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Spicule matrix proteins are the products of primary mesenchyme cells, and are present in calcite spicules of the sea urchin embryo. To study their possible roles in skeletal morphogenesis, monoclonal antibodies against SM50, SM30 and another spicule matrix protein (29 kDa) were obtained. The distribution of these proteins in the embryo skeleton was observed by immunofluorescent staining. In addition, their distribution inside the spicules was examined by a 'spicule blot' procedure, direct immunoblotting of proteins embedded in crystallized spicules. Our observations showed that SM50 and 29 kDa proteins were enriched both outside and inside the triradiate spicules of the gastrulae, and also existed in the corresponding portions of growing spicules in later embryos and micromere cultures. The straight extensions of the triradiate spicules and thickened portions of body rods in pluteus spicules were also rich in these proteins. The SM30 protein was only faintly detected along the surface of spicules. By examination using the spicule blot procedure, however, SM30 was clearly detectable inside the body rods and postoral rods. These results indicate that SM50 and 29 kDa proteins are concentrated in radially growing portions of the spicules (normal to the c-axis of calcite), while SM30 protein is in the longitudinally growing portions (parallel to the c-axis). Such differential distribution suggests the involvement of these proteins in calcite growth during the formation of three-dimensionally branched spicules.  相似文献   

As gastrulation proceeds during sea urchin embryogenesis, primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) fuse to form syncytial cables, within which calcium is deposited as CaCO3, and a pair of spicules is formed. Earlier studies suggested that calcium, previously sequestered by primary mesenchyme cells, is secreted and incorporated into growing spicules. We examined the effects of gadolinium ion (Gd3+), a Ca2+ channel blocker, on spicule formation. Gd3+ did not lead to a retardation of embryogenesis prior to the initiation of gastrulation and did not inhibit the ingression of PMCs from the blastula wall or their migration along the inner blastocoel surface. However, when embryos were raised in seawater containing submicromolar to a few micromolar Gd3+, of which levels are considered to be insufficient to block Ca2+ channels, a pair of triradiate spicules was formed asymmetrically. At 1–3 μmol/L Gd3+, many embryos formed only one spicule on either the left or right side, or embryos formed a very small second spicule. Induction of the spicule abnormality required the presence of Gd3+ specifically during late blastula stage prior to spicule formation. An accumulation or adsorption of Gd3+ was not detected anywhere in the embryos by X‐ray microanalysis, which suggests that Ca2+ channels were not inhibited. These results suggest that Gd3+ exerts an inhibitory effect on spicule formation through a mechanism that does not involve inhibition of Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Summary Collagen fibrils with a main period banding of 610 Å and 220 Å in width were observed in the blastocoel of 72-h embryos of the sea urchin,Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Non-striated fibrils of 50 Å diameter were also observed. The collagen is seen in highest concentration in the vicinity of mesenchyme cells which are richly endowed with endoplasmic reticulum and secretory vesicles. A role for collagen in cell attachment, orientation and spicule formation is discussed.  相似文献   

Regulation of protein synthesis can be exercised at a number of levels. One of the more experimentally difficult levels to approach has been the measurement of peptide elongation rate. This paper presents a new application of the cyanogen bromide (CNBr) cleavage of proteins in a direct measurement of histone peptide elongation rate in cleaving sea urchin embryos (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). The data indicate an elongation rate (at 15°C) for histones H2B and H1α of 0.69 and 0.80 codons per s, respectively. These values fall within the range of previously published values of average peptide elongation rate for total protein in these cells. This method should be generally applicable to many systems for which the measurement of peptide elongation rate may provide a key to the understanding of the regulation of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

In the sea urchin embryo, inhibition of collagen processing and deposition affects both gastrulation and embryonic skeleton (spicule) formation. It has been found that cell-free extracts of gastrula-stage embryos of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus contain a procollagen C-terminal proteinase (PCP) activity. A rationally designed non-peptidic organic hydroxamate, which is a potent and specific inhibitor of human recombinant PCP (FG-HL1), inhibited both the sea urchin PCP as well as purified chick embryo tendon PCP. In the sea urchin embryo, FG-HL1 inhibited gastrulation and blocked spicule elongation, but not spicule nucleation. A related compound with a terminal carboxylate rather than a hydroxamate (FG-HL2) did not inhibit either chick PCP or sea urchin PCP activity in a procollagen-cleavage assay. However, FG-HL2 did block spicule elongation without affecting spicule nucleation or gastrulation. Neither compound was toxic, because their effects were reversible on removal. It was shown that the inhibition of gastrulation and spicule elongation were independent of tissue specification events, because both the endoderm specific marker Endo1 and the primary mesenchyme cell specific marker SM50 were expressed in embryos treated with FG-HL1 and FG-HL2. These results suggest that disruption of the fibrillar collagen deposition in the blastocoele blocks the cell movements of gastrulation and may disrupt the positional information contained within the extracellular matrix, which is necessary for spicule formation.  相似文献   

Summary Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos were reared in 0.025 M LiCl, which causes commitment to vegetalized development within 5 h after treatment begun at fertilization. Treated and control embryos were labelled with35S-methionine for 3 h intervals from 2–14 h, solubilized, and subjected to 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Comparison of autoradiographs of the gels, in which over 400 proteins can be detected, indicate that while LiCl treatment causes a short delay in the initiation or cessation of synthesis of a few proteins, no qualitative or major quantitative differences can be detected between control and treated embryos. Normal gastrulae and vegetalized exogastrulae labelled 38 h after fertilization have several differences in patterns of protein synthesis. We conclude that the early determinative events involved in vegetalization are not reflected in detectable differences in the pattern of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Translational control was investigated in sea urchin eggs and embryos in response to the DNA-damaging agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). We have shown in this report that exposure of sea urchin embryos to MMS induces drastic effects on protein synthesis activity, and on translation factors level, integrity and post-translational modifications. In response to the treatment of embryos by the DNA-damaging agent MMS, protein synthesis is inhibited independently of the translation inhibitor 4E-BP and in correlation with phosphorylation of the translation factor eIF2alpha subunit. Furthermore, a low molecular weight form of translation initiation factor eIF4G is detected correlatively with MMS-induced apoptosis. We propose that modifications of translation factors play an important role in protein synthesis modulation that occurs during DNA-damage induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Chromatin spreading techniques have been applied to the electron microscopic visualization of polysomes in sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) eggs and embryos. Polysomes of giant size are commonly found after the 8-cell stage. The largest seen, from an early gastrula, was 13.6 m in length, carried 277 ribosomes, with a message calculated to contain 6.49×104 nucleotides and potentially to encoded 2.38×106 daltons of peptide. Polysomes are rare and very large ones absent from lysates of unfertilized eggs. Giant polysomes appear in 4- to 8-cell stages and are common in 16-cell stages and thereafter. They are of two forms: a compact form with no spacing between ribosomes characteristic of stages through early mesenchyme blastulae, and an extended form found only after late mesenchyme blastulae. Both have potential for massive informational content. Some of each type have ribosome-free tails at one end, as long as 733 Å in the compact forms, and 7,890 Å in the extended ones. Occasionally they have a single array of fibrous material increasing from one end of a polysome to the other, interpreted to be nascent peptide chains. Polysomes are not found after brief, mild exposure of lysates to RNase A, or from embryos treated with puromycin. Very large polysomes are present in lysates of blastulae exposed since fertilization to actinomycin D, cycloheximide, or cordycepin. They appear in parthenogenetically activated or fertilized enucleate merogones, but are absent from unactivated merogones, demonstrating that egg masked messages can generate them. A potential embryological significance of giant, potentially polycistronic polysomes is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary Elongated microvilli attach the early sea urchin embryo to the fertilization envelope and support it in a concentric position within the perivitelline space. The contractility of the elongated microvilli was demonstrated in several ways. (1) During normal cleavage, these microvilli change their length to adapt to the change in shape and numbers of blastomeres. (2) When treated with calcium-free sea water, embryos become eccentrically located and the microvilli extend further than normal on one side; when returned to normal sea water, the embryos become centered again. (3) Several agents cause the fertilization envelope to become higher and thinner than normal and the elongated microvilli to extend correspondingly if treated within ten min after fertilization. In some cases, both elongated microvilli and fertilization envelope return to normal size when returned to normal sea water. (4) Fertilization in a papain solution causes the elongated microvilli and the fertilization envelope to contract to the surface of the embryo. (5) Refertilization after the papain-induced contraction can bring about the elongation of these microvilli and the elevation of the fertilization envelope a second time. It was also shown that elongated microvilli are extended immediately upon fertilization, at the same time as the short microvilli. The firm adherence of the tips of elongated microvilli to the fertilization envelope by means of extracellular matrix fibers is shown in a high voltage electron microscope stereoimage. This allows us to understand why it is that when the elongated microvilli extend or contract, the fertilization envelope also extends and contracts accordingly.  相似文献   

Summary Pigment granules (PGs) are embeded in the cortex of embryos of the Japanese sea urchins,Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Anthocidaris crassispina. PGs in the cortex actively retreated from the vegetal pole area at the 4-cell stage and then a notable PG-distribution gradient formed along the egg axis (the polar redistribution of PGs). The polar redistribution of PGs in the cortex occurred at the same time after fertilization even in solutions of microtubule disrupting reagents such as Colcemid, vinblastine sulfate or griseofulvin. Consequently, the polar redistribution of PGs was not associated with the microtubules. However, the polar redistribution of PGs was interrupted in seawater containing cytochalasin B (CB), dithiothreitol (DTT) or tetracaine, and the distribution pattern of PGs in the cortex was definitely disturbed. Moreover, CB, DTT and tetracaine altered the division pattern of vegetal blastomeres at the 4th cleavage which is normally unequal so that all the blastomeres divided equally. Microtubule disrupting reagents did not have such an effect on the cleavage pattern. Thus the cortical movement along the egg axis reflected by the polar redistribution of PGs seems to correlate with the micromere formation.  相似文献   

We examined the relative importance of parental nutritional condition and larval food ration on the rates of development, growth and metamorphosis of larvae of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Müller) in a laboratory experiment. Parents were reared for 22 months on either a high ration of kelp (Laminaria spp., 6 days week−1) supplemented with mussel flesh (Mytilus spp., 1 day week−1) (KM), or a low ration of kelp (1 day week−1) (KL). Larvae were fed either a high ration (5000 cells ml−1) or a low ration (500 cells ml−1) of microalgae (Dunaliella tertiolecta). Larval food ration had a strong effect on the rates of development, growth, and metamorphosis, which were all significantly greater in larvae fed the high ration. Test diameter of settlers also was significantly greater in the high than the low ration. Parental nutritional condition had little or no effect on the rates of development and growth, and no effect on settler size. The rate of metamorphosis was significantly higher in larvae from the KM than the KL treatment in the high but not the low ration (where rates of metamorphosis were similar). Although parental condition generally had a small effect on larval development, our results suggest that when planktonic food is abundant, larvae of adults from nutritionally rich habitats (such as kelp beds) may metamorphose sooner than those of adults from nutritionally poor habitats (such as barrens).  相似文献   

Summary In situ hybridization of ribosomal RNA withParacentrotus lividus ovaries suggests that ribosomal DNA undergoes amplification in the mononucleolate oocytes of this sea urchin.  相似文献   

When sea urchin embryos were subjected to nucleolar organizer region (NOR)-silver staining, densely stained particles were observed in the cytoplasm. The appearance of these cytoplasmic particles (CPs) was cell-cycle dependent. During early development, the CPs were detected at interphase, but not during mitosis; they disappeared at metaphase and reappeared at telophase. The CPs appeared periodically even when embryos were treated with cytochalasin B or aphidicolin, which inhibits the progression of cytokinesis and nuclear division, respectively. By contrast, CPs were not detected in the colchicine-treated embryos in which both cytokinesis and nuclear divisions were prevented. The CPs were observed only in the embryos whose stage was early blastula (about 6th to 7th cleavage) or earlier; no CPs were detected even at interphase in the embryos at late blastula (about 8th to 9th cleavage) or later. Electron microscopic evaluation showed CPs to be granular structures, similar to heavy bodies. Also, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) showed that 95-kDa and 38-kDa proteins were the NOR-silver-staining proteins in sea urchin embryos. These proteins existed during the course of the cell cycles. These results suggest that (1) the cyclic appearance of the CPs or heavy bodies is closely related to the cell cycle as well as the programming of the embryogenesis, but independent of the cycle of cytokinesis and nuclear division; (2) 95-kDa and 38-kDa proteins are the major NOR-silver-staining proteins in sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

When proteins isolated from spicules of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos were examined by western blot analysis, a major protein of approximately 43 kDa was observed to react with the monoclonal antibody, mAb 1223. Previous studies have established that this antibody recognizes an asparagine-linked, anionic carbohydrate epitope on the cell surface glycoprotein, msp130. This protein has been shown to be specifically associated with the primary mesenchyme cells involved in assembly of the spicule. Moreover, several lines of evidence have implicated the carbohydrate epitope in Ca2+ deposition into the growing spicule. The 43 kDa, spicule matrix protein detected with mAb 1223 also reacted with a polyclonal antibody to a known spicule matrix protein, SM30. Further characterization experiments, including deglycosylation using PNGaseF, two-dimensional electrophoresis, and immunoprecipitation, verified that the 43 kDa spicule matrix protein had a pl of approximately 4.0, contained the carbohydrate epitope recognized by monoclonal antibody mAb 1223 and reacted with anti-SM30. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of proteins within the demineralized spicule that reacted with mAb 1223 and anti-SM30. We conclude that the spicule matrix protein, SM30, is a glycoprotein containing carbohydrate chains similar or identical to those on the primary mesenchyme cell membrane glycoprotein, msp130.  相似文献   

Summary Pulse treatment of sea urchin embryos with 3 µM A23187 for 2 h at 20° C, starting from 3 to 6 h of development, prevented the embryos from hatching. Many embryos thus treated with A23187 produced mesenchyme cells and underwent gastrulation while still enclosed within the fertilization membrane. The pulse treatment in this pre-hatching period exerts markedly stronger inhibitory effects on hatching than on other events in early development. Treatment beginning at times earlier than 2 h and later than 8 h of development caused only a slight delay of hatching. The activity of hatching enzyme, known to increase between 6 and 8 h after fertilization, was quite low, if present at all, in embryos in which hatching was blocked by A23187. Hatching enzyme synthesis is probably blocked by the preceding pulse treatment. However, overall protein synthesis, estimated with methionine S 35 incorporation, was somewhat augmented in embryos by the pulse treatment. The blockage of hatching and the augmentation of overall protein synthesis by A23187 were appreciably reversed by procaine, tetracaine, ruthenium red or verapamil. Probably, an artificial Ca2+ signal induced by A23187 activates protein synthesis but blocks the induction of hatching enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

Ionic fluxes are deeply involved in the response of spermatozoa to the egg. Using the patch-clamp technique, we show for the first time single ion channel activity in sea urchin spermatozoa and spermatozoa heads. Due to their small size gigaseals were obtained in suspended cells by applying suction through the pipette. The rate of gigaseal formation was very low and improved to 6% (n = 1145) when flagella were detached from sperm. Current-voltage curves created from single-channel events showed conductances of approx. 65 and 170 pS, suggesting the presence of two types of channels. At least one appears to be a K+ channel.  相似文献   

Ten isohistones from the embryo of the sea urchin Parechinus angulosus have been isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis and characterised by electrophoretic mobility in two detergent systems, amino acid composition and partial sequences. This brings the total number of different histones identified which are synthesized at one or the other time during the life cycle of the sea urchin to a minimum of 24 structurally characterised polypeptides.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinase in the supernatant fraction of the homogenate of sea urchin eggs and embryos obtained by centrifugation at 105,000g was investigated in the present study. In the previous report, the dissociation constant between cAMP-binding proteins and cAMP changed during the development. This suggests that the nature of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which has been well established to be the major cAMP receptor, changes during the development. In the present study, four protein kinases were separated through DEAE-cellulose column from the supernatant of unfertilized egg homogenate. One of them was cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The others were cAMP-independent ones. One among them was phosvitin kinase, and the others were not identified at present. The activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase gradually increased during a period from fertilization to the swimming blastula stage. During this period, cleavages occurred at a high rate, and the rate decreased after hatching out. Thus, it is supposed that cAMP-dependent protein kinase in the supernatant may take a part in the mechanism of cleavage. The activity, however, became very low at the mesenchyme blastula, the gastrula, and the pluteus stages. cAMP-binding capacity was observed in the sedimentable fraction and the supernatant fraction, respectively, obtained by 105,000g centrifugation at all stages examined. If the structure-bound cAMP-binding protein is also cAMP-dependent protein kinase, it may play different roles in the mechanism of development.  相似文献   

《Mechanisms of development》1995,50(2-3):131-137
The SpMTA metallothionein (MT) gene of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus is restricted in its expression to the aboral ectoderm in gastrulae and pluteus larvae. The proximal 1.6 kb of the 5′-flanking region together with the 1.12-kb first intron of the SpMTA gene are sufficient for its correct cell-type specific expression in transgenic embryos. This restricted spatial expression is largely eliminated by deletion of an interior 405-bp region in the intron. Within this region is a 295-bp, genomically repetitive, transposon-like segment (Nemer et al., 1993), containing several sequence motifs highly homologous to posited regulatory elements in the promoters of other genes (Thiebaud et al., 1990). The P3A and P5 sites in this apparent regulatory cassette were shown through competition to bind with relatively high affinities the same nuclear factors, bound by their counterpart sites in the CyIIIa actin promoter.  相似文献   

Summary Development of the esophageal muscles in embryonic sea urchins is described using light- and electron microscopy. The muscles develop from processes of about 14 cells of the coelomic epithelium that become immunore-active to anti-actin at about 60 h (12–14° C). Initially, eachmyoblast extends a single process with numerous fine filopodia around the esophagus. By 72 h the processes have reached the midline and fused with those from cells of the contralateral coelomic sac. Myoblasts begin to migrate out of the coelomic epithelium between 72 and 84 h. By 72 h the processes stain with the F-actin specific probe NBD-phallacidin. The contractile apparatus is not evident in transmission electron-microscopic preparations of embryos at 70 h, but by 84 h the contractile apparatus is present and the muscle cells are capable of contraction. Because the myoblasts migrate free of the coelomic epithelium and are situated on the blastocoelar side of the basal lamina, it is suggested that that they should be considered as a class of mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

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