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Nuclei from mature neutrophil granulocytes were prepared from peritonal exudates of goats. Fluorescein mercuric acetate was required to stabilize the nuclei and fix nucleoproteins. Following differential centrifugation and detergent treatment, electron microscopy showed the interlobar region to be free of cytoplasmic tabs. All of the DNA of the cell was recovered in the nucleus and 71% of the RNA. The DNA : RNA was 6 : 1 in the intact cells, and 9 : 1 in the isolated nuclei. Protein:DNA was 11 : 1 and 4 : 1 for cells and nuclei, respectively. Representative fractions of histones and tryptophan-rich acidic proteins were prepared with (asp + glu) : (lys + arg + hist) values averaging 0.7 and 1.4 respectively. Histones accounted for 30% of the nuclear proteins while the residual proteins contained the bulk of the cystinyl residues. Granulocytes were characterized by high glycine titers, from 8 to 18% of the nuclear proteins, and 70% of the total free amino acids of the cell.  相似文献   

Mature mouse oligodendrocytes (OLs) are susceptible to death in demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis and in brain injury following neurotrauma, ischemia, or stroke. To understand mechanisms leading to death of mature OLs and develop strategies for protection, we utilized cultures of mature mouse OLs to investigate the role of caspases and calpains in OL cell death mediated by different mechanisms. The agents used were (i) staurosporine, which induces apoptotic death via inhibition of protein kinases; (ii) kainate, which activates non-NMDA glutamate receptors; (iii) thapsigargin, which releases intracellular calcium stores; and (iv) SNAP, which releases active NO species and causes necrotic cell death. Inhibitors blocking primary effector caspases (including caspase 3), the FAS (death receptor)-mediated initiator caspases (including caspase 8), and stress-induced caspases (including caspase 9), were tested for their protective effects. Inhibition of caspases 3, 8, and 9 each robustly protected OLs following insult with staurosporine, thapsigargin, or kainate when added at optimal times. The time of addition of the inhibitors for maximal protection varied with the agent, from 1 h of preincubation before addition of staurosporine to 6 h after addition of kainate. Much less protection was seen for the NO generator SNAP under any condition. The role of calcium in OL death in each model was investigated by chelating extracellular Ca++ with EGTA, and by inhibiting the Ca++-activated calpain proteases. Calcium chelation did not protect against staurosporine, but decreased OL death initiated by kainate, thapsigargin, or NO. The calpain inhibitors PD150606 and calpain inhibitor I protected from cell death initiated by staurosporine, kainate, and thapsigargin, but not from cell death initiated by the NO donor SNAP.  相似文献   

The genetic inactivation of the atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) inhibitor, Par-4, gives rise to increased NF-kappaB activation and decreased stimulation of JNK in embryo fibroblasts. Here we have characterized the immunological phenotype of the Par-4(-/-) mice and found that the loss of this gene leads to an increased proliferative response of peripheral T cells when challenged through the TCR. This is accompanied by a higher increase in cell cycle entry and inhibition of apoptosis, with enhanced IL-2 secretion but normal CD25 synthesis. Interestingly, the TCR-triggered activation of NF-kappaB was augmented and that of JNK was severely abrogated. Consistent with previous data from knock outs of different JNKs, NFATc1 activation and IL-4 secretion were augmented in the Par-4-deficient CD4+ T cells, suggesting that the loss of Par-4 drives T-cell differentiation towards a Th2 response. This is compelling evidence that Par-4 is a novel modulator of the immune response through its ability to impact aPKC activity, which translates into lower JNK signaling.  相似文献   

F. J. Evans 《Planta》1973,111(1):33-40
Summary The relative rates of production by mature Digitalis purpurea plants of cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol and sitosterol isolated from the glycoside and lipid fractions of the plant extract, were estimated. Plants were exposed to an atmosphere of 14CO2 in a growth chamber and the radioactivity of the individual sterols assessed at intervals over 25 days on a gas-liquid radio chemical chromatography (GLRC). Incorporation of 14CO2 occurred within 12 hours into both fractions of the extract. The 5-ene sterols were produced at a similar rate over a period of 25 days but the lipid fraction was about 100% more radioactive than the glycoside fraction.  相似文献   

To investigate whether peripheral blood granulocytes can synthesize the adhesive glycoprotein, fibronectin, we sought to demonstrate the presence of messenger RNA coding for fibronectin within mature circulating granulocytes. Polyadenylated-enriched RNA was isolated from human peripheral blood granulocytes, human skin fibroblasts (synthesize fibronectin) and HeLa cells (lack fibronectin) and probed with a cDNA clone coding for the cell attachment domain of fibronectin. Hybridization of a fibronectin cDNA fragment occurred with fibroblast RNA but did not occur with granulocyte RNA despite a 100 fold excess granulocyte RNA. Incubation of granulocytes with n-formyl methionyl leucyl phenylalanine, a chemotactic peptide known to augment the release of fibronectin from granulocytes, failed to induce detectable levels of mRNA for fibronectin in granulocytes. There was no difference in the quantity of fibronectin released from chemotactic peptide-stimulated granulocytes pre-incubated in the presence or absence of the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, suggesting that fibronectin exists in a stored form in granulocytes. These data suggest that fibronectin in mature granulocytes is the product of synthesis during early myeloid maturation.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of mouse bone marrow colony forming cells (CFUc) to three different types of proliferation inhibitors in capillary semisolid agar gel was studied. GI-3, a target specific peptide containing granulocyte fraction, T4-1, an oligospecific thymic factor of proteid nature, and the alkylating cytostatics dianhydrogalactitol (DAD) inhibit myeloid colony formation as a function of concentration. The respective MED values amount to 8, 10, and 0.002 microgram/ml. When compared with this same parameter 3H-TdR incorporation into DNA of liquid bone marrow cultures showed a single fold charge for the endogenous inhibitors (GI-3, T4-1) for the cytostatic (DAD) a 3 to 4 fold lower difference. It was demonstrated, that in competitive antagonism of GI-3 and colony stimulating factor the inhibitor prevails over CSF.  相似文献   

Intact nuclei were isolated in high yield from enriched fractions of immature and mature guinea pig granulocytic leukocytes. These nuclei were used to determine whether any changes in synthesis and content of nuclear proteins accompany the striking increase in chromatin condensation and the nuclear lobation which occur during granulocyte maturation. The results indicate that the synthesis of nuclear proteins and the nuclear RNA content decrease markedly during granulocyte maturation. The incorporation of l-[U-14C]leucine into the acid-soluble histone-rich fraction of chromatin from immature cells is about 25 times that of mature cells, and the incorporation into the acid-insoluble, nonhistone proteins of chromatin from immature cells is about 6 times that of mature cells. It appears that there is very little quantitative change with respect to the protein components of nuclei from immature and mature granulocytic leukocytes. No significant differences in the amounts of histone, nonhistone protein, or phosphoprotein between nuclei of immature and mature granulocytes could be detected. No major differences in gel electrophoretic patterns of histones or nonhistone proteins could be detected. The fact that the amount of the chromatin proteins remains relatively constant during cell maturation in spite of the pronounced decrease in the rate of synthesis suggests that the rate of turnover of these proteins decreases significantly as the maturation of granulocytic leukocytes proceeds.  相似文献   

Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized at the molecular level by the expression of Bcr-abl, a 210-kDa fusion protein with deregulated tyrosine kinase activity. Encouraged by the clinical validation of Bcr-abl as the target for the treatment of CML by imatinib, we sought to identify pharmacological agents that could target this kinase by a distinct mechanism. We report the discovery of a new class of Bcr-abl inhibitors using an unbiased differential cytotoxicity screen of a combinatorial kinase-directed heterocycle library. Compounds in this class (exemplified by GNF-2) show exclusive antiproliferative activity toward Bcr-abl-transformed cells, with potencies similar to imatinib, while showing no inhibition of the kinase activity of full-length or catalytic domain of c-abl. We propose that this new class of compounds inhibits Bcr-abl kinase activity through an allosteric non-ATP competitive mechanism.  相似文献   

The protein Daxx promotes Fas-mediated cell death through activation of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1, leading to the activation of the MAPKs JNK and p38. Owing to the in utero lethality of daxx-deficient mice, the in vivo role of Daxx has been so far difficult to analyze. We have generated transgenic mice expressing a dominant-negative form of Daxx (Daxx-DN) in the T-cell lineage. We show that Daxx is recruited to the Fas receptor upon FasL engagement and that Daxx-DN expression protects activated T cells from Fas-induced cell death, by preventing the death-inducing signal complex to be properly formed. Normal lymphocyte development and homeostasis are nevertheless observed. Interestingly, we report that both in vitro and in vivo stimulation of Daxx-DN T-lymphocytes leads to increased proliferative T-cell responses. This increased proliferation is associated with a marked increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of LAT and ZAP70 as Daxx-DN favor their recruitment to the T-cell receptor (TCR) complex. These findings identify Daxx as a critical regulator of T-lymphocyte homeostasis by decreasing TCR-induced cell proliferation and by promoting Fas-mediated cell death.  相似文献   

Rhodamine 123, a fluorescent dye which binds as a result of the transmembrane potential, was used to stain the mitochondria of HL-60 cells, a cell line established from human promelocytic leukemia cells. The DMSO-induced differentiation of promyelocytic cells into mature granulocytes caused a fourfold decrease in fluorescence intensity that paralleled the disappearance of S-phase and G2M cells. This suggests that upon myeloid differentiation whereby the cells enter an irreversible quiescent state, the mitochondrial mass of the cells has decreased. This suggestion is corroborated by electron microscopy, which shows a decrease in the number of mitochondria, and by decreases in total mitochondrial protein and cytochrome oxidase activity. The respiratory rate of isolated mitochondria did not change, suggesting that the transmembrane potential remained the same. Undifferentiated cells in exponential phase of growth exhibit an intracellular heterogeneity of fluorescence intensity. This heterogeneity appears to have a cell age basis, as late S/G2M cells, obtained by centrifugal elutriation, yielded twice the fluorescence intensity of early G1 cells.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether porcine preadipocytes can be efficient donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in pigs. Primary culture of porcine preadipocytes was established by de-differentiating mature fat cells taken from an adult pig. The cell cycle of the preadipocytes could be synchronized by serum starvation for 1 day, with a higher efficiency than control fetal fibroblasts. Incidence of premature chromosome condensation following nuclear transfer (NT) of preadipocytes was as high as that observed after NT with fetal fibroblasts. In vitro developmental rate of the NT embryos reconstructed with preadipocyte was equivalent to that of the fetal fibroblast derived embryos. Transfer of 732 NT embryos with preadipocytes to five recipients gave rise to five cloned piglets. These data demonstrate that preadipocyites collected from an adult pig are promising nuclear donor cells for pig cloning.  相似文献   

Recent developments on mechanisms that control cell multiplication, using molecular biology, are renewing interest in inhibitors and activators. A great deal of information has been gained in the past through the use of chemicals that modify passage through the cell cycle. The kinds of inhibitors, their sites of action that disrupt functions essential for proliferation, their usefulness in synchronizing cultures and, importantly, their therapeutic value, have been the subject of many investigations.  相似文献   

Although the identification of lymphokines negatively affecting hematopoiesis is rapidly increasing, efforts to precisely define their action even in vitro have become more and more complicated. Studies of lymphokine abnormalities in aplastic anemia exemplify the modest contribution of experimental hematology to permit access to possible pathogenic mechanisms of hematopoietic failure syndromes. Nevertheless, these results help in the interpretation of clinical observations and to develop alternative therapeutic concepts.  相似文献   

Production of the superoxide radical anion O2-. and the nitric oxide radical NO-. by granulocytes was studied in 14 patients with type 2 diabetes without nephropathy, 21 patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy, and 19 healthy subjects, both without and after stimulation with opsonized zymosan. O2-. production by both resting and stimulated granulocytes was increased in type 2 diabetes patients without nephropathy but decreased in type 2 diabetes patients with nephropathy, compared with healthy subjects. NO. generation was highly augmented in type 2 diabetes patients without nephropathy by both resting and stimulated cells; values for type 2 diabetes patients with nephropathy were intermediate between the type 2 diabetes patients without nephropathy and the healthy subjects. These data point to granulocytes as one of possible sources of oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Heterotopic ossification is a frequent complication in patients who have suffered head and neck traumas or undergone total hip replacement. Heterotopic ossification occurs when osteogenic precursor cells present at the ectopic site receive the necessary signal(s) to differentiate into osteoblasts. At the protein level, the key factors in differentiation of cells to the osteogenic lineage are BMPs. Stable BMP variants derived from the identical amino acid sequence but with different disulfide bridge configurations have been investigated and found to be capable of inhibiting ossification in vitro and in vivo in rodents. These findings provide a concept for the straightforward development of a novel class of BMP antagonists that could lead to new treatments for traumatically and genetically induced heterotopic ossification and also, possibly, for disorders in which other members of the TGF-beta superfamily are involved.  相似文献   

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