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The morphologically diverse flowers in the genusSatyrium reflect adaptations to a wide range of pollinators. Several recently discovered pollination systems inSatyrium are described and illustrated here; these include pollination by solitary bees, carrion flies, butterflies and moths. Two basic types of floral mechanism are recognised inSatyrium: (1) Species pollinated by lepidoptera and birds have long floral spurs and plate-like viscidia seated in lateral rostellum notches; these viscidia become attached to the proboscis or bill of the pollinator. (2) Species pollinated by flies and bees have relatively short floral spurs and globose viscidia seated in terminal rostellum notches; these viscidia become attached to the face, thorax or eyes of the pollinator.  相似文献   

Approximately one-fourth of the more than 900 world-wide distributed Salvia species (Lamiaceae) is ornithophilous. With few exceptions they occur in the New World, being predominantly pollinated by hummingbirds. In the Old World only Salvia africana-lutea and the recently described Salvia thermarum, both from the Cape Province of South Africa, were observed to be pollinated by sunbirds and white-eyes. Among the 23 South African Salvia species Salvia lanceolata is a further candidate for being bird pollinated. For the first time we describe and illustrate its pollination by Nectarinia chalybea and Zosterops pallidus. We compare the ornithophilous syndrome of the three mentioned Salvia species and relate them to the morphological fitting of the most common nectarivorous birds of the Southwestern Cape (Cape peninsula to Worcester). We conclude that each of the birds could act as a pollinator and that the three co-occurring Salvia species are not mechanically isolated from each other. The degree of specialisation towards bird pollination, possible hybridisation events and evolution of bird pollination in South African Salvia species are discussed.  相似文献   

Liparis indiraii spec. nova from India is close toL. alata A. Rich. andL. atropurpurea Lindl.  相似文献   

At least 560 species of flowering plants distributed in 64 genera and 16 families native to Southern Western Australia are pollinated by birds. This represents 15% of the total flora, and indicates adaptation to bird pollination is a major evolutionary force in this region.  相似文献   

Large hovering flies with elongated nectar-feeding mouthparts play an important role in the pollination of South African plants. Here we describe and illustrate the pollination of two long-spurred orchids —Disa oreophila H. Bolus subsp.erecta Linder andBrownleea macroceras Sond. — by the long-proboscid flyProsoeca ganglbaueri Lichtwardt (Nemestrinidae).  相似文献   

The seed morphology of 151 species of Southern AfricanOrchidoideae (Orchideae andDiseae; sensuDressler 1981) was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. Two different seed types were found. (1) In the majority of species the seeds are minute and fusiform. The seed coat is made up of comparatively few concave and elongate testa cells with straight or slightly undulate and generally unthickened anticlinal cell walls. The seed type was here termed Satyrium-type. While most species are very similar in the ornamentation of the periclinal walls of their seed coat, considerable variation was found inHolothrix where two distinct groups can be recognized in this respect. (2) A remarkably different seed type was observed inDisa uniflora and three apparently closely related species (Disa uniflora-type), where large balloon-like seeds occur. Their seed coat consists of convex cells with undulate anticlinal walls. It is suggested that this seed type is a derived condition and has evolved in adaptation to the specialized habitat alongside streams. The possibility of hydrochory in these four species is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In the southern part of Cyprus the pollinator —Ophrys (Orchidaceae) relationships and its specifity have been investigated from the end of February until the middle of March 1986. 12Ophrys spp. were found. To date, only a single pollinator reference has been reported from this island. We found the following pollinators:Melecta tuberculata (Ophrys kotschyi),Eucera dimidiata (Ophrys flavomarginata),Eucera gaullei (Ophrys umbilicata),Eucera paulusi (Ophrys bornmuelleri),Anthophora erschowi (Ophrys elegans),Andrena torda (Ophrys sicula =O. lutea subsp.minor),Andrena cinereophila (Ophrys fusca, small-flowered),Andrena flavipes (Ophrys israelitica),Andrena morio (Ophrys iricolor andOphrys transhyrcana),Andrena bimaculata (Ophrys sphegodes aggr., probably formerly confused withO. transhyrcana). Most interestingly, it could be verified thatO. flavomarginata/O. umbilicata, O. bornmuelleri/O. levantina andO. transhyrcana/O. sphegodes aggr. (possiblyO. sintenisii) are different biospecies. This is a result of genetic isolation due to varying pollinators, and of differences in flower morphology.  相似文献   

  • Pollination of the pantropical Vanilla has been linked to melittophily and food deception.
  • Here we investigated the role of flower traits on the reproduction of Neotropical Vanilla. We also studied the evolution of pollination systems in order to understand the origin of production of flower resources and the diversification of pollinators in this orchid genus. Our study was founded on data of adaptations in flower morphology, production of resources, scent release, pollinators and breeding systems of Vanilla and presenting new data on reproductive biology of V. palmarum. Data on reproductive biology of Vanilla were mapped onto a phylogeny to address our queries on the evolution of pollination systems in this genus.
  • Vanilla palmarum shows a mixed mating system, with its facultative autogamous flowers being pollinated by hummingbirds. Its yellow flowers are scentless and produces nectar. Mapping of the pollination system onto trees resulted in one origin for bird pollination and at least two origins for autogamy in Vanilla. Nectar secretion has a single origin in the Neotropical thick-leafed lineage.
  • Bird pollination of Vanilla is shown for the first time. The origin of ornithophily within a bee-pollinated clade is supported by flower morphology. Floral transitions to ornithophily have been favoured by the occupation of a distinct niche from that of the other thick-leafed Vanilla species. Despite its specialized pollination, V. palmarum is autogamous. A mixed mating system can promote reproductive assurance in the case of a decline in pollinator populations, or in areas where pollinator services are irregular or absent.

Experimental self-, cross- and interspecific pollinations were carried out inBulbophyllum weddellii, B. involutum andB. ipanemense (Orchidaceae). The last two species are closely related, butB. weddellii is somewhat more distant. The three species are self-compatible, with pollination by a vector necessary for fruit formation. In all crossing types, high rates of fruit abortion and formation of seeds without embryos were observed, particularly in interspecific crosses that involvedB. weddellii. Crosses between the more closely relatedB. involutum andB. ipanemense produced fruit formation rates and seed viability similar to those obtained in intraspecific crosses. These results agree with current hypotheses that suggest that interspecific crossing rates reflect phylogenetic proximity. Examination of pollen tube growth and aborted fruits suggests that a series of factors may be involved in the high abortion rate for fruits and large proportion of seeds without embryos. The low interspecific fertility noted forB. weddellii andB. involutum is important in the maintenance of isolation between these species that are sympatric, flower in the same period and share the same pollinators.  相似文献   

Prasophyllum odoratum is a vernal, nectariferous, terrestrial orchid that flowers profusely six to eight months following cyclical fires that disrupt sclerophyll woodlands. The morphology of the column and pollinarium is indicative of taxa placed within the subfam.Spiranthoideae. The orientation of the pollinaria to the stigma appears to prevent mechanical self-pollination. Both cross- and self-pollination appear to be effected by insects that forage within the brightly-colored, scented, non-resupinate flowers. Ants and drosophilid flies remove nectar, but do not appear to transport pollinaria between flowers. The primary pollinators are polytrophic flies in the fam.Syrphidae and opportunistic male bees in the genusLeioproctus (Colletidae). Approximately 52% of the flowers on a raceme set seed. The comparatively short floral tube ofP. odoratum reflects the dependence of this species on short-tongued insects to effect successful dispersal of pollinaria.  相似文献   

Thelymitra epipactoides has a highly variable visual display achieved through polychromatic flowers and variable inflorescence size, bearing between 7 and 31 flowers, which attract foraging polylectic bees. Only bees of the genusNomia were observed carrying pollinia and successfully pollinating the orchid. The genusNomia contains polylectic, pollen gathering species that store pollen in both the crop and scopa on the hind legs. The absence of a reward for the bees indicates the orchid is relying on deception to attract visitors. The relationship of deception to mimicry is discussed. Once on the flower, tactile, visual and possibly olfactory stimuli direct bees to the false anther formed by the voluminous column wings, where morphological adaptations of the flower ensure that the pollinarium is deposited on the gaster of the bee to effect pollination. — The lack of seed set observed on the Victorian coast appears to be due to the absence of pollinators from the heath and grassland communities in which the orchid grows. This may well be a consequence of the reduced number of plants flowering in the community (a result of the elimination of fire at these sites), thus not maintaining a floral community attractive to potential pollinators.  相似文献   

The various classifications of the orchid tribeNeottieae are reviewed and a new classification is proposed that divides the tribe into three subtribes,Neottiinae, Limodorinae, andCephalantherinae, based primarily on characters of the column (gynostemium). A cladistic analysis illustrates that these three subtribes are more closely related to one another than either is to any other group in subfam.Neottioideae, although there are very few apomorphic characters for the tribe. Pollination biology is also discussed showing links between breeding systems and distribution. There is also a possible role between column and labellum morphology and the emergence of a deceptive pollination syndrome from one of reward.  相似文献   

5 new taxa ofHabenaria, namelyH. bougainvillae, H. elongata R. Br. var.leptophylla, H. ensigera, H. rechingeri andH. trichoglossa, are described and illustrated, with reference to affinities to related Australian and Indo-malayan species. The occurrence in New Guinea of severalHabenaria spp. typical for a savanna-like vegetation, led to look more thoroughly at these taxa:H. elongata R. Br. andH. ochroleuca R. Br., considered so far to be endemic in Northern Australia, andH. khasiana Hook. f., hitherto only known from southeastern Asia.Studies in the subtribeHabenariinae Bentham (Orchidaceae), 2.—Part 1: Candollea34, 357 (1979).Dedicated to Hofrat Prof. DrKarl Heinz Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday. — On April 30, in the year 1927, the author and his brotherOtto Renz metKarl Heinz Rechinger on a small steam-boat in a stormy Aegaen Sea, travelling from Piraeus to the Northern Sporades Islands:Karl Heinz with destination to Chelidromia, the author andO. Renz to Skopelos. By this lucky chance a lasting friendship began.  相似文献   

The structure of the massulae composing the pollinium ofLoroglossum hircinum was studied before pollination and 12 and 24 hours afterwards. The grains are grouped in tetrads closely packed in massulae. The exine is only present on the outside of the massulae. The intine consists of two layers: a compact layer surrounding the pollen grain and a looser layer surrounding the pollen grain and a looser layer surrounding the tetrad. Twelve hours after pollination, pollen volume and the space between the tetrads increase due to vacuolization. Twenty-four hours after pollination, pollen volume and tetrad spacing are higher due to vacuolization and some grains have emitted pollen tubes. Pollen growth due to vacuole formation, and the absence of common walls between adjacent tetrads lead to crumbling of the massulae. The mature pollen grain does not have apertures: the site of pollen tube emission is determined after pollination. The first grains to germinate are those in the centre of the massula. The vegetative cell nucleus is the first to enter the pollen tube; the generative cell elongates and undergoes the second haploid mitosis shortly after entering the pollen tube.  相似文献   

Myrosmodes cochleare is a terrestrial orchid restricted to high elevations of the northern Andes. It is self-compatible but not autogamous. Flowering begins at the apex of the inflorescence, but flower size increases steadily towards the base. Fruit set of selfed flowers was found to increase significantly from the apex to the base of the inflorescence. Open-pollinated fruit set was significantly lower than hand-pollinated fruit set overall, but the highest levels occurred in the middle of the inflorescence. Eumenid wasps and a calliphorid fly were observed to pollinate the flowers, but visits were rare and occurred only during infrequent warm periods.  相似文献   

Orchis prisca Hautzinger is described as a new diploid species from Crete, related toO. patens andO. spitzelii.

Erythrina breviflora is visited by large numbers of passerine birds of which orioles (Icterus: Icteridae) are the primary pollinators. The flowers produce large quantities of nectar but they are rarely visited by hummingbirds. Inflorescence and floral morphology, and low levels of sucrose in the nectar probably explain the rarity of foraging hummingbirds. A comparison of Old WorldErythrina and their pollinators with New World species pollinated by orioles and hummingbirds suggests that parallel evolution has occurred. When the comparison is expanded to include other species pollinated by orioles, it is clear that various New WorldIcteridae, Thraupidae, etc. are ecological equivalents of Old WorldOriolidae, Pycnonotidae, Sturnidae, etc. and that flowers pollinated by these birds have similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary   Vanda longitepala, a new species of orchid from northern Burma is described and discussed.  相似文献   

Micromorphology and distribution of trichomes in six taxa of theOphrys bertolonii aggregate (O. bertolonii, O. bertoloniiformis, O. benacensis, O. aurelia, O. drumana, O. catalaunica) are described. A fairly good homogeneity between all the taxa, with a moderate degree of variability even within the same taxon, has been observed. Comparison of these characters with those ofO. promontorii andO. garganica corroborates the inclusion of the former species into theO. sphegodes aggregate. Trichome analysis of a hybrid is exemplified byO. ×chiesesica (O. drumana ×O. fuciflora).  相似文献   

Leporella fimbriata is a self compatible orchid of southern Australia. It is dependant across its range on unique pollination by sexually attracted male winged antsMyrmecia urens, which pseudocopulate with the flower. Typical pollination sequences began with an initial circling then zig-zag flight to the flower. Vectors usually alighted on the inflorescence stem and quickly crawled to the flower where they adopted a copulatory position sideways along the wide labellum, pseudocopulatory probing immediately followed. In this position pollen carried on the thorax was deposited on the stigma. Departure from the labellum usually resulted in pollinium removal. Pollinator movements were restricted and the distribution leptokurtic with a mean of 3.141 ± 4.59 m. Pollination was widespread but variable from site to site and season to season with a maximum of 70% of all flowers being pollinated. Pollinator limitation is indicated. Traits essential for this pollination interaction include the coincidence of orchid and ant geographic distributions and the coincidence of flowering with the flight period of the ant. The production of pheromonelike substances and the distinctive floral morphology are also essential for attraction and manipulation of male ants. The ant mating system which the orchid can exploit is also important.  相似文献   

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