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Germoplasm banking is an important tool for the preservation of genetic material from Neotropical primates in captivity, and from free living species, especially the endangered ones like Saimiri vanzolinii (Black-headed squirrel monkey), a primate with a low incidence area (870 km2 of floodplains) in the southern part of the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, Brazil. Therefore, in the present study we aimed to develop a sperm cryopreservation protocol comparing sperm cooling in presence (T1) and absence (T2) of egg yolk, and to test freezing protocols to preserve semen from captive (Saimiri collinsi), and free-living (Saimiri vanzolinii, Saimiri cassiquiarensis and Saimiri macrodon) New World primates. Cooling preserved sperm of S. collinsi in all evaluated microscopic parameters, except for sperm motility. No differences were observed among the treatments, indicating that semen of this species can be cooled without egg yolk. Freezing did not affect sperm quality of S. collinsi, except plasma membrane integrity that was negatively affected. Generally, a good maintenance rate was observed between cooling and thawing of semen for the four species, showing the positive translational application of protocols from S. collinsi to the free-living species. Developed freezing protocol proved to be useful for sperm cryopreservation of S. collinsi and in field conditions.  相似文献   

In the absence of long‐term field studies, demographic and reproductive records from animals housed in zoos and research laboratories are a valuable tool for the study of life history variables relating to reproduction. In this study, we analyzed studbook records of more than 2,000 individuals born over a 40‐year period (1965–2004) to describe life history patterns of captive Goeldi's monkeys (Callimico goeldii) housed in North America and Europe. Using Kaplan–Meier survival analysis methods, we found the mean life span to be 5.5 years. The rate of infant mortality, defined as death before 30 days, was approximately 30%, with European animals being more likely to survive infancy than North American animals. When individuals surviving at least 1.5 years are considered, lifetime reproductive output averaged 3.5 offspring, yet more than one‐third of individuals did not produce any offspring. Using a smaller dataset of individuals with known pairing histories, we developed a measure of opportunity for reproduction (OFR), which represented the total time an individual was known to be housed with a potential mate. For both sexes, we found that the correlation between OFR and number of offspring produced was much higher than the correlation between life span and number of offspring produced. This result highlights the importance of taking into account an individual's OFR. As a whole, our findings help characterize the life histories of captive Goeldi's monkeys and emphasize the impact management practices may have on reproductive success. Zoo Biol 29:1–15, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Spontaneously occurring hydranencephaly was diagnosed at necropsy and confirmed histologically in two stillborn fetuses that were delivered from young female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).  相似文献   

Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) are trans‐equatorial, long‐distance migrants that breed in North America and overwinter in South America. Information about their migration routes and winter distribution in the Neotropics is mostly anecdotal. By compiling records of Mississippi Kites in South America from the literature and previously unpublished observations (1904–2010), we identified 96 locality records (a location where a flock or individual was recorded) and 146 independent records of flocks (observations of flocks irrespective of year, location, or time of year). Our locality records included 38 (39%) during southbound migration (1 September–30 November), 18 (19%) during northbound migration (15 February–30 April), 38 (39%) during austral summer (1 December–14 February), and two (3%) during austral winter (1 May–31 August). Most Mississippi Kites (84, 88%) were observed between the 11°S and 32°S latitudinal band in central South America. Of our independent records of flocks, 133 (92%) were observed between 11°S and 32°S, 12 (7%) between 11°N and 10°S, and a lone vagrant (1%) between 33°S and 43°S. Our data suggest that Mississippi Kites are common and widespread in the austral summer between 11°S and 32°S in central South America. On the basis of the number of locality records (N = 52, 54%) and number of flocks of Mississippi Kites observed between 22°S and 32°S (N = 61, 42%), the Chaco forest appears to be the main wintering grounds for the species. However, additional monitoring is needed to further test this hypothesis. A large portion of Chaco habitat is now under cultivation, and how this habitat transformation might influence the annual cycle of Mississippi Kites is unknown.  相似文献   

Nine new species of the genus Heliura are described from Brazil (H. brasiliana sp. nov., H. olivocolora sp. nov., H. pulcherrima sp. nov., and H. laerteae sp. nov.), Ecuador (H. ecuadoris sp. nov.), Peru (H. flavipennis sp. nov. and H. peruana sp. nov.), and Venezuela (Heliura albiventris sp. nov. and H. juliani sp. nov.). They are illustrated in habitus and genitalia, and their phylogenetic affinities are discussed based on morphological evidence.  相似文献   

The distribution of the cyclopoid Genus Oithona in waters bordered by mangroves along the coast of Central and South America was studied. Of the ten species previously registered only O. hebes Giesbrecht, O. oswaldocruzi Oliveira, O. alvarezi Lindberg and O. fonsecae Ferrari & Bowman remain valid. O. hebes and O. oswaldocruzi are redescribed and their synonymies extensively discussed. No representatives of O. alvarezi and O. fonsecae were examined.Integumental pore signature patterns of oithonid females are described for the first time. The importance of the pore signature of the cephalosomic flaps of the males as a taxonomic character is discussed.  相似文献   

Species richness patterns of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) were analyzed using a grid of 407 squares (137.5 km per side) across northwestern South America (Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and western Brazil). Reliable data on species numbers were available for only 149 of the squares. Using a trend surface model (a model used to represent the mean of a spatial process by a polynomial function of spatial coordinates) as well as altitudinal relief and biogeographical influence for each square, we predicted the number of tiger beetle species likely to occur in intermediate squares for which no or unreliable data were available. The resultant spatial patterns of species richness were compared to similar analyses for temperate areas of North America. Intercontinental comparisons and a more complete pattern of species numbers in South America are useful in developing an understanding of general spatial patterns and in the environmental management of species richness.  相似文献   

Avian diversity in the Neotropics has been traditionally attributed to the effect of vicariant forces promoting speciation in allopatry. Recent studies have shown that phylogeographical patterns shared among codistributed species cannot be explained by a single vicariant event, as species responses to a common barrier depend on the biological attributes of each taxon. The open vegetation corridor (OVC) isolates Amazonia and the Andean forests from the Atlantic Forest, creating a notorious pattern of avian taxa that are disjunctly codistributed in these forests. Here, we studied and compared the evolutionary histories of Ramphotrigon megacephalum and Pipraeidea melanonota, two passerines with allopatric populations east and west of the OVC that represent different subspecies. These species differ in their biological attributes: R. megacephalum is a sedentary, forest specialist mostly confined to bamboo understorey, whereas P. melanonota is a seasonal migrant and generalist species that ranges in a variety of closed and semi‐open environments. We performed genetic and genomic analyses, complemented with the study of coloration and behavioural differentiation, to assess population divergence across the OVC. We found that the evolutionary histories of both R. megacephalum and P. melanonota have been shaped by this environmental barrier. However, these species responded in different and asynchronous manners to the establishment of the OVC and to past connections between the currently isolated South American forests, which can be mostly explained by their distinct ecologies and dispersal abilities. Our results support the fact that the biological attributes of species can make their evolutionary histories idiosyncratic.  相似文献   

Paravelia anta sp.n. from Argentina and Paraguay is described and compared with its close relative P. hungerfordi (Drake & Harris) from Brasil, which is redescribed. In addition, characteristics to separate these two from the remaining species of Paravelia are given.  相似文献   

The genus Farrodes was recently revised, and two species groups were delimited: Farrodes caribbianus and Farrodes bimaculatus. In that paper the species of the F. caribbianus species group were described or redescribed. In the F. bimaculatus species group eight undescribed species were treated but not described. In the present paper, these new species of the F. bimaculatus species group are described and discussed and a key for the separation of all the species known from male imagines in this group is provided.  相似文献   

Background Ephedrine is used in treatment of hypotension during anesthesia. We investigated its effects on the psychomotor recovery and its potential adverse reactions on cardiorespiratory functions in rhesus monkeys. Methods The monkeys received 50 μg/kg medetomidine, 2.0 mg/kg S‐ketamine with 150 IU hyaluronidase i.m. Pulse rate, blood pressure and saturation of haemoglobin were monitored for 20 minutes. Thereafter, 1 mg/kg of ephedrine or a placebo was administered i.m. and behavioural changes, pulse rate, blood pressure and saturation of haemoglobin were monitored every 5 minutes. Results Ephedrine shortened recovery from anaesthesia from 80.4 ± 25.8 to 14.83 ± 13.70 minutes. Ephedrine also increased oxygen saturation of haemoglobin and systolic blood pressure and caused significant decrease in pulse rate 5 minutes after its administration. Conclusions Ephedrine can be successfully used to accelerate psychomotor recovery after the use of common anesthetic protocols combining dissociative anesthetic agent and alpha 2‐adrenoceptor agonist in primates.  相似文献   

We analyzed the chemical composition of the diets of eight groups of free‐ranging black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in Belize, Central America. The study groups were located in two different forests: the Community Baboon Sanctuary (CBS) and the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary (CBWS). Two of the study groups were translocated from the CBS to CBWS 3 months into the study, and we compared the diets of groups in the two forests. Young and mature leaves, fruits, flowers, and fig samples (n = 144) were analyzed for water content, crude and available protein, fiber, simple sugars, and minerals. Statistically significant differences were found among the plant parts in all measures except acid‐detergent fiber. Dietary foliage in CBS was higher in water content and protein but lower in simple sugars than dietary foliage in CBWS. We suggest that changes in the selection of plant parts by primates may be related to differences in the nutritional content of those parts. These data may be useful in developing optimal diets for captive howler monkeys. Zoo Biol 19:95–109, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in 2 female captive golden‐headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) are described. HCC was diagnosed in both, with pulmonary metastasis in one of them. Neoplastic cells were positive for hepatocyte‐specific antigen (HSA) by immunohistochemistry, confirming the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Despite some remarkable recent discoveries, the Mesozoic fossil record of salamanders remains limited, particularly for the Jurassic. Here we describe the first articulated salamander skeleton from the Jurassic of Euramerica, recovered from Upper Jurassic deposits of the Morrison Formation, Dinosaur National Monument, USA. The specimen was studied using both conventional methods and high-resolution computed tomography. It shows a combination of primitive and derived character states that distinguish it from all known Mesozoic salamanders and which permit the erection of a new genus and species, Iridotriton hechti . The derived states (including the presence of spinal nerve foramina in the tail) suggest a position on the stem of the Salamandroidea. Together with microvertebrate material from Britain, Portugal, and North America, this specimen confirms the presence of both stem- and crown-group salamanders in Euramerica from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) onwards, paralleling their evolution in Central and eastern Asia. This, in turn, provides qualified support for the current vicariance model of salamander evolution whereby basal caudates on an undivided Laurasian plate became separated into two populations by the incursion of the Turgai Sea in the Middle Jurassic, yielding Cryptobranchoidea in Asia and Salamandroidea in Euramerica.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London , Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 599−616.  相似文献   

The influence of age, maternal status, and the presence of a group male on use of space was assessed in two groups of captive tufted capuchin monkeys that underwent a move from indoor housing to a larger outdoor facility. Both groups originally contained two adult males, but only one group retained a male after the move. Following the move, mothers spent less time on the ground when carrying their infants than they did when not carrying their infants. In the group with no male (1) individuals decreased time spent on the ground relative to pre-move levels, whereas no such difference was noted in the group with the male; (2) females spent more time carrying their infants than did females in the group with a male. In the group with the adult male, juveniles spent less time on the ground than did non-mother adult females, whereas no difference had existed prior to the move. Grooming rates dropped from pre-move to post-move, but the mean number of partners with which each animal was in contact increased. Measures of social behavior varied across post-move observation periods inversely to time spent on the ground. These results are consistent with the view that an individual's relative vulnerability influences behavioral conservatism in novel environments, and suggests a relatively profound role for males in promoting exploration of new space in this species.  相似文献   

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