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Hyperglycemia has been assumed to be responsible for oxidative stress in diabetes. In this respect, glucose autoxidation and advanced glycation end products (AGE) may play a causal role in the etiology of diabetic complications as e.g. atherosclerosis. There is now growing evidence that the oxidative modification of LDL plays a potential role in atherogenesis. Glucose derived oxidants have been shown to peroxidise LDL. In the present study, genistein, a compound derived from soy with a flavonoid chemical structure (4′, 5, 7-trihydroxyisoflavone) has been evaluated for its ability to act as an antioxidant against the atherogenic modification of LDL by glucose autoxidation radical products. Daidzein, (4′, 7-dihydroxyisoflavone) an other phytoestrogen of soy, was tested in parallel. Genistein — in contrast to daidzein — effectively prevented the glucose mediated LDL oxidation as measured by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance formation (TBARS), alteration in electrophoretic mobility, lipid hydroperoxides and fluorescence quenching of tryptophan residues of the lipoprotein. In addition the potential of glucose-oxidized LDL to increase tissue factor (TF) synthesis in human endothelial cells (HUVEC) was completely inhibited when genistein was present during LDL oxidative modification by glucose. Both phytoestrogens did not influence the nonenzymatic protein glycation reaction as measured by the in vitro formation of glycated LDL. As the protective effect of genistein on LDL atherogenic modification was found at glucose/genistein molar ratios which may occur in vivo, our findings support the suggested beneficial action of a soy diet in preventing chronic vascular diseases and early atherogenic events.  相似文献   

Hypochlorite (HOCl), the product of the activated myeloperoxidase/H2O2/chloride (MPO/H2O2/Cl) system is favored as a trigger of LDL modifications, which may play a pivotal role in early atherogenesis. As HOCl has been shown to react with thiol-containing compounds like glutathione and N-acetylcysteine protecting LDL from HOCl modification, we have tested the ability of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)—which has recently been identified as an endogenous vasorelaxant—to counteract the action of HOCl on LDL. The results show that H2S could inhibit the atherogenic modification of LDL induced by HOCl, as measured by apolipoprotein alterations. Beside its HOCl scavenging potential, H2S was found to inhibit MPO (one may speculate that this occurs via H2S/heme interaction) and destroy H2O2. Thus, H2S may interfere with the reactants and reaction products of the activated MPO/H2O2/Cl system. Our data add to the evidence of an anti-atherosclerotic action of this gasotransmitter taking the role of HOCl in the atherogenic modification of LDL into account.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia has been assumed to be responsible for oxidative stress in diabetes. In this respect, glucose autoxidation and advanced glycation end products (AGE) may play a causal role in the etiology of diabetic complications as e.g. atherosclerosis. There is now growing evidence that the oxidative modification of LDL plays a potential role in atherogenesis. Glucose derived oxidants have been shown to peroxidise LDL. In the present study, genistein, a compound derived from soy with a flavonoid chemical structure (4', 5, 7-trihydroxyisoflavone) has been evaluated for its ability to act as an antioxidant against the atherogenic modification of LDL by glucose autoxidation radical products. Daidzein, (4', 7-dihydroxyisoflavone) an other phytoestrogen of soy, was tested in parallel. Genistein — in contrast to daidzein — effectively prevented the glucose mediated LDL oxidation as measured by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance formation (TBARS), alteration in electrophoretic mobility, lipid hydroperoxides and fluorescence quenching of tryptophan residues of the lipoprotein. In addition the potential of glucose-oxidized LDL to increase tissue factor (TF) synthesis in human endothelial cells (HUVEC) was completely inhibited when genistein was present during LDL oxidative modification by glucose. Both phytoestrogens did not influence the nonenzymatic protein glycation reaction as measured by the in vitro formation of glycated LDL. As the protective effect of genistein on LDL atherogenic modification was found at glucose/genistein molar ratios which may occur in vivo, our findings support the suggested beneficial action of a soy diet in preventing chronic vascular diseases and early atherogenic events.  相似文献   

Hypericin and pseudohypericin are polycyclic–phenolic structurally related compounds found in Hypericum perforatum L. (St John's wort). As hypericin has been found to bind to LDL one may assume that it can act as antioxidant of LDL lipid oxidation, a property which is of prophylactic/therapeutic interest regarding atherogenesis as LDL oxidation may play a pivotal role in the onset of atherosclerosis. Therefore, in the present paper hypericin, pseudohypericin and hyperforin, an other structurally unrelated constituent in St John's wort were tested in their ability to inhibit LDL oxidation. LDL was isolated by ultracentrifugation and oxidation was initiated either by transition metal ions (copper), tyrosyl radical (myeloperoxidase/hydrogen peroxide/tyrosine) or by endothelial cells (HUVEC). LDL modification was monitored by conjugated diene and malondialdehyde formation. The data show that all compounds (hypericin, pseudohypericin and hyperforin) at doses as low as 2.5 μmol/l are potent antioxidants in the LDL oxidation systems used. The results indicate that the derivatives found in Hypericum perforatum have possible antiatherogenic potential.  相似文献   

The oxidative modification of LDL may play an important role in the early events of atherogenesis. Thus the identification of antioxidative compounds may be of therapeutic and prophylactic importance regarding cardiovascular disease. Copper-chlorophyllin (Cu-CHL), a Cu2+-protoporphyrin IX complex, has been reported to inhibit lipid oxidation in biological membranes and liposomes. Hemin (Fe3+-protoporphyrin IX) has been shown to bind to LDL thereby inducing lipid peroxidation. As Cu-CHL has a similar structure as hemin, one may assume that Cu-CHL may compete with the hemin action on LDL. Therefore, in the present study Cu-CHL and the related compound magnesium-chlorophyllin (Mg-CHL) were examined in their ability to inhibit LDL oxidation initiated by hemin and other LDL oxidizing systems. LDL oxidation by hemin in presence of H2O2 was strongly inhibited by both CHLs. Both chlorophyllins were also capable of effectively inhibiting LDL oxidation initiated by transition metal ions (Cu2+), human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and tyrosyl radicals generated by myeloperoxidase (MPO) in presence of H2O2 and tyrosine. Cu- and Mg-CHL showed radical scavenging ability as demonstrated by the diphenylpicrylhydracylradical (DPPH)-radical assay and estimation of phenoxyl radical generated diphenyl (dityrosine) formation. As assessed by ultracentrifugation the chlorophyllins were found to bind to LDL (and HDL) in serum. The present study shows that copper chlorophyllin (Cu-CHL) and its magnesium analog could act as potent antagonists of atherogenic LDL modification induced by various oxidative stimuli. As inhibitory effects of the CHLs were found at concentrations as low as 1 μmol/l, which can be achieved in humans, the results may be physiologically/therapeutically relevant.  相似文献   

The oxidative modification of LDL may play an important role in the early events of atherogenesis. Thus the identification of antioxidative compounds may be of therapeutic and prophylactic importance regarding cardiovascular disease. Copper-chlorophyllin (Cu-CHL), a Cu2+-protoporphyrin IX complex, has been reported to inhibit lipid oxidation in biological membranes and liposomes. Hemin (Fe3+-protoporphyrin IX) has been shown to bind to LDL thereby inducing lipid peroxidation. As Cu-CHL has a similar structure as hemin, one may assume that Cu-CHL may compete with the hemin action on LDL. Therefore, in the present study Cu-CHL and the related compound magnesium-chlorophyllin (Mg-CHL) were examined in their ability to inhibit LDL oxidation initiated by hemin and other LDL oxidizing systems. LDL oxidation by hemin in presence of H2O2 was strongly inhibited by both CHLs. Both chlorophyllins were also capable of effectively inhibiting LDL oxidation initiated by transition metal ions (Cu2+), human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and tyrosyl radicals generated by myeloperoxidase (MPO) in presence of H2O2 and tyrosine. Cu- and Mg-CHL showed radical scavenging ability as demonstrated by the diphenylpicrylhydracylradical (DPPH)-radical assay and estimation of phenoxyl radical generated diphenyl (dityrosine) formation. As assessed by ultracentrifugation the chlorophyllins were found to bind to LDL (and HDL) in serum. The present study shows that copper chlorophyllin (Cu-CHL) and its magnesium analog could act as potent antagonists of atherogenic LDL modification induced by various oxidative stimuli. As inhibitory effects of the CHLs were found at concentrations as low as 1 μmol/l, which can be achieved in humans, the results may be physiologically/therapeutically relevant.  相似文献   

Summary It has been proposed that low density lipoprotein (LDL) must undergo oxidative modification before it can participate in atherosclerosis. The present paper studied the effect of cholesterol oxidation in LDL on cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. LDL was oxidized by cholesterol oxidase (3--hydroxy-steroid oxidase) which catalyzes the oxidation of cholesterol to 4-cholesten-3 one and other oxidized cholesterol derivatives. Cholesterol oxidase treatment of LDL did not result in lipid peroxidation. Cultured rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells were morphologically changed following exposure to cholesterol oxidized LDL. Nile red, a hydrophobic probe which can selectively stain intracellular lipid droplets, was applied to detect the cellular lipid content after treatment with oxidized or non-oxidized LDL cholesterol. LDL which did not undergo oxidation of its cholesterol had no effect on the cells. However, cellular nile red fluorescence intensity was increased as the pre-incubation time of cholesterol oxidase with LDL increased. This was supported by HPLC analysis which revealed that the oxidized cholesterol content of treated cells increased. These findings suggest that cholesterol oxidation of LDL can alter lipid deposition in the cells and change cell morphology. The oxidation of cholesterol in vivo may play an important role in the modification of LDL which could contribute to the generation of the lipid-laden foam cells.  相似文献   

Hypochlorite (HOCl) attacks amino acid residues in LDL making the particle atherogenic. Tryptophan is prone to free radical reactions and modification by HOCl. We hypothesized, that free tryptophan may quench the HOCl attack therefore protecting LDL. Free tryptophan inhibits LDL apoprotein modification and lipid oxidation. Tryptophan-HOCl metabolites associate with LDL reducing its oxidizability initiated by endothelial cells, Cu(2+) and peroxyl radicals. One tryptophan-HOCl metabolite was identified as 4-methyl-carbostyril which showed antioxidative activity when present during Cu(2+) mediated lipid oxidation, but did not associate with LDL. Indole-3-acetaldehyde, a decomposition product of tryptophan chloramine (the product of the tryptophan-HOCl reaction) was found to associate with LDL increasing its resistance to oxidation. Myeloperoxidase treatment of LDL in the presence of chloride, H(2)O(2) and tryptophan protected the lipoprotein from subsequent cell-mediated oxidation. We conclude that, in vivo, the activated myeloperoxidase system can generate antioxidative metabolites from tryptophan by the reaction of hypochlorite with this essential amino acid.  相似文献   

The study of cell-mediated low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation has traditionally been undertaken using Ham's F10 media due to its high metal content and low levels of antioxidants. Although there has been no acknowledged change to this media in recent years by the suppliers, Ham's F10 medium has been found to be extremely inconsistent in its promotion of LDL oxidation in the absence of cells. This variability contrasts with the relatively consistent rates of THP-1 cell-mediated LDL oxidation. This study has now shown that the variability in cell-free LDL oxidation is medium-dependent and not an artefact of experimental protocol. It presents evidence that suggests the variable rates of cell-free LDL oxidation are caused by iron auto-oxidation during storage of the Ham's F10 medium. The medium can be standardized by removal of all transition metals, by treatment with Chelex, before the addition of known amounts of iron or copper. This treatment generates a cell culture medium that only allows very slow LDL oxidation in the absence of cells.  相似文献   

Summary Human peripheral blood monocytes, upon activation, have the capacity to oxidize low density lipoprotein (LDL) and render the LDL toxic to cultured cells. Previous studies by our laboratory indicate that this process is mediated by free radicals in that it can be prevented by addition of free radical scavengers and antioxidants during the incubation of monocytes with LDL. Here we report that optimal modification of LDL by monocytes was influenced by media composition. In the absence of added metal ions, oxidation was distinctly dependent on the concentration of monocytes as well as LDL concentration. Exposure of monocytes to lipopolysaccharide or stimulation of phagocytosis by opsonized zymosan resulted in marked enhancement of LDL oxidation compared to other activating agents. After exposure to activated monocytes, lipid oxidation products in the supernatant were found both in a high molecular weight fraction containing LDL (>30 000 Daltons) and in a lipoprotein-free, low molecular weight fraction (<30 000 Daltons), yet only the high molecular weight, LDL-containing fraction was toxic to target cells. In addition, human myelomonocytic cell lines U937 and HL60 were shown to mediate oxidation of LDL. As with monocytes, exposing these cells to opsonized zymosan caused the level of LDL oxidation to be significantly enhanced. These findings offer further insight into the mechanisms of monocyte-mediated oxidation of lipoproteins and will facilitate studies investigating the role of monocyte-modified LDL in tissue injury. This project was funded by grants form the American Heart Association-Northeast Ohio Affiliate and the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (HL-29582).  相似文献   

The effects of taurine on hepatic cholesterol metabolism were investigated in hamsters fed a high-fat diet or normal chow. Two weeks-treatment of taurine at 1% in drinking water prevented high-fat diet-induced increase in cholesterol levels of serum and liver. The decrease in serum cholesterol by taurine was due to decrease in non-HDL cholesterols. A similar tendency was noted in serum and liver cholesterol levels of hamsters fed a normal diet. In hamsters fed a high-fat diet, taurine prevented elevation in hepatic activity of acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) and increased the activity of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase. Taurine also increased cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase activity in hamsters fed normal chow. Studies on liver membranes revealed that taurine increased 125I-labeled LDL binding by 52% and 58% in hamsters fed either a normal chow or high-fat diet, respectively. Furthermore, LDL kinetic analysis showed that taurine intake resulted in significant faster plasma LDL fractional catabolic rates (FCR). These results suggest that taurine elevates hepatic LDL receptor and thereby decreases serum cholesterol levels, an event which may be the result of hepatic cholesterol depletion as a consequence of increased bile acid synthesis via enhancement of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase activity. Thus, up-regulation of the LDL receptor and subsequent increase in receptor- mediated LDL turnover may be a key event in the cholesterol-lowering effects of taurine in hamsters.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that exposure to electromagnetic fields may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in humans. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) modifications such as peroxidation and aggregation have been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. The present study investigated the effects of weak (0.125–0.5 mT) and moderate (1–4 mT) static magnetic fields (SMFs) on LDL oxidation, aggregation and zeta potential in vitro. Our results demonstrated that magnetic flux densities of 0.25 and 0.5 mT decreased, and magnetic flux densities of 3 and 4 mT increased the zeta potential and LDL oxidation in comparison with the control samples. All doses of SMFs increased the LDL aggregation in a time‐ and dose‐dependent manner. It is concluded that SMFs can alter the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation and this alteration is dependent on the applied magnetic flux density. The SMF, in addition to its role in the production and stabilization of free radicals and promotion of lipid peroxidation, may influence the metabolism of lipoproteins and their interaction with other molecules such as apolipoproteins, enzymes and receptors through the alteration of the LDL zeta potential and its particles tendency to aggregation. Bioelectromagnetics 34:397–404, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fusion of modified LDL in the arterial wall promotes atherogenesis. Earlier we showed that thermal denaturation mimics LDL remodeling and fusion, and revealed kinetic origin of LDL stability. Here we report the first quantitative analysis of LDL thermal stability. Turbidity data show sigmoidal kinetics of LDL heat denaturation, which is unique among lipoproteins, suggesting that fusion is preceded by other structural changes. High activation energy of denaturation, E(a) = 100 ± 8 kcal/mol, indicates disruption of extensive packing interactions in LDL. Size-exclusion chromatography, nondenaturing gel electrophoresis, and negative-stain electron microscopy suggest that LDL dimerization is an early step in thermally induced fusion. Monoclonal antibody binding suggests possible involvement of apoB N-terminal domain in early stages of LDL fusion. LDL fusion accelerates at pH < 7, which may contribute to LDL retention in acidic atherosclerotic lesions. Fusion also accelerates upon increasing LDL concentration in near-physiologic range, which likely contributes to atherogenesis. Thermal stability of LDL decreases with increasing particle size, indicating that the pro-atherogenic properties of small dense LDL do not result from their enhanced fusion. Our work provides the first kinetic approach to measuring LDL stability and suggests that lipid-lowering therapies that reduce LDL concentration but increase the particle size may have opposite effects on LDL fusion.  相似文献   

Spice components and their active principles are potential antioxidants. In this study we examined the effect of phenolic and non-phenolic active principles of common spices on copper ion-induced lipid peroxidation of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) by measuring the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) and relative electrophoretic mobility (REM) of LDL on agarose gel. Curcurriin, capsaicin, quercetin, piperine, eugenol and allyl sulfide inhibited the formation of TBARS effectively through out the incubation period of 12 h and decreased the REM of LDL. Spice phenolic active principles viz. curcumin, quercetin and capsaicin at 10 M produced 40–85% inhibition of LDL oxidation at different time intervals while non-phenolic antioxidant allyl sulfide was less potent in inhibiting oxidation of LDL. However, allyl sulfide, eugenol and ascorbic acid showed pro-oxidant activity at lower concentrations (10 M) and antioxidant activity at higher concentrations (50 M) only. Among the spice principles tested quercetin and curcumin showed the highest inhibitory activity while piperine showed least antioxidant activity at equimolar concentration during initiation phase of oxidation of LDL. The inhibitory effect of curcumin, quercetin and capsaicin was comparable to that of BHA, but relatively more potent than ascorbic acid. Further, the effect of curcurnin, quercetin, capsaicin and BHA on initiation and propagation phases of LDL oxidation showed that curcurnin significantly inhibited both initiation and propagation phases of LDL oxidation, while quercetin was found to be ineffective at propagation phase. These data suggest that the above spice active principles, which constitute about 1–4% of above spices, are effective antioxidants and offer protection against oxidation of human LDL.  相似文献   

While Ca2+ has been proposed to be a messenger in OxLDL-induced cell death, few studies have addressed the possibility that it may influence the occurrence of apoptosis and necrosis of macrophages induced by OxLDL in virtue of change of transmembrane Ca2+ gradient including that across plasma membrane and intracellular organelle membranes. In this paper, various lipophilic Ca2+ fluorescent indicators and specific organelle markers were used to study the relationship between the changes of the transmembrane Ca2+ gradients and the OxLDL induced apoptosis of macrophages. Our results showed that following exposure of low dose OxLDL to macrophages, the transmembrane Ca2+ gradient across the plasma membrane, as well as the membrane-proximal Ca2+ gradient, the transnuclear, and the transmitochondrial membrane Ca2+ gradient were all changed significantly. These data suggested that changes in transmembrane Ca2+ gradients might be involved in the apoptosis of macrophages induced by OxLDL.  相似文献   

Macrophages isolated from a variety of organs in several animal species exhibit high affinity binding sites that recognize chemically modified proteins. One of these binding sites recognizes human plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) in which the positive charges on the epsilon-amino groups of lysine have been removed or neutralized by chemical modification, thus giving the protein an enhanced negative charge. Effective treatments include reaction of LDL with organic acid anhydrides (acetylation or maleylation) and reaction with aldehydes, such as treatment with malondialdehyde. After the negatively-charged LDL binds to the surface receptor sites, it is rapidly internalized by the macrophages by endocytosis and hydrolyzed in lysosomes. The liberated cholesterol is reesterified in the cytoplasm, producing massive cholesteryl ester deposition. The binding site for negatively-charged LDL has been demonstrated so far only on macrophages and other scavenger cells. It is not expressed in cultured fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, lymphocytes, or adrenal cells. In addition to its affinity for acetylated LDL and malondialdehyde-treated LDL, the macrophage site binds a variety of polyanions. It exhibits a particularly high affinity for certain sulfated polysaccharides (dextran sulfate and fucoidin), certain polynucleotides (polyinosinic acid and polyguanylic acid), polyvinyl sulfate, and maleylated albumin. It is possible that the site that binds negatively-charged LDL may be responsible for the massive accumulation of cholesteryl esters that occurs in vivo in macrophages and other scavenger cells in patients with high levels of circulating plasma LDL.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that low and high density lipoproteins from monkey plasma are capable of accepting and accumulating monoacylglycerol that is formed by the action of lipoprotein lipase on monkey lymph very low density lipoproteins. Furthermore, the monoacylglycerol that accumulates in both low and high density lipoproteins is not susceptible to further hydrolysis by lipoprotein lipase but is readily degraded by the monoacylglycerol acyltransferase of monkey liver plasma membranes. These observations suggest a new mechanism for monoacylglycerol transfer from triacylglycerol rich lipoproteins to other lipoproteins. In addition, the finding that monoacylglycerol bound to low and high density lipoprotein is degraded by the liver enzyme but not lipoprotein lipase lends support to the hypothesis that there are distinct and consecutive extrahepatic and hepatic stages in the metabolism of triacylglycerol in plasma lipoproteins.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluated the time course and mechanism of low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation induced by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), cell-free medium (CFM) and Cu2+. After incubating LDL (200 μg/ml) with HUVECs, CFM and Cu2+ (concentration adjusted to obtain the same degree of LDL modification as with HUVECs), the extent of LDL lipid peroxidation and apoprotein B modification was monitored at different times from 0 to 24 h. This involved evaluating the time course of LDL conjugated diene, peroxide, malonyldialdehyde (MDA), fluorescence, relative electrophoretic mobility (REM), vitamin E and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. After incubation with HUVECs, the LDL REM was significantly higher than that obtained in CFM (p < 0.01). When balanced for the same degree of LDL modification as obtained with HUVECs, Cu2+ gave a REM similar to that obtained with HUVECs. At the different times of incubation there was no statistical difference between conjugated diene and peroxide values after incubation with HUVECs and with CFM. The values obtained with Cu2+ were significantly higher than those obtained with HUVECs and CFM (p < 0.01). MDA and LDL fluorescence were significantly higher after exposure to HUVECs than to CFM (p<0.01), values being similar to those obtained with Cu2+. There was no statistical difference between the values of LDL oleic, linoleic, arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids after incubation with HUVECs and CFM. Eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), a lipoxygenase inhibitor, determined dose-dependent reduction of MDA formation induced by the incubation of LDL with HUVECs; it did not affect LDL conjugated diene. ETYA did not have any effect on the MDA derived from LDL after incubation with Cu2+ or CFM. The results of this study demonstrate that, unlike Cu2+, the contribution of HUVECs to LDL modification does not involve only lipid peroxidation of the lipoprotein; it also includes intracellular radical and non-radical processes.  相似文献   

A 26 Å resolution map of the structure of human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was obtained from electron cryomicroscopy and single-particle image reconstruction. The structure showed a discoidal-shaped LDL particle with high-density regions mainly distributed at the edge of the particle and low-density regions at the flat surface that covers the core region. To determine the chemical components that correspond to these density regions and to delineate the distribution of protein and phospholipid located at the particle surface at the resolution of the map, we used Mono-Sulfo-NHS-Undecagold labeling to increase preferentially the contrast of the apolipoprotein B component on the LDL particle. In the three-dimensional map from the image reconstruction of the undecagold-labeled LDL particles, the high-density region from the undecagold label was distributed mainly at the edge of the particle, and lower density regions were found at the flat surfaces that cover the neutral lipid core. This suggests that apolipoprotein B mainly encircles LDL at the edge of the particle and the phospholipid monolayers are located at the flat surfaces, which are parallel to the cholesterol ester layers in the core and may interact with the core lipid layers through the acyl chains.  相似文献   

Oxidatively-modified low density lipoprotein (LDL) is thought to play a significant role in the formation of lipid-laden macrophages, the primary cellular component of atherosclerotic fatty lesions. Recently, lipoxygenases have been implicated as a major enzymatic pathway involved in rabbit endothelial cell-mediated LDL modification. We investigated the effect of LDL on porcine aortic endothelial cell (PAEC) and human umbilical vein (HUVEC) and aortic endothelial cell (HAEC) lipoxygenase activity. By thin layer chromatography, we observed that human LDL stimulated the metabolism of radiolabeled arachidonic acid to 12 + 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HETE) in indomethacin-treated PAEC. Furthermore, radiolabeled linoleic acid, a specific substrate for the 15-lipoxygenase, was metabolized to its respective product 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HODE) in the presence of LDL. Increased product formation in both studies was inhibited by the lipoxygenase blockers nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) and RG 6866. 15-HETE was confirmed as the predominant HETE product in LDL-treated cells by high performance liquid chromatography. Both porcine- and human-derived LDL stimulated the CL release of 15-HETE from cells as determined by radioimmunoassay. Release of immunoreactive 15-HETE was inhibited by NDGA, RG 6866, and 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA) but not by the selective 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor RG 5901. These lipoxygenase inhibitors had similar effects on the modification of LDL. Our results suggest that the oxidative modification of LDL by endothelial cells may be mediated in part through activation of 15-lipoxygenase.  相似文献   

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