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The purpose of this study was to investigate secondary muscle spindle afferents from the triceps-plantaris (GS) and posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) muscles with respect to their fusimotor reflex control from different types of peripheral nerves and receptors. The activity of single secondary muscle spindle afferents was recorded from dissected and cut dorsal root filaments in alpha-chloralose anaesthetized cats. Both single spindle afferents and sets of simultaneously recorded units (2-3) were investigated. The modulation and mean rate of firing of the afferent response to sinusoidal stretching of the GS and PBSts muscle were determined. Control measurements were performed in the absence of any reflex stimulation, while test measurements were made during reflex stimulation. The reflex stimuli consisted of manually performed movements of the contralateral hind limb, muscle stretches, ligament tractions and electrical stimulations of cutaneous afferents. Altogether 21 secondary spindle afferents were investigated and 20 different reflex stimuli were employed. The general responsiveness (i.e. number of significant reflex effects/number of control-test series) was 52.4%, but a considerable variation between different stimuli was found, with the highest (89.9%) for contralateral whole limb extension and the lowest (25.0%) for stretch of the contralateral GS muscle. The size of the response to a given stimulus varied considerably between different afferents, and, in the same afferent, different reflex stimuli produced effects of varying size. Most responses were characterized by an increase in mean rate of discharge combined with a decrease in modulation, indicative of static fusimotor drive (Cussons et al., 1977). Since the secondary muscle spindle afferents are part of a positive feedback loop, projecting back to both static and dynamic fusimotor neurones (Appelberg Et al., 1892 a, 1983 b; Appelberg et al., 1986), it is suggested that the activity in the loop may work like an amplified which, during some circumstances, enhance the effect of other reflex inputs to the system (Johansson et al., 1991 b).  相似文献   

An earlier proposed model of the de-efferented muscle spindle mechano-receptors has been developed further to simulate the effects of the dynamic fusimotor ( D) activation of the group Ia afferents (primary endings).The rate sensitivity of the original second order receptor model might be increased simply by increasing the overall viscous damping of the simulated polar regions of the nuclear bag fibre. However, adequate simulation of the typical time course of the stretch response of the primary endings during D-activation required a subdivision of the polar regions into an active and a passive part. A reasonable behaviour of the model was obtained by simulating a local contraction covering about 50–90% of the polar regions of the nuclear bag fibres.The ramp response of the model showed a quick rate response component that increased by increasing the rate of the simulated stretch. This component was not significantly influenced by the simulated D-activation.A slow rate component appeared to increase approximately in the same proportion as the intensity of the simulated D-activation.The behaviour of the model closely corresponds to that of the biological prototype. The study demonstrates that the electrophysiological effects of activating the dynamic fusimotor fibres are indeed compatible with peripheral mechanical events associated with contraction phenomena within the polar regions of the nuclear bag intrafusal muscle fibres.  相似文献   

The experiments were performed on 21 cats anaesthetized with alpha-chloralose. The aim of the study was to investigate sets of simultaneously recorded spindle afferents (2-4 in each set) from the triceps surae muscle (GS) with respect to the pattern of fusimotor reflex effects evoked by different types of ipsi- and contralateral reflex stimulation. The afferents' responses to sinusoidal stretching of the GS muscle were determined and the fusimotor reflex effects were assessed by comparing the afferent responses (i.e. the mean rate of firing and the depth of modulation) elicited during reflex stimulation with those evoked in absence of any reflex stimulus. Natural of electrical activations of ipsi- and contralateral muscle, skin and joint receptor afferents were used as reflex stimuli. The spindle afferents were influenced by several modalities and from wide areas, with a majority responding to both ipsi- and contralateral stimuli. A particular reflex stimulus often caused different effects on different afferents, and the various reflex stimuli seldom gave similar effects on a particular afferent. Multivariate analysis revealed that the variation in response profiles among simultaneously recorded afferents were as great as between afferents recorded on different occasions. This suggests that the individualized response prifiles, observed in earlier investigations, represent a very diversified reflex control of the spindle primary afferents, and are not a reflection of changes in the setting of the spinal interneuronal network, occurring during the time interval between the recordings of different units. Also, there was no relation between the conduction velocity of the afferents and the reflex profiles of the afferents, but non-linear relations were found between effects elicited by different types of stimuli. Indications were also found that it may be possible to separate the population of GS muscle spindles into subgroups, according to the fusimotor effects exhibited by activation of various categories of ipsi- and contralateral receptor afferents. It is concluded that one possible way of making the very complex reflex system controlling the muscle spindles intelligible may be a combination of multiple simultaneous recordings of spindle afferents and multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in anaesthetized and spinalized cats to measure the extent to which the non-linear response of Ia afferent fibers to sinusoidal muscle stretch as expressed by the peristimulus-time-histograms, PSTHs, can be transformed into a linear one by means of the superposition of random stretch ("mechanical noise"). The gastrocnemius muscles of one hind leg were stretched and the response to sinewave muscle stretch (amplitudes between 0.01 and 4.0 mm, frequencies between 0.1 and 20 Hz) were investigated while band-limited mechanical noise was superimposed on the sinewave stretch. The random stretch upper cut-off frequency was varied between 60 and 300 Hz; the displacements were normally distributed. The noise amplitude sigma, i.e. the standard deviation of the displacement distributions, was varied systematically between 0.002 and 0.4 mm. Mechanical noise was very effective in raising the mean discharge rate. Added to the sinusoidal stretch it prevented the cessation of firing during the release phase of the stretch cycle, or at least reduced the duration of discharge pauses, i.e., a linearization occurred. In general, the larger the noise amplitude, the more the amplitude of the fundamental harmonic component was attenuated and the phase lead reduced. Apart from this rule the particular combination of superimposing small noise (sigma less than 0.02 mm) on small sinewave stretch (A less than 0.02 mm) could enhance the depth of sinusoidal modulation of cycle histograms (compared with responses to pure sinusoids). Linearizing the sinewave response by additional noise allowed the estimation of frequency response characteristics in the otherwise non-linear range of amplitudes (sinewave amplitude 0.5-1.0 mm).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In order to uncover encoder properties of primary muscle spindle afferent fibers, time coupling (phase-locking) of action potentials on cyclic muscle stretch was studied by means of pseudo-random noise. In cats Ia action potentials were recorded from dorsal root filaments and the gastrocnemius muscles of one hind leg were stretched. The stimulus time course was a determined sequence of randomly varying muscle length which could be applied repeatedly (sequence duration 0.6 or 20 s). The noise amplitude (standard deviation of displacements) was varied between 5 and 300 m, the upper cut-off frequency of noise f c was varied between 20 and 100 Hz. The responses to the consecutive pseudo-random noise cycles were displayed as raster diagrams and cycle histograms. Phaselocking characterized the responses at all noise amplitudes outside the near threshold range (>10 m). The higher and f c , the stronger was the phase-locking of impulses on the stretch. When and f c were selected to achieve high mean stretch velocities of about 500 mm/s, phase-locking was as precise as 0.15 ms, measured as the variability of spike occurrences with respect to stretch. The rasters obtained with low noise amplitudes (<40 m) showed a loose phase-locking and this gave insight into underlying mechanisms: The elicitation of action potentials caused by dynamic stretch can be prevented by a post-spike depression of excitability. This disfacilitation was very effective in counteracting weak stretch components within the random sequence and less effective or even missing when relatively strong stretch components could force the spike elicitation. This led to the reestablishment of phase-locked patterns. The results were discussed in relation to the known encoder models.  相似文献   

The effects of muscle spindle secondary ending activity on the stretch reflex were studied in unanesthetized decerebrate cats. Activation of secondary endings was accomplished by reducing the muscle temperature. This has been shown to cause a sustained asynchronous discharge from secondary endings. Cooling of the medial gastrocnemius or lateral gastrocnemius-soleus muscles caused an increase in the phasic and tonic components of their stretch reflexes. Cooling of the relaxed medial gastrocnemius muscle caused similar increases in the components of the stretch reflex of the synergistic lateral gastrocnemius-soleus muscle and an increase in its monosynaptic reflex. It was concluded that the facilitatory autogenetic and synergistic effects of muscle cooling on the stretch and monosynaptic reflexes were brought about by activity in group II afferents from muscle spindle secondary endings and could not be ascribed to any other type of muscle receptor. These results support the concept of an excitatory role for the secondary endings of the muscle spindle in the stretch reflex of the decerebrate cat.  相似文献   

Three tandem spindles and their nerve supplies, reconstructed by light microscopy of serial transverse sections of the cat tenuissimus muscle, were compared to single spindle units. Each tandem spindle consisted of one large unit containing a dynamic bag1, a static bag2, and several static chain fibers (b1b2c unit) linked by the bag2 fiber to a small unit containing only a bag2 and chain fibers (b2c unit). Most features of primary afferents, secondary afferents, and motor neurons were qualitatively and quantitatively similar in both single and tandem b1b2c units. However, b1b2c units of tandem spindles had a lower density of skeletofusimotor innervation than did single b1b2c spindles. The b2c spindle units differed greatly from single or tandem b1b2c units. The b2c spindle units had fewer intrafusal fibers and incoming axons than either the tandem or single b1b2c units. The motor innervation of b2c units was typified by nonselective gamma axons that coinnervated both bag2 and chain fibers, in contrast to the regular occurrence of both selective and nonselective motor axons in b1b2c spindle units. The afferent located at the equator of b2c units differed in size, branching pattern, and intrafusal distribution of its ending from both the primary and secondary sensory axons of b1b2c units and, therefore, might represent a third category of spindle afferent. Thus, cat tenuissimus muscles contain three types of spindle units that differ in the number and organization of muscular and neural elements. These differences in structure and neural organization among tenuissimus spindle units may be a source for generation of different sensory signals in response to common mechanical or fusimotor stimuli.  相似文献   

We studied neuronal pathways from low-threshold muscle (group I, II) and cutaneous afferents (group A(alpha)beta) innervating the tail to motoneurons innervating trunk muscles (m. iliocostalis lumborum and m. obliquus externus abdominus) in 18 spinalized cats. Stimulation of group I muscle afferents produced excitatory postsynaptic potentials or excitatory postsynaptic potentials followed by inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in all motoneurons innervating the m. iliocostalis lumborum which showed effects (32%), and predominantly inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in motoneurons innervating the m. obliquus externus abdominus (47%). Stimulation of group I+II afferents produced significant increases of the incidence of motoneurons showing postsynaptic potentials (the notoneurons innervating the m. iliocostalis lumborum, 87%; the motoneurons innervating the m. obliquus externus abdominus, 82%). The effects of low threshold cutaneous afferents were bilateral, predominantly producing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in motoneurons innervating both muscles. These results suggest that neuronal pathways from muscle afferents to back muscle motoneurons mainly increase the stiffness of the trunk to maintain its stability, while those to abdominal muscles help to extend the dorsal column by decreasing their activities. The results also indicate that neuronal pathways from cutaneous afferents to trunk motoneurons functionallY disconnect the tail from the trunk.  相似文献   

Xing GG  Fan XL  Song XA  Li Q 《生理学报》2000,52(6):491-496
实验用63只麻醉、制动、切断双侧颈迷走神经、人工呼吸的家兔,以延髓呼吸相关神经元(RRN)和膈神经放电(Phr.D)作为呼吸观测指标,观察了股动脉注射琥珀胆碱(Sch)诱发的肌梭传入活动对呼吸的影响。结果显示:(1)股动脉注射Sch可产生明显的呼吸易化作用,主要表现为吸气时程(Ti)延长、呼气时程(Te)缩短不明显,Ti/Te比值增加以及呼吸频率(RF)变化不在,称为吸气延长效应;或Te缩短,Ti  相似文献   

Muscle spindles provide critical information about movement position and velocity. They have been shown to act as stretch receptors in passive muscle, however, during active movements their behavior is less clear. In particular, spindle responses have been shown to be out-of-phase or phase advanced with respect to their expected muscle length-sensitivity. Whether this apparent discrepancy of spindle responses between passive and active movements is due to fusimotor (γ-drive) remains unresolved, since the activity of fusimotor neurons during voluntary non-locomotor movements are largely unknown. We developed a computational model to predict fusimotor activity and to investigate whether fusimotor activity could explain the empirically observed phase advance of spindle responses. The model links a biomechanical wrist model to length- and γ-drive-dependent transfer functions of type Ia and type II muscle spindle activity. Our simulations of two wrist-movement tasks suggest that (i) experimentally observed type Ia and type II activity profiles can to a large part be explained by appropriate, i.e. strongly modulated and task-dependent, γ-drive. That (ii) the empirically observed phase advance of type Ia or of type II profiles during active movement can be similarly explained by appropriate γ-drive. In summary, the simulation predicts that a highly task-modulated activation of the γ-system is instrumental in producing a large part of the empirically observed muscle spindle activity for voluntary wrist movements.  相似文献   

We utilized an in vitro adult mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) nerve-attached preparation to characterize the responses of muscle spindle afferents to ramp-and-hold stretch and sinusoidal vibratory stimuli. Responses were measured at both room (24°C) and muscle body temperature (34°C). Muscle spindle afferent static firing frequencies increased linearly in response to increasing stretch lengths to accurately encode the magnitude of muscle stretch (tested at 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% of resting length [Lo]). Peak firing frequency increased with ramp speeds (20% Lo/sec, 40% Lo/sec, and 60% Lo/sec). As a population, muscle spindle afferents could entrain 1:1 to sinusoidal vibrations throughout the frequency (10-100 Hz) and amplitude ranges tested (5-100 μm). Most units preferentially entrained to vibration frequencies close to their baseline steady-state firing frequencies. Cooling the muscle to 24°C decreased baseline firing frequency and units correspondingly entrained to slower frequency vibrations. The ramp component of stretch generated dynamic firing responses. These responses and related measures of dynamic sensitivity were not able to categorize units as primary (group Ia) or secondary (group II) even when tested with more extreme length changes (10% Lo). We conclude that the population of spindle afferents combines to encode stretch in a smoothly graded manner over the physiological range of lengths and speeds tested. Overall, spindle afferent response properties were comparable to those seen in other species, supporting subsequent use of the mouse genetic model system for studies on spindle function and dysfunction in an isolated muscle-nerve preparation.  相似文献   

Summary A simple model has been employed to describe and interprete measurements from deefferented muscle spindle afferents with static and dynamic stimulation; the model simulates the generator potential of the spindle and the time dependent change of sensitivity at the impulse generating membrane. The properties of the model in transforming the steady and time dependent analogue signals into impulse patterns are demonstrated, and the influence of the various parameters on the response characteristics have been investigated. Results from simulations are compared with experimental data, and it is shown that the impulse patterns of secondary muscle spindle afferents can be simulated quantitatively. The frequency distributions of impulse intervals and different sequential dependencies within the impulse patterns are analysed.
Zusammenfassung Zur Beschreibung und Deutung von Messungen an deefferentierten Muskelspindelafferenzen unter statischer und dynamischer Reizung wird ein einfaches Modell verwendet, das haupts?chlich das Generatorpotential des Mechanoreceptors und die zeitabh?ngige ?nderung der Empfindlichkeit an der impulserzeugenden Membran simuliert. Die Eigenschaften des Modells bei der Transformation konstanter und zeitabh?ngiger Analogsignale in Impulsfolgen werden dargestellt und die Einflüsse der verschiedenen Modellparameter untersucht. Im Vergleich der Simulationsergebnisse mit experimentellen Daten wird gezeigt, da? die Impulsmuster sekund?rer Muskelspindelafferenzen quantitativ simuliert werden k?nnen. Die dabei verwendeten Parameter werden angegeben. Analysisert werden die H?ufigkeitsverteilungen der Impulsintervalle und verschiedene sequentielle Abh?ngigkeiten innerhalb der Impulsfolgen.

Summary Endings of four skeletofusimotor axons in a spindle of the cat tenuissimus muscle were examined in semithin (1-m thick) and ultrathin transverse serial sections. Two (dynamic) axons terminated on the nuclear bag1 intrafusal muscle fiber and on extrafusal fibers of the dark type. Two (static) axons terminated on the nuclear chain intrafusal fibers and extrafusal fibers of the intermediate type. The degree of indentation of axon terminals into the muscle surface, thickness of the sole plate and extent of folding of subjunctional membranes differed among intrafusal and extrafusal terminations of the same axon. Endings of axons on the bag1 and chain fibers were also morphologically dissimilar. Motor axons may not determine ending morphology. Rather the form and structure of a bag1 or chain ending may be determined by the type of intrafusal fiber on which the ending lies and the ending's distance from the primary sensory axon.  相似文献   

To determine the role of reflex discharge of afferent nerves from the working limbs in the exercise hyperpnea, 1.5- to 2.5-min periods of phasic hindlimb muscle contraction were induced in anesthetized cats by bilateral electrical stimulation of ventral roots L7, S1, and S2. Expired minute ventilation (VE) and end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2) were computed breath by breath, and mean arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) was determined from discrete blood samples and, also in most animals, by continuous measurement with an indwelling PCO2 electrode. During exercise VE rose progressively with a half time averaging approximately 30 s, but a large abrupt increase in breathing at exercise onset typically did not occur. Mean PaCO2 and PETCO2 remained within approximately 1 Torr of control levels across the work-exercise transition, and PaCO2 was regulated at an isocapnic level after VE had achieved its peak value. Sectioning the spinal cord at L1-L2 did not alter these response characteristics. Thus, reflex discharge of afferent nerves from the exercising limbs was not requisite for the matching of ventilation to metabolic demand during exercise.  相似文献   

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