P2X7 and then P2X5. The smooth muscle of some capsular and subcapsular blood vessels showed P2X2 immunoreactivity. The specific and widespread distribution of P2X receptor subtypes in the adrenal gland suggests a significant role for purine signalling in the physiology of the rat adrenal gland.  相似文献   

Among extrahepatic tissues the adrenal gland has one of the highest concentrations of apoE mRNA and the highest rate of apoE synthesis. In the present investigation several previously described in vivo treatments were used to assess the relationship between apoE expression and cellular cholesterol in the rat adrenal gland. Treatment of rats with 4-aminopyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine (4-APP) to lower serum cholesterol concentration and deplete adrenal gland cholesterol content decreased adrenal gland apoE mRNA concentration. These adrenal responses were blocked by dexamethasone (DEX) suggesting that the effect of 4-APP occurred indirectly via stimulation of the adrenal gland by endogenous adrenocorticotrophic (ACTH). Relative to control rats, DEX treatment increased both adrenal gland cholesterol content and apoE mRNA concentration. Concurrent ACTH and DEX administration reduced both adrenal gland cholesterol content and apoE mRNA concentration relative to DEX-treated rats. ACTH administration also rapidly decreased adrenal gland apoE mRNA concentration and cholesterol content in rats pretreated with DEX. In all the above experiments, adrenal gland cholesterol content and apoE mRNA concentration were positively correlated (r = 0.78, P = 0.0001). In contrast, aminoglutethimide treatment, which blocks adrenal gland steroidogenesis and greatly increases adrenal gland cholesterol content, was without effect on apoE mRNA concentration. ACTH administration to rats treated with DEX + aminoglutethimide resulted in decreased adrenal apoE mRNA despite greatly increased adrenal cholesterol content. This uncoupling of adrenal gland cholesterol content and apoE mRNA concentration suggests that apoE mRNA expression and cellular cholesterol are regulated independently by ACTH.  相似文献   

The distribution of cyclic 3′, 5′ -nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity in the rat adrenal gland has been studied. Phosphodiesterase activity was 10-fold higher in the zona glomerulosa than in the zona fasciculata-reticularis. Kinetic studies carried out at low substrate concentrations suggest the possible presence of multiple forms of phosphodiesterase activity in both zones of the adrenal; however, these forms appear to have similar apparent Km's for cAMP. Thus, the well known differences in the steroidogenic response of the two zones to ACTH stimulation may be partially explained by large differences in total activities of the various forms of phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   

Milk synthesis is initiated solely by prolactin in the pseudopregnant rabbit and glucocorticoids potentiate this action of prolactin. In organ culture, prolactin, in the presence or in the absence of insulin, enhances casein synthesis and cortisol (inactive alone) amplifies this action. Measurements of casein mRNA concentration in total cellular RNA, by hybridization with DNA complementary to casein mRNA, revealed that the stimulation of casein synthesis by the glucocorticoid is accompanied by an increase in the amount of casein mRNA. A systematic comparison of variations of these two parameters indicated that the major effect of glucocorticoids on lactogenesis in the rabbit at this stage of mammary gland development is mediated through an increase in the quantity of casein mRNA available for translation. No simultaneous control of casein mRNA translation by cortisol was observed.  相似文献   

The present study applied the separated adrenal capsules of rats for wholemount immunocytochemistry and used tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) antibody as a marker for catecholamines. TH-immunoreactive nerve bundles without varicosities and fibers with varicosities were seen to run along or to encircle blood vessels entering the adrenal capsule from the outside, and then to run along a network of blood vessels in the intracapsular region. Also, the TH-immunoreactive nerve bundles and fibers were found to run along blood vessels in the subcapsular region. Some TH-immunoreactive nerve fibers and bundles with varicosities, unassociated with the blood vessels, were seen in the subcapsular region. In this region, TH-immunoreactive nerve fibers with varicosities were often seen to be closely associated with the cortical cells. Some TH-immunoreactive nerve fibers without varicosities were visible within the splanchnic nerve in the subcapsular region. The present study suggests that numerous catecholaminergic nerve fibers are associated with blood vessels forming a network in the superficial region of the rat adrenal gland.  相似文献   

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