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Tracing the evolution of RNA structure in ribosomes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The elucidation of ribosomal structure has shown that the function of ribosomes is fundamentally confined to dynamic interactions established between the RNA components of the ribosomal ensemble. These findings now enable a detailed analysis of the evolution of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) structure. The origin and diversification of rRNA was studied here using phylogenetic tools directly at the structural level. A rooted universal tree was reconstructed from the combined secondary structures of large (LSU) and small (SSU) subunit rRNA using cladistic methods and considerations in statistical mechanics. The evolution of the complete repertoire of structural ribosomal characters was formally traced lineage-by-lineage in the tree, showing a tendency towards molecular simplification and a homogeneous reduction of ribosomal structural change with time. Character tracing revealed patterns of evolution in inter-subunit bridge contacts and tRNA-binding sites that were consistent with the proposed coupling of tRNA translocation and subunit movement. These patterns support the concerted evolution of tRNA-binding sites in the two subunits and the ancestral nature and common origin of certain structural ribosomal features, such as the peptidyl (P) site, the functional relay of the penultimate stem helix of SSU rRNA, and other structures participating in ribosomal dynamics. Overall results provide a rare insight into the evolution of ribosomal structure.  相似文献   

Structure of liver ribosomes studied by negative staining   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Summary The ultrastructure of Drosophila melanogaster cytoplasmic ribosomal subunits and monomers have been examined by electron microscopy. The Drosophila ribosomal structures are compared to those determined for other eucaryotes and E. coli. Negatively contrasted images of 60S subunits are seen in the most frequent view to be approximately round particles about 280 Å in diameter. About 35% of the particles present a single prominent projection which we call the 60S peak. The peak emanates from a flattened region of the 60S subunit. The maximum observed length of the 60S peak is approximately 90Å. The Drosophila 60S peak is highly reminiscent of the E. coli L7/L12 stalk. The Drosophila 40S subunit is an elongated, slightly bent particle which measures 280×170×160 Å. It bears a strong resemblance to small ribosomal subunits of other eucaryotes and is strikingly similar to the E. coli 30S subunit. Micrographs of 80S monomeric ribosomes show the long axis of the 40S to be parallel and in apparent contact with the flattened region of 60S subunit. The 60S peak appears to bisect the long axis of the 40S subunit. The 40S subunit seems to be oriented in the monomeric ribosome so that the 40S projection is toward the body of the large subunit. Comparison of our data with similar studies in different organisms indicates that the eucaryotic large ribosomal subunits exhibit morphological heterogeneity while the small subunits remain remarkably similar.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical analysis and hierarchical ascendant classification techniques have been used to sort electron images of ribosomes from the thermophilic fungus Thermomyces lanuginosus into their characteristic views. Three predominant views were elucidated, called here overlap, non-overlap and top, showing reproducible detail approaching 1.8 nm resolution. The overlap and non-overlap forms of the fungal ribosomes appeared to be similar to those from the eubacterium Escherichia coli, despite differences in rRNA composition. The non-overlap projection predominated for the fungal complexes, suggesting different adsorption properties for ribosomes from the two species. Additionally, the top view has not been previously described for eubacteria. No major morphological differences could be detected between the fungal and eubacterial ribosomes at the resolution achieved in this study, suggesting a strong conservation of tertiary structure of this macromolecular complex despite the evolutionary gap between these two organisms.  相似文献   

Evolutionary strategies such as the evolution strategy (Rechenberg 1965, 1973; Schwefel 1977) or genetic algorithms (Holland 1975; Goldberg 1989) have been widely applied to systems where parameters have to be determined according to a particular objective function. A necessary demand in all these experiments is that the structures of the objects to be optimised are well defined, because these structures are part of the objective function. With structure evolution the range of applications of evolutionary algorithms can now be expanded to tasks which are less accurately described, i.e. where the structures of the objects are fairly unknown. Heuristical effort is reduced first to defining structure components by combinations of which the structure space is generated. The structure space can be nearly infinitely large. Furthermore, the mutation procedures for structures have to be determined, complying with the demand for strong causality. In its computer model the algorithm of structure evolution involves the phenomenon of isolation, a feature of biological evolution additional to replication, mutation, and selection, which have already been implemented in other strategies. The idea of structure evolution is to let different but some what similar structures of an object compete in temporarily isolated populations where the respective parameter evolution is carried out. Thus structure evolution can perform a most effective search, both in structure and parameter space. The algorithm is demonstrated with two examples: a neural filter in a visual system and the topologies of frameworks. The first of the examples touches the problem of incompletely described tasks, and this paper will show that the effect of overlearning can be avoided by a learning procedure called incomplete induction, which fits best with the algorithm of structure evolution.  相似文献   

Structure and evolution of organelle genomes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

Structure and evolution of cereal genomes   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The cereal species, of central importance to our diet, began to diverge 50-70 million years ago. For the past few thousand years, these species have undergone largely parallel selection regimes associated with domestication and improvement. The rice genome sequence provides a platform for organizing information about diverse cereals, and together with genetic maps and sequence samples from other cereals is yielding new insights into both the shared and the independent dimensions of cereal evolution. New data and population-based approaches are identifying genes that have been involved in cereal improvement. Reduced-representation sequencing promises to accelerate gene discovery in many large-genome cereals, and to better link the under-explored genomes of 'orphan' cereals with state-of-the-art knowledge.  相似文献   

Structure and evolution of linalool synthase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Plant terpene synthases constitute a group of evolutionarily related enzymes. Within this group, however, enzymes that employ two different catalytic mechanisms, and their associated unique domains, are known. We investigated the structure of the gene encoding linalool synthase (LIS), an enzyme that uses geranyl pyrophosphate as a substrate and catalyzes the formation of linalool, an acyclic monoterpene found in the floral scents of many plants. Although LIS employs one catalytic mechanism (exemplified by limonene synthase [LMS]), it has sequence motifs indicative of both LMS-type synthases and the terpene synthases employing a different mechanism (exemplified by copalyl diphosphate synthase [CPS]). Here, we report that LIS genes analyzed from several species encode proteins that have overall 40%-96% identity to each other and have 11 introns in identical positions. Only the region encoding roughly the last half of the LIS gene (exons 9-12) has a gene structure similar to that of the LMS-type genes. On the other hand, in the first part of the LIS gene (exons 1-8), LIS gene structure is essentially identical to that found in the first half of the gene encoding CPS. In addition, the level of similarity in the coding information of this region between the LIS and CPS genes is also significant, whereas the second half of the LIS protein is most similar to LMS-type synthases. Thus, LIS appears to be a composite gene which might have evolved from a recombination event between two different types of terpene synthases. The combined evolutionary mechanisms of duplication followed by divergence and/or "domain swapping" may explain the extraordinarily large diversity of proteins found in the plant terpene synthase family.  相似文献   

Structure and evolution of somatostatin genes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A bovine pancreatic preprosomatostatin cDNA clone has been isolated and sequenced. Although it encodes a predicted 116 amino acid preprosomatostatin that is very similar in primary structure to those deduced from other mammalian preprosomatostatin cDNAs, there are some differences in amino acid composition. Hybridization of this clone to Northern blots of fetal bovine pancreatic poly(A+) RNA reveals a mRNA of 700 nucleotides. Evolution of the preprosomatostatin genes was studied by statistical analysis of anglerfish, catfish, bovine, rat, and human cDNA sequences. The results suggest that the two somatostatin genes present in both anglerfish and catfish were the result of a gene duplication event in a common ancestor of anglerfish and catfish.  相似文献   

The structural features of cytochrome oxidases are reviewed in light of their evolution. The substrate specificity (quinol vs. cytochromec) is reflected in the presence of a unique copper centre (Cu A ) in cytochromec oxidases. In several lines of evolution, quinol oxidases have independently lost this copper. Also, the most primitive cytochromec oxidases do not contain this copper, and electron entry takes place viac-type haems. These enzymes, exemplified by the rhizobial FixN complex, probably remind the first oxidases. They are related to the denitrification enzyme nitric oxide reductase.  相似文献   

Structure and evolution of calcium-modulated proteins   总被引:73,自引:0,他引:73  
This review suggests that the intracellular functions of calcium are best understood in terms of calcium's functioning as a second messenger. Further, when functioning as a second messenger, calcium completes its mission not by transferring charge nor by binding to lipid but by binding to specific targets, calcium-modulated proteins. This concept is broadly interpreted to include proteins involved in calcium transport. There is strong evidence that many, if not all, of these calcium-modulated proteins are homologs. Their structures and properties are contrasted to those of extracellular calcium-binding proteins which are not homologous to one another or to the intracellular calcium-modulated proteins. Finally, this line of thought leads to a suggestion of the evolutionary reason for the choice of calcium as the sole inorganic second messenger.  相似文献   

In a palynological study of the Amaranthaceae, a peculiar type of reticulate pollen was found that is characterized by the presence of a porate aperture in each of the meshes of the reticulum. Previously, this type of pollen has been described as “reticulate”;. However, closer investigations show that the reticulum in pollen of Amaranthaceae is composed of mesoporia and pores. Consequently, this kind of reticulum represents a fundamentally different type, and is not homologous to the well known examples of pollen grains with a true reticulum (e.g. in Bromeliaceae, Lamiaceae). Therefore, the term “metareticulate”; is proposed (i.e., pantoporate pollen with a reticulum‐like structure of mesoporia and pores). The new term allows to distinguish between metareticulate and truely reticulate pollen, what is important in phylogenetic studies. Metareticulate pollen occurs only within lineages characterized by pantoporate pollen, and is found to be derived from pantoporate pollen in a cladistic analysis. Apart from the Amaranthaceae, metareticulate pollen evolved parallel in Vivianiaceae and Zygophyllaceae. In Caryophyllaceae and Convolvulaceae only a trend towards a metareticulation is observed. Metareticulate pollen is suggested as representing the highest developmental level in successiformy, which is one of the major patterns in pollen evolution leading from tricolpate to pantoporate grains.  相似文献   

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