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Ovarian development in Athalia rosae ruficornis Jakovlev (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) is described. Number of nurse cells per egg chamber is most often around 60 (close to 63 according to the 2n–1 rule), but in many cases it deviates from this number significantly. Two major yolk proteins [vitellins: large (apparent molecular weight 160–170 kD) and small (48–50 kD] were identified by SDS-PAGE. Western blotting and immunochemical detection using polyclonal antibodies prepared against each of the vitellins revealed that adult female but not male (both haploid and diploid) hemolymph contains vitellogenins corresponding to these vitellins. Vitellogenins become detectable in the hemolymph of late pupae, and vitellins one day later in the oocytes of adults. Transplantation of immature ovaries into the adult male abdomen caused not only significant accumulation of vitellins in the oocyte but also appearance of small amounts of hemolymph vitellogenins in host males. Injection of homogenate of immature ovaries also caused appearance of small amounts of hemolymph vitellogenins in host males.  相似文献   

Hymenopteran insects are a unique group of animals in which arrhenotokous reproduction (haploid males develop from unfertilized eggs) is a rule. Males produce sperm through a non-reductional maturation division. A sawfly species,Athalia rosae ruficornis Jakovlev (Tenthredinidae, Symphyta, Hymenoptera), has been introduced as a new experimental material for studies on genetics and developmental biology. Basic features relating to the potential usefulness of the species in elucidating some of the important genetic and developmental biological problems are described.  相似文献   

Mature unfertilized eggs (oocytes) dissected from the ovary of the sawfly Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera) begin parthenogenetic development if exposed to distilled water and produce haploid males. Injection of sperm into mature oocytes through the anterior pole resulted in karyogamy in a fraction of cases which developed as diploid females. No haploid-haploid chimeras due to independent participation of the injected sperm in development were produced. When sperm were injected through the posterior pole, however, fertilization never occurred but haploid-haploid chimeras were produced in a smaller fraction of cases. Both egg nucleus-derived and injected sperm-derived nuclei contributed in forming the germ cells of the chimeric males.  相似文献   

Summary Mature eggs dissected from ovaries of unmated females of Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), if placed on a filter-paper soaked with distilled water, are activated and develop to haploid males. Occasionally, however, diploid females develop from these artificially activated eggs. Treatment of mature unfertilized eggs dissected from diploid females with ice-cold temperatures immediately before activation and with a high temperature (36° C) upon and immediately after activation resulted in the production of diploid males, diploid females, triploid females and gynandromorphs at high frequency. The same treatment of mature unfertilized eggs dissected from triploid females resulted in the production of only triploid survivors. These results, together with the results on the segregation of a marker mutation, yellow fatbody (yfb), appear to indicate that meiotic divisions were complete in the treated eggs, and that all four nuclei became potentially capable of participating in development with or without automictic fusion.Studies on the sawfly, Athalia rosae (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), part V  相似文献   

Summary Mature eggs dissected from the ovary of unmated females of Athalia rosae ruficornis Jakovlev (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) can be activated to develop (into haploid parthenogenetic males) simply by exposing them to distilled water. These eggs, which are primary oocytes arrested at the first meiotic metaphase, resume meiosis upon activation and reach the first meiotic telophase in 20 min. Mature eggs immediately upon dissection have previously been shown to complete karyogamy and develop as fertilized diploid females if injected with sperm. We show here that the eggs activated in water for 20 min have a much higher rate of successful fertilization if injected with sperm, and that the eggs activated for 40 min, upon sperm injection, though at a reduced frequency still develop as diploid fertilized females. Eggs left in water for 60 min, however, are no longer fertilized upon sperm injection and develop as haploid males.  相似文献   

The egg deposition behavior of the turnip sawfly, Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), is described. Both unmated and mated females lay eggs individually inside of fresh young leaves of cruciferous plants. During an oviposition event, females exhibit a distinct pause in abdominal contractions just before the actual egg deposition act. Unmated females show a longer pause (11.31 s on average) than mated females (4.38 s on overall average). By employing an eye color mutation, the sex of the eggs laid by females was ascertained. Females mated once lay mostly fertilized (diploid female) eggs initially but begin to lay a considerable number of unfertilized (haploid male) eggs later in life. The laying of an unfertilized egg is associated with a longer pause (6.98 s on average) than the laying of a fertilized egg (3.76 s on average). These results are in contrast to previous reports on apocritan Hymenoptera, where the presence of a pause or a longer pause during oviposition was associated with the deposition of fertilized eggs rather than unfertilized eggs. The possibility that mated Athalia rosae females control fertilization and its implications for sex allocation strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Insect midgut proteases are excellent targets for insecticidal agents such as protease inhibitors. These inhibitors are used for producing transgenic plants, resistant to pests. For achieving this goal, it is necessary to find the nature of specific proteases and their properties for adopting possible pest management procedure. Therefore, characterisation of the enzymes in the gut of the rose sawfly, Arge rosae (Hymenoptera: Argidae), responsible for proteolysis, was performed using a range of synthetic substrates and specific inhibitors. The optimum conditions for general proteases and trypsin were achieved at pH 10. The highest activity for general proteases was obtained at a temperature of 45°C. The use of specific inhibitors and SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) provided evidence to suggest that most of the proteases belonged to the serine group because of high inhibitory effect of phenyl methane sulfonyl fluoride on total proteolytic activity. Also, inhibition assays and zymogram analysis showed that metalloproteases are present in A. rosae digestive system. These results indicated that A. rosae larvae mainly used serine proteases for protein digestion, with chymotrypsin as the dominant form. The kinetic parameters of trypsin-like proteases using N-benzoyl-dl-arg-p-nitroanilide as substrate indicated that the K m and V max values of trypsin in the gut of the fifth instar larvae were 730 ± 17.3 μM and 456 ± 13.85 nmol min?1 mg?1 protein, respectively.  相似文献   

Larvae of the sawfly, Athalia rosae, have remarkable abdominal prolegs. We analyzed the morphogenesis of appendages and the expression of decapentaplegic and Distal-less genes during embryonic development to characterize the origin of prolegs. Proleg primordia in abdominal segments A1–A9 appeared shortly after the inner lobes (endites) of gnathal appendages were formed. These were located on the ventral plates, medioventral to the appendages of the other segments in light of serial homology. Nothing was seen where the main axis of the appendage should develop in abdominal segments. The primordia in A1 and A9 disappeared before larval hatching. Anal prolegs appeared separate from cerci, the main axes of appendages, which were formed temporarily in A11. The expression of decapentaplegic, which reflects the primary determination of appendages, was detected in the lateral juxtaposition with the prolegs. Distal-less was expressed in the main axes of appendages, protruding endites and the cerci, but not in prolegs and anal prolegs or the gnathal endites which do not protrude. These findings suggest a possibility that the abdominal and anal prolegs of A. rosae are outgrowths of ventral plates which derived from coxopodal elements, but not main axes of appendages.  相似文献   

A piggyBac construct carrying two green fluorescent protein (GFP)-coding sequences one driven by Bombyx mori actin gene promoter and the other by Drosophila melanogaster heat-shock protein 70 (hsp70) promoter were injected together with a nonautonomous helper plasmid containing an active piggyBac transposase gene into the posterior end of mature unfertilized eggs dissected from the ovaries of Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera: Symphyta). These injected eggs, which developed as haploid male embryos upon artificial activation, were cultured to adulthood. Of 278 injected eggs, 61 grew to G(0) haploid adult males. These G(0) haploid males were individually mated to diploid females. The progeny embryos (G(1) generation) were examined for GFP expression. Four GFP-positive embryos (from three independent G(0) matings) were obtained. Two eclosed as diploid adult G(1) females. Mature unfertilized eggs dissected from the GFP-positive G(1) diploid females were activated artificially, and the resultant embryos were examined for GFP expression, separated and cultured to adulthood (G(2) generation). The G(2) haploid embryos segregated to GFP-positive and -negative individuals. By mating the G(2) adult haploid males individually to diploid females, stocks were established in which the piggyBac construct was stably integrated into the genome, as evidenced by GFP expression and Southern blot hybridization. The piggyBac transposition occurred at its canonical target TTAA sequence. These results, which demonstrate the first successful stable transposon-mediated germline transformation in Hymenoptera, will expand the usefulness of the piggyBac vector.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was applied to detect the copy number of the retinoblastoma (RB1) tumor suppressor gene in metaphase chromosomes and interphase nuclei. We used 14 lambda phage clones spanning the whole RB1 gene region as a probe and obtained a specific hybridization signal in normal metaphase chromosomes at 13q14. Normal interphase nuclei showed two RB1 signals in about 90% of cases, whereas two cell lines with cytogenetically defined deletions involving the RB1 gene showed only one hybridization signal in about 80% of the nuclei. Analogous changes were detected in metaphase chromosomes. Multicolor FISH with subsets of the phage clones allowed visualization of subregions within the 200-kb gene in interphase nuclei. Analysis of clinical breast cancer samples showed that most of the cells contained two copies of the RB1 gene, even when restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the RB1 locus. This indicates that LOH at the RB1 locus in breast cancer cells probably involves mechanisms other than physical deletion.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate fluorescencein situ hybridization (FISH) of chromosome-specific cytogenetic DNA markers for chromosome identification in maize using repetitive and single copy probes. The fluorescently labeled probes, CentC and pZm4–21, were shown to be reliable cytogenetic markers in the maize inbred line KYS for identification of mitotic metaphase chromosomes. The fluorescent strength of CentC signal, relative position, knob presence, size and location were used for the karyotyping. Based on direct visual analysis of chromosome length and position of FISH signals, a metaphase karyotype was constructed for maize inbred line KYS. All chromosomes could be identified unambiguously. The knob positions in the karyotype agreed well with those derived from traditional cytological analyses except chromosomes 3, 4 and 8. One chromosome with a telomeric knob on the short arm was assigned to 3. A chromosome with a knob in the middle of the long arm was assigned number 4 by simultaneous hybridization with a knob-specific probe pZm4–21 and a chromosome 4-specific probe Cent 4. On chromosome 8, we found an additional small telomeric knob on the short arm. In addition, chromosome-specific probes were employed to identify chromosome 6 (45S rDNA) and chromosome 9 (single-copy probeumc105a cosmid).  相似文献   

Herein we report the results of the first major prospective study directly comparing aneuploidy detection by fluorescence in situ hybridization of interphase nuclei with the results obtained by cytogenetic analysis. We constructed probes derived from specific subregions of human chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X, and Y that give a single copy-like signal when used in conjunction with suppression hybridization. A total of 526 independent amniotic fluid samples were analyzed in a blind fashion. All five probes were analyzed on 117 samples, while subsets of these five probes were used on the remaining samples (because of insufficient sample size), for a total of over 900 autosomal hybridization reactions and over 400 sex chromosome hybridization reactions. In this blind series, 21 of 21 abnormal samples were correctly identified. The remaining samples were correctly classified as disomic for these five chromosomes. The combination of chromosome-specific probe sets composed primarily of cosmid contigs and optimized hybridization/detection allowed accurate chromosome enumeration in uncultured human amniotic fluid cells, consistent with the results obtained by traditional cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

A linkage map was constructed for the sawfly, Athalia rosae (Hymenoptera), based on the segregation of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and a visible mutation, yellow fat body (yfb). Forty haploid male progeny (20 yfb and 20+) from a single diploid female parent (yfb/+) were examined. Sixty-one of the 180 arbitrary primers tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) produced one or more RAPD bands. A total of 79 RAPD markers were detected. Of these, seven showed significant deviation from the expected 1:1 ratio, and were therefore excluded from further analysis. The remaining 72 RAPD markers and the marker mutation, yfb, were subjected to linkage analysis. Sixty RAPD markers and the yfb marker were organized into 16 linkage groups, spanning a distance of 517.2 cM. Twelve RAPD markers showed no linkage relationship to any group. Thirteen gel-purified RAPD bands were cloned and sequenced to generate the sequence-tagged sites (STSs). A single locus was represented by two markers, with one of them having a short internal deletion.  相似文献   

The turnip sawfly, Athalia rosae Linnaeus, is a pest on cruciferous crops. Larvae sequester secondary plant compounds, namely glucosinolates, in their haemolymph. When attacked, their integument is easily disrupted and a droplet of haemolymph is exuded ('easy bleeding'). This has been shown to be an effective, chemical-based, defence against invertebrate predators. The efficiency of this proposed defence was tested against a vertebrate predator, using groups of the iguanid lizard Anolis carolinensis Voigt as a model predator. Caterpillars of Pieris rapae Linnaeus and Pieris brassicae Linnaeus served as control prey species that do not sequester glucosinolates. Lizards attacked far fewer sawfly larvae than pierid caterpillars. Several of the sawfly larvae were rejected after an initial attack, demonstrating unpalatability to the lizards, while the Pieris larvae were not rejected. However, P. rapae larvae topically treated with extracts of haemolymph of A. rosae had no deterrent effect on the lizards and no avoidance learning occurred over a period of two weeks. Adult sawflies do not easy bleed but have glucosinolates carried over from the larval stage. Lizards attacked them at a higher rate than larvae and they were never rejected. The results suggest that for the defensive effectiveness of the pest sawfly species against vertebrates the chemical cue is not necessarily sufficient. Movement and colour may be important additional factors triggering the behaviour of vertebrate predators.  相似文献   

The development of the gut is controlled and modulated by different interacting mechanisms such as, genetic endowment, intrinsic biological regulatory functions, environment influences and last but no least, the diet influence. Considered together with other endogenous and exogenous factors the type of feeding may interfere greatly in the regulation of the intestinal microbiota. During the last years molecular methods offer a complementarity to the classic culture-based knowledge. FISH has been applied for molecular evaluation of the microbiota in newborns delivered by vaginal delivery. Eleven probes/probe combinations for specific groups of faecal bacteria were used to determine the bacterial composition in faecal samples of newborns infants under different types of feeding. Breast-fed infants harbor a fecal microbiota by more than two times increased in numbers of Bifidobacterium cells when compared to formula-fed infants. After formula-feeding, Atopobium was found in significant counts and the numbers of Bifidobacterium dropped followed by increasing numbers in Bacteroides population. Moreover, under formula feeding the infants microbiota was more diverse.  相似文献   

There is much interest in the gene content of the small heterochromatic W chromosome of the chicken, on the supposition that it may contain sex-determining genes. A considerable region in the chicken genome has been assigned to the W chromosome on the basis of its repetitive sequences. Using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) we localized five Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BACs) onto female chicken metaphase spreads. We physically mapped these BACs to the Z chromosome. The chicken genome database, however, assigned all five BACs to the W chromosome. Our results demonstrate that the 17 genes on these BACs are Z-specific, and points to the inadequacy of assigning regions of the genome based exclusively on repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

Numerical change in chromosome 8 is an acquired abnormality associated with high clinical stage and may be involved in the conversion of carcinoma in situ in the breast to invasive carcinoma. Fine needle aspiration smears from 53 cases of breast carcinoma were hybridized with centromeric probes for chromosome 8 and the X chromosome. Thirty-eight cases revealed chromosome 8 copy gain. Of the 45 grade II and III tumours, 28 showed polysomy (>3 signals) and six showed trisomy. Of the eight grade I tumours, four were trisomic, none were polysomic. There were only two cases of chromosome 8 copy loss (one each of grade I and III). X chromosome polysomy was also a frequent finding although the signal counts were similar to those for chromosome 8 in only a few cases. Chromosome 8 polysomy occurs frequently in breast carcinoma and high copy number (>3) is associated with high malignancy grade.  相似文献   

Endometriosis affects 10–15% of women of reproductive age and is a common cause of infertility and pelvic pain. Although endometriosis is characterized by abnormal growth or turn-over of cells, the genetic changes involved remain unclear. We employed a multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) strategy to determine the incidence of somatic chromosomal numeric alterations in severe/late stage endometriosis. Using alpha-satellite sequence-specific DNA probes for chromosomes 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, and 18, simultaneous two- and three-color FISH were performed to evaluate the frequency of monosomic, disomic, and trisomic cells in normal control and endometriotic tissue specimens. In one of four endometriosis samples studied, a significantly higher frequency of monosomy for chromosome 17 (14.8%, χ2 4 = 53.3, P < 0.0001) and 16 (8.8%, χ2 4 = 11.4, P < 0.05) was observed. An increased number of cells with chromosome 11 trisomy (14.8%, χ2 4 = 96.2, P < 0.0001) were detected in a second case. In a third case, a distinct colony of nuclei with chromosome 16 monosomy (14.1%, χ2 4 = 21.39, P < 0.005) was detected. Acquired chromosome-specific aneuploidy may be involved in endometriosis, reflecting clonal expansion of chromosomally abnormal cells. That candidate tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes have been mapped to chromosomes 11, 16, and 17 suggests that chromosomal loss or gain plays a role in the development and/or progression of endometriosis. Received: 27 December 1997 / Accepted: 14 April 1997  相似文献   

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