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Wang YM  Dong ZY  Zhang ZJ  Lin XY  Shen Y  Zhou D  Liu B 《Genetics》2005,170(4):1945-1956
To study the possible impact of alien introgression on a recipient plant genome, we examined >6000 unbiased genomic loci of three stable rice recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from intergeneric hybridization between rice (cv. Matsumae) and a wild relative (Zizania latifolia Griseb.) followed by successive selfing. Results from amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis showed that, whereas the introgressed Zizania DNA comprised <0.1% of the genome content in the RILs, extensive and genome-wide de novo variations occurred in up to 30% of the analyzed loci for all three lines studied. The AFLP-detected changes were validated by DNA gel-blot hybridization and/or sequence analysis of genomic loci corresponding to a subset of the differentiating AFLP fragments. A BLAST analysis revealed that the genomic variations occurred in diverse sequences, including protein-coding genes, transposable elements, and sequences of unknown functions. Pairwise sequence comparison of selected loci between a RIL and its rice parent showed that the variations represented either base substitutions or small insertion/deletions. Genome variations were detected in all 12 rice chromosomes, although their distribution was uneven both among and within chromosomes. Taken together, our results imply that even cryptic alien introgression can be highly mutagenic to a recipient plant genome.  相似文献   

Hybridization between different species plays an important role in plant genome evolution, as well as is a widely used approach for crop improvement. McClintock has predicted that plant wide hybridization constitutes a "genomic shock" whereby cryptic transposable elements may be activated. However, direct experimental evidence showing a causal relationship between plant wide hybridization and transposon mobilization has not yet been reported. The miniature-Ping (mPing) is a recently isolated active miniature inverted-repeat transposable element transposon from rice, which is mobilized by tissue culture and gamma-ray irradiation. We show herein that mPing, together with its putative transposase-encoding partner, Pong, is mobilized in three homologous recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from hybridization between rice (cultivar Matsumae) and wild rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.), harboring introgressed genomic DNA from wild rice. In contrast, both elements remain immobile in two lines sharing the same parentage to the RILs but possessing no introgressed DNA. Thus, we have presented direct evidence that is consistent with McClintock's insight by demonstrating a causal link between wide hybridization and transposon mobilization in rice. In addition, we report an atypical behavior of mPing/Pong mobilization in these lines, i.e., the exclusive absence of footprints after excision.  相似文献   

Eight resistance-gene analogs (RGAs) were isolated from wild rice, Zizania latifolia Griseb., by degenerate primers designed according to conserved motifs at or around the nucleotide-binding site (NBS) of known NBS-containing plant resistance genes. The 8 RGAs were classified into 6 distinct groups based on their deduced amino acid sequence similarity of 60% or greater. Gel-blot hybridization of each of the RGAs to 4 rice - Z. latifolia intro gression lines indicated an array of changes at either introgressed Zizania RGAs or, more likely, their rice homologs. The changes included dramatic increase in copy number, modification at the primary DNA sequence, and alteration in DNA methylation patterns.  相似文献   



It is widely accepted that interspecific hybridization may induce genomic instability in the resultant hybrids. However, few studies have been performed on the genomic analysis of homoploid hybrids and introgression lines. We have reported previously that by introgressive hybridization, a set of introgression lines between rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wild rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.) was successfully generated, and which have led to the release of several cultivars.


Using 96 microsatellite markers located in the nuclear and organelle genomes of rice, we investigated microsatellite stability in three typical introgression lines. Expression of a set of mismatch repair (MMR) genes and microsatellite-containing genes was also analyzed.


Compared with the recipient rice cultivar (Matsumae), 55 of the 96 microsatellite loci revealed variation in one or more of the introgression lines, and 58.2% of the altered alleles were shared by at least two lines, indicating that most of the alterations had occurred in the early stages of introgression before their further differentiation. 73.9% of the non-shared variations were detected only in one introgression line, i.e. RZ2. Sequence alignment showed that the variations included substitutions and indels that occurred both within the repeat tracts and in the flanking regions. Interestingly, expression of a set of MMR genes altered dramatically in the introgression lines relative to their rice parent, suggesting participation of the MMR system in the generation of microsatellite variants. Some of the altered microsatellite loci are concordant with changed expression of the genes harboring them, suggesting their possible cis-regulatory roles in controlling gene expression. Because these genes bear meaningful homology to known-functional proteins, we conclude that the introgression-induced extensive variation of microsatellites may have contributed to the novel phenotypes in the introgression lines.  相似文献   

 A highly asymmetric and fertile somatic hybrid plant was obtained via protoplast fusion in an intergenric combination. Gamma-ray-irradiated Zizania latifolia (Griseb). Turcz. ex Stapf mesophyll protoplasts were electrofused with idoacetamide-inactivated rice protoplasts derived from a 2-month-old suspension cell culture. Two of the six putative hybrid calli regenerated plants. Cytological observation showed that the somatic chromosome numbers of both plants were the same as the rice parent (2n=24). Nevertheless, the hybrid nature and inter-genomic exchange events of one of the plants, i.e. SH6 (SH for somatic hybrid), were confirmed by Southern analysis using both total genomic DNA and moderate-copy, Z. latifolia-abundant DNA sequences as probes; in both cases, parental specific and/or new intergenomic recombinant hybridization fragments were detected. In both plant and seed morphology, the hybrid (SH6) was distinct from its rice parental cultivar, as well as from the wild donor species, Z. latifolia. Received: 15 August 1998 / Accepted: 30 September 1998  相似文献   

中国菰(Zizania latifolia(Griseb.)Turcz.ex Stapf)是一种多年生禾本科稻亚科稻族菰属挺水植物。研究表明,菰具有现代水稻栽培品种所需要的许多优良性状,在生态治理方面表现出应用潜力;菰米营养价值高于普通稻米,且兼具保健功效。菰的这些特性使其在水稻种质改良、重金属离子污染土壤治理以及功能性食品开发方面表现出诱人的前景。近年来,菰属植物的研究工作取得了一定的进展,主要涉及菰的起源进化、菰的经济价值、菰与生态环境的关系、菰遗传多样性分析、菰组学及育种应用等五方面。因文献报道的时间跨度大,涉及面广,目前未见详尽的有关该物种研究进展的专门论述。本文从上述5个方面进行总结,促进对菰的了解,为这种重要野生资源的研究、保护和开发利用提供借鉴,进而加速该物种的研究进程。  相似文献   

用SSR和ISSR标记对鄱阳湖流域30个野生菰居群的遗传多样性与遗传结构进行了分析。筛选出的19对SSR引物共扩增出多态性条带253条,平均多态性条带比率(PPB)为91.67%,Nei's基因多样性指数(He)和平均Shannon信息指数(I)分别为0.2712和0.4144,遗传相似性系数(GS)为0.5590~0.8368,遗传距离(GD)的变化范围为0.1632~0.4410;筛选出的14个ISSR标记引物共扩增出83条条带,平均多态性条带比率(PPB)为78.29%,Nei's基因多样性指数(He)和平均Shannon信息指数(I)分别为0.2386和0.4174,遗传相似性系数(GS)为0.5132~0.9342,遗传距离(GD)变化范围为0.0658~0.4868。根据SSR和ISSR基因型数据,采用UPGMA法分别在阈值为0.698和0.728时可将30个野生菰居群聚为3类。可能受人为、水流、动物活动、风等多种因素的影响,居群间的亲缘关系与地理分布无明显相关性。本研究表明,鄱阳湖流域野生菰居群间SSR和ISSR基因型的多样性丰富,居群间的这种遗传差异或变异,对该地区乃至更大范围内野生菰的遗传进化、基因资源的开发利用和种质资源的保护有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Intrinsic DNA methylation pattern is an integral component of the epigenetic network in many eukaryotes. Exploring the extent to which DNA methylation patterns can be altered under a specific condition is important for elucidating the biological functions of this epigenetic modification. This is of added significance in plants wherein the newly acquired methylation patterns can be inherited through organismal generations. We report here that DNA methylation patterns of mobile elements but not of cellular genes were specifically altered in rice plants following hydrostatic pressurization. This was evidenced by methylation-sensitive gel-blot analysis, which showed that 10 out of 10 studied low-copy transposons and retrotransposons manifested methylation alteration in at least one of the 8 randomly chosen pressure-treated plants, whereas none of the 16 studied low-copy cellular genes showed any change. Both gel-blotting and genome-wide fingerprinting indicated that the methylation alteration in mobile elements was not accompanied by a general genetic instability. Progeny analysis indicated retention of the altered methylation patterns in most progeny plants, underscoring early occurrence of the alterations, and their faithful epigenetic inheritance.  相似文献   

菰是一种稻族野生资源,水生或沼生,在我国有着广泛的分布。野生菰群体不仅是一种重要的育种基因资源,同时还有着巨大的生态作用。为建立适宜于菰的ISSR反应体系,以菰DNA基因组为模板对ISSR反应体系中的主要影响因子进行优化。采用单因素变量法在12个不同梯度水平上设计正交试验针对体系中d NTPs浓度、Mg2+浓度、Taq聚合酶浓度、引物浓度、模板DNA浓度及引物退火温度等6个因子进行优化,确定了在20μL ISSR反应体系中各组分的最适因素水平分别为:3.0 mmol Mg2+(10×Buffer),0.5 mmol d NTPs、1.0μmol引物浓度、0.24 U/μL Taq聚合酶、1.5 ng/μL DNA模板以及55℃退火温度。应用该优化体系对80个菰材料进行扩增,证实了该体系的适用性和稳定性,为菰遗传资源的鉴定、评价与利用提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

菰物种专化DNA序列的克隆及其在检测菰DNA导入水稻中的应用 刘振兰 董玉柱 刘宝*(东北师范大学遗传与细胞研究所,长春130024)  相似文献   



It is widely recognized that interspecific hybridization may induce "genome shock", and lead to genetic and epigenetic instabilities in the resultant hybrids and/or backcrossed introgressants. A prominent component involved in the genome shock is reactivation of cryptic transposable elements (TEs) in the hybrid genome, which is often associated with alteration in the elements' epigenetic modifications like cytosine DNA methylation. We have previously reported that introgressants derived from hybridization between Oryza sativa (rice) and Zizania latifolia manifested substantial methylation re-patterning and rampant mobilization of two TEs, a copia retrotransposon Tos17 and a MITE mPing. It was not known however whether other types of TEs had also been transpositionally reactivated in these introgressants, their relevance to alteration in cytosine methylation, and their impact on expression of adjacent cellular genes.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and DNA molecular analyses have been carried out in 3 wheat introgression lines (ILs; CS×V58, CS×V59, and CS×V60) derived from Triticum aestivum cv. 'Chinese Spring' (CS) × Dasypyrum villosum(Dv) intergeneric hybridization. All lines, which showed several phenotypic differences compared to CS, had the same chromosome number (2n = 42) and structure as CS, and neither chromosomes nor chromatin from Dv were apparently added to their complement. However, Feulgen/DNA cytophotometry showed that there was more nuclear DNA in the lines than in the parental wheat (by 1.85%, 2.76%, and 1.26% in CS×V58, CS×V59, and CS×V60, respectively). Molecular investigation indicated the presence of Dv DNA in the ILs. AFLP analysis of genomic DNA from the ILs, CS, and Dv detected a total of 120 polymorphic bands, of which 7 (5.8%) were present in some or all the ILs and Dv but were absent in CS. PCR amplification, sequence analysis of amplicons, and Southern blot hybridization confirmed the presence of Dv-specific sequences in each of the ILs. These results indicate cryptic introgression of Dv DNA sequences into the genome of the ILs. Some implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Plants around ponds, rivers and lakes are subjected to long-term partial or complete submergence. When they are flooded, water level affects the plants simultaneously with duration of submergence. Separate and interactive effects of water level and duration on the growth of the herbaceous perennial Zizania latifolia (Poaceae) were investigated by exposing the plants in greenhouse water tanks to submergence in different water depths and for different time-spans. The plants exhibited great shoot elongation upon submergence and prolonged flood duration, and the basal tiller number of the species decreased with higher water levels. Submergence treatment advanced the flowering date and increased the inflorescence number. Plant total biomass did not differ among all the treatments, while the root:shoot ratio decreased with increased water level, prolonged duration of submergence and their interaction. The high plasticity in morphology and shifts in reproductive strategy and biomass allocation enabled the Zizania plants to survive the compound effect of flooding height and duration. This may explain the occurrence of this species in habitats subjected to long-term flooding. The results obtained in this experiment will contribute to understanding the impact of flooding dynamics on plants and the ways of adaptation responses to prolonged waterlogging.  相似文献   

利用数据库中已有的部分菰(Zizania latifolia Turcz.)核基因组序列,采用in silico方法开发其SSR引物,并选取我国不同纬度的5个菰野生种群,对合成的64对引物进行筛选。结果显示:64对引物中有15对至少在一个种群中表现出多态性;共发现84个等位基因,每个位点平均有5.6个等位基因。在5个种群中,观察杂合度为0.000~0.941,预期杂合度为0.072~0.625。种群间的基因流(Nm=0.576)水平较低导致了种群间表现出较高的遗传分化(FST=0.432)。进一步对稻族其他物种的通用性检测发现,15个多态位点中,有8个位点在亚洲栽培稻(Oryza sativa L.)中得到扩增,有9个位点在普通野生稻(O.rufipogon Griff.)中得到扩增。  相似文献   

Natural hybrid zones provide a valuable tool to study introgressive hybridization, because they can contain a wide variety of genotypes that result from many generations of recombination. Here we used molecular markers and morphological variation to describe the structure of two natural hybrid zones between Silene latifolia and Silene dioica in the Swiss Alps. Populations in both hybrid zones consisted of few intermediate hybrids and were dominated by backcross hybrids. The latter were also found in the parental populations at the margins of the hybrid zones. Out of 209 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers scored in 390 individuals, only 7 (3.3%) were species specific. These results indicate that introgression between S. dioica and S. latifolia is extensive, and that hybrid zones act as bridges to gene flow between these two species. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium identified few populations in which hybridization is ongoing, whereas in most populations linkage disequilibrium has eroded. Where hybridization is ongoing, strong changes in species-specific marker frequencies and morphological traits were observed. Plastid introgression into the hybrid zone was found to be bidirectional, but only the S. latifolia plastid haplotype was found in a nuclear S. dioica background. This unidirectional plastid introgression from S. latifolia into S. dioica is most likely due to pollen-flow from S. dioica onto S. latifolia, and results in plastid capture. Comparisons between the molecular and the morphological hybrid indices revealed that morphology in this study system is useful for identifying hybrids, but not for detailed analysis of hybrid zone structure.  相似文献   

菰黑粉菌是茭白的内生真菌,对茭白孕茭具有重要作用。本文分离获得了13个不同茭白品种和孕茭表型的菰黑粉菌菌株(M‐T型和T型),ITS序列鉴定分析发现:13个菌株都属于菰黑粉菌,它们的ITS序列仅在ITS1序列区间存在3个碱基位点的变异;基于ISSR技术比较分析了菰黑粉菌菌株间的遗传多态性,聚类分析表明,菰黑粉菌菌株的遗传多态性与茭白栽培特点及孕茭表型密切相关,本研究有助于茭白种质资源的鉴定及保护,并为茭白田间栽培管理提供了技术支持和理论依据。  相似文献   

The impact of alien DNA fragments on plant genome has been studied in many species. However, little is known about the introgression lines of Gossypium. To study the consequences of introgression in Gossypium, we investigated 2000 genomic and 800 epigenetic sites in three typical cotton introgression lines, as well as their cultivar (Gossypium hirsutum) and wild parents (Gossypium bickii), by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP). The results demonstrate that an average of 0.5% of exotic DNA segments from wild cotton is transmitted into the genome of each introgression line, with the addition of other forms of genetic variation. In total, an average of 0.7% of genetic variation sites is identified in introgression lines. Simultaneously, the overall cytosine methylation level in each introgression line is very close to that of the upland cotton parent (an average of 22.6%). Further dividing patterns reveal that both hypomethylation and hypermethylation occurred in introgression lines in comparison with the upland cotton parent. Sequencing of nine methylation polymorphism fragments showed that most (7 of 9) of the methylation alternations occurred in the noncoding sequences. The molecular evidence of introgression from wild cotton into introgression lines in our study is identified by AFLP. Moreover, the causes of petal variation in introgression lines are discussed.  相似文献   

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