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The yeast communities from necrotic tissues, decaying flowers and fruits, and from larval feeding sites of the mothSigelgaita sp. in the cactusPilosocereus arrabidae were surveyed in three restinga ecosystems in Southeastern Brazil. Insects associated with these substrates were sampled to verify the vectoring of yeasts. The cactusPilosocereus arrabidae was shown to have four different yeast communities associated with it. Necrotic stems had a diverse yeast community with the prevalent speciesPichia barkeri, Candida sonorensis, Pichia cactophila, Geotrichum sp.,Myxozyma mucilagina andSporopachydermia sp. A, representing about 80% of the total isolates.Pichia sp. A and aCandida domercqii-like species represented more than 90% of the yeast isolates from decaying flowers. Fruits had a heterogeneous yeast community with typical fruit yeasts of the genusKloeckera, basidiomicetous anamorphs of the genusCryptococcus, the black yeastAureobasidium pullulans, Pichia sp. A, aCandida domercqii-like species, and some cactophilic yeasts, especiallyClavispora opuntiae. The feeding site ofSigelgaita sp. larvae hadClavispora opuntiae as the prevalent species. Insect vectors are suggested as one the most important factors influencing the composition of these yeast communities.  相似文献   

Yeast communities associated with four species of the Drosophila fasciola subgroup (repleta group) in tropical rain forests were surveyed in an abandoned orchard, and rain forest sites of Rio de Janeiro and Ilha Grande, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Adult flies of Drosophila carolinae, Drosophila coroica, Drosophila fascioloides and Drosophila onca frequently carried Candida colliculosa, Geotrichum sp, Kloeckera apiculata and a Pichia membranaefaciens-like species. The most frequent yeasts in the crop of flies included Candida collicullosa, C. krusei, Pichia kluyveri and a P. membranaefaciens-like species. The physiological abilities and species composition of these yeast communities differed from those of other forest-inhabiting Drosophila. The narrow feeding niches of the fasciola subgroup suggested the use of only part of the substrates available to the flies as food in the forest environment, as noted previously for cactophilic Drosophila serido (mulleri subgroup of the repleta group) in a sand dune ecosystem. The cactophilic yeasts that were isolated have not been previously found in forests. The fasciola subgroup probably used epiphytic cactus substrates as breeding and feeding sites in the forest. The physiological profile of yeasts associated with the fasciola flies was broader than that of yeasts associated with the cactophilic Drosophila serido, suggesting that the fasciola subgroup represents an older lineage from which the South American repleta species evolved.  相似文献   

Summary Clavispora opuntiae was the prevalent yeast associated with the feeding sites ofSigelgaita sp. larvae in the cactusPilosocereus arrabidae. Also associated with this habitat wereCandida sonorensis, Pichia cactophila, Pichia barkeri, Candida sp. A,Geotrichum sp.,Geotrichum sericeum and the yeast like organismsPrototheca zopfii andAcremonium sp. Atypical yeast biotypes that may represent new species ofPichia, Sporopachydermia andCandida were isolated. Mating types ofClavispora opuntiae were at a ratio 70 h+ to 3 h- and reduced levels of sporulation suggested low pressure for sexual reproduction in this habitat.Sigelgaita sp. probably was not an important vector forClavispora opuntiae because it was not isolated from an adult or eggs of this moth.  相似文献   

Summary The differentiation of muscles in primary cultures of cells fromDrosophila melanogaster embryos was investigated. In early cultures, and in the absence of exogenous ecdysone, two main classes of muscle were found. Comparison, by light and electron microscopy, of one of these classes (the myotube class) with muscles from third instar larvae shows that this class corresponds to the muscles of the body wall of the larva. When - or -ecdysone is added to the cultures, these undergo a number of metamorphic changes. Most of the larval muscles disappear, and two new types of muscle form. Ultrastructural and light microscopic examination of these two types indicates that they correspond to the two classes of skeletal muscle (fibrillar and tubular) found in adult flies.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of protein synthesis in the salivary glands ofDrosophila melanogaster have been studied throughout late larval and prepupal development by pulse labelling the tissues with35S-methionine. Specific changes to the pattern of proteins synthesized during development are found and the significance of these changes is discussed in view of the known changes in gene (puffing) activity which occur at the same times. We review the problem of salivary gland function in prepupalDrosophila.  相似文献   

Heavy metals cause irreversible neurobehavioral damage in many developing mammals, but the mechanisms of this damage are unknown. The influence of three heavy metal compounds, triethyllead chloride, lead acetate and cadmium chloride, on lethality, development, behavior and learning was studied using the fruit fly,Drosophila melanogaster. This animal was used because it allows hundreds of subjects to be assayed very easily in individual experiments and because it is a system in which toxicological questions might be answered by using the techniques of modern molecular genetics. When triethyllead chloride, lead acetate or cadmium chloride was placed in the medium, the larval LC50 (± standard error) was found to be 0.090±0.004, 6.60±0.64 and 0.42±0.04mm, respectively. Each of the tested compounds produced a dose-related delay in development. In particular, they caused a delay in the development of larvae to pupae. When larvae were reared on medium containing triethyllead chloride (0.06mm), lead acetate (3.07mm) or cadmium chloride (0.11mm), phototaxis, locomotion and learning were not inhibited. Since significant neurobehavioral effects were not observed under the experimental conditions used,Drosophila does not appear to be an appropriate animal for the genetic dissection of such effects of heavy metals during development.  相似文献   

Female fecundity, oviposition preference and specificity on one normal and two novel food media were assayed on four laboratory populations ofDrosophila melanogaster, revealing considerable among- and within-population variation in oviposition preference. Overall, there was a significant tendency of females to prefer novel media to their normal banana food as an oviposition substrate. Specificity in the populations was fairly high, implying that a large proportion of females tended to lay the majority of their eggs on the preferred medium. The results showed that oviposition preference for a given food medium could be affected by the alternative provided, and that, consequently, oviposition preference for a given food medium versus another cannot be predicted based upon a knowledge of what the preference for each of the two media was versus a common third medium. Specificity, on the other hand, was not significantly affected by the type of alternative food media provided in a given trial. Moreover, comparison of results from fecundity and oviposition preference assays also showed that the egg laying behaviour ofDrosophila females in response to different food media may be different in choice versus no-choice situations. Thus, a substrate on which fecundity is higher than on another, when assayed in a no-choice situation, may not be preferred over the other substrate when a choice between the two is provided to the ovipositing females. The latter two results point to possible complexity in the responses of females to various oviposition substrates based upon the overall setting of the assay, including the alternative substrates present for egg laying.  相似文献   

The genetically based rover/sitter behavioral difference in Drosophila melanogasterlarval foraging is expressed throughout most of the larval instars when larvae forage on food patches of differing food quality. The amount of locomotor behavior decreases when third-instar larvae of both rover and sitter strains are starved just prior to the behavioral test. Such strain differences in locomotor behavior are maintained despite the starvation-induced decrease in locomotion found in both strains. Measurements of larval body length and width, taken at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h posthatching, reveal that rover and sitter larval growth rates do not differ. The finding that rover/sitter differences are expressed in a variety of environments and throughout the majority of the larval instars should aid in attempts to uncover selection pressures which may differentially affect the two morphs in environmentally heterogeneous natural populations.  相似文献   

Summary Mitotic recombination was induced, by X-irradiation at the blastoderm stage, in flies heterozygous for one of the temperature-sensitive paralytic mutationsshibire andtp-2. The results show that these mutations can be used to detect the presence of clones in the central nervous system through the temperature-sensitive paralysis of individual legs. Mitotic recombination can also be used to examine the effects of these mutations in the peripheral nervous system; shibire is thus shown to affect the function of sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Seven populations ofDrosophila melanogaster, representing a worldwide distribution, were compared using two-dimensional protein gel electrophoresis. A total of 611 protein spots was scored, which probably represent a sample of over 500 loci that were surveyed. Of the protein spots scored, 521 spots were found to be invariant, but another 90 spots were found to be variable among the populations. Of these variable protein spots, 12 were found to be present in only one population. All the populations, except one, had at least one protein spot restricted to itself. However, the Japanese population had by far the most, with five protein spots restricted to this one population, which has been observed in previous studies of private alleles in oriental populations. The mean genetic similarity (F) found among the seven populations was 0.965, with a range of between 0.956 and 0.977. This is similar to previous reports of lower variation found in population genetic surveys using two-dimensional electrophoresis. It was found that the historical relationships among these populations was somewhat congruent with the geographic distribution of the populations, but as in previous studies, it was not exactly coincident.  相似文献   

Summary It has been hypothesized that reproductive character displacement has evolved in mainland Sonora, Mexico populations of cactophilicD. mojavensis due to the presence of a sympatric sibling speciesD. arizonae. In laboratory tests using ancestral Baja California populations and derived, sympatric mainland populations, asymmetrical sexual isolation has been observed among populations ofD. mojavensis where mainland females discriminate against Baja males. Effects of different pre-adult rearing environments on adult mating behaviour were assessed by comparing fermenting cactus tissues like those used in nature for breeding with laboratory media because previous studies have employed synthetic growth media for fly growth and development. Significant behavioural isolation was evident in all cases when larvae were reared on laboratory food, but was non-significant when flies were reared on fermenting cactus, except for the cactus used by most mainland populations, consistent with previous studies. Time to copulation of Baja females was greater than mainland females over all substrates, but male time to copulation did not differ between populations. Time to copulation for both sexes was significantly greater when flies were reared on laboratory food with one exception. The degree of behavioural isolation was weakly correlated with time to copulation across food types (Spearman rank correlation = 0.58,p = 0.099). Therefore, use of laboratory media in this and previous studies exaggerated adult pre-mating isolation and time to copulation in comparison to natural breeding substrates. These experiments suggest that a change in host substrates by saprophagous insects (where chemical differences exist between hosts) may have subtle effects on mating behaviour in a manner which promotes low levels of sexual isolation as a by-product of their utilization of a particular substrate during larval development. ForD. mojavensis, these results suggest that over evolutionary time, radiation into a new environment (from Baja to the mainland) allowed utilization of new host plants that may have incidentally promoted the sexual isolation patterns that have been observed within this species.See Etges (1992) for the first paper in this series.  相似文献   

The oviposition behavior of single females of Drosophila melanogasterwas studied in population cages over 24 h. Each female shows a different behavior, but they can be arbitrarily separated into those which concentrate their egg laying in only one tube and those which spread it over more than two tubes. A comparison is made between females extracted from the Valdivian population and flies from lines selected for high and low aggregation. When one-tube females were grouped and compared with more-than-one-tube females, the aggregation indices between these groups were significantly different.  相似文献   

Two strains of Drosophila melanogaster, rover and sitter, differing in locomotion while foraging were simultaneously exposed to females of either Leptopilina boulardi or Ganaspis xanthopoda (parasitic Hymenoptera). These two parasitoids show different modes of host-searching behavior, ovipositor searching, or vibrotaxis, respectively. L. boulardi parasitized the sitter host strain significantly more than the rover. In contrast, G. xanthopoda parasitized the rover strain more than the sitter. In one case, L. boulardi selected far more sitters than rovers in population cage experiments. We also describe the frequencies of rovers and sitters in three natural populations where the local parasitoid community may have partially contributed to the differences in rover and sitter frequencies.  相似文献   

Summary The mutationbicaudal (Bull, 1966) causes embryos to develop a longitudinal mirror image duplication of the posteriormost abdominal segments, while head and thorax are missing. These embryos occur with varying frequencies among eggs laid by mutant females, irrespective of the paternal genotype. Recombination and deletion mapping indicate thatbicaudal (bic) is a recessive, hypomorphic, maternal-effect mutation mapping at a single locus on the second chromosome ofDrosophila melanogaster close tovg (67.0±0.1). The frequency of bicaudal embryos depends on the age of the mother, her genetic constitution and the temperature at which she is raised. Best producers are very young females hemizygous forbic (bic/Df(2)vg B ) at 28° C. Under these conditions 80% to 90% of the eggs which differentiate can show the bicaudal embryo phenotype. Upon ageing of the mother the frequency of bicaudal embryos declines rapidly, and most of the eggs develop the normal body pattern. Temperature shift experiments suggest a temperature-sensitive period at the onset of vitellogenesis.The mutation causes several types of abnormalities in the segment pattern of theDrosophila embryo, which are interpreted as various degrees of expression of the mutant character. The most frequent abnormal phenotype is the symmetrical bicaudal embryo with one to five abdominal segments duplicated. Less frequent are asymmetrical types, in which the smaller number of segments is always in the anterior reversed part. Other phenotypes are embryos with missing or rudimentary heads, and embryos with irregular gaps in the segment pattern. In bicaudal embryos, the pole cells, formed at the posterior pole of the egg prior to blastoderm formation, are not duplicated at the anterior. The significance of thebicaudal phenotypes for embryonic pattern-formation inDrosophila is discussed.  相似文献   

We surveyed genetic polymorphism by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of male reproductive tract proteins in 20 isofemale lines each ofDrosophila melanogaster andDrosophila simulans. After classifying 244 such proteins ofDrosophila melanogaster and 271 ofDrosophila simulans by their distribution between testes and accessory glands within the reproductive tract, significant correlations were found between genetic polymorphism and tissue distribution. In both species, gland-specific proteins were significantly more polymorphic than testis-specific proteins, as well as those found in both testes and glands. Simultaneously, inDrosophila simulans, proteins found in roughly equivalent relative abundance in both testes and glands were significantly less variable than gland-specific and testis-specific proteins, as well as those with a quantitative difference in relative abundance between testes and glands. These correlations may reflect general differences in variability between extracellular and intracellular proteins and between proteins with broad as opposed to tissue-specific distributions.We thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for financial support (Grant A0235 to R.S.S.).  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of theFast-Chateau Douglas isolate of the thermostable alcohol dehydrogenase allele is compared with the sequences of theSlow andFast alleles ofDrosophila melanogaster. Conceptual translation of theFChD sequence indicates that the thermostable polypeptide has the diagnostic FAST amino acid replacement at residue 192 and an additional replacement of serine for proline at residue 214. This suggests aFast origin for the thermostableAdh allele. However, some of the biochemical properties of the FCHD protein resemble those of the SLOW rather than the FAST polypeptides. The serine for proline replacement confers upon the thermostable polypeptide substrate specificities and some kinetic parameters similar to the SLOW protein. The same replacement substitution within the third coding exon also appears to alter the ADH protein concentration to a level similar to the SLOW polypeptide and the probable effect is at the level of mRNA concentration. The low level of nucleotide sequence variation, other than that leading to the amino acid substitution, suggests a recent origin for the thermostable allele. The time since divergence of theFChD sequence fromFast is estimated to be approximately 260,000–470,000 years.  相似文献   

We report novel findings on the cytogenetic location, functional complexity and maternal and germline roles of thestambh A locus ofDrosophila melanogaster. stmA is localized to polytene bands 44D1.2 on 2R.stmA mutations are of two types: temperature-sensitive (ts) adult and larval paralytic or unconditional embryonic or larval lethal. Twelve alleles reported in this study fall into two intragenic complementing groups suggesting thatstmA is a complex locus with more than one functional domain. Some unconditional embryonic lethal alleles show a ‘neurogenic’ phenotype of cuticle loss accompanied by neural hypertrophy. It is shown that embryos of ts paralytic alleles also show mild neural hypertrophy at permissive temperatures while short exposure to heat induces severe cuticle loss in these embryos.stmA exerts a maternal influence over heat-induced cuticle loss. Unconditional embryonic lethal alleles ofstmA are also germline lethal.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants in two loci,hairy (h +) andextramacrochaetae (emc +), produce phenotypes corresponding to an excess of function of theachaete-scute complex (AS-C), that is, they cause the appearance of extra chaetae. These mutants, although recessive in normal flies, become dominant in the presence of extra doses of AS-C. Here we study the interactions between these three genes, in an attempt to elucidate their relationships. The results show that the insufficiency produced byh oremc mutants can be titrated by altering the number of copies of AS-C. Moreover, excess of function of AS-C produced by derepression mutants within the complex (Hairy-wing) can also be titrated by altering the number of wild type copies of+ oremc +. These specific interactions indicate that bothh + andemc + code for repressors of AS-C that interact with theachaete andscute region of the complex respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The ability ofDrosophila melanogaster larvae in Europe to encapsulate the eggs of their most important parasitoids,Asobara tabida andLeptopilina boulardi, shows a large amount of geographical variation. Interestingly, encapsulation ability againstA. tabida is not correlated with encapsulation ability againstL. boulardi. This indicates that the encapsulation system ofD. melanogaster larvae has parasitoid-specific components. The variation in encapsulation ability can only partly be explained by the incidence of parasitism on the larvae. This means that factors other than the two parasitoid species must be selection pressures on the encapsulation ability ofD. melanogaster larvae.  相似文献   

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