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Abstract: A growth analysis was conducted with 24 central European grass species in full daylight to test whether traits underlying interspecific variation in relative growth rate (RGR) are the same in full daylight as they are at lower light, and whether this depends on the ecological characteristics of the studied species, i.e., their requirements with respect to nutrient and light availability.
In contrast to studies with herbaceous species at lower light, net assimilation rate (NAR) contributed more than leaf area ratio (LAR) or specific leaf area (SLA) to interspecific variation in RGR. This was associated with a larger interspecific variation in NAR than found in experiments with lower light. Without the two most shade-tolerant species, however, the contribution of LAR and its components to interspecific variation in RGR was similar or even higher than that of NAR.
Leaf dry matter content correlated negatively with RGR and was the only component of LAR contributing in a similar manner to variation in LAR and RGR. There was a positive correlation between NAR and biomass allocation to roots, which may be a result of nutrient-limited growth. RGR correlated negatively with biomass allocation to leaves. Leaf thickness did not correlate with RGR, as the positive effect of thin leaves was counterbalanced by their lower NAR.
Low inherent RGR was associated with species from nutrient-poor or shady habitats. Different components constrained growth for these two groups of species, those from nutrient-poor habitats having high leaf dry matter content, while those from shady habitats had thin leaves with low NAR.  相似文献   

Today research on global change is becoming one of the three vital topics in ecology. Within this field, simulating an individual plant’s physiological responses to global change, especially the combined effects of CO2 enrichment and the climatic change it caused, is a useful model in predicting the changes of either natural vegetation or agricultural crops, in that the physiological basis of the responses are mostly understood and the results of simulation can be checked with experi ments at any level or step when needed. Since the scenarios of the global changes often differ with different GCM’s, and will change as the GCM’s are being improved, even though, the simulation programs can still be used to for new predictions. In this study, based on the physiological mechanisms, a systematic dynamic model of plant individual growth was established, which included a weather generator and a growth module. The combined effects of enriched CO2 and climatic change on the main physiological processes, such as photosynthesis, respiration, etc., and seasonal dynamics of biomass were considered in the model. The data sets of the long-term weather records of Beijing Meteorological Station and the observed values of many ecophysiological quantities, obtained in a CO2 enrichment experiment of soybean, were used to parameterize and to validate the model. The results showed that data obtained from the simulation were quite compatible with those from the observation. When the CO2 concentration was doubled, the peak values of the total biomass and green biomass were increased approximately by 70% and 56% respectively. Furthermore, the responses of the total net assimilation and the average specific dark respiration rate within the growth season explained the internal mechanism of the biomass responses. The result indicated that the total net assimilation increased, while the average specific dark respiration rate decreased. Thus, it can be deduced that the increase of biomass was brought about not only by the increase of the net assimilation, but also by 'the decrease of the specific dark respiration rate. Sensitivity analysis was used to the soybean individual responses to global change. The seasonal dynamics of the total biomass to the combined effects of different levels of CO2, temperature and precipitation were simulated. CO2 concentration and precipitation have positive, while temperature has negative effect on total biomass. The positive effect of precipitation became weaker with increasing temperatures, while the negative effect of temperature was strengthened by the increased precipitation. The positive effect of CO2 concentration became stronger with the increasing temperatures, but weaker under enhancing precipitations. The positive effect of precipitation and the negative effect of temperature were weakened by doubling the CO2 concentration. These are partly due to the enhanced water use efficiency caused by CO2 enrichment, which in turn renders the plant individual more resistant and adaptable to the environmental change.  相似文献   

植株内种子蛋白多样性与繁育系统   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析了3种锦鸡儿属植物种子的同工酶。分布在典型草原上的小叶锦鸡儿(Cara-gana microphylla Lam.)、典型荒漠的柠条锦鸡儿(C.korshinskii Kom.)或荒漠草原的中间锦鸡儿(C.intermedia Kuang etH.C.Fu),同一植株不同单粒种子酶谱表现显著的变异,类似于经典遗传分析中互显性等位基因分离现象,77株植株无一例外,因此可以进行  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, is known for its rapid proliferation and dissemination in mammalian hosts. In contrast, little information exists regarding the lifestyle of this important pathogen outside of the host. Considering that Bacillus species, including close relatives of B. anthracis, are saprophytic soil organisms, we investigated the capacity of B. anthracis spores to germinate in the rhizosphere and to establish populations of vegetative cells that could support horizontal gene transfer in the soil. Using a simple grass plant-soil model system, we show that B. anthracis strains germinate on and around roots, growing in characteristic long filaments. From 2 to 4 days postinoculation, approximately one-half of the B. anthracis CFU recovered from soil containing grass seedlings arose from heat-sensitive organisms, while B. anthracis CFU retrieved from soil without plants consisted of primarily heat-resistant spores. Coinoculation of the plant-soil system with spores of a fertile B. anthracis strain carrying the tetracycline resistance plasmid pBC16 and a selectable B. anthracis recipient strain resulted in transfer of pBC16 from the donor to the recipient as early as 3 days postinoculation. Our findings demonstrate that B. anthracis can survive as a saprophyte outside of the host. The data suggest that horizontal gene transfer in the rhizosphere of grass plants may play a role in the evolution of the Bacillus cereus group species.  相似文献   

An autonomous system based on a constant heating method and designed for measuring water consumption in plants is described. The system was built into an industrially produced potentiometric recorder; it contained two input channels and operated with thermoelectric temperature sensors. The system operation was tested in experiments on mature trees of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.).  相似文献   

Two quantitative methods have been devised for studying the phototactic response of Chlamydomonas. In the first procedure, the movement of a cell population is continuously monitored photometrically, yielding a permanent record of the time course of the response. The monitoring system consists of a pair of photovoltaic cells connected in a comparison circuit, and a dim red light which passes through the swimming chamber and strikes the photocells. A stimulus beam enters the chamber at right angles to the monitoring light. The movement of algae towards the stimulus light produces a difference in output between the photocells. With a continuous stimulus, this difference increases in a nearly linear fashion for several ninutes. The slope of the linear portion depends on such factors as stimulus ntensity and wavelength and is used as the index of the response. In the second procedure, a photomicrographic method is used to resolve the population response into its components; i.e., the number of cells responding, the directness of the swimming path, and the rate of swimming. The photographs are taken with a fixed exposure time, during which each cell in the field describes a swimming track on the film. Swimming rate is determined by measuring the length of the photographed track, while directness of path is indicated by the angle between the track and the stimulus light beam. The number of cells going towards the light is calculated from counts made while observing the culture through the microscope. These methods have been used to investigate the dependence of phototaxis on stimulus intensity and wavelength, age of culture, and pre-illumination. This work formed a portion of a doctoral thesis submitted by one of the authors (M. E. Feinleib) to Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. The work was supported in part by a U.S. Public Health Fellowship, No. FI-GM-17, 305–04, and by a National Science Foundation research grant, No. G14266.  相似文献   

Measuring Biomass and Carbon Stock in Resprouting Woody Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Resprouting multi-stemmed woody plants form an important component of the woody vegetation in many ecosystems, but a clear methodology for reliable measurement of their size and quick, non-destructive estimation of their woody biomass and carbon stock is lacking. Our goal was to find a minimum number of sprouts, i.e., the most easily obtainable, and sprout parameters that should be measured for accurate sprout biomass and carbon stock estimates. Using data for 5 common temperate woody species, we modelled carbon stock and sprout biomass as a function of an increasing number of sprouts in an interaction with different sprout parameters. The mean basal diameter of only two to five of the thickest sprouts and the basal diameter and DBH of the thickest sprouts per stump proved to be accurate estimators for the total sprout biomass of the individual resprouters and the populations of resprouters, respectively. Carbon stock estimates were strongly correlated with biomass estimates, but relative carbon content varied among species. Our study demonstrated that the size of the resprouters can be easily measured, and their biomass and carbon stock estimated; therefore, resprouters can be simply incorporated into studies of woody vegetation.  相似文献   

测定植物抗寒性的电阻抗图谱法   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
电阻抗图谱(electrical impedance spectroscopy,EIS)分析作为测定植物抗寒性的一种方法,在农业、林业和园艺领域的应用正在不断扩大。该文从EIS的原理入手,讨论了影响电阻抗特性的生理和物理因子;介绍了测定EIS适用的模型;阐述了用EIS测定抗寒性的方法。在EIS分析中,胞外电阻率(re)是确定抗寒性最适用的一个参数,弛豫时间(τ1)是精确度最高的参数。  相似文献   

Neotyphodium uncinatum and Neotyphodium siegelii are fungal symbionts (endophytes) of meadow fescue (MF; Lolium pratense), which they protect from insects by producing loline alkaloids. High levels of lolines are produced following insect damage or mock herbivory (clipping). Although loline alkaloid levels were greatly elevated in regrowth after clipping, loline-alkaloid biosynthesis (LOL) gene expression in regrowth and basal tissues was similar to unclipped controls. The dramatic increase of lolines in regrowth reflected the much higher concentrations in young (center) versus older (outer) leaf blades, so LOL gene expression was compared in these tissues. In MF-N. siegelii, LOL gene expression was similar in younger and older leaf blades, whereas expression of N. uncinatum LOL genes and some associated biosynthesis genes was higher in younger than older leaf blades. Because lolines are derived from amino acids that are mobilized to new growth, we tested the amino acid levels in center and outer leaf blades. Younger leaf blades of aposymbiotic plants (no endophyte present) had significantly higher levels of asparagine and sometimes glutamine compared to older leaf blades. The amino acid levels were much lower in MF-N. siegelii and MF-N. uncinatum compared to aposymbiotic plants and MF with Epichloë festucae (a closely related symbiont), which lacked lolines. We conclude that loline alkaloid production in young tissue depleted these amino acid pools and was apparently regulated by availability of the amino acid substrates. As a result, lolines maximally protect young host tissues in a fashion similar to endogenous plant metabolites that conform to optimal defense theory.Loline alkaloids (LAs; Hofmeister, 1892; Siegel et al., 1990; TePaske et al., 1993; Blankenship et al., 2001) are protective secondary metabolites produced by some Epichloë and Neotyphodium spp. (epichloae), fungi that live as systemic symbionts in many cool season grasses (Poaceae subfamily Pooideae). The lolines are active against a broad spectrum of insects (Schardl et al., 2007) and are derived from l-Pro (Pro) and l-homoserine (Hse; Blankenship et al., 2005). Mock herbivory (clipping plants) is reported to induce higher levels of lolines in several grass-epichloë symbiota (Craven et al., 2001; Bultman et al., 2004; Gonthier et al., 2008), suggesting that the epichloae have evolved to regulate their metabolism in a manner appropriate for defense of their hosts. However, little is known of the regulation of LA synthesis in symbio and whether these symbionts follow prevailing models for how plants deploy chemical defenses against herbivores (McKey, 1979; Rhoades, 1979; Barto and Cipollini, 2005).The loline-alkaloid biosynthesis (LOL) gene cluster contains nine genes likely to direct LA production (Spiering et al., 2005). Neotyphodium uncinatum contains two highly similar LOL clusters (LOL1 and LOL2), and a single LOL cluster has been found in each of the LA-producing species, Neotyphodium coenophialum, Neotyphodium siegelii, and some strains of Epichloë festucae, among others (Spiering et al., 2005; Kutil et al., 2007). Fermentation cultures of N. uncinatum produce lolines, and studies involving application of labeled precursors and intermediates have almost completely elucidated the LA biosynthetic pathway (Blankenship et al., 2005; Spiering et al., 2005; Faulkner et al., 2006; Schardl et al., 2007). Putative roles of the LOL gene products—based on sequence relationships to known enzyme classes—fit well with the pathway. Furthermore, an RNA interference knockdown of lolC reduces LA levels, and a lolP knockout prevents conversion of N-methylloline to N-formylloline (Spiering et al., 2005, 2008). Expression kinetics of the LOL genes are tightly correlated with each other and with the LA production phase in N. uncinatum cultures (Zhang et al., 2009). This finding raises the question whether and how LOL gene expression in symbio relates to changes in LA levels in response to development and stresses in host plants.LA production in symbio may be influenced by physiological differences among plant tissues and developmental stages, as well as differences in nutritional status and environmental stresses (Kennedy and Bush, 1983; Belesky et al., 1987; Justus et al., 1997; Tong et al., 2006). Given the anti-insect activity of lolines, effects of plant damage on LA levels are of particular interest. Mock herbivory (clipping of leaves) leads to apparent increases in LA concentrations in regrowth tissues of tall fescue (TF; Lolium arundinaceum) symbiotic with N. coenophialum (Bultman et al., 2004; Sullivan et al., 2007) and of meadow fescue (MF; Lolium pratense) symbiotic with N. uncinatum or N. siegelii (Craven et al., 2001). Despite the higher LA levels, however, clipping or damage of TF-N. coenophialum by the herbivore Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) was reported to elicit only minor, marginally significant (P = 0.052) effects on expression of lolC (Sullivan et al., 2007). A study of the Glyceria striata-Epichloë glyceriae symbiotum demonstrated significantly higher expression of lolC and higher LA production when the grass was artificially damaged, whereas the effect of damage by S. frugiperda on LA concentrations and lolC expression was not significant (Gonthier et al., 2008).Prevailing concepts about how plants deploy chemical defenses include the optimal defense theory (ODT; McKey, 1979; Rhoades, 1979) and the growth differentiation balance hypothesis (GDBH; Barto and Cipollini, 2005). The ODT addresses the distribution of chemical defenses in the plant, predicting that such defenses will be concentrated in tissues that have relatively little means to physically inhibit herbivory (e.g. in young tissues) and are important in the fitness of the plant. The GBDH addresses the location of biosynthesis and predicts that mature tissues are more likely to produce secondary metabolites than are actively growing tissues, which instead need to use resources for biomass production. It is intriguing to consider whether the epichloae obey the predictions of ODT and GDBH, considering that many epichloae protect their hosts by synthesizing insecticidal alkaloids, but they are also evolutionarily derived from plant-pathogenic fungi (Moon et al., 2004) and do not always enhance host fitness (Faeth et al., 2004). In order to address these questions, it is necessary to understand how secondary metabolism of the epichloae is regulated in symbio. The production of lolines in MF-N. uncinatum and MF-N. siegelii is an ideal test case because the lolines accumulate to very high levels—up to 1.9% dry weight—in regrowth of clipped plants (Craven et al., 2001). Here, we test the hypotheses that LOL gene expression and substrate availability correlate with LA levels in younger versus older leaf tissues and in response to clipping in MF-N. uncinatum and MF-N. siegelii symbiota.  相似文献   

分析植株中GUS表达的两种快速简便方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了两种经过改进的GUS组织化学分析法 (戳点法与涂沫法 )。用移液枪吸取少量X Gluc反应液戳点待测材料 ,或用细毛笔涂抹经破损的待测材料表面 ,只需在 37℃下温育 2 0~ 30min即可在检测部位观察蓝色反应。此法具有简便、快速、经济的优点  相似文献   

Gene expression profiling studies are usually performed on pooled samples grown under tightly controlled experimental conditions to suppress variability among individuals and increase experimental reproducibility. In addition, to mask unwanted residual effects, the samples are often subjected to relatively harsh treatments that are unrealistic in a natural context. Here, we show that expression variations among individual wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown under the same macroscopic growth conditions contain as much information on the underlying gene network structure as expression profiles of pooled plant samples under controlled experimental perturbations. We advocate the use of subtle uncontrolled variations in gene expression between individuals to uncover functional links between genes and unravel regulatory influences. As a case study, we use this approach to identify ILL6 as a new regulatory component of the jasmonate response pathway.  相似文献   

The retinal G protein-coupled receptor (RGR) is a protein that structurally resembles visual pigments and other G protein-coupled receptors. RGR may play a role as a photoisomerase in the production of 11-cis-retinal, the chromophore of the visual pigments. As the proposed function of RGR, in a complex with 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase (RDH5), is to regenerate 11-cis-retinal under light conditions and RDH5 is expected to function in the light-independent part of the retinoid cycle, we speculated that the simultaneous loss of function of both proteins should more severely affect the rhodopsin regeneration capacity. Here, we evaluated the role of RGR using rgr-/- single and rdh5-/-rgr-/- double knockout mice under a number of light conditions. The most striking phenotype of rgr-/- mice after a single flash of light includes light-dependent formation of 9-cis- and 13-cis-retinoid isomers. These isomers are not formed in wild-type mice because either all-trans-retinal is bound to RGR and protected from isomerization to 9-cis- or 13-cis-retinal or because RGR is able to eliminate these isomers directly or indirectly. After intense bleaching, a transient accumulation of all-trans-retinyl esters and an attenuated recovery of 11-cis-retinal were observed. Finally, even under conditions of prolonged light illumination, as investigated in vitro in biochemical assays or in vivo by electroretinogram (ERG) measurements, no evidence of catalytic-like photoisomerization-driven production of 11-cis-retinal could be attained. These and previous results suggest that RGR and RDH5 are likely to function in the retinoid cycle, although their role is not essential and regeneration of visual pigment is only mildly affected by the absence of both proteins in rod-dominated mice.  相似文献   

TROUGHTON  A. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(3):553-565
A model describing the increase in weight with time of younggrass plants is formulated. The parameters are the relativegrowth rates of the root and shoot systems; k, the ratio ofthe relative growth rate of the root system relative to thatof the shoot system; b, the weight of the root system when thatof the shoot system is unity, and u the rate of increase inweight of the whole plant per unit of shoot system per unitof time, k and b are the constants in the allometric formula,r = bsk where r and are the weights of the root and shoot systems.The model enables the effect of changes in the distributionof assimilates between the root and shoot systems upon the rateof growth of the plant to be assessed. Data from a number ofexperiments are analysed in this manner and the significanceof the results discussed.  相似文献   

Rod and cone visual pigments use 11-cis-retinal, a vitamin A derivative, as their chromophore. Light isomerizes 11-cis- into all-trans-retinal, triggering a conformational transition of the opsin molecule that initiates phototransduction. After bleaching all-trans-retinal leaves the opsin, and light sensitivity must be restored by regeneration of 11-cis-retinal. Under bright light conditions the retinal G protein-coupled receptor (RGR) was reported to support this regeneration by acting as a photoisomerase in a proposed photic visual cycle. We analyzed the contribution of RGR to rhodopsin regeneration under different light regimes and show that regeneration, during light exposure and in darkness, is slowed about 3-fold in Rgr(-/-) mice. These findings are not in line with the proposed function of RGR as a photoisomerase. Instead, RGR, independent of light, accelerates the conversion of retinyl esters to 11-cis-retinal by positively modulating isomerohydrolase activity, a key step in the "classical" visual cycle. Furthermore, we find that light accelerates rhodopsin regeneration, independent of RGR.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss is a global crisis, due primarily to habitat destruction and widespread nonnative invasions. Invasive grasses are particularly problematic in many tropical ecosystems, where they possess traits that promote their persistence and can drastically alter native plant communities. We explored the ecophysiological basis for restoring native Hawaiian dryland ecosystems currently dominated by the nonnative invasive grass Megathyrsus maximus (guinea grass) in a garden experiment. Three native species—Myoporum sandwicense (naio; canopy tree), Dodonaea viscosa (aalii; shrub), and Plumbago zeylanica (iliee; groundcover)—were grown with M. maximus at three levels of native functional diversity (one, two, or three species) while holding overall plant density constant. We tested which individual and functional combinations of native species were more productive and best suppressed M. maximus growth and reproduction. Megathyrsus maximus had 39–94% higher maximum photosynthetic rates (Amax) than native species and increasing native functional diversity did not affect M. maximus Amax. Aboveground, belowground, and total biomass of M. maximus varied with functional diversity, although intraspecific competition reduced growth as much as interspecific competition. Reproductive tiller production by M. maximus decreased significantly when planted with any of the native species and with increasing native functional diversity. These results indicate that high native functional diversity in an ecological restoration setting may aid in the control of a dominant invasive grass and the reintroduction of diverse native species. Recommendations for restoring degraded nonnative grasslands in Hawaii and throughout the tropics include selection of native species that are ecophysiologically competitive and have high functional diversity.  相似文献   

Heat stress is a detrimental abiotic stress limiting the growth of many plant species and is associated with various cellular and physiological damages. Expansins are a family of proteins which are known to play roles in regulating cell wall elongation and expansion, as well as other growth and developmental processes. The in vitro roles of expansins regulating plant heat tolerance are not well understood. The objectives of this study were to isolate and clone an expansin gene in a perennial grass species (Poa pratensis) and to determine whether over-expression of expansin may improve plant heat tolerance. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) was used as the model plant for gene transformation and an expansin gene PpEXP1 from Poa pratensis was cloned. Sequence analysis showed PpEXP1 belonged to α-expansins and was closely related to two expansin genes in other perennial grass species (Festuca pratensis and Agrostis stolonifera) as well as Triticum aestivum, Oryza sativa, and Brachypodium distachyon. Transgenic tobacco plants over-expressing PpEXP1 were generated through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Under heat stress (42°C) in growth chambers, transgenic tobacco plants over-expressing the PpEXP1 gene exhibited a less structural damage to cells, lower electrolyte leakage, lower levels of membrane lipid peroxidation, and lower content of hydrogen peroxide, as well as higher chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, relative water content, activity of antioxidant enzyme, and seed germination rates, compared to the wild-type plants. These results demonstrated the positive roles of PpEXP1 in enhancing plant tolerance to heat stress and the possibility of using expansins for genetic modification of cool-season perennial grasses in the development of heat-tolerant germplasm and cultivars.  相似文献   

Unidirectional influx and efflux of nutrients and toxicants, and their resultant net fluxes, are central to the nutrition and toxicology of plants. Radioisotope tracing is a major technique used to measure such fluxes, both within plants, and between plants and their environments. Flux data obtained with radiotracer protocols can help elucidate the capacity, mechanism, regulation, and energetics of transport systems for specific mineral nutrients or toxicants, and can provide insight into compartmentation and turnover rates of subcellular mineral and metabolite pools. Here, we describe two major radioisotope protocols used in plant biology: direct influx (DI) and compartmental analysis by tracer efflux (CATE). We focus on flux measurement of potassium (K+) as a nutrient, and ammonia/ammonium (NH3/NH4+) as a toxicant, in intact seedlings of the model species barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). These protocols can be readily adapted to other experimental systems (e.g., different species, excised plant material, and other nutrients/toxicants). Advantages and limitations of these protocols are discussed.  相似文献   

不同冬小麦品种不同叶位叶片在个体产量形成中的作用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以黄土高原南部半湿润区土垫旱耕人为土为供试土壤进行大田试验,在不同施氮水平基础上,以NR 9405、9430、偃师9号、小偃6号、陕229号、西农2208、矮丰3号和商188等8个冬小麦品种为供试材料,研究不同年度、不同农艺性状冬小麦不同叶位叶片在个体产量形成中的作用.结果表明,冬小麦旗叶和倒二叶长度、宽度及其叶面积同时受品种和施氮控制,施氮后显著增加.旗叶和旗叶以下余叶对冬小麦籽粒产量形成起着重要作用.与不去叶处理相比,开花期去旗叶、留旗叶去其余叶、去所有叶对单穗粒数影响不大,各处理粒数变化在32.91~34.95粒/穗之间.但去旗叶后穗粒重有一定程度下降,比对照植株下降8.7%;留旗叶去其余叶和去所有叶处理,分别比对照植株减少18.2%和29.3%;去叶处理对单粒体积的影响与对单穗粒重的影响相一致;去旗叶、留旗叶去其余叶和去所有叶处理单粒重极显著降低,分别比对照下降7.0%、13.3%和25.1%.花后单株叶对产量的贡献大体上在1/4~1/3之间.  相似文献   

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