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The epithelial HBL-100 cell line was established in vitro from milk of an apparently healthy woman. It exhibits characteristics of transformation from the very beginning and evolves during in vitro maintenance, until becoming tumorigenic in nude mice. This immortal cell line represents a useful model for studying the progression of human epithelial cells toward malignancy. In the course of our investigations we detected a 94K protein in HBL-100 cells obtained from four different sources. This protein is shown to be indistinguishable from the SV40 large T-antigen on the basis of: Recognition by polyclonal and different monoclonal antibodies. Partial peptide map analysis. Specific binding capacity to the SV40 DNA origin of replication. The presence of a tandemly integrated SV40 genome is demonstrated by Southern blotting. Successful rescue of SV40 DNA by fusion with permissive COS-7, but not CV-1 cells, indicates that the SV40 T-antigen from HBL-100 cells is defective in a function(s) essential to the replication of the viral DNA. The possible origin of the SV40 genetic information that we have detected in HBL-100 cells and the implications of this finding on studies involving this cell line are discussed.  相似文献   

Events preceding stable integration of SV40 genomes in a human cell line   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have examined the organization of integrated SV40 sequences in an uncloned population of a transformed human fibroblast cell line. Somatic cell hybrids between mouse B82 cells and human GM847 cells were examined for SV40 T-antigen expression and individual human chromosome presence. This analysis revealed that a functional SV40 genome is located on human chromosome 7. Restriction endonuclease digestion followed by blot hybridization of the parental human cell line revealed that it contains multiple normal and defective SV40 copies integrated into the host genome in tandem. A similar analysis of several T-ag+ hybrid cell lines indicated that the integrated viral sequences in different hybrid cell lines (thus in different cells of the original population) are very closely related but not always identical. Analysis of subclones of GM847 also revealed such differences. Based upon these results, we postulate that following the initial integration event, viral as well as the flanking host DNA sequences become unstable and are subject to deletions and rearrangements. This short-lived structural instability is followed by highly stable integration of SV40 which is maintained in these cells or their hybrid derivatives for at least hundreds of cell generations.  相似文献   

A cell line (HBL-100) established from human breast milk   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary A continuous cell line (HBL-100) was obtained from primary cultures of cells derived from an early lactation sample of human milk. There was no evidence of a breast lesion in the milk donor. Karyotype analysis showed that all metaphases contained human chromosomes including a large acrocentric marker chromosome. Both desmosomes and cytoplasmic tonofibrils were observed during early passage. HBL-100 cells exhibited several characteristics of transformation including the ability to form colonies in soft agar, an aneuploid chromosome complement, and continuous growth.  相似文献   

We have studied the relationship between immortalization of SV40-transformed human embryonic fibroblasts and their SV40 integration sites. From several independently transformed cell pools, we have isolated clones which do not harbor unintegrated SV40 DNA. We have analysed whole-cell DNA from these clones, using the Southern blot method. Our results suggest that no specific integration sites in the cellular genome exist which are a prerequisite for the immortalization process. Although some integration sites were found to be predominant in pre-crisis clones, they could not be detected in the post-crisis clones. This suggests that none of these predominating sites is selected for during the crisis period.  相似文献   

Genomic rearrangements in a mouse cell line containing integrated SV40 DNA   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
R Sager  A Anisowicz  N Howell 《Cell》1981,23(1):41-50
In the SV40-transformed mouse embryo fibroblast cell line SVT2/S, genomic rearrangements involving the SV40 DNA and flanking host sequences were identified by Southern blot hybridization using viral DNA as probe. No rearrangements of SV40 DNA integrated into nonpermissive mouse cells have been previously described. The standard arrangement found in the majority of subclones was mapped with 20 restriction enzymes, 10 of which cleave sites within the SV40 DNA. A single copy of a defective integrated viral genome is present, in which the late region is missing from about nucleotide 200 clockwise to about nucleotide 1750. The rest of the viral genome including the origin of replication and T antigen binding region is present and colinear with SV40 DNA, except for an internal repeat of about 1750 bp located between nucleotides 2750 and 4500. Rearrangements were found in 4 out of 20 random subclones of the parental SVT2/S cell line and 3 of the 4 continued to rearrange. The thioguanine-resistant cell line 281-1-4, derived from SVT2/S, remained stable on subculture but a chloramphenicol-resistant mutant, 107-6-4, derived from 281-1-4, was highly unstable. In 107-6-4, unique rearrangements were found in 6 of 31 subclones of a population that had undergone abut 25 doublings from a single-cell isolate. The high rate of rearrangement and the sporadic expression of rearrangement potential are characteristic of the transposable controlling elements discovered by McClintock.  相似文献   

Culture of human mammary HBL-100 cells in the presence of dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, resulted in opposite effects on the production of the two plasminogen activators (PAs): a decrease in urokinase-type PA (u-PA) and a concomitant increase in tissue-type PA (t-PA). Two PA-specific inhibitors, one related to that produced by bovine aortic endothelial cells, and the other related to that isolated from human placenta, were also produced by these cells; dexamethasone did not affect the production of either of these inhibitors. The glucocorticoid effects observed on PA enzymatic activities were associated with changes in PA mRNA levels. Experiments using inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis suggested that the glucocorticoid-induced decrease in u-PA mRNA was a secondary event, requiring synthesis of new regulatory proteins; in contrast, the increase in t-PA mRNA appeared to be a direct effect on t-PA gene expression.  相似文献   

Alternatives to the Draize rabbit eye irritation test are currently being investigated. Because of morphological and biochemical differences between the rabbit and the human eye, continuous human cell lines have been proposed for use in ocular toxicology studies. Single cell-type monolayer cultures in culture medium have been used extensively in ocular toxicology. In the present study, an SV40-immortalised human corneal epithelial (HCE) cell line was characterised immunohistochemically, by using 13 different monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratins (CKs), ranging from CK3 to CK20. The results from the monolayer HCE cell cultures were compared with those from the corneal epithelium of human corneal cryostat sections. Previous studies have shown that the morphology of the HCE cell is similar to that of primary cultured human corneal epithelial cells, and that the cells express the cornea-specific CK3. In the study reported here, we show that the cell line also expresses CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19. These CKs are typically expressed by simple epithelial cells, and are not found in the human cornea in vivo. Therefore, the monolayer HCE cell line grown in culture medium does not express the CK pattern that is typical of human corneal epithelium. This should be taken into consideration when using HCE cell cultures in similar single cell-type experiments for ocular toxicology.  相似文献   

The integration of temperature-sensitive SV40 mutant DNA (tsA239) into the Chinese hamster cellular genome at an early stage of infection was studied. The content of single-stranded DNA structures in the infected and control cells at a non-permissive temperature (40 degrees C) differed drastically from that in control cells at permissive temperatures (33 degrees C, 37 degrees C). The role of single-stranded structures in the integration of the SV40 genome into cellular DNA was shown by blot hybridization. The integration mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Normal cultures of epithelial appearance were initiated by trypsinization of a surgically resected, histologically normal branchial cyst. Cellular morphology was consistent with derivation from the stratified squamous epithelium of the cyst or from vascular endothelium, although electron micrographs of the cultured cells failed to show any junctional complexes. Infection with SV40 produced transformants which were also epithelioid in appearance. These grew vigorously for 22 to 50 population doublings (about 23 to 32 subcultures, depending upon regimen) and then became quiescent. During this evolution, virus was detectable at all stages by both direct isolation (cell extracts) and cocultivation with permissive cells. In two sublines in which selection for rapidly growing cell types occurred, virus was detected only by cocultivation. The work confirms that of others in the finding that normal human epithelial cells are susceptible to transformation by oncogenic viruses, but are apparently less responsive than are fibroblasts to such transforming agents. It also suggests that subcultivation techniques that maintain the populations of transformed cells at low density tend to select against cell strains that are continuous producers of infectious virus. This study was supported by Grant CA 13494 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

SV40 early region oncoproteins and human cell transformation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We now understand neoplastic transformation to be the consequence of multiple acquired genetic alterations. The combination of these acquired changes confer the various phenotypes that constitute the clinical features of cancer. Although only rare human cancers derive from a viral etiology, the study of DNA tumor viruses that transform rodent and human cells has led to a greater understanding of the molecular events that program the malignant state. In particular, investigation of the viral oncoproteins specified by the Simian Virus 40 Early Region (SV40 ER) has revealed critical host cell pathways, whose perturbation play an essential role in the experimental transformation of mammalian cells. Recent work has re-investigated the roles of two SV40 ER oncoproteins, the large T antigen (LT) and the small t antigen (ST), in human cell transformation. Co-expression of these two oncoproteins, together with the telomerase catalytic subunit, hTERT, and an oncogenic version of the H-Ras oncoprotein, suffices to transform human cells. LT inactivates two key tumor suppressor pathways by binding to the retinoblastoma protein (pRB) and p53. The ability of ST to transform human cells requires interactions with PP2A, an abundant family of serine-threonine phosphatases. Here we review recent developments in our understanding of how these two viral oncoproteins facilitate human cell transformation.  相似文献   

Normal cultures of epithelial appearance were initiated by trypsinization of a surgically resected, histologically normal branchial cyst. Cellular morphology was consistent with derivation from the stratified squamous epithelium of the cyst or from vascular endothelium, although electron micrographs of the cultured cells failed to show any junctional complexes. Infection with SV40 produced transformants which were also epithelioid in appearance. These grew vigorously for 22 to 50 population doublings (about 23 to 32 subcultures, depending upon regimen) and then became quiescent. During this evolution, virus was detectable at all stages by both direct isolation (cell extracts) and cocultivation with permissive cells. In two sublines in which selection for rapidly growing cell types occureed, virus was detected only by cocultivation. The work confirms that of others in the finding that normal human epithelial cells are susceptible to transformation by oncogenic viruses, but are apparently less responsive than are fibroblasts to such transforming agents. It also suggests that subcultivation techniques that maintain the populations of transformed cells at low density tend to select against cell strains that are continous producers of infectious virus.  相似文献   

Integration of DNA of a temperature-sensitive SV40 mutant (tsA239) into the cell genome was studied. The viral A gene (the oncogene) encodes the tumour T antigen which is ts in the mutant and is devoid of mutagenic and transforming activity under non-permissive conditions (40 degrees C). Clones of Chinese hamster cells infected by tsA239 mutant were analysed. Those infected by wild-type SV40 served as controls. As shown by dot-hybridization, SV40 DNA was detected in cells of 14 out of 18 clones infected by tsA mutant and incubated at 40.5 degrees C, and in all 20 clones infected by tsA mutant and incubated under permissive conditions (33 degrees C), the difference between the two groups being insignificant (p greater than 0.05). By means of blot-hybridization it was established that viral DNA was integrated into the cell genome of all 12 clones analysed, belonging to the three experimental series: infection by tsA mutant, incubation at 40.5 and 33 degrees C, infection by wt SV40, incubation at 40.5 degrees C. The number of integration sites ranged from one to four in different clones. Integration of SV40 DNA in tandems was observed. The data presented allow to conclude that integration per se does not play a crucial role in determining the mutagenic and transforming effect of the virus. Obviously, what matters is the activity of viral oncogene product - the T antigen.  相似文献   

Binding studies of SV40 T-antigen to SV40 binding site II.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
SV40 T-Antigen binding site II was synthesized, cloned and analyzed for its ability to bind purified SV40 T-antigen. We report the binding constant of T-antigen for isolated site II. Using a filter binding assay the calculated binding constant was 6-8 fold less efficient than site I previously reported. Binding constants were calculated using two methods. The first was a direct calculation using a protein titration curve (KD). The second was by the ratio of measured association and dissociation rates. Both methods gave similar constants. Protection studies with SV40 T-antigen on the T-antigen binding sites in the wild-type array demonstrated that the binding constants of site I and site II are similar to those calculated for the individual sites. These results demonstrate that SV40 T-antigen does not bind cooperatively to sites one and two as earlier believed and are in agreement with recent observations emanating from several laboratories.  相似文献   

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