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Ribosomes are ribozymes, hence correct folding of the rRNAs during ribosome biogenesis is crucial to ensure catalytic activity. RNA helicases, which can modulate RNA–RNA and RNA/protein interactions, are proposed to participate in rRNA tridimensional folding. Here, we analyze the biochemical properties of Dbp6, a DEAD-box RNA helicase required for the conversion of the initial 90S pre-ribosomal particle into the first pre-60S particle. We demonstrate that in vitro, Dbp6 shows ATPase as well as annealing and clamping activities negatively regulated by ATP. Mutations in Dbp6 core motifs involved in ATP binding and ATP hydrolysis are lethal and impair Dbp6 ATPase activity but increase its RNA binding and RNA annealing activities. These data suggest that correct regulation of these activities is important for Dbp6 function in vivo. Using in vivo cross-linking (CRAC) experiments, we show that Dbp6 interacts with 25S rRNA sequences located in the 5′ domain I and in the peptidyl transferase center (PTC), and also crosslinks to snoRNAs hybridizing to the immature PTC. We propose that the ATPase and RNA clamping/annealing activities of Dbp6 modulate interactions of snoRNAs with the immature PTC and/or contribute directly to the folding of this region.  相似文献   

The pleuromutilin antibiotic derivatives, tiamulin and valnemulin, inhibit protein synthesis by binding to the 50S ribosomal subunit of bacteria. The action and binding site of tiamulin and valnemulin was further characterized on Escherichia coli ribosomes. It was revealed that these drugs are strong inhibitors of peptidyl transferase and interact with domain V of 23S RNA, giving clear chemical footprints at nucleotides A2058-9, U2506 and U2584-5. Most of these nucleotides are highly conserved phylogenetically and functionally important, and all of them are at or near the peptidyl transferase centre and have been associated with binding of several antibiotics. Competitive footprinting shows that tiamulin and valnemulin can bind concurrently with the macrolide erythromycin but compete with the macrolide carbomycin, which is a peptidyl transferase inhibitor. We infer from these and previous results that tiamulin and valnemulin interact with the rRNA in the peptidyl transferase slot on the ribosomes in which they prevent the correct positioning of the CCA-ends of tRNAs for peptide transfer.  相似文献   



The bacterial ribosome is a primary target of several classes of antibiotics. Investigation of the structure of the ribosomal subunits in complex with different antibiotics can reveal the mode of inhibition of ribosomal protein synthesis. Analysis of the interactions between antibiotics and the ribosome permits investigation of the specific effect of modifications leading to antimicrobial resistances.  相似文献   

Helix 89 of the 23S rRNA connects ribosomal peptidyltransferase center and elongation factor binding site. Secondary structure of helix 89 determined by X-ray structural analysis involves less base pairs then could be drawn for the helix of the same primary structure. It can be that alternative secondary structure might be realized at some stage of translation. Here by means of site-directed mutagenesis we stabilized either the "X-ray" structure or the structure with largest number of paired nucleotides. Mutation UU2492-3C which aimed to provide maximal pairing of the helix 89 of the 23S rRNA was lethal. Mutant ribosomes were unable to catalyze peptide transfer independently either with aminoacyl-tRNA or puromycin.  相似文献   

Using a combination of biochemical, structural probing and rapid kinetics techniques we reveal for the first time that the universally conserved translational GTPase (trGTPase) HflX binds to the E-site of the 70S ribosome and that its GTPase activity is modulated by peptidyl transferase centre (PTC) and peptide exit tunnel (PET) binding antibiotics, suggesting a previously undescribed mode of action for these antibiotics. Our rapid kinetics studies reveal that HflX functions as a ribosome splitting factor that disassembles the 70S ribosomes into its subunits in a nucleotide dependent manner. Furthermore, our probing and hydrolysis studies show that the ribosome is able to activate trGTPases bound to its E-site. This is, to our knowledge, the first case in which the hydrolytic activity of a translational GTPase is not activated by the GTPase activating centre (GAC) in the ribosomal A-site. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the bound state of the PTC is able to regulate the GTPase activity of E-site bound HflX.  相似文献   

Ribosomal variants carrying mutations in active site nucleotides are severely compromised in their ability to catalyze peptide bond formation (PT) with minimal aminoacyl tRNA substrates such as puromycin. However, catalysis of PT by these same ribosomes with intact aminoacyl tRNA substrates is uncompromised. These data suggest that these active site nucleotides play an important role in the positioning of minimal aminoacyl tRNA substrates but are not essential for catalysis per se when aminoacyl tRNAs are positioned by more remote interactions with the ribosome. Previously reported biochemical studies and atomic resolution X-ray structures identified a direct Watson-Crick interaction between C75 of the A-site substrate and G2553 of the 23S rRNA. Here we show that the addition of this single cytidine residue (the C75 equivalent) to puromycin is sufficient to suppress the deficiencies of active site ribosomal variants, thus restoring "tRNA-like" behavior to this minimal substrate. Studies of the binding parameters and the pH-dependence of catalysis with this minimal substrate indicate that the interaction between C75 and the ribosomal A loop is an essential feature for robust catalysis and further suggest that the observed effects of C75 on peptidyl transfer activity reflect previously reported conformational rearrangements in this active site.  相似文献   

The ability to monitor the nascent peptide structure and to respond functionally to specific nascent peptide sequences is a fundamental property of the ribosome. An extreme manifestation of such response is nascent peptide-dependent ribosome stalling, involved in the regulation of gene expression. The molecular mechanisms of programmed translation arrest are unclear. By analyzing ribosome stalling at the regulatory cistron of the antibiotic resistance gene ermA, we uncovered a carefully orchestrated cooperation between the ribosomal exit tunnel and the A-site of the peptidyl transferase center (PTC) in halting translation. The presence of an inducing antibiotic and a specific nascent peptide in the exit tunnel abrogate the ability of the PTC to catalyze peptide bond formation with a particular subset of amino acids. The extent of the conferred A-site selectivity is modulated by the C-terminal segment of the nascent peptide, where the third-from-last residue plays a critical role.  相似文献   

Depletion of the Bacillus subtilis GTPase CpgA produces abnormal cell shapes, nonuniform deposition of cell wall, and five- to sixfold accumulation of peptidoglycan precursors. Nevertheless, the inherent structure of the cell wall appeared mostly unchanged. The results are consistent with CpgA being involved in coordinating normal peptidoglycan deposition.  相似文献   

L2, L3, L4, L16 and L20 are proteins of the 50S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli which are essential for the assembly and activity of the peptidyl transferase centre. These proteins have been modified with the histidine-specific reagent, diethylpyrocarbonate, while L17 and L18 were treated as controls. Each modified protein tested was able to participate in the reconstitution of a 50S particle when replacing its normal counterpart, although the particles assembled with modified L2 were heterogeneous. However, although they could support assembly, modified L16 and L20 were not themselves reconstituted stably, and modified L2 and L3 were found in less than stoichiometric amounts. Particles assembled in the presence of modified L16 retained significant peptidyl transferase activity (60-70% at 10 mM diethylpyrocarbonate) whereas those reconstituted with modified L2, L3, L4 or L20 had low activity (10-30% at 10 mM diethylpyrocarbonate). The particles assembled with the modified control protein, L17, retained 80% of their peptidyl transferase activity under the same conditions. The histidine residues within the essential proteins therefore contribute to ribosome structure and function in three significant ways; in the correct assembly of the ribosomal subunit (L2), for the stable assembly of the proteins within the ribosomal particle (L20 and L16 in particular), and directly or indirectly for the subsequent activity of the peptidyl transferase centre (L2, L3, L4 and L20). The essential nature of the unmodified histidines for assembly events precludes the use of the chemical-modification strategy to test the proposal that a histidine on one of the proteins might participate in the catalytic activity of the centre.  相似文献   

We provide evidence that a central player in ribosome synthesis, the ribonucleic acid helicase Prp43p, can be activated by yeast Gno1p and its human ortholog, the telomerase inhibitor PINX1. Gno1p and PINX1 expressed in yeast interact with Prp43p and the integrity of their G-patch domain is required for this interaction. Moreover, PINX1 interacts with human PRP43 (DHX15) in HeLa cells. PINX1 directly binds to yeast Prp43p and stimulates its adenosine triphosphatase activity, while alterations of the G patch abolish formation of the PINX1/Prp43p complex and the stimulation of Prp43p. In yeast, lack of Gno1p leads to a decrease in the levels of pre-40S and intermediate pre-60S pre-ribosomal particles, defects that can be corrected by PINX1 expression. We show that Gno1p associates with 90S and early pre-60S pre-ribosomal particles and is released from intermediate pre-60S particles. G-patch alterations in Gno1p or PINX1 that inhibit their interactions with Prp43p completely abolish their function in yeast ribosome biogenesis. Altogether, our results suggest that activation of Prp43p by Gno1p/PINX1 within early pre-ribosomal particles is crucial for their subsequent maturation.  相似文献   

Ketolides represent a new generation of macrolide antibiotics. In order to identify the ketolide-binding site on the ribosome, a library of Escherichia coli clones, transformed with a plasmid carrying randomly mutagenized rRNA operon, was screened for mutants exhibiting resistance to the ketolide HMR3647. Sequencing of the plasmid isolated from one of the resistant clones and fragment exchange demonstrated that a single U754A mutation in hairpin 35 of domain II of the E. coli 23S rRNA was sufficient to confer resistance to low concentrations of the ketolide. The same mutation also conferred erythromycin resistance. Both the ketolide and erythromycin protected A2058 and A2059 in domain V of 23S rRNA from modification with dimethyl sulphate, whereas, in domain II, the ketolide protected, while erythromycin enhanced, modification of A752 in the loop of the hairpin 35. Thus, mutational and footprinting results strongly suggest that the hairpin 35 constitutes part of the macrolide binding site on the ribosome. Strong interaction of ketolides with the hairpin 35 in 23S rRNA may account for the high activity of ketolides against erythromycin-resistant strains containing rRNA methylated at A2058. The existence of macrolide resistance mutations in the central loop of domain V and in hairpin 35 in domain II together with antibiotic footprinting data suggest that these rRNA segments may be in close proximity in the ribosome and that hairpin 35 may be a constituent part of the ribosomal peptidyl transferase centre.  相似文献   

The bacterial ribosome is an extremely complicated macromolecular complex the in vivo biogenesis of which is poorly understood. Although several bona fide assembly factors have been identified, their precise functions and temporal relationships are not clearly defined. Here we describe the involvement of an Escherichia coli GTPase, CgtA(E), in late steps of large ribosomal subunit biogenesis. CgtA(E) belongs to the Obg/CgtA GTPase subfamily, whose highly conserved members are predominantly involved in ribosome function. Mutations in CgtA(E) cause both polysome and rRNA processing defects; small- and large-subunit precursor rRNAs accumulate in a cgtA(E) mutant. In this study we apply a new semiquantitative proteomic approach to show that CgtA(E) is required for optimal incorporation of certain late-assembly ribosomal proteins into the large ribosomal subunit. Moreover, we demonstrate the interaction with the 50S ribosomal subunits of specific nonribosomal proteins (including heretofore uncharacterized proteins) and define possible temporal relationships between these proteins and CgtA(E). We also show that purified CgtA(E) associates with purified ribosomal particles in the GTP-bound form. Finally, CgtA(E) cofractionates with the mature 50S but not with intermediate particles accumulated in other large ribosome assembly mutants.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L2 is the largest protein component in the ribosome. It is located at or near the peptidyl transferase center and has been a prime candidate for the peptidyl transferase activity. It binds directly to 23S rRNA and plays a crucial role in its assembly. The three-dimensional structure of the RNA-binding domain of L2 from Bacillus stearothermophilus has been determined at 2.3 A resolution by X-ray crystallography using the selenomethionyl MAD method. The RNA-binding domain of L2 consists of two recurring motifs of approximately 70 residues each. The N-terminal domain (positions 60-130) is homologous to the OB-fold, and the C-terminal domain (positions 131-201) is homologous to the SH3-like barrel. Residues Arg86 and Arg155, which have been identified by mutation experiments to be involved in the 23S rRNA binding, are located at the gate of the interface region between the two domains. The molecular architecture suggests how this important protein has evolved from the ancient nucleic acid-binding proteins to create a 23S rRNA-binding domain in the very remote past.  相似文献   

The small molecule 3-O-(3',3'-dimethylsuccinyl)-betulinic acid (DSB) potently inhibits human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1) replication by interfering with proteolytic cleavage of the viral Gag protein at a specific site. Here we have demonstrated that the antiviral mechanism involves the association of DSB with Gag at a 1:1 stoichiometry within immature HIV-1 particles. The binding was specific, as mutations in Gag that confer resistance to DSB inhibited the association, which could be competed by DSB but not by the inactive compound betulinic acid. The addition of DSB to purified immature viral cores inhibited the cleavage of Gag at the CA-SP1 junction in vitro, thus reproducing the effect of the drug when present during maturation of HIV-1 particles. Based on these findings, we propose a model in which a trimer of DSB associates with the CA-SP1 junction of adjacent subunits within the Gag polymer. The model may explain the ability of highly similar compounds to specifically target the seemingly unrelated steps of HIV-1 maturation and virus entry.  相似文献   

The Absence of bc1 Complex (ABC1) is an ancient, atypical protein kinase family that emerged prior to the archaeal-eubacterial divergence. Loss-of-function mutants in ABC1 genes are linked to respiratory defects in microbes and humans and to compromised photosynthetic performance and stress tolerance in plants. However, demonstration of protein kinase activity remains elusive, hampering their study. Here, we investigate a homolog from Arabidopsis thaliana, AtABC1K6, and demonstrate in vitro autophosphorylation activity, which we replicate with a human ABC1 ortholog. We also show that AtABC1K6 protein kinase activity requires an atypical buffer composition, including Mn2+ as a divalent cation cofactor and a low salt concentration. AtABC1K6 associates with plastoglobule lipid droplets of A. thaliana chloroplasts, along with five paralogs. We show that the protein kinase activity associated with isolated A. thaliana plastoglobules was inhibited at higher salt concentrations, but could accommodate Mg2+ as well as Mn2+, indicating salt sensitivity, but not the requirement for Mn2+, may be a general characteristic of ABC1 proteins. Finally, loss of functional AtABC1K6 impairs the developmental transition from vegetative to reproductive growth. This phenotype was complemented by the wild-type sequence of AtABC1K6, but not by a kinase-dead point mutant in the unique Ala-triad of the ATP-binding pocket, demonstrating the physiological relevance of the protein’s kinase activity. We suggest that ABC1s are bona fide protein kinases with a unique regulatory mechanism. Our results open the door to detailed functional and mechanistic studies of ABC1 proteins and plastoglobules.  相似文献   

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