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Jellett Rapid Testing Ltd. has developed a rapid field test kit to screen for diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins. The new test provides a qualitative (positive/negative) indication of the presence of okadaic acid (OA) and some of its analogues in about 30 min. It is designed as a screening method for regulatory labs to eliminate negative samples, thereby leaving a smaller number of positive samples to be tested with more sophisticated and time-consuming quantitative methods. Due to its simplicity and speed, the Rapid Test for DSP may eventually be used in other applications such as shellfish harvest management and toxin research. The test is based on easy-to-use lateral flow immunochromatographic (LFI) test strips, which operate the same way as Jellett Rapid Testing's Rapid Tests for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxins. The sensitivity of the antibodies to some of the analogues of the DSP family of toxins was investigated using pure compounds from the National Research Council of Canada. In the Rapid Test format, okadaic acid, dinophysistoxin 1 (DTX1) and dinophysistoxin 2 (DTX2) were detected similarly with 50% reduction in test line color intensity at 5 nM for the solutions applied to test strips. One of the DTX-3 esters eliminated the test line at 500 nM, indicating low cross-reactivity, whereas no effect was observed with one of the brevetoxins (PbTx-3), yessotoxin, gymnodimine, spirolide and pectenotoxins PTX2, PTX11, at concentrations up to 1000 nM. In the ELISA format, the distinction between analogues was more apparent than on test strips. Mid-points were at 8 nM for okadaic acid, and 40 nM and 25 nM for DTX1 and DTX2, respectively.  相似文献   

Takishita K  Koike K  Maruyama T  Ogata T 《Protist》2002,153(3):293-302
The dinoflagellate genus Dinophysis contains species known to cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. Although most photosynthetic dinoflagellates have plastids with peridinin, photosynthetic Dinophysis species have cryptophyte-like plastids containing phycobilin rather than peridinin. We sequenced nuclear- and plastid-encoded SSU rDNA from three photosynthetic species of Dinophysis for phylogenetic analyses. In the tree of nuclear SSU rDNA, Dinophysis was a monophyletic group nested with peridinin-containing dinoflagellates. However, in the tree of plastid SSU rDNA, the Dinophysis plastid lineage was within the radiation of cryptophytes and was closely related to Geminigera cryophila. These analyses indicate that an ancestor of Dinophysis, which may have originally possessed peridinin-type plastid and lost it subsequently, adopted a new plastid from a cryptophyte. Unlike dinoflagellates with fully integrated plastids, the Dinophysis plastid SSU rDNA sequences were identical among the three species examined, while there were species-specific base substitutions in their nuclear SSU rDNA sequences. Queries of the DNA database showed that the plastid SSU rDNA sequence of Dinophysis is almost identical to that of an environmental DNA clone of a <10 pm sized plankter, possibly a cryptophyte and a likely source of the Dinophysis plastid. The present findings suggest that these Dinophysis species engulfed and temporarily retained plastids from a cryptophyte.  相似文献   

Wang J  Wang YY  Lin L  Gao Y  Hong HS  Wang DZ 《Journal of Proteomics》2012,75(7):2038-2052
Okadaic acid (OA) is a principal diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxin produced by marine dinoflagellates. This study compared protein profiles of mice small intestines at four time points (0, 3, 6 and 24 h) after a single oral administration of 750 μg/kg OA, and identified the differentially expressed proteins using 2-D DIGE and MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry. The results showed that the toxin content of the intestines reached its peak 3h after oral administration and then decreased rapidly. OA remarkably inhibited the intestinal PP activity but it recovered to the normal levels within 6 to 24 h. Electron microscope revealed the collapse of the villous architecture and the intestinal microvilli fell off at 3 h, but were repaired within 24h. Notable damage to the intestinal ultrastructure was observed after oral administration. Comparison of the small intestine protein profiles at four time points revealed that 58 proteins were remarkably altered in abundance, and these proteins were involved in macromolecular metabolism, cytoskeleton reorganization, signal transduction, molecular chaperoning and oxidative stress, suggesting that OA toxicity in mouse intestines was complex and diverse, and that multiple proteins other than PP were involved in the diarrhetic process. Villin 1 and hnRNP F might be the key triggers inducing diarrhea in the mouse small intestines.  相似文献   

The mouse bioassay for diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins had been used as the official method in Japan and also used in the world. In this study, hypothermia, one of the symptoms observed in mice after inoculation with DSP toxins, were characterized. Lethal and sublethal doses of okadaic acid (OA), a representative component of DSP toxins, were inoculated intraperitoneally into mice. Body-temperature changes over time were measured by an electronic thermometer or monitored by an infrared camera. Drastic hypothermia (<30°C in some mice) was observed in a few hours after administration of a lethal dose of OA. Dose-dependency was clearly seen between doses of OA inoculated and body-temperature decrease. Drastic hypothermia was also detected by using an infrared camera. These results suggest that hypothermia could be used as an index for the humane endpoint in experimental animal toxicological studies.  相似文献   

Many toxic secondary metabolites used for defense are also toxic to the producing organism. One important way to circumvent toxicity is to store the toxin as an inactive precursor. Several sulfated diesters of the diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxin okadaic acid have been reported from cultures of various dinoflagellate species belonging to the genus Prorocentrum. It has been proposed that these sulfated diesters are a means of toxin storage within the dinoflagellate cell, and that a putative enzyme mediated two-step hydrolysis of sulfated diesters such as DTX-4 and DTX-5 initially leads to the formation of diol esters and ultimately to the release of free okadaic acid. However, only one diol ester and no sulfated diesters of DTX-1, a closely related DSP toxin, have been isolated leading some to speculate that this toxin is not stored as a sulfated diester and is processed by some other means. DSP components in organic extracts of two large scale Prorocentrum lima laboratory cultures have been investigated. In addition to the usual suite of okadaic acid esters, as well as the free acids okadaic acid and DTX-1, a group of corresponding diol- and sulfated diesters of both okadaic acid and DTX-1 have now been isolated and structurally characterized, confirming that both okadaic acid and DTX-1 are initially formed in the dinoflagellate cell as the non-toxic sulfated diesters.  相似文献   

A new cytotoxicity assay for detection and quantitation of diarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSP) is presented. This assay is based upon fluorimetric determination of F-actin depolymerization induced by okadaic acid (OA)-class compounds in the BE(2)-M17 neuroblastoma cell line. No interferences were observed with other marine toxins such as saxitoxin, domoic acid, or yessotoxin, thus indicating a good specificity of the assay as expected by the direct relationship between protein phosphatase inhibition and cytoskeletal changes. The proposed method is rapid (<2h) and shows a linear response in the range of 50-300 nM OA. The detection limit of the assay for crude methanolic extracts of bivalves lies between 0.2 and 1.0 microg OA per gram of digestive glands, depending on the type of samples (fresh or canned), thus being similar to that of the mouse bioassay. The performance of this assay has been evaluated by comparative analysis of 32 toxic mussel samples by the F-actin assay, mouse bioassay, HPLC and PP2A inhibition assay. Results obtained by the F-actin method showed no differences with HPLC and significant correlation with PP2A inhibition assay (r(2)=0.71). No false negative results were obtained with this new cell assay, which also showed optimum reproducibility.  相似文献   

Previous investigations into the comparative toxicity of the diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins to Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grun.) Fryxell et Hasle found that this diatom oxidatively metabolized okadaic acid diol‐ester (OA diol‐ester) to a more water‐soluble product. This oxidative transformation of OA diol‐ester by the diatom is significant for two reasons. First, it is known that dinophysistoxin‐4 (DTX‐4), the primary DSP toxin produced by the dinoflagellate Exuviaella lima (Ehr.) Butschli, will be hydrolyzed to the diol‐ester following cell rupture (e.g. ingestion by a predator). Second, it implies that the ester, an uncharged, lipophilic intermediate, can easily enter cells and therefore may play an important role in the uptake and transfer of DSP toxins through the food web. It has been suggested that the water soluble DTX‐4 may also be the form in which DSP toxins are excreted from the producing cell. Therefore, the stability of DTX‐4 was examined when incubated either in fresh seawater medium into which washed cells of E. lima were introduced or in seawater medium conditioned by E. lima cells. Rapid hydrolysis of DTX‐4 to the diol‐ester took place in both cases. Thus, regardless of the route by which DTX‐4 is liberated from the cell, either by cell disruption or excretion, the diol‐ester will be the dominant form of the toxin to challenge associated organisms. To examine the metabolism of OA diol‐ester by T. weissflogii in more detail, serial cultures of the diatom were challenged with OA diol‐ester at a concentration of 2.0 μg·mL?1. The metabolism and fate of the diol‐ester in both cellular and medium fractions were monitored over 3 days using liquid chromatography with either ultraviolet (LC‐UV) or mass spectrometric (LC‐MS) detection. During the course of the experiment, all of the diol‐ester was metabolized. LC‐MS analysis revealed the presence of multiple oxidative products of OA diol‐ester in the medium fraction, including a carboxylic acid derivative. The major metabolites were isolated in sufficient quantity to permit structural elucidation by NMR and MS. All the metabolites identified resulted from oxidation of the diol‐ester side chain with the primary sites of attack at the terminal, subterminal, and unsaturated carbons. OA was found in both cellular and medium fractions, and its production was directly correlated with the metabolism of the diol‐ester. The relative partitioning of both OA diol‐ester and its oxidation products between cells and medium supports the contention that OA diol‐ester can readily enter cells, be metabolized, and then excreted in more water‐soluble forms.  相似文献   

Food vacuoles were found in one species of pho‐totrophic Dinophysis, Dinophysis fortii Pavillard, collected in Okkirai Bay. Under transmission electron microscopy, almost 70% of observed food vacuoles were characterized by membranous profiles and contained large numbers of mitochondria. The mitochondria in the food vacuole had different morphologies from those in the D. fortii cytoplasm. This indicates that these vacuoles are not autolytic accumulation bodies, but ‘true’ food vacuoles. Identification of the origin of the contents failed, but the existence of large amounts of foreign mitochondria implies that the contents in the vacuoles were derived from eukaryotic prey. Other than the observation of the food vacuoles, bacterial cells were observed in the flagellar canal. Because the flagellar canal and connecting pusule sacs had been reported to relate to macromolecule uptake, the prey organisms of D. fortii were assumed to be both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

In October of 1996, a Gymnodinium breve bloom occurred in shellfish harvesting waters of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico, USA. Bloom densities reached 5.6x10(5) cells liter(-1) and bloom residence at shellfish sampling stations ranged from 3 to 28 days. Brevetoxin-2 dominated G. breve toxin profiles in bloom seawater extracts. Shellfish toxicity, assessed by mouse bioassay, exceeded the guidance level for up to 75 days after the bloom had dissipated. Cytotoxicity assays and mouse bioassays showed similar temporal patterns of shellfish toxicity, but the two methods differed in estimations of brevetoxin-3 equivalent toxicity by a factor of 93 to 1. LC-ESI-MS showed the temporal patterns in shellfish toxicity reflected metabolism of G. breve toxins. The molecular ions m/z 1004, 1017 and 1033 dominated LC-ESI-MS spectra of toxic chromatographic fractions from the extracts and were identified as brevetoxin metabolites on the basis of LC-APCI-MS-MS. The discrepancy between cytotoxicity and mouse bioassay estimates of brevetoxin-3 equivalent toxicity resulted from the difference in extraction efficiency of solvents used in the respective methods and the relative sensitivity of the assays to toxin metabolite mixtures present in the extracts. The normalized cytotoxicity assay showed 75% agreement with mouse bioassay positive test samples and 64% agreement with mouse bioassay negative test samples. Published in 1999 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multiple species of the genus Dinophysis produce diarrhetic shellfish toxins (okadaic acid and Dinophysis toxins, OA/DTXs analogs) and/or pectenotoxins (PTXs). Only since 2008 have DSP events (illnesses and/or shellfish harvesting closures) become recognized as a threat to human health in the United States. This study characterized 20 strains representing five species of Dinophysis spp. isolated from three US coastal regions that have experienced DSP events: the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Northwest. Using a combination of morphometric and DNA-based evidence, seven Northeast/Mid-Atlantic isolates and four Pacific Northwest isolates were classified as D. acuminata, a total of four isolates from two coasts were classified as D. norvegica, two isolates from the Pacific Northwest coast were identified as D. fortii, and three isolates from the Gulf of Mexico were identified as D. ovum and D. caudata. Toxin profiles of D. acuminata and D. norvegica varied by their geographical origin within the United States. Cross-regional comparison of toxin profiles was not possible with the other three species; however, within each region, distinct species-conserved profiles for isolates of D. fortii, D. ovum, and D. caudata were observed. Historical and recent data from various State and Tribal monitoring programs were compiled and compared, including maximum recorded cell abundances of Dinophysis spp., maximum concentrations of OA/DTXs recorded in commercial shellfish species, and durations of harvesting closures, to provide perspective regarding potential for DSP impacts to regional public health and shellfish industry.  相似文献   

A standardized procedure was developed for conducting the mouse bioassay for detecting estrogenic activity in rodent diets. Studies were conducted with CD-1 mice to determine the appropriate weaning age and length of bioassay period. Uterine growth curves were generated from mice weaned at 15 days of age and fed a negative control diet until 28 days of age. These mice showed slow regular increases in uterine weights from 15 22 days of age followed by rapid uterine growth in some mice from 24 to 28 days of age. Estrogenic bioassays using female mice weaned at 15 days of age and fed the positive control diets containing 4 or 6 ppb diethylstilbestrol (DES) demonstrated significant (P less than 0.05) increases in uterine weight and in uterus to body weight (U:BW) ratios over those of mice fed the negative control diet without DES for 5, 7 or 9 days after weaning. In contrast, mice weaned at 17 days of age showed significant (P less than 0.05) increases in uterine weight and in U:BW ratios only at 5 days after weaning. Six ppb DES was required in the positive control diet to produce a 1.5 fold increase in the U:BW ratio over those of mice fed the negative control diet. It was concluded that mice should be weaned at 15 days of age and that the bioassay period should be terminated at 7 days, when the mice are 22 days old, for best reproducible results. The criteria for a valid bioassay should include the demonstration of a significant statistical increase in the U:BW ratios of mice fed the DES positive diet over those of mice fed the negative control diet.  相似文献   

We recently described a high throughput receptor binding assay for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins, the use of the assay for detecting toxic activity in shellfish and algal extracts, and the validation of 11-[3H]-tetrodotoxin as an alternative radioligand to the [3H]-saxitoxin conventionally employed in the assay. Here, we report a dramatic increase in assay efficiency through application of microplate scintillation technology, resulting in an assay turn around time of 4 h. Efforts are now focused on demonstrating the range of applications for which this receptor assay can provide data comparable to the more time consuming, technically demanding HPLC analysis of PSP toxins, currently the method of choice for researchers. To date, we have compared the results of both methods for a variety of sample types, including different genera of PSP toxin producing dinoflagellates (e.g. Alexandrium lusitanicum, r2 = 0.9834, n = 12), size-fractioned field samples of Alexandrium spp. (20-64 microm; r2 = 0.9997, n = 10) as well as its associated zooplankton grazer community (200-500 microm: r2 = 0.6169, n = 10; >500 microm: r2 = 0.5063, n = 10), and contaminated human fluids (r2 = 0.9661, n = 7) from a PSP outbreak. Receptor-based STX equivalent values for all but the zooplankton samples were highly correlated and exhibited close quantitative agreement with those produced by HPLC. While the PSP receptor binding assay does not provide information on toxin composition obtainable by HPLC, it does represent a robust and reliable means of rapidly assessing PSP-like toxicity in laboratory and field samples. Moreover, this assay should be effective as a screening tool for use by public health officials in responding to suspected cases of PSP intoxication.  相似文献   

In work environments with laboratory animals, the bedding of animals binds the excreta as well as other compounds originating from the animals and their environment. These may be generated into the ambient air when the personnel handle bedding in different procedures. This study compares the dustiness of different types of six clean and four soiled beddings from rat or mouse cages. The dust generation of clean bedding varied from <1 to 25 mg/m(3). When used in the cages of rats or mice for 4 days, the dust concentration of the beddings decreased, increased or stayed the same, depending on the type of bedding and animal species. A decrease in dustiness was, however, more common. The levels in the soiled beddings varied from <1 to 8.6 mg/m(3). In the case of the aspen chip bedding, the contents of bedding used in mouse, rat or rabbit cages were analysed for mesophilic bacteria and fungi, mycobacteria and endotoxins. All of these contaminants were variably found in the bedding samples, the maximal concentrations for bacteria were >6 500 000 colony-forming units (cfu)/g, for fungi 212 000 cfu/g, and for endotoxins 6500 ng/g (81 000 EU/g). The results showed that the bedding of laboratory animals may contain biologically effective compounds, and that these may be distributed into the ambient air depending on the characteristics of the bedding material. The dustiness of different bedding types is an important factor affecting the amount and quality of the occupational exposure of the personnel to airborne contaminants.  相似文献   

Advanced intercross lines (AIL) have proven to be a powerful tool in genetic research to map complex genetic traits. The advantage of AIL is the high enrichment of visible recombination events to fine map the position of the target gene. Therefore, AIL are generated under the avoidance of inbreeding. We developed an online software tool, RandoMate, that generates random mating schemes such that only animals from different families are paired. When animals have to be selected randomly for mating, RandoMate optimizes the mating scheme such that all families contribute equally to the next generation. RandoMate uses a divide-and-conquer algorithm to define a mating scheme without brother-sister matings for all animals of a generation. If not all animals can be considered for the next generation, the mating scheme maximizes the randomness of the occurrences of animals from their families to make the family contributions as equal as possible. RandoMate is freely available at .  相似文献   

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