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The epidemiology of Toxocara canis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bred as hunter, companion and pet, the dog has a long and honourable association with man. Yet the domestic dog can host a wide range of parasites - many of which can also infect humans. One of these, the ascarid nematode Toxocara canis (Fig. 1), is of particular interest because of retinal damage that may result from larvae becoming trapped in the eye. At the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London, about 20-30 patients with toxocariasis are treated annually. Widespread fouling of public parks, playgrounds and pedestrian areas with dog faeces - especially in large cities - is well -recognized as one of the main sources of Toxocara infection. Yet as Stephen Gillespie discusses here, epidemiological indicators vary widely and the risk of infection is often treated too lightly.  相似文献   

During necropsy of a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) heart an adult, male Toxocara canis was found under the pericardium at the junction of the right ventricle and right atrium. The life cycle of T. canis is complex and includes tracheal and somatic migrations of larvae, and they can be found in many tissues throughout the host's body. However, it is rare for adult ascarids to be recovered outside of the small intestine. This is the first report of an adult T. canis inside the pericardial space.  相似文献   

The role of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in the dissemination of eggs of Toxocara canis into the environment is considered with reference to female worm fecundity and egg output in the faeces of infected foxes collected from four localities in southern England. A significant positive correlation was found between female worm size and the number of eggs in the uterus but there was no significant relationship between T. canis worm numbers and egg output in fox faeces. Reliable estimates of worm burdens in foxes could not, therefore, be determined from faecal egg counts alone. The highest mean egg output of 2145.0 epg recorded from adult foxes indicated that fox cubs are not necessarily the main sources of environmental contamination with T. canis eggs. Saturated magnesium sulphate was found to be a more effective flotation solution than zinc sulphate and sodium chloride for recovering eggs from fox faecal samples.  相似文献   

The protective effect of infectious agents against allergic reactions has been thoroughly investigated. Current studies have demonstrated the ability of some helminths to modulate the immune response of infected hosts. The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between Toxocara canis infection and the development of an allergic response in mice immunised with ovalbumin (OVA). We determined the total and differential blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells using BALB/c mice as a model. To this end, the levels of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5 and IL-10 and anti-OVA-IgE were measured using an ELISA. The inflammatory process in the lungs was observed using histology slides stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The results showed an increase in the total number of leukocytes and eosinophils in the blood of infected and immunised animals at 18 days after infection. We observed a slight lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate in the portal space in all infected mice. Anti-OVA-IgE levels were detected in smaller proportions in the plasma of immunised and infected mice compared with mice that were only infected. Therefore, we concluded that T. canis potentiates inflammation in the lungs in response to OVA, although anti-OVA-IgE levels suggest a potential reduction of the inflammatory process through this mechanism.  相似文献   

Toxocara canis (Ascaridida: Nematoda), which parasitizes (at the adult stage) the small intestine of canids, can be transmitted to a range of other mammals, including humans, and can cause the disease toxocariasis. Despite its significance as a pathogen, the genetics, epidemiology and biology of this parasite remain poorly understood. In addition, the zoonotic potential of related species of Toxocara, such as T. cati and T. malaysiensis, is not well known. Mitochondrial DNA is known to provide genetic markers for investigations in these areas, but complete mitochondrial genomic data have been lacking for T. canis and its congeners. In the present study, the mitochondrial genome of T. canis was amplified by long-range polymerase chain reaction (long PCR) and sequenced using a primer-walking strategy. This circular mitochondrial genome was 14162 bp and contained 12 protein-coding, 22 transfer RNA, and 2 ribosomal RNA genes consistent for secementean nematodes, including Ascaris suum and Anisakis simplex (Ascaridida). The mitochondrial genome of T. canis provides genetic markers for studies into the systematics, population genetics and epidemiology of this zoonotic parasite and its congeners. Such markers can now be used in prospecting for cryptic species and for exploring host specificity and zoonotic potential, thus underpinning the prevention and control of toxocariasis in humans and other hosts.  相似文献   

The prevalence of toxocariasis was evaluated for 445 dogs, 105 cats and 92 foxes from the Poznan region during 1997-1998. Forty one cats were infected (39%), 140 dogs (32%) and 15 red foxes (16%). Toxocara canis was found most frequently in puppies up to 3 months old (58%) and T. cati in kittens 4-6 months old (64%). Toxocariasis was much more prevalent amongst adult foxes (14%) than adult dogs (3%). In contrast to cats, female dogs and foxes were less infected than males. The present study suggests that cats may constitute an underestimated risk of transmission of Toxocara spp. to humans and the progressive synatropization of red foxes may also increase the sources of environmental contamination with Toxocara eggs.  相似文献   

A marked strain variation in eosinophilia following oral infection with Toxocara canis eggs was observed in mice. Mutual radiation chimeras between high and low responder mice in terms of eosinophilia were made and compared with the respective donor and recipient for eosinophilia after the infection. As a result, the degree and time course of eosinophilia in chimeric mice were similar to those in donors. The result suggested that genes which regulate inheritance of the trait, marked eosinophilia in T. canis-infected mice, might be expressed in bone marrow derived cells.  相似文献   

During the 2007-2008 hunting season, 150 spleen samples were collected from free-ranging red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in central Italy. The specimens were tested by two nested PCR assays to detect DNA of Anaplasma phagocytophilum, etiologic agent of granulocytic ehrlichiosis of animals and humans, and DNA of Ehrlichia canis, which causes the monocytic ehrlichiosis in canids. None of the foxes were PCR-positive for E. canis; 25 (16.6%) were positive for A. phagocytophilum. No specific gross alterations were detected at necropsy, and no histopathologic lesions found on PCR-positive spleen samples.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to verify whether cross-reactivity appeared between Toxocara canis and Anisakis simplex in an experimental rodent model. No cross-reactions were detected using sera from mice infected with T. canis eggs. When responses obtained against T. canis ES antigen using sera from BALB/c and C57BL/10 mice infected with T. canis eggs were compared with those obtained by testing sera from mice infected with one A. simplex L3, an increase in cross-reactions was observed using the C57BL/10 strain.  相似文献   

Artificially hatched infective larvae of Toxocara canis were labeled with 75Se in Medium 199 (Gibco) containing 75Se-methionine. Male CD-1 mice were infected with radiolabeled larvae by intragastric intubation or by intraperitoneal injection. At intervals of 3-56 days mice were killed and the organs prepared for compressed organ autoradiography. Radioactivity of parasitic larvae showed an exponential decrease with time, reflecting catabolism of label with a biological half life of 26 days (effective half life of 21 days) making possible experiments lasting several months. Total body larva counts, estimated by total body autoradiography, displayed an overall downward trend, but the rate of reduction was probably not constant because no significant positive or negative trends were noted from day 14 onward in the numbers of larvae. The carcass accumulated the greatest number of larvae followed by the central nervous system, liver, and lung in that order. When the numbers of larvae were considered in relationship to the mass of tissue, there were 4 groupings: central nervous system, liver, lung, carcass, and kidney, and genito-urinary organ, pelt, and intestine. No significant difference between intragastric and intraperitoneal administration was observed in the larval distribution after the larvae had left the initial site of deposition.  相似文献   

The mode of larval migration (visceral larva migrans) in Toxocara canis infection was compared for BALB/c, C57BL/6, C3H/He, DBA/2, NC and BALB/c nude mice following oral infection with 400 eggs. The mean recovery of larvae from the liver on day 2 post infection (PI) was not different in terms of the strain, age or sex of the mice. The number of larvae recovered from the liver decreased in all strains on days 6, 12 and 21 PI, but the mean for BALB/c and (NC X BALB/c) F1 mice was significantly higher than that for C567BL/6, NC and BALB/c nude mice, unless the total number of larvae in the carcasses on day 21 PI was the same among those strains including athymic nude mice. The mean recovery of larvae from the liver on day 6 PI increased with age in both NC and BALB/c mice, although no sex difference was observed. From these results, it is emphasized that the age and strain of animals should be properly selected for animal experimentation with T. canis infection.  相似文献   

Eighty-seven red foxes were investigated for the presence of Toxocara eggs on a sample of their hair from the peri-anal region. The worm burden of Toxocara in each fox intestine was also assessed and the relationship between eggs on the hair and worms in the intestine explored. Twenty-eight per cent of the foxes were found to have Toxocara eggs on their hair, with an average of 1.31 +/- 3.21 eggs per gram of hair (+/- SD). Sixty-one per cent of foxes harboured Toxocara worms within their intestines, with a mean worm burden (+/- SD) of 4 +/- 8. Host age and sex did not significantly influence the observed eggs on the hair or the worm burden. No significant correlation was found between the numbers of eggs on the hair and the worm burden within the intestine. These data collected from foxes are explored in the context of data from stray dogs and the possible epidemiological differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Infections of Toxocara canis in dogs fed infected mouse tissues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
E G Warren 《Parasitology》1969,59(3):837-841

Tove Hels 《Ecography》2002,25(3):303-313
If an amphibian species has a high degree of site fidelity to its natal pond, subpopulations do not mix, and this may have implications: the subpopulations may get different because of genetic drift, and their status may be affected due to stochastic events. During a four-year period (1994–1997), demographic parameters of a Danish metapopulation consisting of ca 1000 adult Pelobates fuscus in five subpopulations were investigated with the aim of quantifying exchange of individuals in subpopulations and potential differences in demographic parameters, and to clarify population regulating mechanisms. This was done through the use of drift fences surrounding the five breeding ponds, individual marking (PIT-tagging) and weight recordings of the adult females. Metamorphs were recorded when leaving the pond. There was no significant differences between ponds in sex ratio, eggs laid per female, fraction of females breeding and survival of eggs to froglets and of adults. However, there was a significant difference in juvenile survival (52% in one pond and 31% in the others). Sex ratio was 1.70 males:1 female. Mean number of eggs laid per female in the pond was 1762. The number of eggs laid was age-specific, fecundity peaking at age five. Larval survival rate was density dependent: decreasing in an overcompensating fashion at high densities. Exchange rate between ponds was low; 1.09% of the marked and recaptured adult population was found to change pond during the study period. The low exchange rate was confirmed in a simple translocation experiment. This population shows features of a source-sink metapopulation where the identity of the source pond changes due to succession. It is presumably regulated either in the larval stage by density dependent mechanisms (in the subpopulations with many adults) or in the adult stage by density independent mechanisms (in the subpopulations with few adults).  相似文献   

Infection of dogs by Toxocara canis carried by flies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E J Pegg 《Parasitology》1971,62(3):409-414

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