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Visually recognizable social signals and structural call components, which had been demonstrated to be of social relevance within their own communication channel in previous experiments (disregarding or experimentally excluding other ones), were treated together, and their inter-dependencies analyzed when they were performed simultaneously in spontaneous behavior sequences of pairs of adult squirrel monkeys. It was found that: (1) all call classes were uttered within periods when either genital display or “triumph gesture” were shown; (2) production rates of particular vocal classes significantly deviated from no-display periods; (3) degree and direction of deviations (more/less frequent) were quite specific for both vocal and nonvocal classes (Figs. 1a & 1b); (4) differences depended also on which animal actually displayed (the vocalizing one, the other one, or both; Fig. 3); and (5) differences found for single animals when they played different roles in the experimental situation were smaller than those found between individuals, which could be related to dominance status (Table 2). The possibility of mutual modification of signals of different modalities and perspectives for future work are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:研究光照刺激对麻醉大鼠海马节律的影响。方法:对乌拉坦麻醉大鼠,在海马中植入电极,通过神经信号放大器记录场电位。重复对大鼠进行视觉刺激,刺激10s,并给予20s的恢复期。与经典掐尾实验进行对比。结果:乌拉坦麻醉大鼠的掐尾实验能够将海马场电位从"大不规则波"(LIA)变成theta波。LIA到theta的转变通常只需1s,掐尾结束后3s后theta返回LIA。光刺激造成了在5-8s后LIA消失,光刺激撤离后4-6sLIA返回,并没有引发theta。结论:本文结果提示视觉通路与触觉通路有不同的优先级和行为特性。  相似文献   

Primates are intensely social and exhibit extreme variation in social structure, making them particularly well suited for uncovering evolutionary connections between sociality and vocal complexity. Although comparative studies find a correlation between social and vocal complexity, the function of large vocal repertoires in more complex societies remains unclear. We compared the vocal complexity found in primates to both mammals in general and human language in particular and found that non-human primates are not unusual in the complexity of their vocal repertoires. To better understand the function of vocal complexity within primates, we compared two closely related primates (chacma baboons and geladas) that differ in their ecology and social structures. A key difference is that gelada males form long-term bonds with the 2-12 females in their harem-like reproductive unit, while chacma males primarily form temporary consortships with females. We identified homologous and non-homologous calls and related the use of the derived non-homologous calls to specific social situations. We found that the socially complex (but ecologically simple) geladas have larger vocal repertoires. Derived vocalizations of geladas were primarily used by leader males in affiliative interactions with 'their' females. The derived calls were frequently used following fights within the unit suggesting that maintaining cross-sex bonds within a reproductive unit contributed to this instance of evolved vocal complexity. Thus, our comparison highlights the utility of using closely related species to better understand the function of vocal complexity.  相似文献   

In a captive group of geladas three cases of infanticide have been observed after replacement of the harem-leader. Two of the infants were born before the replacement, the third one 12 weeks afterwards. The possible function of infanticide is discussed. Female counterstrategies other than avoiding contact with the male were not observed.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic progressive motor disorder that may present with a spectrum of symptoms and disease severity. Therapy is frequently associated with motor fluctuations and dyskinesias; therefore, monitoring of motor fluctuations and daily abilities is important for adequate management. The Social Rhythm Metric (SRM) is a diary‐like questionnaire that quantifies the extent to which a person's life is regular vs. irregular on a daily basis with respect to event timing. Lifestyle regularity has been assessed by the SRM in other clinical situations. The aim of this study was to evaluate lifestyle regularity in a population with PD using the SRM and its relationship to clinical and therapeutic factors. Twenty‐eight consecutive patients with PD and 14 control subjects were studied. Severity of motor dysfunction was evaluated with the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Depressive symptoms were assessed with the Montgomery Asberg Depressive Rating Scale (MADRS), sleep quality with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and subjective daytime sleepiness with the Epworth sleepiness scale. Daily lifestyle regularity was assessed by the SRM for 2 weeks. Patients with PD had lower SRM scores than controls, and those with motor fluctuations had even lower scores (p=0.04). Patients with motor fluctuations showed more clinical disability (p=0.01), a worse quality of sleep (p=0.02), and more depressive symptoms (p=0.02). SRM results were correlated with PSQI values (p=0.016). Our findings show that the regularity of daily activities as measured by the SRM is disorganized in patients with PD and that this irregularity is related to sleep quality.  相似文献   

天山盘羊秋季集群习性和日活动节律初步观察   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
对野外观察记录的76 群460 余只盘羊在9、10、11 月份的集群和日活动数据进行统计分析, 结果表明: 天山盘羊在发情前后从以独羊群、雄性群、雌性群和母子群为主的集群类型转变为以单一的混合群为主的集群类型。集群大小平均由发情前的8.3 ±4.6 只变为发情后的15.9 ±11.1 只, 差异极其显著( P = 0.003 < 0.01) 。结果还发现, 由于发情前后集群行为的变化, 盘羊的日活动节律也随之发生显著改变。  相似文献   

Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) is a rate‐limiting enzyme of 5‐fluorouracil (5‐FU) catabolism. Glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide involved in platinum complex detoxification. This study explored the circadian rhythms of DPD activity and GSH concentration in the peripheral blood of 16 patients with histologically proven nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in order to guide the establishment of chronotherapeutic schedules for this cancer. DPD activity and GSH concentration were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Both variables displayed significant circadian rhythms (Cosinor analysis: p=0.009 and 0.012, respectively). Peak DPD activity occurred at about 02:30 h; whereas, peak GSH concentration occurred around 12:40 h. The differences between the peak and nadir mean values were 25.5% and 38.7%, respectively. The study showed that the circadian rhythms in DPD activity and GSH concentration in Chinese NPC are similar to those reported for western patients with colorectal cancer, despite the differences in race and kinds of cancer. These findings imply that the chronotherapeutic schedule of 5‐FU and platinum used to treat European colorectal cancer patients probably is applicable to Chinese NPC patients.  相似文献   

矮岩羊夏季活动节律、时间分配和集群行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用扫描取样法(每隔10 min进行一次扫描纪录,记录时间为5 min)对36只矮岩羊夏季昼间节律与时间分配进行了观察和研究,将矮岩羊行为划分为取食、移动、站立、卧息和其他行为等5类。结果表明,矮岩羊在夏季有3个取食高峰(6:00-9:00、10:00-11:00和16:00-20:00);1个卧息高峰(11:00-15:00)。在时间分配上,用于取食的时间最多(30.14±3.32)%,其次是卧息(26.44±3.59)%,站立(24.90±4.27)%,移动(15.73±1.26)%,而用于其他行为的时间,仅占(2.82±1.00)%。通过不同个体的比较,发现成年雄性用于取食和站立的时间最多,幼体用于移动和其他行为的时间最多,成年雌性用于卧息的时间最多。在矮岩羊集群方面,其集群类型有:混合群、母仔群、雄性群、雌性群和独羊,在夏季集群平均大小为(7.81±8.42)只,2~8只的羊群,占总群数的54.05%;不同集群类型的大小差异极显著(χ2=13.197,d&#402;=3,P=0.004),混合群群体最大,而雄性群最小;雌雄比为1∶0.54,雌幼比为1∶0.26,成幼比为1∶0.17。这些都说明矮岩羊这类独特的行为和种群特征是长期适应金沙江干热河谷的结果。  相似文献   

The influence of time of day on elbow flexion torque was studied. Thirteen physical education students, 7 males and 6 females, made maximal and submaximal isometric contractions at 90° of elbow flexors using a dynamometer. The torque developed was measured on each contraction. The myoelectric activity of the biceps muscle was also measured at the same time by surface electromyography (EMG) and quantified from the root mean square (RMS) activity. Torque and surface EMGs were measured at 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, and 24:00 h over the same day. Oral temperature before each test session was measured on each occasion after a 30-min rest period. We observed a diurnal rhythm in elbow flexor torque with an acro-phase at 18:00 h and a bathyphase at 6:00 h, in phase with the diurnal rhythm in oral temperature. However, the diurnal rhythm of temperature did not appear to have any influence on the torque. Links between neuromuscular efficiency and RMS/torque ratio were evaluated by measuring muscle activity along with torque. We also assessed variations in the level of maximal activity of the muscle under maximal voluntary contraction. Neuromuscular efficiency fluctuated during the day, with maximal and minimal efficiency at 18:00 h and 9:00 h, respectively, whereas activation level was maximal at 18:00 h and minimal at 9:00 h. The diurnal rhythm of torque was accounted for by variations in both central nervous system command and the contractile state of the muscle.  相似文献   

Diurnal blood pressure (BP) fluctuations are superimposed by a 24-h rhythm with usually lower levels during the night and higher levels during the day. In contrast to other rhythmic bioparameters, the diurnal BP rhythm is largely dependent on activity and sleep rather than on clock time. This has been demonstrated by the BP characteristics after shifted sleeping and working phases, during transition from sleep to wakefulness, and by the influence of sleep and activities on the 24-h BP curve during normal daily routines. Whereas the circadian rhythm of BP is predominantly governed by external time triggers, endogenous rhythmicity can only be detected by time microscopic analysis or in conditions where effects of external time triggers are almost excluded.  相似文献   

舔食盐分是野生动物的常见习性,但针对具体物种的研究较少。我们于2013年秋季(9~10月份)利用4台红外触发相机在唐家河国家级自然保护区对小麂(Muntiacus reevesi)利用人工盐场的时间格局进行了初步研究。共收集照片记录398条,其中可鉴别性别的记录288条。结果显示,小麂日均访问盐场(12.97±2.14)次,舔盐高峰出现在8:00~9:00时以及14:00~16:00时,低谷分别出现在2:00时、6:00时以及21:00~23:00时。独立样本t检验显示,小麂对距离公路较远的盐场访问次数显著高于近公路盐场[远离公路盐场(10.86±2.25)次,近公路盐场(2.10±0.58)次,t=3.77,P=0.001]。不论以全天统计抑或按照不同时间段(上午、下午和夜间)分别统计,雌雄两性对盐场的利用强度均无显著差异。我们仅发现在13:00~17:00时,雄性访问盐场的强度显著高于雌性(t=﹣2.47,P=0.048),且在13:00~14:00时和15:00~16:00时出现两次访问高峰。我们推测性别间的活动节律差异、体型差异以及雄性的干扰,均可能是雌性在下午时段降低盐场利用的原因。人为活动对离公路近的栖息地干扰较强,因而影响了小麂对栖息地的利用,使小麂回避靠近公路的盐场。因此,我们建议自然保护区在选择盐场位置时应考虑人为干扰因素。  相似文献   

Marmosets exchange two types of calls: phees and trills. We played back phees and trills to investigate the temporal rules of vocal exchanges using ten captive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). The marmosets usually emitted the same type of vocalizations just after the stimulus playbacks, and similar regularities were observed in the temporal intervals of phees and in trills. They vocalized with shorter intervals when they responded with trills rather than phees, and, after the first call, they repeatedly vocalized trills with shorter intervals than phees. These results suggest that the temporal rules between phees and trills are qualitatively similar but quantitatively different. These results might be owing to the different distances over which these contact calls are used. Am. J. Primatol. 71:617–622, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of two different light intensities, dim (100 lx) and bright (5,000 lx), during the daytime on the circadian rhythms of selected acute phase proteins of C‐reactive protein (CRP), α1‐acid glycoprotein (AGP), α1‐antichymotrypsin (ACT), transfferin (TF), α2‐macroglobulin (α2‐m), haptoglobin (HP), and ceruloplasmin (CP). Serum samples were collected from 7 healthy volunteers at 4 h intervals during two separate single 24 h spans during which they were exposed to the respective light intensity conditions. A circadian rhythm was detected only in ACT concentration in the bright light condition. The concentration of ACT, a positive acute phase protein (APP), increased (significantly significant differences in the ACT concentration were detected at 14:00 and 22:00 h) and AGP showed a tendency to be higher under the daytime bright compared to dim light conditions. There were no significant differences between the time point means under daytime dim and bright light conditions for α2‐M, AGP, Tf, Cp, or Hp. The findings suggest that some, but not all, APP may be influenced by the environmental light intensity.  相似文献   

Gelada faecal samples were analyzed for nutritional content and for particle size, and compared with similar data forPapio baboons, cattle, and zebra. Particle size in gelada is similar to that for zebra, larger than that for cattle and smaller than that for baboons. Gelada and baboons are less efficient than ungulates at extracting protein from their diet. The data on energy extraction are less easy to interpret and appear to be confounded by dietary and seasonal factors. It is suggested that gelada may be too large to compete effectively with ruminants in low altitude grassland habitats under the climatic conditions that have prevailed in eastern Africa since the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Previous sound recordings of resident (fish-eating) killer whale groups have revealed matrilineal group-specific call repertoires and a strong tendency for calls of the same type to be produced in series. Vocal interactions between individual free-ranging animals, however, have remained unexplored because it has not been possible to identify signallers reliably with a single hydrophone. Here we link acoustic arrivals of calls on a towed hydrophone array with visual tracking of photo-identified individuals to ascribe calls to a focal animal when it was separated from other members of its matrilineal group by more than 35 m, and thereby out of visual range. We confirm that individual members of a matrilineal group share a repertoire of stereotyped calls, and we statistically examine timing of stereotyped calls produced by one individual relative to calls produced by other members of its group. Analysis of the intervals between stereotyped calls indicated that calls were produced in group bouts with a criterion interval of 19.6 s separating bouts. We were therefore careful to develop randomization tests that preserved call interval structure. Focal whales produced 36% of their calls within 5 s of a call from a nonfocal animal, four times more calls than expected by chance based upon a rotation randomization test. Consecutive calls produced by different individuals during group-calling bouts matched call type more than expected by chance. Vocal exchanges of stereotyped calls with type matching appear to be an important aspect of intragroup calling in killer whales, although the function of this calling behaviour remains to be explored.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of maternal recognition of infant calls in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Fifteen mothers and their offspring, of age ranging from several hours to 28 days, served as subjects of an experiment in which the offspring's distress vocalizations were recorded and then played back to their mothers simultaneously with those of an age-matched control infant. The proportion of time looking at, but not the proportion of orientations to the speaker playing the offspring's vocalizations increased significantly as a function of infant age. Specifically, mothers of infants older than 1 week of age responded longer to the playback of their own infant's calls than did mothers of younger infants. These findings provide the firt evidence that offspring recognition in macaques develops between the first and second week of the infant's life and are consistent with the hypothesis that mothers need to be exposed to their infants' calls in order to learn their acoustic characteristics.  相似文献   

2012年10月至2013年4月,在西藏墨脱县雅鲁藏布江河谷海拔1 200 m附近的山地亚热带常绿阔叶林生境中,使用固定红外相机拍摄的方法,对帚尾豪猪(Atherurus macrourus)的活动情况进行记录。将记录到帚尾豪猪在每月每日各时间段的出现频次与月光周期相对应,计算帚尾豪猪的夜行性指数、活动模式和相对丰富度指数,分析帚尾豪猪的活动节律与月光周期的相关性。结果显示,帚尾豪猪为典型的夜行性动物,其活动模式为单峰型,每天的活动高峰为21:00~0:00时。帚尾豪猪的活动节律与月光周期存在相关性(R2=0.897):新月期和残月期活动较频繁,在活动不频繁的满月期显现晨昏活动趋向;上弦月期仅在上半夜(20:00~1:00时)活动,下弦月期仅在下半夜(1:00~6:00时)活动。帚尾豪猪强烈回避月光,或许是为了降低捕食风险。  相似文献   

The present study is part of a more extensive investigation dedicated to the study and treatment of age‐dependent changes/disturbances in the circadian system in humans. It was performed in the Tyumen Elderly Veteran House and included 97 subjects of both genders, ranging from 63 to 91 yrs of age. They lived a self‐chosen sleep‐wake regimen to suit their personal convenience. The experiment lasted 3 wks. After 1 control week, part of the group (n=63) received 1.5 mg melatonin (Melaxen?) daily at 22:30 h for 2 wks. The other 34 subjects were given placebo. Axillary temperature was measured using calibrated mercury thermometers at 03:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, and 23:00 h each of the first and third week. Specially trained personnel took the measurements, avoiding disturbing the sleep of the subjects. To evaluate age‐dependent changes, data obtained under similar conditions on 58 young adults (both genders, 17 to 39 yrs of age) were used. Rhythm characteristics were estimated by means of cosinor analyses, and intra‐ and inter‐individual variability by analysis of variance (ANOVA). In both age groups, the body temperature underwent daily changes. The MESOR (36.38±0.19°C vs. 36.17±0.21°C) and circadian amplitude (0.33±0.01°C vs. 0.26±0.01°C) were slightly decreased in the elderly compared to the young adult subjects (p<0.001). The mean circadian acrophase was similar in both age groups (17.19±1.66 vs. 16.93±3.08 h). However, the inter‐individual differences were higher in the older group, with individual values varying between 10:00 and 23:00 h. It was mainly this phase variability that caused a decrease in the inter‐daily rhythm stability and lower group amplitude. With melatonin treatment, the MESOR was lower by 0.1°C and the amplitude increased to 0.34±0.01°C, a similar value to that found in young adults. This was probably due to the increase of the inter‐daily rhythm stability. The mean acrophase did not change (16.93 vs. 16.75 h), although the inter‐individual variability decreased considerably. The corresponding standard deviations (SD) of the group acrophases were 3.08 and 1.51 h (p<0.01). A highly significant correlation between the acrophase before treatment and the phase change under melatonin treatment indicates that this is due to a synchronizing effect of melatonin. Apart from the difference in MESOR, the body temperature rhythm in the elderly subjects undergoing melatonin treatment was not significantly different from that of young adults. The data clearly show that age‐dependent changes mainly concern rhythm stability and synchronization with the 24 h day. A single daily melatonin dose stabilizes/synchronizes the body temperature rhythm, most probably via hypothermic and sleep‐improving effects.  相似文献   

A series of 21 gelada monkeys (Theropithecus gelada) all showed strong reactivity of their saliva for H substance, but no reactivity for either A or B. Tests on their sera in no case showed the simultaneous presence of both the agglutinins anti-A and anti-B; instead some animals had only anti-A, others had only anti-B, while the remainder had neither anti-A nor anti-B. These findings distinguish gelada monkeys from all other species of Old World monkeys tested to date. They also provide further evidence supporting the genetic independence of the H substance and the A-B-O blood groups.  相似文献   

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