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Ants are prominent components of most terrestrial arthropod food webs, yet due to their highly variable diet, the role ants play in arthropod communities can be difficult to resolve. Stable isotope analysis is a promising method for determining the dietary history of an organism, and has the potential to advance our understanding of the food web ecology of social insects. However, some unique characteristics of eusocial organisms can complicate the application of this technique to the study of their trophic ecology. Using stable isotopes of N and C, we investigated levels of intraspecific variation both within and among colonies. We also examined the effect of a common preservation technique on δ15N and δ13C values. We discuss the implications of our results on experimental design and sampling methods for studies using stable isotopes to investigate the trophic ecology of social insects. Received 4 February 2005; revised 23 June 2005; accepted 4 July 2005.  相似文献   

Trophic ecology has benefitted from the use of stable isotopes for the last three decades. However, during the last 10 years, there has been a growing awareness of the isotopic biases associated with some pre-analytical procedures that can seriously hamper the interpretation of food webs. We have assessed the extent of such biases by: (1) reviewing the literature on the topic, and (2) compiling C and N isotopic values of marine invertebrates reported in the literature with the associated sample preparation protocols. The factors considered were: acid-washing, distilled water rinsing (DWR), sample type (whole individuals or pieces of soft tissues), lipid content, and gut contents. Two-level ANOVA revealed overall large and highly significant effects of acidification for both delta(13)C values (up to 0.9 per thousand decrease) and delta(15) N values (up to 2.1 per thousand decrease in whole individual samples, and up to 1.1 per thousand increase in tissue samples). DWR showed a weak overall effect with delta(13)C increments of 0.6 per thousand (for the entire data set) or decrements of 0.7 per thousand in delta(15) N values (for tissue samples). Gut contents showed no overall significant effect, whereas lipid extraction resulted in the greatest biases in both isotopic signatures (delta(13)C, up to -2.0 per thousand in whole individuals; delta(15)N, up to +4.3 per thousand in tissue samples). The study analyzed separately the effects of the various factors in different taxonomic groups and revealed a very high diversity in the extent and direction of the effects. Maxillopoda, Gastropoda, and Polychaeta were the classes that showed the largest isotopic shifts associated with sample preparation. Guidelines for the standardization of sample preparation protocols for isotopic analysis are proposed both for large and small marine invertebrates. Broadly, these guidelines recommend: (1) avoiding both acid washing and DWR, and (2) performing lipid extraction and gut evacuation in most cases.  相似文献   

Behringer DC  Butler MJ 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):334-341
Seagrasses produce much of the organic carbon in the shallow waters of the Caribbean and it has long been assumed that a substantial portion of this carbon is exported to nearby habitats, contributing substantially to their food webs. In the shallow coastal waters of the Florida Keys (USA), seagrass intersperses with hard-bottom habitat where bushy, red macroalgae are the most prominent primary producers. However, the relative importance of seagrass-derived carbon versus autochthonous algal production or phytoplankton in supporting higher trophic levels within hard-bottom communities has never been investigated. We compared the carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of potential primary producers and representative higher trophic level taxa from hard-bottom sites on the bay-side and ocean-side of the Florida Keys. We also included in our study a set of bay-side sites that experienced significant ecological disturbances over the past decade (e.g., cyanobacteria blooms, seagrass die-off, and sponge die-offs) that may have altered trophic relationships in those regions. We did not detect any differences among regions in the trophic status of hard-bottom taxa that might be associated with ecosystem disturbance. However, our results suggest that autochthonous production of algal detritus is an important source of secondary production in these hard-bottom communities, with seagrass and phytoplankton contributing smaller fractions.  相似文献   

B. Gu 《Oecologia》2009,160(3):421-431
Nitrogen stable isotope (δ15N) data of particulate organic matter (POM) from the literature were analyzed to provide an understanding of the variations and controls of δ15NPOM in lakes at the global scale. The δ15NPOM variability characterized by seasonal mean, minimum, maximum, and amplitude (defined as δ15NPOM maximum − δ15NPOM minimum) from 36 lakes with seasonal data did not change systematically with latitude, but was significantly lower in small lakes than in large lakes. The seasonal mean δ15NPOM increased from oligotrophic lakes to eutrophic lakes despite large variations that are attributed to the occurrences of nitrogen fixation across the trophic gradient and the differences in δ15N of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in individual lakes. Seasonal mean δ15NPOM was significantly correlated with DIN concentration and δ15NDIN in two subsets of lakes. Seasonal minimum δ15NPOM in individual lakes is influenced by nitrogen fixation and δ15NDIN while seasonal maximum δ15NPOM is influenced by lake trophic state and δ15NDIN. As a result of the dominance of non-living POM in the unproductive surface waters, seasonal δ15NPOM amplitude was small (mean = 4.2‰) in oligotrophic lakes of all latitudes. On the other hand, seasonal δ15NPOM amplitude in eutrophic lakes was large (mean = 10.3‰), and increased from low to high latitudes, suggesting that the seasonal variability of δ15N in the phytoplankton-dominated POM pool was elevated by the greater spans of solar radiation and thermal regimes at high latitudes. The δ15NPOM from 42 lakes with no seasonal data revealed no consistent patterns along latitude, lake area, and trophic gradients, and a greater than 2‰ depletion compared to the lakes with seasonal data. Along with the large seasonal variability of δ15NPOM within lakes, these results provide insightful information on sampling design for the studies of food web baseline in lakes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A method is evaluated that employs variation in stable C and N isotopes from fractionations in C and N acquisition and growth to predict root biomasses of three plant species in mixtures. Celtis laevigata Willd. (C3), Prosopis glandulosa Torr. (C3, legume) and Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash (C4), or Gossypium hirsutum L. (C3), Glycine max (L.) Merr. (C3 legume), and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (C4) were grown together in separate, three-species combinations. Surface roots (0–10 cm depth) of each species from each of the two combinations were mixed in various proportions, and the relative abundances of 15N and 14N and 13C and 12C in prepared mixtures, surface roots of single species, and roots extracted from the 80-cm soil profile in which each species combination was grown were analyzed by mass spectrometry. An algebraic determination which employed the δ 13C, % 15N, and C and N concentrations of root subsamples of individual species accounted for more than 95% of the variance in biomass of each species in prepared mixtures with G. max, G. hirsutum, and S. bicolor. A similar analysis demonstrated species-specific differences in rooting patterns. Root biomasses of the C4 monocots in each combination, S. scoparium and S. bicolor, were concentrated in the upper 20 cm of soil, while those of G. hirsutum and the woody P. glandulosa were largest in lower soil strata. Analyses of stable C and N isotopes can effectively be used to distinguish roots of species which differ in ratios of 15N to 14N and 13C to 12C and thus to study belowground competition between or rooting patterns of associated species with different C and N isotope signatures. The method evaluated can be extended to quantify aboveground and belowground biomasses of component species in mixtures with isotopes of other elements or element concentrations that differ consistently among plants of interest.  相似文献   

Trimble ST  Sagers CL 《Oecologia》2004,138(1):74-82
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes were used to examine variation in ant use of plant resources in the Cecropia obtusifolia / Azteca spp. association in Costa Rica. Tissue of ants, host plants and symbiotic pseudococcids were collected along three elevation transects on the Pacific slope of Costa Ricas Cordillera Central, and were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition. Worker carbon and nitrogen signatures were found to vary with elevation and ant colony size, and between Azteca species groups. Ants in the A. constructor species group appear to be opportunistic foragers at low elevations, but rely more heavily on their host plants at high elevations, whereas ants in the A. alfari species group consume a more consistent diet across their distribution. Further, isotope values indicate that both ant species groups acquire more nitrogen from higher trophic levels at low elevation and when ant colonies are small. Provisioning by the host is a substantial ecological cost to the interaction, and it may vary, even in a highly specialized association. Nonetheless, not all specialized interactions are equivalent; where interaction with one ant species group appears conditional upon the environment, the other is not. Differential host use within the Cecropia-Azteca association suggests that the ecological and evolutionary benefits and costs of association may vary among species pairs.  相似文献   

Logan J  Haas H  Deegan L  Gaines E 《Oecologia》2006,147(3):391-395
Nitrogen stable isotopes are frequently used in ecological studies to estimate trophic position and determine movement patterns. Knowledge of tissue-specific turnover and nitrogen discrimination for the study organisms is important for accurate interpretation of isotopic data. We measured δ15 N turnover in liver and muscle tissue in juvenile mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, following a laboratory diet switch. Liver tissue turned over significantly faster than muscle tissue suggesting the potential for a multiple tissue stable isotope approach to study movement and trophic position over different time scales; metabolism contributed significantly to isotopic turnover for both liver and muscle. Nitrogen diet-tissue discrimination was estimated at between 0.0 and 1.2‰ for liver and –1.0 and 0.2‰ for muscle. This is the first experiment to demonstrate a significant variation in δ15 N turnover between liver and muscle tissues in a fish species.  相似文献   

Dalerum F  Angerbjörn A 《Oecologia》2005,144(4):647-658
Assessments of temporal variation in diets are important for our understanding of the ecology of many vertebrates. Ratios of naturally occurring stable isotopes in animal tissues are a combination of the source elements and tissue specific fractionation processes, and can thus reveal dietary information. We review three different approaches that have been used to resolve temporal diet variation through analysis of stable isotopes. The most straightforward approach is to compare samples from the same type of tissue that has been sampled over time. This approach is suited to address either long or short-term dietary variation, depending on sample regime and which tissue that is sampled. Second, one can compare tissues with different metabolic rates. Since the elements in a given tissue have been assimilating during time spans specific to its metabolic rate, tissues with different metabolic rates will reflect dietary records over different periods. Third, comparisons of sections from tissues with progressive growth, such as hair, feathers, claws and teeth, will reveal temporal variation since these tissues will retain isotopic values in a chronological order. These latter two approaches are mainly suited to address questions regarding intermediate and short-term dietary variation. Knowledge of tissue specific metabolic rates, which determine the molecular turnover for a specific tissue, is of central importance for all these comparisons. Estimates of isotopic fractionation between source and measured target are important if specific hypotheses regarding the source elements are addressed. Estimates of isotopic fractionation, or at least of differences in fractionation between tissues, are necessary if different tissues are compared. We urge for more laboratory experiments aimed at improving our understanding of differential assimilation of dietary components, isotopic fractionation and metabolic routing. We further encourage more studies on reptiles and amphibians, and generally more studies utilizing multiple tissues with different turnover rates.  相似文献   

Fractionation of δ13C and δ15N between food, consumer, and faecal pellets was studied in the Arctic marine copepod Calanus glacialis Jaschnov, fed with isotopically distinct algal monocultures. Temporal variations in δ13C and δ15N of copepods that were fed ice algae and phytoplankton followed those of a control group consisting of starved animals. There were no significant trends in the δ13C and δ15N values of copepods that were starved for 42 days, suggesting that the isotopic composition of non-lipid body tissues is unaffected by the metabolic processes during prolonged periods of starvation. The stable isotopic composition of starved copepods therefore seems to reflect food consumed during the previous period of feeding and growth. Faecal pellets produced by feeding copepods were depleted in 13C and 15N by 6.3-11.2‰ and 0.7-9.1‰, respectively, relative to the food ingested. These results indicate that faecal pellet production is an important pathway for the trophic fractionation of δ13C, whereas other fractionation pathways, such as excretion of ammonia, may be relatively more important for δ15N. The strong depletion of 13C in faecal pellets compared to the food suggests that grazing by herbivorous copepods on primary production adds to the variability of δ13C in marine particulate organic matter.  相似文献   

Mechanistic understanding of consumer-resource dynamics is critical to predicting the effects of global change on ecosystem structure, function and services. Such understanding is severely limited by mechanistic models' inability to reproduce the dynamics of multiple populations interacting in the field. We surpass this limitation here by extending general consumer-resource network theory to the complex dynamics of a specific ecosystem comprised by the seasonal biomass and production patterns in a pelagic food web of a large, well-studied lake. We parameterised our allometric trophic network model of 24 guilds and 107 feeding relationships using the lake's food web structure, initial spring biomasses and body-masses. Adding activity respiration, the detrital loop, minimal abiotic forcing, prey resistance and several empirically observed rates substantially increased the model's fit to the observed seasonal dynamics and the size-abundance distribution. This process illuminates a promising approach towards improving food-web theory and dynamic models of specific habitats.  相似文献   

Invasive exotic weeds pose one of the earth's most pressing environmental problems. Although many invaders completely eliminate native plant species from some communities, ecologists know little about the mechanisms by which these exotics competitively exclude other species. Mycorrhizal fungi radically alter competitive interactions between plants within natural communities, and a recent study has shown that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi provide a substantial competitive advantage to spotted knapweed, Centaurea maculosa, a noxious perennial plant that has spread throughout much of the native prairie in the northwestern U.S. Here we present evidence that this advantage is potentially due to mycorrhizally mediated transfer of carbon from a native bunchgrass, Festuca idahoensis, to Centaurea. Centaurea maculosa, Festuca idahoensis (Idaho fescue, C3), and Bouteloua gracilis (blue gramma, C4) were grown in the greenhouse either alone or with Centaurea in an incomplete factorial design with and without AM fungi. Centaurea biomass was 87–168% greater in all treatments when mycorrhizae were present in the soil (P < 0.0001). However, Centaurea biomass was significantly higher in the treatment with both mycorrhizae and Festuca present together than in any other treatment combination (P < 0.0001). This high biomass was attained even though Centaurea photosynthetic rates were 14% lower when grown with Festuca and mycorrhizae together than when grown with Festuca without mycorrhizae. Neither biomass nor photosynthetic rates of Centaurea were affected by competition with the C4 grass Bouteloua either with or without mycorrhizae. The stable isotope signature of Centaurea leaves grown with Festuca and mycorrhizae was more similar to that of Festuca, than when Centaurea was grown alone with mycorrhizae (P = 0.06), or with Festuca but without mycorrhizae (P = 0.09). This suggests that carbon was transferred from Festuca to the invasive weed. We estimated that carbon transferred from Festuca by mycorrhizae contributed up to 15% of the aboveground carbon in Centaurea plants. Our results indicate that carbon parasitism via AM soil fungi may be an important mechanism by which invasive plants out compete their neighbors, but that this interaction is highly species-specific.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of phenotypic and genetic variability was performed on Phleum ambiguum populations obtained by vegetative propagation and grown in different environments. The investigation on a single character and the canonical analysis on several plant traits indicate that, while genetic variability (h2) is essentially constant, phenotypic variance and covariance are affected by different environments and successive clonations. The observed changes seem not to be reversible when plants, transferred to a different environment, are returned to the original one. Within-clones variability seems to be affected by environmental conditions without being directly related to them. The results reported seem to be in good agreement with the phenotypic divergence hypothesis.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional biomarker approach, using stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) and fatty acids, was used to evaluate differences both amongst and within benthic primary producer types (seagrass, fleshy red algae, calcareous red algae, brown algae, and seagrass periphyton) that are typical of the nearshore, temperate Australian region. The primary source of variance (as examined by permutational ANOVA) for all biomarkers examined was amongst primary producer types, as opposed to amongst species within type. δ13C showed a clear separation (Monte Carlo p < 0.05) between seagrass (range of means = −10.1 to −14.0‰) and macroalgae (−14.6 to −25.2‰), but could not differentiate amongst the algal types examined. Similarly, distinct δ15N signatures (p < 0.05) were found only for seagrass (range of means = 3.6-4.1‰) versus calcareous red algae (4.6-5.5‰), with all other types overlapping in their mean δ15N values. In contrast, multivariate analysis of fatty acid data (using Canonical Analysis of Principal coordinates; CAP) distinguished not only between seagrass and macroalgae, but also between red and brown algae (and to a limited extent between the calcareous and fleshy red algal types). The principal unsaturated fatty acids in the samples were C20 polyunsaturates (found primarily in the macroalgae and periphyton), and C18 mono- and polyunsaturates, with high proportions of 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 typical of the seagrasses. The C18 monounsaturate 18:1n-7 was one of the most diagnostic compounds for the red algae examined, being present in very low amounts in seagrass and virtually absent in the brown algae. Conversely, brown algae were high in 18:4n-3, with 20:4n-3 particularly diagnostic of the kelp Ecklonia radiata. In contrast to stable isotopes, fatty acids helped distinguish different algal groups, thereby providing support that a two-dimensional approach using stable isotopes and fatty acids is likely to provide the most useful tool to distinguish primary producers in food web structure.  相似文献   

Plant root water extraction studies using stable isotopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
F. N. Dalton 《Plant and Soil》1988,111(2):217-221

Summary Escherichia coli rnh mutants deficient in ribonuclease H (RNase H) are capable of DNA replication in the absence of protein synthesis. This constitutive stable DNA replication (SDR) is dependent upon the recA + gene product. The requirement of SDR for recA + can be suppressed by rin mutations (for recA+-independent), or by lexA(Def) mutations which inactivate the LexA repressor. Thus, there are at least three genetically distinct types of SDR in rnh mutants: recA +-dependent SDR seen in rnh - rin+ lexA+ strains, recA +-independent in rnh - rin- lexA+, and recA +-independent in rnh - rin+ lexA(Def). The expression of SDR in rin - and lexA(Def) mutants demonstrated a requirement for RNA synthesis and for the absence of RNase H. The suppression of the recA + requirement by rin mutations was shown to depend on some new function of the recF + gene product. In contrast, the suppression by lexA-(Def) mutations was not dependent on recF +. The lexA3 mutation inhibited recA +-dependent SDR via reducing the amount of recA + activity available, and was suppressed by the recAo254 mutation. The SDR in rnh - rin- cells was also inhibited by the lexA3 mutation, but the inhibition was not reversed by the recAo254 mutation, indicating a requirement for some other lexA +-regulated gene product in the recA +-independent SDR process. A model is presented for the regulation of the expression of these three types of SDR by the products of the lexA +, rin+ and recF + genes.  相似文献   

Aberle N  Malzahn AM 《Oecologia》2007,154(2):291-303
Stable isotope signatures of primary producers display high inter- and intraspecific variation. This is assigned to species-specific differences in isotope fractionation and variable abiotic conditions, e.g., temperature, and nutrient and light availability. As consumers reflect the isotopic signature of their food source, such variations have direct impacts on the ecological interpretation of stable isotope data. To elucidate the variability of isotope fractionation at the primary producer level and the transfer of the signal through food webs, we used a standardised marine tri-trophic system in which the primary producers were manipulated while the two consumer levels were kept constant. These manipulations were (1) different algal species grown under identical conditions to address interspecific variability and (2) a single algal species cultivated under different nutrient regimes to address nutrient-dependent variability. Our experiments resulted in strong interspecific variation between different algal species (Thalassiosira weissflogii, Dunaliella salina, and Rhodomonas salina) and nutrient-dependent shifts in stable isotope signatures in response to nutrient limitation of R. salina. The trophic enrichment in 15N and 13C of primary and secondary consumers (nauplii of Acartia tonsa and larval herring) showed strong deviations from the postulated degree of 1.0‰ enrichment in δ13C and 3.4‰ enrichment in δ15N. Surprisingly, nauplii of A. tonsa tended to keep “isotopic homeostasis” in terms of δ15N, a pattern not described in the literature so far. Our results suggest that the diets’ nutritional composition and food quality as well as the stoichiometric needs of consumers significantly affect the degree of trophic enrichment and that these mechanisms must be considered in ecological studies, especially when lower trophic levels, where variability is highest, are concerned.  相似文献   

The stable isotopic composition of soil water is controlled by precipitation inputs, antecedent conditions, and evaporative losses. Because transpiration does not fractionate soil water isotopes, the relative proportions of evaporation and transpiration can be estimated using a simple isotopic mass balance approach. At our site in the shortgrass steppe in semi-arid northeastern Colorado, 18O values of soil water were almost always more enriched than those of precipitation inputs, owing to evaporative losses. The proportion of water lost by evaporation (E/ET) during the growing season ranged from nil to about 40% (to >90% in the dormant season), and was related to the timing of precipitation inputs. The sum of transpiration plus evaporation losses estimated by isotopic mass balance were similar to actual evapotranspiration measured from a nearby Bowen ratio system. We also investigated the evapotranspiration response of this mixed C3/C4 grassland to doubled atmospheric [CO2] using Open-Top Chambers (OTC). Elevated atmospheric [CO2] led to increased soil-water conservation via reduced stomatal conductance, despite greater biomass growth. We used a non-invasive method to measure the 18O of soil CO2 as a proxy for soil water, after establishing a strong relationship between 18O of soil CO2 from non-chambered control (NC) plots and 18O of soil–water from an adjacent area of native grassland. Soil–CO2 18O values showed significant treatment effects, particularly during a dry summer: values in ambient chambers (AC) were more enriched than in NC and elevated chamber (EC) plots. During the dry growing season of 2000, transpiration from the EC treatment was higher than from AC and lower than from NC treatments, but during 2001, transpiration was similar on all three treatments. Slightly higher evaporation rates from AC than either EC or NC treatments in 2000 may have resulted from increased convection across the soil surface from the OTC blowers, combined with lower biomass and litter cover on the AC treatment. Transpiration-use efficiency, or the amount of above-ground biomass produced per mm water transpired, was always greatest on EC and lowest on NC treatments.  相似文献   

Omnivorous animals feed on several food items that often differ in macronutrient and isotopic composition. Macronutrients can be used for either metabolism or body tissue synthesis and, therefore, stable C isotope ratios of exhaled breath (delta(13)C(breath)) and tissue may differ. To study nutrient routing in omnivorous animals, we measured delta(13)C(breath) in 20-g Carollia perspicillata that either ate an isotopically homogeneous carbohydrate diet or an isotopically heterogeneous protein-carbohydrate mixture. The delta(13)C(breath) converged to the delta(13)C of the ingested carbohydrates irrespective of whether proteins had been added or not. On average, delta(13)C(breath) was depleted in (13)C by only ca. -2 per thousand in relation to the delta(13)C of the dietary carbohydrates and was enriched by +8.2 per thousand in relation to the dietary proteins, suggesting that C. perspicillata may have routed most ingested proteins to body synthesis and not to metabolism. We next compared the delta(13)C(breath) with that of wing tissue (delta(13)C(tissue)) in 12 free-ranging, mostly omnivorous phyllostomid bat species. We predicted that species with a more insect biased diet--as indicated by the N isotope ratio in wing membrane tissue (delta(15)N(tissue))--should have higher delta(13)C(tissue) than delta(13)C(breath) values, since we expected body tissue to stem mostly from insect proteins and exhaled CO(2) to stem from the combustion of fruit carbohydrates. Accordingly, delta(13)C(tissue) and delta(13)C(breath) should be more similar in species that feed predominantly on plant products. The species-specific differences between delta(13)C(tissue) and delta(13)C(breath) increased with increasing delta(15)N(tissue), i.e. species with a plant-dominated diet had similar delta(13)C(tissue) and delta(13)C(breath) values, whereas species feeding at a higher trophic level had higher delta(13)C(tissue) than delta(13)C(breath) values. Our study shows that delta(13)C(breath) reflect the isotope ratio of ingested carbohydrates, whereas delta(13)C of body tissue reflect the isotope ratio of ingested proteins, namely insects, supporting the idea of isotopic routing in omnivorous animals.  相似文献   

The Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) is found in the Mediterranean under a broad range of moisture and thermal conditions. Differences in severity and duration of water stress among native habitats may act as selective forces shaping the populations’ genetic make-up in terms of contrasting drought strategies. We hypothesised that these strategies should translate into intraspecific variation in carbon isotope composition (δ13C, surrogate of intrinsic water-use efficiency, WUEi) of wood holocellulose, and such variation might be linked to changes in oxygen isotope composition (δ18O, proxy of stomatal conductance) and to some climatic features at origin. Thus, we evaluated δ13C, δ18O, growth and survival for 25 Aleppo pine populations covering its geographic range and grown in two common-garden tests. We found intraspecific variability for δ13C and growth, with high-WUEi populations (which showed 18O-enriched holocellulose) having low growth. These results suggest stomatal regulation as common control for δ13C and productivity. We also detected sizeable relationships between δ13C and climate factors related to the magnitude and timing of drought such as the ratio of summer to annual rainfall. The main climate variable associated with δ18O was minimum temperature, but only in the coldest trial, suggesting differences in growth rhythms among sources. Overall, slow growing populations from highly-seasonal dry areas of the western Mediterranean exhibited a conservative water-use, as opposed to fast growing sources from the northernmost distribution range. The particular behaviour of the Mediterranean Aleppo pine as compared with other conifers demonstrates different selective roles of climate variables in determining intraspecific fitness.  相似文献   

Summary Carbon dioxide concentrations were elevated in three estuarine communities for an entire growing season. Open top chambers were used to raise CO2 concentrations ca. 336 ppm above ambient in monospecific communities of Scirpus olneyi (C3) and Spartina patens (C4), and a mixed community of S. olneyi, S. patens and Distichlis spicata (C4). Nitrogen and carbon concentration (% wt) of aboveground tissue was followed throughout growth and senescence. Green shoot %N was reduced and %C was unchanged under elevated CO2 in S. olneyi. This resulted in a 20%–40% increase in tissue C/N ratio. There was no effect of CO2 on either C4 species. Maximum aboveground N (g/m2) was unchanged in S. olneyi, indicating that increased productivity under elevated CO2 was dependent on reallocation of stored N. There was no change in the N recovery efficiency of S. olneyi in pure stand and a decrease in the mixed community. Litter C/N ratio was not affected by elevated CO2 suggesting that decomposition and N mineralization rates will also remain unchanged. Continued growth responses to elevated CO2 could, however, be limited by the ability of S. olneyi to increase the total aboveground N pool.  相似文献   

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