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K McIver  E Kessler    D E Ohman 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(24):7781-7789
The neutral metalloprotease elastase is one of the major proteins secreted into the culture medium by many Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Encoded by the lasB gene, the 33-kDa elastase is initially synthesized as a 53-kDa preproenzyme which is processed to the mature form via a 51-kDa proelastase intermediate. To facilitate studies on proteolytic processing of elastase precursors and on secretion, we developed systems for overexpression of lasB in Escherichia coli under the control of the inducible T7 and tac promoters. Although the 51-kDa proelastase form was detectable in E. coli under inducible conditions, most of the elastase produced under these conditions was found in an enzymatically active 33-kDa form. The amino-terminal sequence of the first 15 amino acid residues of this 33-kDa elastase species was identical to that of the mature P. aeruginosa enzyme, suggesting that processing was autocatalytic. To test this possibility, the codon in lasB encoding His-223, a presumed active-site residue, was changed to encode Asp-223 (lasB1) and Tyr-223 (lasB2). The effects of these mutations on enzyme activity and processing were examined. No proteolytic or elastolytic activities were detected in extracts of E. coli cells containing the lasB mutant alleles. Overexpression of the mutated lasB genes in E. coli resulted in the accumulation of the corresponding 51-kDa proelastase species. These were processed in vitro to the respective 33-kDa forms by incubation with exogenous purified elastase, without an increase in proteolytic activity. Molecular modeling studies suggest that the mutations have little or no effect on the conformation of the mutant elastases. In addition, wild-type elastase and the mutant proelastases were localized to the periplasm of E. coli. The present results confirm that His-223 is essential for elastase activity and provide evidence for autoproteolytic processing of proelastase.  相似文献   

Several proteases are secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa including elastase, an abundantly secreted neutral zinc-metalloprotease. Elastase (encoded by lasB) is first synthesized with a relatively large propeptide (18 kDa) domain. Here, we present evidence that this propeptide functions as an intramolecular chaperone (IMC) essential for proper maturation of elastase into a hydrolytically active enzyme. An altered elastase allele (lasB6) that encoded an elastase precursor with a precise propeptide deletion was expressed in Escherichia coli, and disrupted cells contained only inactive elastase. However, co-expression of an allele (lasB7) expressing the propeptide as an independent, non-covalently linked protein rescued about one-third of the hydrolytic activity when compared with that obtained with wild-type lasB. Thus, the propeptide was essential for elastase activity and so defined elastase as an IMC-containing protease. We examined the possibility that the propeptide of elastase also plays a role in the localization of the mature protein past the outer bacterial membrane. Expression of lasB6 in P. aeruginosa (lasBΔ) in the absence of the propeptide resulted in production of inactive elastase that accumulated within the cell and was not secreted to the culture medium. When lasB7 co-expressed the non-covalently linked propeptide in the same cell with lasB6, efficient secretion was restored and active elastase was then found in the supernatant. Thus, the propeptide was needed for secretion of the mature protein as well as enzymatic activity. This chaperone-like activity of the propeptide appears to involve a direct interaction between the mature and propeptide sequences, and evidence for this was obtained by demonstrating that the non-covalently attached 18 kDa propeptide was co-precipitated with elastase using elastase antibodies. These results are consistent with a hypothesis that the propeptide domain acts as an IMC to control both enzymatic activity and competence for secretion.  相似文献   

Three cell-associated elastase precursors with approximate molecular weights of 60,000 (P), 56,000 (Pro I), and 36,000 (Pro II) were identified in Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells by pulse-labeling with [35S]methionine and immunoprecipitation. In the absence of inhibitors, cells of a wild-type strain as well as those of the secretion-defective mutant PAKS 18 accumulated Pro II as the only elastase-related radioactive protein. EDTA but not EGTA [ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid] inhibited the formation of Pro II, and this inhibition was accompanied by the accumulation of Pro I. P accumulated in cells labeled in the presence of ethanol (with or without EDTA), dinitrophenol plus EDTA, or carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone plus EDTA. Pro I and Pro II were localized to the periplasm, and as evident from pulse-chase experiments, Pro I was converted to the mature extracellular enzyme with Pro II as an intermediate of the reaction. P was located to the membrane fraction. Pro I but not Pro II was immunoprecipitated by antibodies specific to a protein of about 20,000 molecular weight (P20), which, as we showed before (Kessler and Safrin, J. Bacteriol. 170:1215-1219, 1988), forms a complex with an inactive periplasmic elastase precursor of about 36,000 molecular weight. Our results suggest that the elastase is made by the cells as a preproenzyme (P), containing a signal sequence of about 4,000 molecular weight and a "pro" sequence of about 20,000 molecular weight. Processing and export of the preproenzyme involve the formation of two periplasmic proenzyme species: proelastase I (56 kilodaltons [kDa]) and proelastase II (36 kDa). The former is short-lived, whereas proelastase II accumulates temporarily in the periplasm, most likely as a complex with the 20-kDa propeptide released from proelastase I upon conversion to proelastase II. The final step in elastase secretion seems to required both the proteolytic removal of a small peptide from proelastase II and dissociation of the latter from P20.  相似文献   

The LasA protease of Pseudomonas aeruginosa can degrade elastin and is an important contributor to the pathogenesis of this organism. LasA (20 kDa) is a member of the beta-lytic endopeptidase family of extracellular bacterial proteases, and it shows high-level staphylolytic activity. We sequenced the lasA gene from strain FRD1 and overexpressed it in Escherichia coli. The lasA gene encodes a precursor, known as pre-proLasA, of 45,582 Da. Amino-terminal sequence analysis allowed the identification of the signal peptidase cleavage site and revealed that the 31-amino-acid signal peptide was removed in E. coli. The remaining proLasA (42 kDa) did not undergo autoproteolytic processing and showed little staphylolytic activity. However, it was readily processed to a 20-kDa active staphylolytic protease by incubation with trypsin or with the culture filtrate of a P. aeruginosa lasAdelta mutant. Thus, removal of the propeptide (22 kDa) was required to convert proLasA into an active protease. Although LasA protease was critical for staphylolytic activity, other proteases like elastase were found to enhance staphylolysis. Under the control of an inducible trc promoter, lasA was overexpressed in P. aeruginosa and the processing intermediates were examined. Compared with wild-type cells, the overproducing cells accumulated more 42-kDa proLasA species, and the culture supernatants of the overproducing cells showed increased levels of active 20-kDa LasA protease. Small amounts of a 25-kDa extracellular LasA-related protein, which could represent a potential processing intermediate, were also observed. To better understand the structure-function relationships in LasA protease, we tested whether His-120-X-His-122 in the mature portion of LasA plays a role in activity. This motif and surrounding sequences are conserved in the related beta-lytic protease of Achromobacter lyticus. Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used to change His-120 to Ala-120, thus forming the lasA5 allele. The product of lasA5 expressed from the chromosome of P. aeruginosa was processed to a stable, secreted 20-kDa protein (designated LasA-H120A) which was devoid of staphylolytic activity. This suggests that His-120 is essential for LasA activity and favors the possibility that proLasA processing and secretion in P. aeruginosa can proceed via mechanisms which do not involve autoproteolysis.  相似文献   

We have isolated 2 new pleiotropic mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO with defective secretion of extracellular proteins (Xcp mutants). One of these mutants was compared to 2 different, previously isolated secretion mutants. All had similar phenotypes and were unable to release at least 4 exoproteins (lipase, elastase, alkaline phosphatase, and phospholipase C), whilst alkaline protease was still secreted. The exoproteins appeared to be blocked in the periplasmic space. No difference in molecular weight was detected between cell-bound forms of elastase and alkaline phosphatase in the different mutants and the corresponding extracellular forms from the wild-type strain. Genetic mapping showed that the mutations were located in the 55′ region of the chromosome.  相似文献   

Mutant cells of mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from cystic fibrosis patients were examined for their ability to synthesize alginic acid in resting cell suspensions. Unlike the wild-type strain which synthesizes alginic acid from glycerol, fructose, mannitol, glucose, gluconate, glutamate, or succinate, mutants lacking specific enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism are uniquely impaired. A phosphoglucose isomerase mutant did not synthesize the polysaccharide from mannitol, nor did a glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutant synthesize the polysaccharide from mannitol or glucose. Mutants lacking the Entner-Doudoroff pathway dehydrase or aldolase failed to produce alginate from mannitol, glucose, or gluconate, as a 3-phosphoglycerate kinase or glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase mutant failed to produce from glutamate or succinate. These results demonstrate the primary role of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway enzymes in the synthesis of alginate from glucose, mannitol, or gluconate and the role of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase reaction for the synthesis from gluconeogenic precursors such as glutamate. The virtual absence of any activity of phosphomannose isomerase in cell extracts of several independent mucoid bacteria and the impairment of alginate synthesis from mannitol in mutants lacking phosphoglucose isomerase or glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase rule out free mannose 6-phosphate as an intermediate in alginate biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A phenotypically restrictionless strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found to lack a deoxyribonuclease specific for linear duplex DNA. The purified enzyme had an optimum pH of 8.5, required MgCl2 (10 mM) for maximum activity, and did not require ATP. Neither the degradation of heat-denatured DNA nor the degradation of bacteriophage F116 DNA was detected. The genome of bacteriophage F116 was shown to possess single-stranded terminal regions, which account for the resistance to degradation and for the ability of the phage to transfect restriction-proficient strains.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO mutants defective in elastase were isolated by plate assays of nitrosoguanidine-mutagenized clones. A total of 75 elastase mutants were isolated from 43,000 mutagenized clones. One mutant (PAO-E64) was apparently identical to the parental strain except for its deficiency in elastase activity. This mutant produced an enzyme which was antigenically indistinguishable from parental elastase. Furthermore, equal levels of elastase antigen were produced by this mutant and its parental strain. The mutant elastase, however, had greatly reduced enzymatic activity. Mutant PAO-E64 is presumed to have a mutation in the structural gene for elastase. We have designated the genotype of the mutation in PAO-E64 as lasA1.  相似文献   

The branched respiratory chain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa contains at least two terminal oxidases which are active under normal physiological conditions. One of these, cytochrome co, is a cytochrome c oxidase which is completely inhibited by concentrations of the respiratory inhibitor potassium cyanide as low as 100 microM. The second oxidase, the cyanide-insensitive oxidase, is resistant to cyanide concentrations in excess of 1 mM as well as to sodium azide. In this work, we describe the isolation and characterization of a mutant of P. aeruginosa defective in cyanide-insensitive respiration. This insertion mutant was isolated with mini-D171 (a replication-defective derivative of the P. aeruginosa phage D3112) as a mutagen and by screening the resulting tetracycline-resistant transductants for the loss of ability to grow in the presence of 1 mM sodium azide. Polarographic studies on the NADH-mediated respiration rate of the mutant indicated an approximate 50% loss of activity, and titration of this activity against increasing cyanide concentrations gave a monophasic curve clearly showing the complete loss of cyanide-insensitive respiration. The mutated gene for a mutant affected in the cyanide-insensitive, oxidase-terminated respiratory pathway has been designated cio. We have complemented the azide-sensitive phenotype of this mutant with a wild-type copy of the gene by in vivo cloning with another mini-D element, mini-D386, carried on plasmid pADD386. The complemented cio mutant regained the ability to grow on medium containing 1 mM azide, titration of its NADH oxidase activity with cyanide gave a biphasic curve similar to that of the wild-type organism, and the respiration rate returned to normal levels. Spectral analysis of the cytochrome contents of the membranes of the wild type, the cio mutant, and the complemented mutant suggests that the cio mutant is not defective in any membrane-bound cytochromes and that the complementing gene does not encode a heme protein.  相似文献   

Elastase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is synthesized as a pre-proprotein. The propeptide has been shown to inhibit the enzymatic activity of elastase. In this study, we investigated a possible additional role of the propeptide in the folding and secretion of the enzyme. When elastase was expressed in Escherichia coli without its propeptide, no active elastase was produced. The enzyme was poorly released from the cytoplasmic membrane and, depending on the expression level, it was either degraded or it accumulated in an inactive form in the cell envelopes, probably as aggregates. Since proper folding is required for the release of translocated proteins from the cytoplasmic membrane and for the acquirement of a stable and active conformation, these results suggest that the propeptide is involved in the proper folding of the elastase and that it functions as an intramolecular chaperone. When mature elastase was expressed without its propeptide in P. aeruginosa , the enzyme was not secreted, and it was degraded. Therefore, proper folding of mature elastase appears to be required for secretion of the enzyme. Expression of the propeptide, as a separate polypeptide, in trans with mature elastase resulted in the formation of active elastase. This active enzyme was secreted in P. aeruginosa . Apparently, the propeptide can also function as an intermolecular chaperone.  相似文献   

The isoelectric points of three proteases (I, II and III), separated from culture supernatants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAKS-I by isoelectric focusing, were 8.5, 6.6 and 4.5 respectively. Collagenase activity was not detected. More than 75% of the extracellular protease activity of this strain was due to protease II. This enzyme also possessed elastase activity. When purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, isoelectric focusing and gel chromatography, protease II showed one band on disc electrophoresis and one band on conventional immunoelectrophoresis. The pH optimum, stability and effect of inhibitors and substrate concentration were examined. The molecular weight was 23000 +/- 5000. Protease II was lethal for mice when injected intraperitoneally at a high dose (minimum lethal dose 0.1 mg). Dermonecrosis and subcutaneous haemorrhages were produced in new-born mice upon subcutaneous injection of 10 microgram protease II. A sensitive test for cytotoxicity showed no evidence of cytoplasmic membrane damage to HeLa cells or human diploid embryonic lung fibroblasts by protease II. Morphological changes similar to those produced by trypsin were found.  相似文献   

We isolated 15 mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO which were defective in the formation of certain extracellular proteins, such as elastase, staphylolytic enzyme, and lipase ( Xcp mutants). The mutations were mapped on the chromosome by conjugation and transduction. The locations were xcp -1 near 0', with the gene order cys-59- xcp -1- proB , and loci xcp -2, xcp -3, and xcp -31 at 35', with the gene order trpC , D- xcp -3/ xcp -31- xcp -2- argC . Loci xcp -4 and xcp -41 through xcp -44 were cotransducible with proA at 40'; loci xcp -5, xcp -51, xcp -52, and xcp53 were located at 55', with the gene order leu-10- trpF -met-9010- xcp -53- xcp -5/ xcp -51/ xcp+ ++-52, and xcp -6 was located at 65' to 70', between catA and mtu-9002. Nine mutations ( xcp -2, xcp -3, xcp -31, xcp -4, and xcp -41 through xcp -45) caused decreased production of extracellular enzymes. Six strains with mutations xcp -1, xcp -5, xcp -51, xcp -52, xcp -53, and xcp -6 produced cell-bound exoproteins and had defective release mechanisms. The regulation of production of alkaline phosphatase and phospholipase C is different from other exoproteins , such as elastase, but they all seem to share a common release mechanism. Alkaline protease had separate mechanisms for regulation and release, since this protease was found in culture supernatants of all but one of the mutants, and none of the strains had cell-bound enzyme.  相似文献   

An inactive precursor of the extracellular elastase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was extensively purified by immunoadsorption chromatography of the soluble bacterial cell fraction on a column of Sepharose coupled to antielastase antibodies. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified precursor fraction revealed two major protein bands with molecular weights of about 36,000 (P36) and 20,000 (P20) that in the absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate were associated with each other. The following findings identify P36 as the elastase precursor and indicate that proteolytic processing of this molecule is required for activation: (i) P36 is larger than the elastase, and it binds antielastase antibodies; (ii) trypsin activation is associated with the disappearance of P36 and the appearance of a new protein band migrating identically with the elastase and reacting with antibodies against the elastase; (iii) peptide maps generated from P36 and the elastase are similar although not identical. P20 by itself was not recognized by antielastase antibodies. Its association with P36 accounts for its adsorption to the immunoaffinity column and suggests that it may serve in elastase secretion.  相似文献   

The sequence of the structural gene encoding the Legionella pneumophila extracellular zinc metalloprotease has been determined and was found to possess a single large open reading frame (ORF) of 1,629 nucleotides (nt). This ORF was preceded by consensus promoter (TTAACT . . . 17 nt . . . TATAAC) and ribosome-binding (TAAGGAG) sequences. The deduced polypeptide contained a putative signal sequence and a total of 543 amino acid residues with a computed molecular size of 60,775 daltons, substantially larger than the observed 38,000 daltons of the native and recombinant proteins. A homology search revealed extensive amino acid identity with Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase, a protein that is also encoded by an ORF substantially larger than that predicted for the mature size of the protein. The structural identity between the L. pneumophila protease and P. aeruginosa elastase was most pronounced in the regions forming the enzymatic active site of elastase. Amino acid residues constituting the active-site cleft of elastase were greater than 75% conserved. Elastase residues that interact with and mediate proteolysis of substrate peptides were 100% conserved. Competitive inhibitors of elastase and the structurally and functionally related thermolysin (phosphoramidon and a phosphoramidate analog, Z-GlyP(O)Leu-Ala), were shown to be equally potent at inhibiting the proteolytic activity of the L. pneumophila protease. These inhibitor studies along with the amino acid sequence similarities provide strong evidence that the L. pneumophila protease and P. aeruginosa elastase share a similar molecular mechanism of proteolysis.  相似文献   

The ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to degrade elastin, a major component of connective tissue, likely contributes to its pathogenicity and multiplication in human tissues. Two extracellular enzymes are required for P. aeruginosa elastolytic activity: elastase and LasA. Elastase is a zinc metalloprotease, but little is known about the structure of LasA. When grown under metal ion-deficient conditions, P. aeruginosa culture supernatants were found to exhibit a low level of elastolytic activity, which coincided with production of low levels of the 51-kDa proelastase and no detectable LasA. By using this fact to identify factors that promote elastolytic activity, P. aeruginosa PAO1, FRD2, and DG1 were grown in metal ion-deficient medium supplemented with zinc (10(-4) M ZnCl2), calcium (2.5 x 10(-3) M CaCl2), or iron (10(-4) M FeCl3). High levels of proteolytic and elastolytic activity were exhibited by all strains when cultured in the presence of both zinc and calcium, and this was associated with the production of mature 33-kDa elastase and 21-kDa LasA. Supplementing DG1 and PAO1 cultures with zinc alone stimulated the production of 33-kDa elastase, which, because of the calcium-deficient conditions, exhibited low proteolytic and elastolytic activities. Zinc also stimulated the production of a 41-kDa form of LasA in DG1 and PAO1 culture supernatants. Elastase production by FRD2 cultured in the presence of zinc alone differed from that by the other two strains in that supernatants contained 33-kDa elastase, a 21-kDa form of LasA, and exhibited high proteolytic and elastolytic activities. Such strain-associated differences in LasA processing and elastase activity can be explained by differences in metal ion-scavenging mechanisms adapted by the strains. Supplementing cultures with calcium stimulated the production of elastase but had no effect on LasA production. The elastase produced exhibited variable sizes, possibly resulting from aberrant processing reactions, and showed little proteolytic activity. Proteolytic activity could be recovered from 33-kDa elastase produced in the presence of calcium by inclusion of zinc in the enzymatic assay. Although iron was previously found to exert a repressive effect on P. aeruginosa elastolytic activity, iron exerted little effect on elastolytic activity when added to cultures containing both zinc and calcium. These studies support the conclusion that elastase production and processing are promoted by both zinc and calcium. LasA production, in comparison, is stimulated by zinc, with both zinc and calcium facilitating its processing. The association of 41-kDa LasA with a low level of elastolytic activity and of 21-kDa LasA with a high level of activity supports the conclusion that lasA encodes a larger, precursor protein which is processed to an active 21-kDa form during secretion.  相似文献   

Abstract Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAC1R and its defective mutants (acetone-killed bacteria), Salmonella minnesota Re mutant (acetone-killed bacteria and Re-LPS) and Escherichia coli O14 (acetone-killed bacteria and enterobacterial common antigen, ECA) were studied in a mouse active protection test. Immunized mice were challenged with wild-type P. aeruginosa strains. It was established that P. aeruginosa LPS-defective mutants induced cross-immunity against different Fisher immunotypes of P. aeruginosa. S. minnesota Re-LPS and ECA gave mice protection against P. aeruginosa .  相似文献   

We isolated transposon Tn5-GM-induced mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PG201 that were unable to grow in minimal media containing hexadecane as a carbon source. Some of these mutants lacked extracellular rhamnolipids, as shown by measuring the surface and interfacial tensions of the cell culture supernatants. Furthermore, the concentrated culture media of the mutant strains were tested for the presence of rhamnolipids by thin-layer chromatography and for rhamnolipid activities, including hemolysis and growth inhibition of Bacillus subtilis. Mutant 65E12 was unable to produce extracellular rhamnolipids under any of the conditions tested, lacked the capacity to take up 14C-labeled hexadecane, and did not grow in media containing individual alkanes with chain lengths ranging from C12 to C19. However, growth on these alkanes and uptake of [14C]hexadecane were restored when small amounts of purified rhamnolipids were added to the cultures. Mutant 59C7 was unable to grow in media containing hexadecane, nor was it able to take up [14C]hexadecane. The addition of small amounts of rhamnolipids restored growth on alkanes and [14C]hexadecane uptake. In glucose-containing media, however, mutant 59C7 produced rhamnolipids at levels about twice as high as those of the wild-type strain. These results show that rhamnolipids play a major role in hexadecane uptake and utilization by P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

The consumption of molecular oxygen by Pseudomonas aeruginosa can lead to the production of reduced oxygen species, including superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and the hydroxyl radical. As a first line of defense against potentially toxic levels of endogenous superoxide, P. aeruginosa possesses an iron- and manganese-cofactored superoxide dismutase (SOD) to limit the damage evoked by this radical. In this study, we have generated mutants which possess an interrupted sodA (encoding manganese SOD) or sodB (encoding iron SOD) gene and a sodA sodB double mutant. Mutagenesis of sodA did not significantly alter the aerobic growth rate in rich medium (Luria broth) or in glucose minimal medium in comparison with that of wild-type bacteria. In addition, total SOD activity in the sodA mutant was decreased only 15% relative to that of wild-type bacteria. In contrast, sodB mutants grew much more slowly than the sodA mutant or wild-type bacteria in both media, and sodB mutants possessed only 13% of the SOD activity of wild-type bacteria. There was also a progressive decrease in catalase activity in each of the mutants, with the sodA sodB double mutant possessing only 40% of the activity of wild-type bacteria. The sodA sodB double mutant grew very slowly in rich medium and required approximately 48 h to attain saturated growth in minimal medium. There was no difference in growth of either strain under anaerobic conditions. Accordingly, the sodB but not the sodA mutant demonstrated marked sensitivity to paraquat, a superoxide-generating agent. P. aeuroginosa synthesizes a blue, superoxide-generating antibiotic similar to paraquat in redox properties which is called pyocyanin, the synthesis of which is accompanied by increased iron SOD and catalase activities (D.J. Hassett, L. Charniga, K. A. Bean, D. E. Ohman, and M. S. Cohen, Infect. Immun. 60:328-336, 1992). Pyocyanin production was completely abolished in the sodB and sodA sodB mutants and was decreased approximately 57% in sodA mutants relative to that of the wild-type organism. Furthermore, the addition of sublethal concentrations of paraquat to wild-type bacteria caused a concentration-dependent decrease in pyocyanin production, suggesting that part of the pyocyanin biosynthetic cascade is inhibited by superoxide. These results suggest that iron SOD is more important than manganese SOD for aerobic growth, resistance to paraquat, and optimal pyocyanin biosynthesis in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

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