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The ALS gene family of Candida albicans   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The ALS gene family of Candida albicans encodes large cell-surface glycoproteins that are implicated in the process of adhesion to host surfaces. ALS genes are also found in other Candida species that are isolated from cases of clinical disease. Genes in the ALS family are differentially regulated by physiologically relevant mechanisms. ALS genes exhibit several levels of variability including strain- and allele-specific size differences for the same gene, strain-specific differences in gene regulation, the absence of particular ALS genes in certain isolates, and additional ALS coding regions in others. The differential regulation and genetic variability of the ALS genes results in a diverse cell-surface Als protein profile that is also affected by growth conditions. The ALS genes are one example of a gene family associated with pathogenicity mechanisms in C. albicans and other Candida species.  相似文献   



The NCOA7 gene product is an estrogen receptor associated protein that is highly similar to the human OXR1 gene product, which functions in oxidation resistance. OXR genes are conserved among all sequenced eukaryotes from yeast to humans. In this study we examine if NCOA7 has an oxidation resistance function similar to that demonstrated for OXR1. We also examine NCOA7 expression in response to oxidative stress and its subcellular localization in human cells, comparing these properties with those of OXR1.  相似文献   

The human fungal pathogen Candida albicans colonizes and invades a wide range of host tissues. Adherence to host constituents plays an important role in this process. Two members of the C. albicans Als protein family (Als1p and Als5p) have been found to mediate adherence; however, the functions of other members of this family are unknown. In this study, members of the ALS gene family were cloned and expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to characterize their individual functions. Distinct Als proteins conferred distinct adherence profiles to diverse host substrates. Using chimeric Als5p-Als6p constructs, the regions mediating substrate-specific adherence were localized to the N-terminal domains in Als proteins. Interestingly, a subset of Als proteins also mediated endothelial cell invasion, a previously unknown function of this family. Consistent with these results, homology modeling revealed that Als members contain anti-parallel beta-sheet motifs interposed by extended regions, homologous to adhesins or invasins of the immunoglobulin superfamily. This finding was confirmed using circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared spectrometric analysis of the N-terminal domain of Als1p. Specific regions of amino acid hypervariability were found among the N-terminal domains of Als proteins, and energy-based models predicted similarities and differences in the N-terminal domains that probably govern the diverse function of Als family members. Collectively, these results indicate that the structural and functional diversity within the Als family provides C. albicans with an array of cell wall proteins capable of recognizing and interacting with a wide range of host constituents during infection.  相似文献   

We report the identification and functional characterization of ariadne-1 (ari-1), a novel and vital Drosophila gene required for the correct differentiation of most cell types in the adult organism. Also, we identify a sequence-related gene, ari-2, and the corresponding mouse and human homologues of both genes. All these sequences define a new protein family by the Acid-rich, RING finger, B-box, RING finger, coiled-coil (ARBRCC) motif string. In Drosophila, ari-1 is expressed throughout development in all tissues. The mutant phenotypes are most noticeable in cells that undergo a large and rapid membrane deposition, such as rewiring neurons during metamorphosis, large tubular muscles during adult myogenesis, and photoreceptors. Occasional survivors of null alleles exhibit reduced life span, motor impairments, and short and thin bristles. Single substitutions at key cysteines in each RING finger cause lethality with no survivors and a drastic reduction of rough endoplasmic reticulum that can be observed in the photoreceptors of mosaic eyes. In yeast two-hybrid assays, the protein ARI-1 interacts with a novel ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, UbcD10, whose sequence is also reported here. The N-terminal RING-finger motif is necessary and sufficient to mediate this interaction. Mouse and fly homologues of both ARI proteins and the Ubc can substitute for each other in the yeast two-hybrid assay, indicating that ARI represents a conserved novel mechanism in development. In addition to ARI homologues, the RBR signature is also found in the Parkinson-disease-related protein Parkin adjacent to an ubiquitin-like domain, suggesting that the study of this mechanism could be relevant for human pathology.  相似文献   

Hookworms are human parasites that have devastating effects on global health, particularly in underdeveloped countries. Ancylostoma ceylanicum infects humans and animals, making it a useful model organism to study disease pathogenesis. A. ceylanicum excretory-secretory protein 2 (AceES-2), a highly immunoreactive molecule secreted by adult worms at the site of intestinal attachment, is partially protective when administered as a mucosal vaccine against hookworm anemia. The crystal structure of AceES-2 determined at 1.75 Å resolution shows that it adopts a netrin-like fold similar to that found in tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteases (TIMPs) and in complement factors C3 and C5. However, recombinant AceES-2 does not significantly inhibit the 10 most abundant human matrix metalloproteases or complement-mediated cell lysis. The presence of a highly acidic surface on AceES-2 suggests that it may function as a cytokine decoy receptor. Several small nematode proteins that have been annotated as TIMPs or netrin-domain-containing proteins display sequence homology in structurally important regions of AceES-2′s netrin-like fold. Together, our results suggest that AceES-2 defines a novel family of nematode netrin-like proteins, which may function to modulate the host immune response to hookworm and other parasites.  相似文献   

Dinitrogenase is a heterotetrameric (alpha(2)beta(2)) enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of dinitrogen to ammonium and contains the iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMo-co) at its active site. Certain Azotobacter vinelandii mutant strains unable to synthesize FeMo-co accumulate an apo form of dinitrogenase (lacking FeMo-co), with a subunit composition alpha(2)beta(2)gamma(2), which can be activated in vitro by the addition of FeMo-co. The gamma protein is able to bind FeMo-co or apodinitrogenase independently, leading to the suggestion that it facilitates FeMo-co insertion into the apoenzyme. In this work, the non-nif gene encoding the gamma subunit (nafY) has been cloned, sequenced, and found to encode a NifY-like protein. This finding, together with a wealth of knowledge on the biochemistry of proteins involved in FeMo-co and FeV-co biosyntheses, allows us to define a new family of iron and molybdenum (or vanadium) cluster-binding proteins that includes NifY, NifX, VnfX, and now gamma. In vitro FeMo-co insertion experiments presented in this work demonstrate that gamma stabilizes apodinitrogenase in the conformation required to be fully activable by the cofactor. Supporting this conclusion, we show that strains containing mutations in both nafY and nifX are severely affected in diazotrophic growth and extractable dinitrogenase activity when cultured under conditions that are likely to occur in natural environments. This finding reveals the physiological importance of the apodinitrogenase-stabilizing role of which both proteins are capable. The relationship between the metal cluster binding capabilities of this new family of proteins and the ability of some of them to stabilize an apoenzyme is still an open matter.  相似文献   

Translation of hunchback(mat) (hb[mat]) mRNA must be repressed in the posterior of the pre-blastoderm Drosophila embryo to permit formation of abdominal segments. This translational repression requires two copies of the Nanos Response Element (NRE), a 16-nt sequence in the hb[mat] 3'' untranslated region. Translational repression also requires the action of two proteins: Pumilio (PUM), a sequence-specific RNA-binding protein; and Nanos, a protein that determines the location of repression. Binding of PUM to the NRE is thought to target hb(mat) mRNA for repression. Here, we show the RNA-binding domain of PUM to be an evolutionarily conserved, 334-amino acid region at the carboxy-terminus of the approximately 158-kDa PUM protein. This contiguous region of PUM retains the RNA-binding specificity of full-length PUM protein. Proteins with sequences homologous to the PUM RNA-binding domain are found in animals, plants, and fungi. The high degree of sequence conservation of the PUM RNA-binding domain in other far-flung species suggests that the domain is an ancient protein motif, and we show that conservation of sequence reflects conservation of function: that is, the homologous region from a human protein binds RNA with sequence specificity related to but distinct from Drosophila PUM.  相似文献   

Becker S  Gehrsitz A  Bork P  Buchner S  Buchner E 《Gene》2001,262(1-2):15-22
Using a transposon insertion line of the Drosophila Genome Project we have cloned the black-pearl gene (blp), analyzed cDNA clones, generated various mutants, and characterized their phenotypes. The blp gene codes for a protein of 15.7 kDa calculated molecular weight that has been conserved from yeast to plants and mammals with high homology. A domain of these new proteins shows distant similarity to DnaJ domains indicating a functionally relevant interaction with other proteins. The P element insertion in line P1539 lies within the 5' untranslated leader of the black-pearl gene. Flies homozygous for this insertion are semi-lethal, escapers produce very few offspring and show melanotic inclusions in the hemocoel ('black pearls') similar to various melanotic 'tumor' mutants. Two small deletions confined to the blp gene and two EMS-induced mutations are homozygous lethal. These null mutants appear normal up to a prolonged first instar larval stage but fail to grow and die. Thus in Drosophila the blp gene is specifically required for larval growth. The evolutionary conservation in both unicellular and multicellular organisms suggests for the new protein family described here a fundamental role in cell growth.  相似文献   

Haspin (haploid germ cell-specific nuclear protein kinase) is reported to be a serine/threonine kinase that may play a role in cell-cycle cessation and differentiation of haploid germ cells. In addition, Haspin mRNA can be detected in diploid cell lines and tissues. Here, Haspin-like proteins are identified in several major eukaryotic phyla-including yeasts, plants, flies, fish, and mammals-and an extended group in Caenorhabditis elegans. The Haspin-like proteins have a complete but divergent eukaryotic protein kinase domain sequence. Although clearly related to one another and to other eukaryotic protein kinases, the Haspin-related proteins lack conservation of a subset of residues that are almost invariant in known kinases and possess distinctive inserted regions. In fact, phylogenetic analysis indicates that the Haspin-like proteins form a novel eukaryotic protein kinase family distinct from those previously defined. The identification of related proteins in model organisms provides some initial insight into their functional properties and will provide new experimental avenues by which to determine the function of the Haspin proteins in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Periplasmic binding proteins of a new family particularly well represented in Bordetella pertussis have been called Bug receptors. One B.pertussis Bug protein is part of a tripartite tricarboxylate transporter while the functions of the other 77 are unknown. We report the first structure of a Bug receptor, BugD. It adopts the characteristic Venus flytrap motif observed in other periplasmic binding proteins, with two globular domains bisected by a deep cleft. BugD displays a closed conformation resulting from the fortuitous capture of a ligand, identified from the electron density as an aspartate. The structure reveals a distinctive alpha carboxylate-binding motif, involving two water molecules that bridge the carboxylate oxygen atoms to the protein. Both water molecules are hydrogen bonded to a common carbonyl group from Ala14, and each forms a hydrogen bond with one carboxylate oxygen atom of the ligand. Additional hydrogen bonds are found between the ligand alpha carboxylate oxygen atoms and protein backbone amide groups and with a threonine hydroxyl group. This specific ligand-binding motif is highly conserved in Bug proteins, indicating that they may all be receptors of amino acids or other carboxylated solutes, with a similar binding mode. The present structure thus unveils the bases of ligand binding in this large family of periplasmic binding proteins, several hundred members of which have been identified in various bacterial species.  相似文献   

A soluble mannose binding protein (MBP), obtained from rabbit serum, was found to inhibit phagocytosis of Candida albicans by bone marrow derived, cultured murine macrophages. During in vitro incubation of yeast with lymphocyte-free macrophage populations uptake of the yeast was significantly reduced at MBP concentrations of 5 micrograms/ml. A similar reduction in yeast phagocytosis was produced by dextrose, d-fucose, l-fucose, d-mannose and alpha-methyl-d-mannoside but required saccharide concentrations of 25-50 mg/ml. Inhibition of phagocytosis of the yeast also resulted from pretreatment of either the macrophages or the yeasts with MBP followed by washing. As expected, the addition of mannan to the assay medium blocked the inhibitory effect of MBP for uptake of C. albicans. These findings suggest that both cell bound and soluble mannose receptors may be important modulators of macrophage-Candida interactions.  相似文献   

Khalaf RA  Zitomer RS 《Genetics》2001,157(4):1503-1512
We have identified a repressor of hyphal growth in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. The gene was originally cloned in an attempt to characterize the homologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rox1, a repressor of hypoxic genes. Rox1 is an HMG-domain, DNA binding protein with a repression domain that recruits the Tup1/Ssn6 general repression complex to achieve repression. The C. albicans clone also encoded an HMG protein that was capable of repression of a hypoxic gene in a S. cerevisiae rox1 deletion strain. Gel retardation experiments using the purified HMG domain of this protein demonstrated that it was capable of binding specifically to a S. cerevisiae hypoxic operator DNA sequence. These data seemed to indicate that this gene encoded a hypoxic repressor. However, surprisingly, when a homozygous deletion was generated in C. albicans, the cells became constitutive for hyphal growth. This phenotype was rescued by the reintroduction of the wild-type gene on a plasmid, proving that the hyphal growth phenotype was due to the deletion and not a secondary mutation. Furthermore, oxygen repression of the hypoxic HEM13 gene was not affected by the deletion nor was this putative ROX1 gene regulated positively by oxygen as is the case for the S. cerevisiae gene. All these data indicate that this gene, now designated RFG1 for Repressor of Filamentous Growth, is a repressor of genes required for hyphal growth and not a hypoxic repressor.  相似文献   

Hjelmqvist L  Tuson M  Marfany G  Herrero E  Balcells S  Gonzàlez-Duarte R 《Genome biology》2002,3(6):research0027.1-research002716


Annotations of completely sequenced genomes reveal that nearly half of the genes identified are of unknown function, and that some belong to uncharacterized gene families. To help resolve such issues, information can be obtained from the comparative analysis of homologous genes in model organisms.  相似文献   

From the fungus Aspergillus niger, we identified a new gene encoding protein EstA, a member of the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold superfamily but of unknown substrate specificity. EstA was overexpressed and its crystal structure was solved by molecular replacement using a lipase-acetylcholinesterase chimera template. The 2.1 A resolution structure of EstA reveals a canonical Ser/Glu/His catalytic triad located in a small pocket at the bottom of a large solvent-accessible, bowl-shaped cavity. Potential substrates selected by manual docking procedures were assayed for EstA activity. Consistent with the pocket geometry, preference for hydrolysis of short acyl/propyl chain substrates was found. Identification of close homologs from the genome of other fungi, of which some are broad host-range pathogens, defines EstA as the first member of a novel class of fungal esterases within the superfamily. Hence the structure of EstA constitutes a lead template in the design of new antifungal agents directed toward its pathogenic homologs.  相似文献   

A major multidrug transporter, MDR1 (multidrug resistance 1), a member of the MFS (major facilitator superfamily), invariably contributes to an increased efflux of commonly used azoles and thus corroborates their direct involvement in MDR in Candida albicans. The Mdr1 protein has two transmembrane domains, each comprising six transmembrane helices, interconnected with extracellular loops and ICLs (intracellular loops). The introduction of deletions and insertions through mutagenesis was used to address the role of the largest interdomain ICL3 of the MDR1 protein. Most of the progressive deletants, when overexpressed, eliminated the drug resistance. Notably, restoration of the length of the ICL3 by insertional mutagenesis did not restore the functionality of the protein. Interestingly, most of the insertion and deletion variants of ICL3 became amenable to trypsinization, yielding peptide fragments. The homology model of the Mdr1 protein showed that the molecular surface-charge distribution was perturbed in most of the ICL3 mutant variants. Taken together, these results provide the first evidence that the CCL (central cytoplasmic loop) of the fungal MFS transporter of the DHA1 (drug/proton antiporter) family is critical for the function of MDR. Unlike other homologous proteins, ICL3 has no apparent role in imparting substrate specificity or in the recruitment of the transporter protein.  相似文献   

Iminodisuccinate (IDS) epimerase catalyzes the epimerisation of R,R-, S,S- and R,S- iminodisuccinate, one step in the biodegradation of the chelating agent iminodisuccinate by Agrobacterium tumefaciens BY6. The enzyme is a member of the MmgE/PrpD protein family, a diverse and little characterized class of proteins of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin. IDS epimerase does not show significant overall amino acid sequence similarity to any other protein of known three-dimensional structure. The crystal structure of this novel epimerase has been determined by multi-wavelength diffraction to 1.5 A resolution using selenomethionine-substituted enzyme. In the crystal, the enzyme forms a homo-dimer, and the subunit consists of two domains. The larger domain, not consecutive in sequence and comprising residues Met1-Lys266 and Leu400-Pro446, forms a novel all alpha-helical fold with a central six-helical bundle. The second, smaller domain folds into an alpha+beta domain, related in topology to chorismate mutase by a circular permutation. IDS epimerase is thus not related in three-dimensional structure to other known epimerases. The fold of the IDS epimerase is representative for the whole MmgE/PrpD family. The putative active site is located at the interface between the two domains of the subunit, and is characterized by a positively charged surface, consistent with the binding of a highly negatively charged substrate such as iminodisuccinate. Docking experiments suggest a two-base mechanism for the epimerisation reaction.  相似文献   

Two related mammalian proteins, bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) and lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP), share high-affinity binding to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a glycolipid found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. The recently determined crystal structure of human BPI permits a structure/function analysis, presented here, of the conserved regions of these two proteins sequences. In the seven known sequences of BPI and LBP, 102 residues are completely conserved and may be classified in terms of location, side-chain chemistry, and interactions with other residues. We find that the most highly conserved regions lie at the interfaces between the tertiary structural elements that help create two apolar lipid-binding pockets. Most of the conserved polar and charged residues appear to be involved in inter-residue interactions such as H-bonding. However, in both BPI and LBP a subset of conserved residues with positive charge (lysines 42, 48, 92, 95, and 99 of BPI) have no apparent structural role. These residues cluster at the tip of the NH2-terminal domain, and several coincide with residues known to affect LPS binding; thus, it seems likely that these residues make electrostatic interactions with negatively charged groups of LPS. Overall differences in charge and electrostatic potential between BPI and LBP suggest that BPI''s bactericidal activity is related to the high positive charge of its NH2-terminal domain. A model of human LBP derived from the BPI structure provides a rational basis for future experiments, such as site-directed mutagenesis and inhibitor design.  相似文献   

The major product of the XLR (X-chromosomal, lymphocyte-regulated) locus is found to be a 30-kD nuclear protein with a relatively short (t1/2 approximately equal to 2 h) half-life. Together with its stage- and tissue-specific pattern of expression, this suggests a role for this protein in the regulation of differentiation in T and B lymphocytes. Interestingly, the XLR protein almost completely leaches out of the nucleus after lysis of cells in low salt buffer, but is stabilized in that location by metal cations, particularly Zn++. This stabilization is reversible by chelating agents (o-phenanthroline, EDTA) which also release a number of other polypeptides in addition to XLR. These results suggest that XLR represents a novel class of nuclear proteins, and that cations such as zinc may play a role in the localization of these proteins in the nucleus.  相似文献   

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