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A network of 24 beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) tree-ring chronologies has been developed for the Italian peninsula. Principal component and cluster analyses were used to identify geographical and altitudinal patterns of tree growth. Correlations and response functions were then applied to the main modes of tree-ring variability to uncover climatic signals. In a landscape occupied by humans for millennia, this approach provided a detailed quantitative ecological characterization of forest types. Altitude was significantly correlated with dendrochronological parameters. The Alps and northern Apennines could be distinguished from the central-southern Apennines. In central Italy, we recognized three different vegetation belts occupied by beech forests, from low- to high-elevation sites. Summer drought impacted beech growth with different intensity at different elevations, depending on the onset and duration of the growing season. Moreover, low-elevation beech forests showed a distinct late spring climate signal, which was opposite to that of high-elevation sites. The coherent geographical and ecological patterns of tree-ring variability suggest that dendrochronological networks help define bioclimatic zones and forest types.  相似文献   

Beech seed physiology, including the effect of stress proteins like late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) and small heat shock proteins (sHSP) on viability during storage, is not fully understood. Four lots of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seeds have been stored for 1, 4, 6 and 8 years at −10 °C and 8–9% moisture content (MC). Under these conditions, the germination capacity ranges from 81.5% to 100% in the youngest seeds. However, the seeds decrease in vigour with prolonged time of storage. Dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins were identified both in cotyledons and embryonic axes of the dry stored seeds. In general, decreased contents of LEA proteins as well as reduced content of total soluble protein were detected during prolonged storage. The contents of soluble proteins in embryonic axes and nearly all detected dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins were correlated with germination capacity. Moreover a sHSP with molecular mass of approximately 22 kDa was identified. The largest content of this protein was observed in the oldest seeds, especially in embryonic axes. The proteins identified may play a protective role during water deficit and storage.  相似文献   

The bar gene was introduced into the cork oak genome. Cork oak embryogenic masses were transformed using the Agrobacterium strain AGL1 which carried the plasmid pBINUbiBar. This vector harbours the genes, nptII and bar, the latter under control of the maize ubiquitin promoter. The transgenic embryogenic lines were cryopreserved. Varying activities of phosphinothricin acetyl transferase were detected among the lines, which carried 1–4 copies of the insert. Molecular and biochemical assays confirmed the stability and expression of the transgenes 3 months after thawing the cultures. These results demonstrate genetic engineering of herbicide tolerance in Quercus spp. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Rubén álvarez, Ricardo J. Ordás are contributed equally.  相似文献   

Time series of radial growth and crown condition were used to assess the vitality of Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in mixed mountain forests of the Bavarian Alps. The investigation plots are located in three altitudinal belts at the mountains Kranzhorn and Laber. Sites at Kranzhorn are permanent monitoring plots since 1985, where beech show a high and, especially since 1996, at high altitudes increasing degree of crown transparency. No significant and ecological sensible relationship was found neither between crown condition data and weather, nor between crown condition data and water balance parameters. Tree-ring analyses revealed repeated growth depressions during the last decades starting at the end of the 1970s. Their intensity and duration increased with altitude. Climate–growth analyses carried out for the period 1931–2003 point to a temperature dependence of growth. Cool and short vegetation periods and especially late frost events appear as growth-limiting factors. Even in dry and warm years no serious growth-relevant water deficiency occurred. Neither weather fluctuations and extreme events, evaluated by different methods, nor age- or site-related differences provided sufficient explanations for growth disturbances and vitality loss in the last decades. Hence, further investigations are necessary to explain vitality loss, damage and destabilization of Common Beech in mixed mountain forest of Southern Germany. At Kranzhorn, strong relations between radial growth and defoliation were found, indicating the importance of long-term observation and monitoring data for these purposes.  相似文献   

抚育间伐对蒙古栎次生林生长的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
科学合理的抚育间伐措施是实现天然次生林稳定、高效、可持续经营的必然要求。以辽宁白石砬子国家级自然保护区萌生蒙古栎次生林为研究对象,设置幼龄林(15年生)和中龄林(35年生)两组抚育间伐试验区,利用两组试验区伐后8a和26a的长期连续测定数据,比较分析了不同抚育间伐强度对林分生长及结构的影响。结果表明,蒙古栎次生林幼龄林阶段经轻度、中度、强度间伐8a后,林分平均胸径及定期生长量与对照相比均有极显著差异,平均胸径分别比对照高2.1、1.3和2 cm;不同间伐强度对林分蓄积增长量影响不大,轻度、中度和强度间伐12 cm以上径阶蓄积定期生长量累计分别是对照的0.97、1.03和1.21倍。中龄林阶段,轻度、中度、强度间伐26a后林分平均胸径分别比对照高0.3、1.7和5.1 cm,强度间伐能显著提高林分平均胸径生长量;间伐能显著提高林分蓄积定期生长量累计及定期生长量,轻度、中度和强度间伐12 cm以上径阶蓄积定期生长量累计分别是对照的1.97、1.65和1.63倍;轻度、强度间伐林分胸径呈单峰右偏山状分布,大径阶树木占绝对优势,而中度间伐、对照林分胸径呈单峰左偏山状分布。综合分析不同林龄阶段不同强度抚育间伐措施对林分生长状况的影响,可以得出蒙古栎天然次生林高效经营技术为幼龄阶段时采用轻度、中度、强度间伐均可,在中龄林时宜采用强度间伐(保留密度1600株/hm2)。  相似文献   

The link between the dynamics of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) diameter changes, recorded by mechanical dendrometers, and the weather activity was studied at a submontane site in central Slovakia between 2003 and 2008. A new approach was presented by constructing seasonal increment chronologies, dividing them into shorter periods and joining them across several seasons to analyse the main influencing factors. For this purpose, response functions and correlation functions and their intra-seasonal moving variants were calculated. The photoperiod appeared to be synchronising the culmination of the seasonal dynamics of diameter changes; however, the main factors influencing the seasonal dynamics were weather variables. At the beginning of the season, the diameter increase was significantly correlated with temperature and its accumulation over a longer period. In summer, the diameter increase was hampered by long-term heat waves and the positive influence of precipitation became more pronounced. Precipitation towards the end of summer and in autumn significantly positively impacted the variability of the dendrometer signals. In 2003, the unusual seasonal dynamics were caused by a hot May and a hot and dry summer.In view of the expected climate change, including warmer springs and a higher frequency of summer droughts and heat waves, we expect a shift in the culmination of beech seasonal diameter increase towards May. Intensive drought and heat periods during summer will probably stress the beech populations growing close to their lower altitudinal limit.  相似文献   

The gas phase of the soil plays an important role in plant growth and development. We investigated the effect of rhizospheric NO as a signalling compound for N uptake of beech roots. Following exposure to NO, ammonium and glutamine uptake into roots were determined using 15N-labelling, and gene expression of selected transporters was analysed by quantitative real-time PCR. Uptake of both N sources increased significantly with elevated NO concentration. However, with one exception, this increase was not reflected in up-regulation of expression of the respective transporters.  相似文献   

Ring diameters and ring number counts were recorded from Calluna stem cross-sections harvested during an N manipulation experiment. The application of dendrochronological methods permitted accurate ageing of shrubs growing in a heathland of known age. Linear regression analyses demonstrated a highly significant association between increasing levels of N input and stem diameter in both watered and droughted plots (droughted in 1997 only). N inputs were identified as the most significant environmental stressor, appearing to speed ageing vis the Calluna growth cycle. Drought sensitivity was noted in the high N treatment plots (120 kg N ha−1 yr−1) with decreased stem diameters. This may have implications in the response of Calluna growth under current climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

杨舒婷  曹明  邓敏 《广西植物》2015,35(1):15-19
竹叶青冈为我国南方及中南半岛常绿阔叶林常见树种,为该区域的重要材用树种。中国植物志中文版采用Cyclobalanopsis bambusifolia(Hance)Chun ex Y.C.HsuH.W.Jen作为其学名,但是基源名Quercus bambusifolia Hance由于错误鉴定1857年并未合格发表,随后基于同一模式和不同的模式,这一种加词先后多次被发表,其中涉及多个裸名、晚出同名、新名称、新组合,学名变化复杂,但其正确学名在国际权威植物分类数据库中并未采纳,正确学名在生态学等研究中亦未采用。因此,对竹叶青冈而言,其学名还存在众多疑问。为了澄清该种的学名,作者通过文献考证和标本核实查阅,对竹叶青冈学名变更历史进行追溯并根据最新的《藻类、真菌、植物国际命名法规》(简称墨尔本法规)对各变更学名进行了评述。本研究结果支持Q.neglecta(Schott.)Koidz作为竹叶青冈正确的学名。但由于国内植物学名仍以中国植物志为主要依据,而中国植物志仍采用狭义栎属Quercus s.s.的概念,为避免造成更多学名混乱,竹叶青冈的学名可沿用中国植物志英文版中学名Cyclobalanopsis neglecta,但中文版所采用C.bambusifolia为错误学名,应该弃用。  相似文献   

Four groups of four Alpine × local male goats (20-month-old), each on kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.) foliage were used to investigate nutrient intake and utilisation, blood metabolites and clinical parameters when supplemented with polyethylene-containing and polyethylene-free feed blocks and with polyethylene glycol (PEG, molecular weight 4000). PEG was used to neutralise tannins. The composition (g/kg DM) of feed blocks (B and BPEG, respectively) was: olive cake (367 and 331), cactus fruit (90 and 80), wheat bran (243 and 218), quicklime (154 and 139), urea (73 and 66), salt (73 and 66) and PEG (0 and 100). Group 1 was not supplemented (control) and group 2 was supplemented with feed blocks (B). PEG-containing feed blocks were fed to goats in group 3 (BPEG). The fourth group received feed blocks and PEG separately, i.e. mixed with 5 g processed barley (B+PEG). The amount of PEG distributed to the latter group was calculated so that goats supplemented with BPEG or B+PEG consume the same amount of PEG. Animals were adapted on experimental diets for 21 days before starting a 6-day-faecal collection period. The nutritive value of kermes oak foliage was low due mainly to high levels of phenolic compounds particularly lignin (236 g/kg DM) and tannins (34.8 g equivalent tannic acid/kg DM) and low concentration of crude protein (62 g/kg DM). Accordingly, dry matter intake (34.8 g/kg W0.75) and apparent digestibility of DM (0.527), CP (0.332) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF, 0.429) were low in goats fed on this shrub species as a sole diet. Although DM intake of feed blocks was low (113 g per day), supplementation of PEG-free blocks almost doubled consumption of kermes oak (61.2 g/kg W0.75) and intakes of digestible organic matter and CP increased from 17.4 and 1.0 g/W0.75, respectively, to 46.6 and 33.0 g/W0.75. Further improvement of these parameters was not observed by incorporation of PEG in block or by PEG supply along with the block (BPEG and B+PEG versus B, P>0.05). Irrespective of dietary treatments, blood metabolites, i.e. glucose, urea, total proteins, albumin, creatinine, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were within the normal range for local goats. Feed blocks increased serum urea (P<0.05), probably as consequence of improved N value of the diet. Biochemical parameters and clinical signs suggested a partial intoxication of goats solely on kermes oak. Supplementation with feed blocks with or without PEG improved cardiac, respiratory and rumen contraction frequencies and raised body temperature to the normal value (37 °C). Olive cake-based feed block enriched with squeezed cactus fruits was found to be a cost effective supplement to substantially improve the nutritive value of kermes oak-based diet and to maintain healthy goats.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) as a palaeoclimate archive in the southeastern European Alps, tree ring chronologies were developed from trees growing at two sites in Slovenia which differed in their ecological and climatological characteristics. Ring width, maximum latewood density, annual height increment and latewood cellulose carbon isotope composition were determined at both sites and the resulting time-series compared with and verified against instrumental climate data for their common period (AD 1960–AD 2002). Results indicate that ring width sensitivity to summer temperature is very site-dependent, with opposing responses at alpine and lowland sites. Maximum density responds to September temperatures, indicating lignification after cell division has ceased. Stable carbon isotopes have most potential, responding strongly to summer temperature in both alpine and lowland stands. Height increment appears relatively insensitive to climate, and is likely to be dominated by local stand dynamics.  相似文献   

Abies alba Mill. (European silver fir) and Fagus sylvatica L. (beech) are Eurosiberian species dispersed over the Iberian Peninsula. Climate change predictions indicate a rise in temperature and a decrease in precipitation in this region, threatening the future existence of these species. In the present study we analyzed the future topo-climatic suitability of Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica and the mixed forests of these two species, using the General Linear Models technique and data from the third National Forest Inventory (Ministerio de Agricultura PyA, 2007). We considered two modeling approaches based on niche theory: modeling community (Abieti-Fagetum) and overlapping individual species models. General trends showed an overall decrease in both species’ topo-climatic suitability and indicated that the Pyrenees will play a crucial role as a climatic refuge. The modeling approaches markedly differed, however, in their current and future spatial agreement. Despite good accuracy results, community modeling through co-occurrence does not encompass the environmental space of individual species prejudicing future assessments in new environmental situations, suggesting a need for future studies in community modeling.  相似文献   

An exposure — response study with proportionalto-ambient ozone levels was conducted in closed chambers on 3-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) of montane origin. The fumigation started in April 1990 and lasted for a single growing season. Climate data and ozone concentrations monitored at an experimental station of the Institute for Applied Plant Biology, Schönenbuch, Switzerland were simulated in the exposure chambers 12 days later (1*O3). To test exposure-response relations three additional treatments were applied, subambient (0.2*O3) and two proportionally increased ozone treatments (1.5*O3 and 2*O3). The photosynthetic behaviour of the trees in August revealed the light reactions to be less affected than parameters which are related to the dark reactions of photosynthesis. Assimilation (A350), apparent carboxylation efficiency (CE), and maximum photosynthetic capacity (A2500) were reduced with increasing ozone concentration. For the ozone response of CE and A2500 Critical Levels were calculated.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of drought and re-watering on 10 varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) originating from Morocco. Five varieties obtained from the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA) of Morocco and five landraces (local varieties defined by high stress tolerance, high yield stability, an intermediate yield and low-input demand) collected at five localities in the south of Morocco were used in the present study. After 2 weeks of growth, drought stress was initiated by withholding water for 2 weeks followed by 1 week of re-watering. The polyphasic OJIP fluorescence transient was used to evaluate photosystem II (PSII) criteria at the end of the first week of drought stress (moderate drought), at the end of the second week (severe drought) and the end of the recovery phase. Drought and re-watering had little effect on the maximum quantum yield of primary photochemistry φPo(=FV/FM). The photosynthetic performance index (PI) is the product of an antenna, reaction center and electron transport dependent parameter. It revealed differences between varieties as a function of drought and re-watering. For the screening for drought stress tolerance, changes in the PI during a 2-week drought stress treatment were analysed and a new parameter was defined: the drought factor index (DFI) = log(PIweek 1/PIcontrol) + 2 log(PIweek 2/PIcontrol). The DFI of the tested varieties correlated with their drought tolerance. Another parameter that was analysed was the relative water content. It decreased during the drought stress treatment varying between 61% and 78.2% at the end of the drought period. During the subsequent recovery period, it increased in a species-dependent manner (65.1–94.1%). A third parameter studied were changes in the initial fluorescence rise. The fluorescence rise during the first 300 μs (L-band) can give information on the energetic connectivity between PSII units whereas changes in the rise during the first 2 ms (K-band) offer information on developing limitations on the donor side of PSII. Changes in respectively the L and K-bands of the fluorescence transients OJIP were shown to have predictive value with respect to the vitality of leaves and the tolerance of the varieties to drought stress.  相似文献   

Ecological indicators provide early warning of adverse environmental change, helping land managers adaptively manage their resources while minimizing costly remediation. In 1999 and 2000, we studied two such indicators, growth and developmental instability, of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) influenced by mechanized infantry training at Fort Benning, Georgia. Disturbed areas were used for military training; tracked and wheeled vehicles damaged vegetation and soils. Highly disturbed sites had fewer trees, diminished ground cover, warmer soils in the summer, and more compacted soils with a shallower A-horizon. We hypothesized that disturbance would decrease the growth of needles, branches, and tree rings, increase the complexity of tree rings, and increase the developmental instability of needles. Contrary to our expectations, however, disturbance enhanced growth in the first year of the study, possibly by reducing competition. In the second year, a drought reduced growth of branches and needles, eliminating the stimulatory effect of disturbance. Growth-ring widths increased with growing-season precipitation, and decreased with growing-season temperature over the last 40 years. Disturbance had no effect on tree-ring complexity, as measured by the Hurst exponent. Within-fascicle variation of current-year needle length, a measure of developmental instability, differed among the study populations, but appeared unrelated to mechanical disturbance or drought.  相似文献   

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