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An insulin-like growth factor II variant (IGF-II variant) was purified from Cohn fraction IV1 of human plasma by ion exchange, gel filtration, and reversed-phase high pressure liquid chromatography. The amino-terminal sequence of the first 35 amino acid residues showed a replacement of Ser-29 of IGF-II with the tetrapeptide Arg-Leu-Pro-Gly of IGF-II variant. Peptides isolated and sequenced after digestion with endoproteinase Asp-N and endoproteinase Glu-C disclosed no differences with the sequence predicted from an IGF-II variant cDNA clone isolated by Jansen, M., van Shaik, F. M. A., van Tol, H., Van den Brande, J. L., and Sussenbach, J. S. (1985) FEBS Lett., 179, 243-246. The molecular ion of intact IGF-II variant was 7809.4 mass units, as measured by plasma desorption mass spectrometry. This is in close agreement with the molecular ion of 7812.8 mass units calculated from the determined sequence and indicates the entire amino acid sequence had been accounted for. Binding of IGF-II variant to purified insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptors demonstrated a 2-3-fold lower affinity for this receptor compared with IGF-I or IGF-II. The dissociation constants for IGF-I, IGF-II, and IGF-II variant are 0.23, 0.38, and 0.80 nM, respectively. In a growth assay, the concentration of IGF-II and IGF-II variant required to stimulate the half-maximal growth of MCF-7 cells was 4 and 13 nM, respectively. Finally, the amount of IGF-II variant that can be purified by this method constitutes approximately 25% of the total IGF-II isolated from Cohn fraction IV1 of human plasma.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWF) plays a central role in blood coagulation, mediating the adhesion of the initial platelet plug to the subendothelium, and serving as the carrier for factor VIII (FVIII) in the circulation. In previous studies, we have mapped the epitope for an anti-vWF monoclonal antibody which inhibits the interaction between FVIII and vWF to a region spanning Thr78 to Thr96 of the mature protein (Bahou, W.F., Ginsburg, D., Sikkink, R., Litwiller, R., and Fass, D. N. (1989) J. Clin. Invest. 84, 56-61). We now report the identification of a mutation within this region of vWF that results in decreased FVIII binding. Sequence analysis of polymerase chain reaction amplified platelet vWF mRNA from a von Willebrand disease (vWD) patient with a disproportionately low FVIII level identified a single nucleotide substitution (G----A), resulting in the conversion of Arg91----Gln. Recombinant vWF carrying this substitution showed decreased binding to FVIII compared with wild-type vWF or vWF carrying a polymorphic substitution in the same region (Arg89----Gln). These observations suggest a critical role for Arg91 in the interaction of vWF with FVIII and identify the molecular mechanism for a variant of vWD associated with unusually low FVIII levels.  相似文献   

Human factor VIII was purified from commercial factor VIII concentrate with a 12% yield. The specific coagulant activity of purified factor VIII was 8,000 units/mg. In the presence of SDS the purified factor VIII consisted of a variety of polypeptides on polyacrylamide gels, ranging between Mr 80,000 and Mr 208,000. In the absence of SDS the purified factor VIII showed an apparent molecular weight of 270,000 upon Sephadex G200 gel-filtration. The purified factor VIII could be activated by thrombin, which resulted in the disappearance of Mr 108,000-208,000 polypeptides in favor of an Mr 92,000 polypeptide. Treatment with factor Xa also activated factor VIII, whereas treatment with activated protein C resulted in the inactivation of coagulant activity. Coagulant-active 125I-factor VIII was prepared using a lactoperoxidase radioiodination procedure. This 125I-factor had the same characteristics as unlabeled factor VIII. All polypeptides could be precipitated with monoclonal antibodies directed against factor VIII. With 125I-factor VIII a pIapp of 5.7 was found in the presence of urea.  相似文献   

Fractionation of individual, biologically active factor VIII multimers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have designed an electrophoretic system for the fractionation of individual, biologically active multimers of factor VIII. Human factor VIII, purified by gel filtration on Sepharose CL-2B from plasma cryoprecipitate, was submitted to electrophoresis without SDS on 2.0% polyacrylamide gels in 0.04 M Tris/0.06 M Tes buffer, pH 7.5. Staining with Coomassie blue revealed a series of protein bands. Measurement of electrophoretic mobility showed constant size intervals between adjacent bands. Electrophoresis in a second dimension, in the presence of SDS, resulted in an identical order of mobilities, suggesting that the different migration rates of factor VIII proteins in the first electrophoretic system were size- and not charge-dependent. After electrophoresis in the absence of SDS both factor VIII coagulant and ristocetin cofactor activities as well as factor VIII-related antigen were recovered by elution from gel slices. The distribution of activity peaks resembled that of Coomassie-stained factor VIII proteins found in control gels. We thus demonstrate that an electrophoretic fractionation of factor VIII multimers is possible even at neutral pH where factor VIII activities are retained.  相似文献   

Generation of active coagulation factor VIII from isolated subunits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Factor VIII-light chain (FVIII-LC) and Factor VIII-heavy chain (FVIII-HC) were isolated separately from human plasma and were without coagulation activity. When FVIII-LC and FVIII-HC preparations were mixed, coagulation activity was generated in the presence of Mn2+, Ca2+, or Co2+. Mn2+ was most effective and with Ca2+ maximal activity was first obtained after 8 days. Bovine Factor X (FX) accelerated recombination and was able to increase the amount of FVIII:C generated up to 10-fold when FVIII-LC/HC were incubated with Ca2+ for 20 h. When recombination was performed in the presence of micromolar concentrations of sulfhydryl reagents, the total amount of FVIII:C generated was increased up to 4-fold and in excess of FVIII-HC it was possible to drive 70% of FVIII-LC into active complex. If FVIII-HC was prepared in the presence of a sulfhydryl reagent it was possible to drive 75% of FVIII-HC into active complex with FVIII-LC in excess. Me2+, which is necessary for recombination, catalyzes disulfide formation, and it is proposed that FVIII subunits have free sulfhydryl groups. The presence of sulfhydryl reagents during purification of FVIII-HC and during recombination retains the individual subunits in a conformation suitable for recombination.  相似文献   

Factor VIII delta II is a genetically engineered deletion variant of factor VIII expressed by recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells, in which a major portion of the central (B) domain and a part of the light chain (Pro771-Asp1666) are missing. After immunoaffinity purification, the kinetics of thrombin cleavage of the novel molecule was analysed by SDS/PAGE, Western blotting and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Thrombin first cleaves factor VIII delta II at Arg740-Ser741 to generate the 90-kDa heavy chain and an 80-kDa fusion polypeptide consisting of the remaining portion of the B domain and the 73-kDa light chain. The 90-kDa fragment is further cleaved, giving rise to 50-kDa and 40-kDa fragments while the 80-kDa fragment generates a 71/73-kDa doublet. The 71/73-kDa doublet, 50-kDa and 40-kDa fragments were further analysed by N-terminal amino acid sequencing and found to correspond to the predicted amino acid sequences. Our study shows that, in spite of the 900 amino acid deletion present in factor VIII delta II, the essential structural elements required for thrombin activation are conserved.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A, a life-threatening bleeding disorder, is caused by deficiency of factor VIII (FVIII). Replacement therapy using rFVIII is the first line therapy for hemophilia A. However, 15-30% of patients develop neutralizing antibody, mainly against the C2, A3 and A2 domains. It has been reported that PS-FVIII complex reduced total and neutralizing anti-rFVIII antibody titers in hemophilia A murine models. Here, we developed FVIII-containing cochleate cylinders, utilizing PS-Ca2+ interactions and characterized these particles for optimal in vivo properties using biophysical and biochemical techniques. Approximately 75% of the protein was associated with cochleate cylinders. Sandwich ELISA, acrylamide quenching and enzymatic digestion studies established that rFVIII was shielded from the bulk aqueous phase by the lipidic structures, possibly leading to improved in vivo stability. Freeze-thawing and rate-limiting diffusion studies revealed that small cochleate cylinders with a particle size of 500 nm or less could be generated. The release kinetics and in vivo experiments suggested that there is slow and sustained release of FVIII from the complex upon systemic exposure. In vivo studies using tail clip method indicated that FVIII-cochleate complex is effective and protects hemophilic mice from bleeding. Based on these studies, we speculate that the molecular interaction between FVIII and PS may provide a basis for the design of novel FVIII lipidic structures for delivery applications.  相似文献   

Optimal rates of factor X (FX) activation require occupancy of receptors for factor IXa (FIXa), factor VIII (FVIII), and FX on the activated platelet surface. The presence of FVIII and FX increases 5-fold the affinity of FIXa for the surface of activated platelets, and the presence of FVIII or FVIIIa generates a high affinity, low capacity specific FX-binding site on activated platelets. We have now examined the effects of FX and active site-inhibited FIXa (EGR-FIXa) on the binding of both FVIII and FVIIIa to activated platelets and show the following: (a) von Willebrand factor inhibits FVIII binding (K(i) = 0.54 nM) but not FVIIIa binding; (b) thrombin and the thrombin receptor activation peptide (SFLLRN amide) are the most potent agonists required for FVIII-binding site expression, whereas ADP is inert; (c) FVa does not compete with FVIIIa or FVIII for functional platelet-binding sites; and (d) Annexin V is a potent inhibitor of FVIIIa binding (IC(50) = 10 nM) to activated platelets. The A2 domain of FVIII significantly increases the affinity and stoichiometry of FVIIIa binding to platelets and contributes to the stability of the FX-activating complex. Both FVIII and FVIIIa binding were specific, saturable, and reversible. FVIII binds to specific, high affinity receptors on activated platelets (n = 484 +/- 59; K(d) = 3.7 +/- 0.31 nM) and FVIIIa interacts with an additional 300-500 sites per platelet with enhanced affinity (K(d) = 1.5 +/- 0.11 nM). FVIIIa binding to activated platelets in the presence of FIXa and FX is closely coupled with rates of F-X activation. The presence of EGR-FIXa and FX increases both the number and the affinity of binding sites on activated platelets for both FVIII and FVIIIa, emphasizing the validity of a three-receptor model in the assembly of the F-X-activating complex on the platelet surface.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A, a life-threatening bleeding disorder, is caused by deficiency of factor VIII (FVIII). Replacement therapy using rFVIII is the first line therapy for hemophilia A. However, 15-30% of patients develop neutralizing antibody, mainly against the C2, A3 and A2 domains. It has been reported that PS-FVIII complex reduced total and neutralizing anti-rFVIII antibody titers in hemophilia A murine models. Here, we developed FVIII-containing cochleate cylinders, utilizing PS-Ca(2+) interactions and characterized these particles for optimal in vivo properties using biophysical and biochemical techniques. Approximately 75% of the protein was associated with cochleate cylinders. Sandwich ELISA, acrylamide quenching and enzymatic digestion studies established that rFVIII was shielded from the bulk aqueous phase by the lipidic structures, possibly leading to improved in vivo stability. Freeze-thawing and rate-limiting diffusion studies revealed that small cochleate cylinders with a particle size of 500 nm or less could be generated. The release kinetics and in vivo experiments suggested that there is slow and sustained release of FVIII from the complex upon systemic exposure. In vivo studies using tail clip method indicated that FVIII-cochleate complex is effective and protects hemophilic mice from bleeding. Based on these studies, we speculate that the molecular interaction between FVIII and PS may provide a basis for the design of novel FVIII lipidic structures for delivery applications.  相似文献   

Activation of factor VIII by thrombin occurs via limited proteolysis at R372, R740, and R1689. The resultant active factor VIIIa molecule consists of three noncovalently associated subunits: A1-a1, A2-a2, and A3-C1-C2 (50, 45, and 73 kDa respectively). Further proteolysis of factor VIIIa at R336 and R562 by activated protein C subsequently inactivates this cofactor. We now find that the factor VIIa-tissue factor complex (VIIa-TF/PL), the trigger of blood coagulation with restricted substrate specificity, can also catalyze limited proteolysis of factor VIII. Proteolysis of factor VIII was observed at 10 sites, producing 2 major fragments (47 and 45 kDa) recognized by an anti-factor VIII A2 domain antibody. Time courses indicated the slow conversion of the large fragment to 45 kDa, followed by further degradation into at least two smaller fragments. N-Terminal sequencing along with time courses of proteolysis indicated that VIIa-TF/PL cleaved factor VIII first at R740, followed by concomitant cleavage at R336 and R372. Although cleavage of the light chain at R1689 was observed, the majority remained uncleaved after 17 h. Consistent with this, only a transient 2-fold increase in factor VIII clotting activity was observed. Thus, heavy chain cleavage of factor VIII by VIIa-TF/PL produces an inactive factor VIII cofactor no longer capable of activation by thrombin. In addition, VIIa-TF/PL was found to inactivate thrombin-activated factor VIII. We hypothesize that these proteolyses may constitute an alternative pathway to regulate coagulation under certain conditions. In addition, the ability of VIIa-TF/PL to cleave factor VIII at 10 sites greatly expands the known protein substrate sequences recognized by this enzyme-cofactor complex.  相似文献   

APH-1 is one of the four essential components of the presenilin-gamma-secretase complex and has two human homologs, APH-1a, and APH-1b, both of which are seven-pass membrane proteins. Here, we identified a novel splice variant of human APH-1b. This variant lacks exon 4, which encodes the entire fourth transmembrane domain. The mRNA expression of this variant was detected in most tissues at low levels. In transiently transfected cells, protein expression of the APH-1b variant was much lower than that of the wild-type. Furthermore, exogenous expression of the APH-1-interacting protein, nicastrin, significantly increased the variant protein levels. These data suggest that the APH-1b variant protein is destabilized, and implies that the fourth transmembrane domain plays an important role in the protein stability and function of APH-1.  相似文献   

Mice with a targeted truncation in the gene encoding tissue factor of blood coagulation (TF) to eliminate the cytosolic domain and carrying a neo(R) cassette in intron 5 unexpectedly displayed severe spontaneous thrombosis in various vascular beds. Thrombosis was observed in heterozygous TF(+/neo) mice, causing death of over 50% of adults within 36 weeks of birth, and fulminantly exacerbating in pregnant females. Homozygous TF(neo/neo) mice were more severely affected and died within 7 weeks after birth. These TF(neo) mice primarily synthesized a mutant mRNA aberrantly spliced from exon 5 to neo(R), encoding an apparently non-vesicle-binding soluble TF lacking both the transmembrane and cytosolic domain, but still capable of blood coagulation induction. This severe thrombotic phenotype associated with the presence of a non-anchored soluble TF variant underscores the recently recognized significance of circulating TF for thrombus formation and development.  相似文献   

An enriched factor VIII preparation was produced from cryoprecipitates by means of dextran. Cleaning was made in two phases: In the first phase the fibrinogen was precipitated and in the subsequent second phase the same was done with antihaemophilic globulin. By comparing the quantity and the degree of enrichment gained from the precipitation with dextran and with polyaethylenglycol, the conclusion can be made that both procedures virtually lead to the same results.  相似文献   

The phage display technique has been described for the production of various recombinant molecules. In the present report, we used this technique to display a leukocyte surface molecule, CD99. PCR subcloning of CD99 cDNA from the mammalian expression vector pCDM8 to the phagemid expression vector pComb3HSS was performed. The resulting phagemid, pComb3H-CD99, was transformed into Escherichia coli XL-1 Blue. CD99 was displayed on the phage particles following infection of the transformed E. coli with the filamentous phage VCSM13. Using sandwich ELISA, the filamentous phage-displayed CD99 was captured by a CD99 monoclonal antibody (mAb) then detected with anti-M13 conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, confirming that the CD99 molecule was displayed on the phage particles. The CD99-phages inhibited induction of Jurkat cell aggregation by CD99 mAb MT99/1. Proper folding of the displayed CD99 bioactive domain was inferred from this finding. Our results demonstrate that the phage display technique can be applied to the generation of full-length CD99 molecules. The phage carrying this cell surface protein will be useful for identification of its counter receptor or ligand.  相似文献   

Mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Pasteur Culture Collection (PCC) 6803 that specifically lack the extrinsic 33-kDa manganese-stabilizing polypeptide of the photosystem II oxygen-evolving complex have been constructed by two independent methods. Cartridge mutagenesis was used to insertionally inactivate the psbO gene of one mutant and completely delete the psbO gene of the other mutant. These mutants have no detectable manganese-stabilizing polypeptide, but they do accumulate steady-state levels of the intrinsic photosystem II polypeptides D1, D2, and CP-43 that are comparable to wild-type, as determined by immunoblot analysis. Measurement of the evolution of the relative quantum yields of chlorophyll fluorescence following actinic flash excitation indicates that though the concentration of reaction centers in mutant cells is comparable to that of wild-type cells, approximately 40% of these centers harbor a fluorescence-quenching species other than P680+. The mutants are capable of photoautotrophic growth at a slower rate than that of wild-type. Under conditions of Ca2+ depletion where wild-type growth is unaffected, the mutants are unable to grow at all. The manganese-stabilizing protein, therefore, enhances the binding of Ca2+ or protects the reaction center at low Ca2+ concentrations. The mutant evolve oxygen at approximately 70% of the wild-type rate, but are completely photoinactivated by high light intensities. Our results indicate that the manganese-stabilizing polypeptide is not absolutely required for photosystem II assembly or function in cyanobacteria, but its absence does lead to an enhanced sensitivity to photoinhibition.  相似文献   

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