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Once a Urolepis rufipes male mounted, the female beat her antennae against his mouth and clypeus. Immediately after he swept his antennae rapidly downward and extruded his mouthparts, her abdomen rose as she opened her genital orifice. Almost simultaneously he backed up for copulation and she folded her antennae against her head. Neither her abdomen rising nor her antennal folding were essential to his backing up as determined from their timing and from experiments in which her abdomen was sealed or her antennae were removed. Females did not open their genital orifice if with a sealed-mouth male; and antennae-removed females did not open even in the few cases where untreated males extruded their mouthparts. Unlike a closely related species, females mounted by sealed-mouth males did not open in response to air from containers of mating pairs.  相似文献   

Maintaining a stable social organization necessitates that animals recognize their own dominance status relative to the status of other group members. The weakly electric brown ghost knifefish emits a sexually dimorphic sinusoidal electric organ discharge (EOD) for electrolocation. Dominant males discharge at the highest and females at the lowest EOD frequencies (EODFs). Each individual is most sensitive to its own EODF, which can be modulated for communication. To examine how sensitivity and social status influence an individual's response to different cues, we recorded the electrical signals emitted by 10 males and seven females in response to playbacks of sine waves mimicking a wide range of con- and heterospecific EODFs. While all individuals emit small chirps (LoCs) mostly to stimuli around their own EODF, they are more likely to emit rises (gradual nonchirp signals) to frequencies to which they are less sensitive; males similarly emit larger chirps (HiCs) to frequencies more distant from their own, especially to female mimics. Males with ‘dominant’ EODFs are less likely to emit rises, stimuli in the female range elicit more rises from both sexes, and females emit rises to male EOD mimics. Although low-ranking male EOD mimics elicit more LoCs from all males, males with lower-ranking EODFs chirp less at high EOD mimics than males with high-ranking EODFs chirp at low EOD mimics. We conclude that (1) although much of the variation in an individual's response is attributable to its sensitivity, individuals recognize sexual and status cues and have some internal representation of their own social status, and (2) whereas LoCs appear to function in intrasexual aggression, HiCs and rises could be used in both courtship and submissive signalling. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

If species-specific male genitalia are courtship devices under sexual selection by cryptic female choice, then species-specific aspects of the morphology and behaviour of male genitalia should often function to stimulate the female during copulation. The morphology and behaviour of the complex, species-specific male genitalia of the tsetse fly, Glossina pallidipes Austen, were determined from both direct observations and dissections of flash-frozen copulating pairs; we found that some male genitalic traits probably function to stimulate the female, while others function to restrain her. The male clamps the ventral surface of the female's abdomen tightly with his powerful cerci. Clamping does not always result in intromission. Clamping bends the female's body wall and her internal reproductive tract sharply, posteriorly and dorsally, and pinches them tightly. The male performed sustained, complex, stereotyped, rhythmic squeezing movements with his cerci that were not necessary to mechanically restrain the female and appeared instead to have a stimulatory function. Six different groups of modified setae on and near the male's genitalia rub directly against particular sites on the female during squeezing. The designs of these setae correlate with the force with which they press on the female and the probable sensitivity of the female surfaces that they contact. As expected under the hypothesis that these structures are under sexual selection by female choice, several traits suspected to have stimulatory functions have diverged in G. pallidipes and its close relative, G. longipalpis. Additional male non-genitalic behaviour during copulation, redescribed more precisely than in previous publications, is also likely to have a courtship function. The elaborate copulatory courtship behaviour and male genitalia may provide the stimuli that previous studies showed to induce female ovulation and resistance to remating.  相似文献   

A detailed study of courtship in Spodoptera littoralis showed that there were four significant behaviour patterns. The male flew to a calling female and hovered above her with his brushes fully extended. In response, the female lifted her wings, curved her abdomen and withdrew her pheromone gland. The male settled beside the female to pair and then moved to hang head downwards during copulation. Thirty percent of successful courtships lacked one of the main behaviour patterns. Nearly half the courtships observed did not end in copulation: none of these included all of four major behaviour patterns and the majority lacked two or three. Females often rejected males with a rapid flick of the wings. Antennaless males did not mate or extend the brushes in response to a calling female. Just over half of the antennaless females observed during 135-min tests mated with normal males, but courtship was abnormal. Olfactory cues appeared to be important to females in recognizing the courting male, since antennaless females did not wing flick, were significantly more likely to take to flight as the result of the male brush display and frequently failed to retract the pheromone gland during the latter states of courtship. The courtship behaviour of S. littoralis is compared with published accounts for other Noctuids.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic vocalizations are very conspicuous during rat matingactivity. Two types of calls are produced by both sexes. Thefirst, brief complex calls with the main frequency centeredabout 50 kHz, occur primarily in conjunction with solicitationand mounting activity. The second type of call is the long,22 kHz whistle which is emitted mainly by the male during thepostejaculatory refractory period, but also by both male andfemale at other times during the copulatory sequence. The occurrenceof ultrasonic vocalizations is correlated with sexual motivationof rats. Males emit more 50 kHz calls before successful matingtests than before tests in which they fail to ejaculate. Furthermore,more vocalizations are emitted by the pair prior to intromissionsthan prior to mounts without intromission. Just before ejaculationthere is a large increase in the rate of calling and, at times,transition by the male to calling at 22 kHz. This latter eventmay represent physiological dearousal by the male. Followingejaculation, the male characteristically emits 22 kHz vocalizationsand exhibits a sleep-like EEG pattern. The function of the postejaculatoryvocalization may be to enforce separation between the matingpair, while at the same lime maintaining contact between thepartners. Fifty kHz calls, on the other hand, prime and facilitatesexual responsiveness of the female. Tape recorded vocalizationsof mating rats facilitate solicitation behavior of estrous femalesin the presence of castrated males, and such females also showa preference for these sounds in a "Y" maze. Deafening of femalesdoes not affect their normal pacing of copulatory contacts,but it drastically reduces their solicitation behavior. Thestudies summarized in this paper lead us to conclude that ultrasonicvocalizations play a major role in the integration of reproductiveactivity in the Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus.  相似文献   

Substrate-borne signals are widely used in Hemiptera and are known to be utilized in mate searching and recognition. Within this Order, the superfamily Psylloidea is a diverse taxon which uses this type of signal modality during mating behavior between the two sexes. This study describes and compares the previously unreported vibrational communication of two closely related species of Macrohomotoma (Homotomidae). Both genders of these two species, Macrohomotoma gladiata Kuwayama 1908 and Macrohomotoma robusta Yang 1984, emit vibrational signals and establish duets during mating. The structure of male calling consists of two chirps while the female response is a single chirp. Males may sometimes follow the female response by emitting a single chirp that sounds similar to the female response with respect to the chirp duration and dominant frequency. This behavior is novel among Psylloidea and its potential function is discussed. Specific comparison of signal characteristics has revealed that the two species of Macrohomotoma are clearly distinguishable from each other which opens the possibility of acoustic signals being used for species delineation.  相似文献   

The sexual behaviour of Triturus cristatus is described. The first stage of sexual behaviour consists of an orientation phase in which the male approaches the female, sniffs her and moves in front of and perpendicular to her. The second stage is a prolonged period of static display with two different tail movements, called Fan and Lash, in 13.8 ± 1.3 bouts (x? ± SE) with intervals of 10.5 ± 0.3 s between bouts. Each bout contains 6.7 ± 0.3 regular Fan beats at a frequency of 0.5–0.8 Hz. This Fanning provides olfactory and mechanical stimulation to the female. 15% of bouts also contain a violent Lash, in which the male rapidly slaps the female's flank. Some Lashes are used to stop the female when she tries to move away. In the third stage of the sexual sequence, the male turns away, Creeps for 6.7 ± 0.3 s (x? ± SE) and then Quivers his tail. A receptive female follows and touches his tail, and the male deposits a spermatophore and then turns to one side with his tail folded along his flank in a position called Brake. The female now approaches again and the male steps away sideways in a movement called Rebrake. After several Rebrakes the male stops, the female touches his tail and the spermatophore may now be picked up in her cloaca. This sequence can be repeated several times during one encounter. This behaviour is discussed in relation to previous studies of courtship in this genus.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior between males and females, as well as between males, is described and discussed for the cerambycid beetlePhytoecia rufiventris. The beetles' taxis toward plants taller than average height brings the sexes together from a distance. A male may mount another individual (male or female) and attempt copulation without sex discrimination. The male can discern the sex of another individual only when the terminal part of his abdomen touches the ventral surface of the fifth visible sternite of the latter. No evidence of a sex pheromone is found in this species. Within 1.5–5.5 cm the substrateborne vibrations produced by a moving individual may be the important factor which elicits males to approach a moving individual and attempt copulation. If a female is receptive when a male touches her, he can copulate with her without any courtship display. However, if the female runs away and appears unreceptive, the male will perform courtship displays. Copulation is usually terminated by males. Homosexual behavior between males is discussed.  相似文献   

On encountering a mature female, a male of the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata (L.), first palpated her elytra with his maxillary palps, then mounted her, extruded his penis and mated. Copulation never occurred between active males but males copulated with dummies bearing male elytra as frequently as with dummies with female elytra of their own species. Similarly, males attempted mating with immobilised conspecifics of both sexes. However elytra washed in chloroform failed to stimulate mating. Analysis of the chloroform extracts of the elytra revealed that male and female ladybirds are coated by the same blend of hydrocarbons among which 9- and 7-methyl tricosane are dominant. Our results are consistent with a role of these cuticulars hydrocarbons in species recognition and show that behaviour, in particular movement, is necessary for discrimination between males and females.  相似文献   

Traditional views of copulation and sperm transfer supposed that females are passive participants. Recent discoveries suggest, however, that females actively influence the chances that a copulation will result in fertilization of their eggs, and that they sometimes signal to males during copulation in order to elicit male responses. This paper concerns two apparent female signaling behaviors, wing vibration and body shaking, in the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes, a species in which the male squeezes the female’s abdomen rhythmically with his powerful genitalia. Vibration was associated with male squeezes at several levels of analysis. Its coordination with male behavior suggests that vibration functions as a signal that induces the male to interrupt squeezes, but that does not forcefully dislodge the male. The female tended to vibrate her wings soon after the male began a squeeze; and when the female vibrated her wings during a squeeze, the squeeze tended to be shorter. Female body shaking was usually elicited by especially powerful squeezes. Previous studies showed that stimuli from male structures that squeeze the female probably function to induce her to ovulate, to facilitate movement of sperm into her spermathecae, and to reject the sexual advances of additional males. This study is one of the first to document an exchange of signals between male and female insects during copulation, and extends the new field of research on copulatory dialogues.  相似文献   

The call of male Scudderia curvicauda (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)consists of a series of phrases, and each phrase contains syllables.Females respond to the male signal with ticks that follow malephrases after a specific period of time. Pair formation takesplace after males locate the female using her response sounds.Repeated recordings of males revealed that the average numberof syllables produced per phrase was a table, within-male parameterand that this parameter was a reliable predictor of male size(pronotum length). Thus, phrase length could be a reliable cueby which females evaluate males. We presented virgin femaleswith a sequential choice of two tape-recorded male calls thatdiffered only in the mean number of syllables produced per phrase.Two different playback tapes were used, and each female wastested on each of 5 consecutive days with the same playbacktape. Females responded more often and with a greater numberof ticks to calls containing more syllables per phrase, andthis preference was maintained throughout the testing period.Male size was a poor predictor of the size of the spermatophorefood-gift produced by the male; therefore, females are probablynot selecting males for this attribute. For one of the playbacktapes, there was a significant increase in female responsivenessover several playback trials, suggesting that females may employa falling-threshold tactic with respect to mate preference.  相似文献   

We investigated auditory signals and morphology of the stridulatory apparatus of the European beech leaf‐mining weevil, Orchestes fagi L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), an invasive herbivore now established in Nova Scotia, Canada, to determine their potential for enhancing survey tools to monitor the spread of the species in Canada. We recorded and described sounds produced by adult O. fagi, analyzed the morphology of the stridulatory mechanism for intersexual differences and asymmetry, and examined behavioral responses elicited in conspecifics by playback of stridulation recordings. Adult O. fagi produced sounds under three conditions: male in distress, female in distress, and male in the presence of female. Female distress chirps lasted significantly longer than male distress chirps and male chirps in the presence of females, but peak frequencies and mean number of chirps per s did not differ significantly among the three groups. Morphology of the stridulation structures in male and female O. fagi was compared using scanning electron microscopy. Orchestes fagi have an elytro‐tergal file‐ and scraper‐type sound production apparatus, through which sound is produced upon anterior motion of the abdomen. Female O. fagi have a ‘pars stridens’ that is longer and has more ridges than males. Width and number of ridges per length of pars stridens did not differ between the sexes. Evidence of asymmetry was found in male pars stridens, with the right side being longer than the left. Playback of recorded sounds to adult weevils suggests female O. fagi were repelled by sounds produced by distressed males.  相似文献   

Most bird species are monogamous, and in many instances the male provides a substantial contribution to the care of the young. Traditionally, the initial phase of the relationship between the sexes has been characterized in terms of pair formation and an increasing bond between the sexes. But recent formulations emphasize the role of guarding, surveillance, and other behavioural devices that protect the genetic relationship of the male to the offspring for which he cares. Ring doves were studied to determine whether the details of the relationship during the initial period are consistent with this latter view. Experiment 1 reveals that males remain in close proximity to their mates until the first egg is laid and the fertile period of the female ends; social contact then falls to a low level. Experiment 2 shows that when the female is removed during her fertile period, the male searches and calls more vigorously than does a female when her partner is absent. Finally, Experiment 3 demonstrates that it is visual contact rather than simply proximity that the male maintains during the fertile period of the female. These observations are consonant with the view that males maintain surveillance over their mates, but they do not exclude the possibility that the behaviour patterns might provide other benefits as well.  相似文献   

The courtship behavior of 12 phycitine moths (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied using frame-by-frame analysis of video recordings. Behavioral transitions during courtship were quantified for selected species and kinematic diagrams of courtship sequences were constructed. Interspecific similarities in courtship behaviors were measured by calculating Euclidean distances between species based on 12 courtship characters and by clustering species according to UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages). The resulting phenogram revealed two major behavioral patterns in courtship: (1) interactive and (2) simple. The former was characterized by a complex sequence in which, typically, a male approached a pheromoneemitting female, engaged in a head- to- head posture with the female, and then brought his abdomen over his head and struck the female on the head and thorax. This action brought male abdominal scent structures into close proximity with the female antennae. The male then attempted copulation from the head- to- head position by a dorsolateral thrust of the abdomen toward the female genitalia. Males of these species possessed scent structures located either on the eighth abdominal segment, or in a costal fold of the forewing, or both. Courtship in the second group was much more prosaic. After locating the female by response to her sex pheromone, the male simply attempted copulation by lateral abdominal thrusts under the female wing, without behavioral embellishments. Males of species exhibiting simple courtship had either no scent structures or structures that appeared vestigial. The grouping of species based on courtship characters was poorly correlated with taxonomic relationships, suggesting that the selective pressures governing the evolution and maintenance of courtship and male pheromones were distinct from those involved in the evolution of other morphological characters. While we argue that the primary force molding the evolution of courtship was an adaptive response to interspecific mating mistakes, we do not believe that isolation is brought about by the sequence of courtship behaviors themselves, due to the striking similarity in the sequence across several diverse species. Rather, these behaviors act to deliver more efficiently the male pheromonal message, which mayhave evolved for reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Social interaction occurs in bats. In a group of 10 Megaderma lyra (seven female and two male adults, as well as one female juvenile) held in captivity, two stereotyped flying behaviour patterns —the ‘grumbling flight’ and the ‘song flight’ — were observed and studied. The ‘grumbling flight’ is a social interaction in flight between at least two Megaderma lyra in which ‘grumble sequences’ are emitted. This behaviour is triggered by stress or arising aggression, and presumably attempts to avoid agonistic interactions with dangerous physical contact. The song flight was exclusively displayed by the dominant male bat and only directed at the non-lactating female members of the group, with a preference to alien females. This behaviour is composed of three behavioural stages, each accompanied by a specific ‘song strophe’. The song flight presumably aims at bonding the females to the male. During the grumbling flight and the song flight, M. lyra emits communication sounds in the ultrasonic range. The sounds consist of simple elements (FMdown, FMup, CF), and are similar to types of sounds emitted for echolocation by various bat species.  相似文献   

Sound production during reproductive behaviour, dyadic encounters and distress situations was investigated in the callichthyid catfish Corydoras paleatus. Sounds were broad-band, pulsed, acoustic signals produced during abduction of the pectoral spines. Only males emitted trains of sounds during courting and trains of sounds of shorter duration during dyadic encounters. Several males, which are usually smaller than females, courted one gravid female without obvious cooperation or competition between them. During mating, one previously vocalizing male clasped the female's barbels with one pectoral spine and inseminated the eggs. The number of successful spawnings, days until spawning, and number of eggs laid was not related to the number of males (one, two or three) combined with one female. Males did not behave aggressively towards each other during courting or in dyadic encounters. In distress situations, when fish were hand held, both sexes and juveniles produced single sounds. The dominant frequency was negatively correlated with body size and the sound duration was positively correlated with relative length of pectoral spines (standardized to body length). This acoustical behaviour in C. paleatus differs considerably from Hoplosternum thoracatum, a representative of the callichthyine subfamily, in which vocalization was observed during territorial behaviour in males and aggressive behaviour in both sexes. This is the first report of a major difference in vocalizing behaviour within one teleost family.  相似文献   

Unlike any other mosquito reported, Sabethes cyaneus(Fabricius) displays an elaborate courtship before and during copulation. A male approaches a female suspended from a horizontal stick, suspends himself in front of her as he grasps her folded wings, and proceeds with a series of discrete stereotyped behaviors that involve proboscis vibration and movement of iridescent blue paddles on his midlegs. The sequence of these behaviors is as follows: freeleg waving, swinging, copulation attempt, superficial coupling, waving, genital shift, waggling, and release. Insemination occurs after genital shift. The only overt reciprocation by the female is abdomen lowering during the male's swinging. Courtship is often unsuccessful, and males are usually rejected during freeleg waving. The relation between male performance and mating success remains obscure.  相似文献   

Synopsis Pairs of Cichlasoma centrarchus were observed daily in the laboratory. Both males and females made sounds during a breeding cycle but all sounds were aggressive in context; no sounds were heard to accompany courtship. Males made more sounds before spawning than afterwards and these were associated with territorial defense and with establishment of dominance over the female. Females produced more sounds after spawning than before, most in the context of brood defense but some toward the male during pre-spawning nest preparation. Prior to spawning, the number of sounds made by the males toward their mates increased but the aggressive actions accompanying them became less intense. No such inverse correlation of agonistic intensity with number of sounds made was found for the females. From this study and earlier ones by the author it was concluded that sound in this species is a threat display which 1) provides an expression for agonism alternative to the performance of actions which could injure the female or drive her away, and 2) lessens the risk of injury to male or female during territory or brood defense.  相似文献   

In some primate species, males and females within a social group emit loud calls in a coordinated manner or chorus. Indri indri emits a very conspicuous loud call that elicits the loud calls of neighboring groups. Previous investigations have hypothesized that the main functions of the indri chorus are related to territorial announcement, intergroup avoidance, and group cohesion. We investigated sex differences in indri song. We recorded and analysed songs given by 10 different groups over 160 d. Overall singing duration did not vary between the sexes. However, males emitted significantly fewer but longer notes. Adult males and females of each group participated in the song with sex-specific repertoires. Females had a song repertoire of 8 note types; males shared all of their 6 notes with females. Apart from the initial roars, in all note types shared by both sexes, male notes were significantly longer than female ones, whereas variations in frequency parameters differed according to the note type. These findings suggest that indri song may provide cues to conspecifics, such as group size and sex composition, which could influence interactions between groups.  相似文献   

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