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Competition among males for mates may partially explain the predominant dispersal of juvenile male California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). I tested the generality of this hypothesis by comparing dispersal patterns in many species of mammals. In most polygynous and promiscuous species of mammals, juvenile males are the predominant dispersers. In most monogamous species of mammals, juvenile males and juvenile females are predominant dispersers with little distinction as to sex. While many factors may influence dispersal, achieving outcrossing and advantages in competition for mates are most likely to explain predominant dispersal by juvenile males in many mammal species.  相似文献   

Michael Klompas 《CMAJ》2000,162(5):676-677

Zak PJ  Stanton AA  Ahmadi S 《PloS one》2007,2(11):e1128
Human beings routinely help strangers at costs to themselves. Sometimes the help offered is generous-offering more than the other expects. The proximate mechanisms supporting generosity are not well-understood, but several lines of research suggest a role for empathy. In this study, participants were infused with 40 IU oxytocin (OT) or placebo and engaged in a blinded, one-shot decision on how to split a sum of money with a stranger that could be rejected. Those on OT were 80% more generous than those given a placebo. OT had no effect on a unilateral monetary transfer task dissociating generosity from altruism. OT and altruism together predicted almost half the interpersonal variation in generosity. Notably, OT had twofold larger impact on generosity compared to altruism. This indicates that generosity is associated with both altruism as well as an emotional identification with another person.  相似文献   

The maturation of tick (Acari: Ixodoidea) spermatozoa, after their transfer to the female, is induced by secretions of the male accessory gland which are added to the prospermia during ejaculation. Analysis of the secretions from male Ornithodoros moubata (Argasidae) and Dermacentor variabilis (Ixodidae) indicates that the factor responsible for inducing maturation is a polypeptide with a molecular weight of about 12,500. Although the polypeptides from the two species are similar in most respects, each will not activate the prospermia of the other species. The mode of action of the factor is hormone-like, inasmuch as a few minutes of exposure of the sperm to the factor are sufficient to trigger the entire maturation sequence, which takes 12–24 h in vitro.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster males transfer accessory gland proteins, as part of their seminal fluid, to females during each mating. Since accessory gland proteins are important for male reproductive success, it is important that the male replenish the proteins he transferred during mating. Previous studies had shown that mating induces the resynthesis of accessory gland proteins, but since mating includes a set of stereotyped behavior patterns as well as the act of copulation, it was not known which aspect of the mating process induces accessory gland protein synthesis. By exposing males to females whose ovipositors had been sealed shut, we have shown that resynthesis of accessory gland proteins occurs only when seminal fluid is transferred to females. By applying juvenile hormone or 20-hydroxyecdysone topically to the cuticle of male flies, we showed that these hormones can act in vivo to stimulate the synthesis of accessory gland proteins to levels similar to those observed after mating.  相似文献   

An ecological system often requires moderate, and sometimes even generous interactions among constituents for achieving a sustainable coexistence. Here we propose a configuration individual-based model for demonstrating the evolution of generosity in an evolutionary demand game. In the game, two players, proposers and responders, simultaneously make their demands. If the sum of demands is no more than the total amount of the available resource at each game, each player obtains its own demand. However, both players get nothing if the sum exceeds the total amount. We incorporated generosity by discounting players demands. In every generation, random pairs were formed, and each pair played the demand game. For the next generation, individuals left a number of offspring proportional to their total payoff. Demand and generosity levels of an individual were inherited by its offspring with slight modification by a small random mutation. When only proposers were allowed to discount their demands, distribution of generosity levels had its mode at zero, and hence generosity did not evolve. However, when both proposers and receivers were allowed to discount their demands, the mean generosity level rose from zero. The resultant populations were not homogeneous, but were made of heterogeneous individuals with high and low generosity levels. Mean demand and generosity levels fluctuated greatly because of the neutral selection for the demand and generosity combinations that equally maximized the payoff of the demand game. Spatially limited interaction increased generosity levels even if only proposers discounted their demands.  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of enemy body parts as war trophies, focusing on the collection of Japanese skulls as trophies by Allied servicemen in the Second World War, and on the treatment of these objects after the war. I argue that such human trophy-taking tends to occur in societies, including modern states, in which two conditions hold: the hunting of animals is an important component of male identity; and the human status of enemies is denied.  相似文献   

Cooperative behaviour and generosity towards nonkin represent costly and risky behaviour that could be used as a signal of mate quality. Therefore, cooperative traits could serve as criteria in mate choice, leading to assortative mating for those traits. There is evidence of similarity in couples for altruistic traits. However, the literature is based on self‐reports and does not provide conclusive proof of either a convergence across time or mating preferences. Here, we report a field experiment, conducted in rural villages in Senegal, showing that husbands and wives are similar with respect to their contributions to a public good and their charity donations. Further analyses suggest that this similarity is due to initial assortment rather than convergence of phenotypes.  相似文献   

In many songbirds, females occasionally sing in contexts of high female-female competition. Testosterone may be involved in the activation of song, because testosterone implants elicit female song in many species with rare female song. A possible mechanism for the hormonal control of female song is provided by the challenge hypothesis, which predicts a rise in testosterone in response to aggressive interactions during socially unstable situations. We tested this by comparing faecal testosterone levels in polygynandrous and monogamous female dunnocks. In groups with two to three females (polygynandry and polygyny) males provide less help at each nest than in groups with a single female (monogamy and polyandry). Polygynandrous and polygynous females are aggressive towards one another and attempt to expel rivals. Polygynandrous females had significantly higher testosterone levels than monogamous females. Competition between females that was induced by removal of males caused testosterone levels to rise. Further, female testosterone levels were correlated with the rate of 'tseep' calls, which are produced during aggressive encounters between females. Finally, polygynandrous and polygynous females sang significantly more than monogamous females. To the best of our knowledge, these results provide the first experimental support for the challenge hypothesis in female birds, and suggest that testosterone can regulate facultative female song in songbirds.  相似文献   

Capillary biofilm reactors (CBRs) are attractive for growing photoautotrophic bacteria as they allow high cell-density cultivation. Here, we evaluated the CBR system's suitability to grow an artificial consortium composed of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Pseudomonas sp. VBL120. The impact of reactor material, flow rate, pH, O2, and medium composition on biomass development and long-term biofilm stability at different reactor scales was studied. Silicone was superior over other materials like glass or PVC due to its excellent O2 permeability. High flow rates of 520 μL min−1 prevented biofilm sloughing in 1 m capillary reactors, leading to a 54% higher biomass dry weight combined with the lowest O2 concentration inside the reactor compared to standard operating conditions. Further increase in reactor length to 5 m revealed a limitation in trace elements. Increasing trace elements by a factor of five allowed for complete surface coverage with a biomass dry weight of 36.8 g m−2 and, thus, a successful CBR scale-up by a factor of 25. Practical application : Cyanobacteria use light energy to upgrade CO2, thereby holding the potential for carbon-neutral production processes. One of the persisting challenges is low cell density due to light limitations and O2 accumulation often occurring in established flat panel or tubular photobioreactors. Compared to planktonic cultures, much higher cell densities (factor 10 to 100) can be obtained in cyanobacterial biofilms. The capillary biofilm reactor (CBR) offers good growth conditions for cyanobacterial biofilms, but its applicability has been shown only on the laboratory scale. Here, a first scale-up study based on sizing up was performed, testing the feasibility of this system for large-scale applications. We demonstrate that by optimizing nutrient supply and flow conditions, the system could be enlarged by factor 25 by enhancing the length of the reactor. This reactor concept, combined with cyanobacterial biofilms and numbering up, holds the potential to be applied as a flexible, carbon-neutral production platform for value-added compounds.  相似文献   

Sexually selected ornaments are highly variable and the factors that drive variation in ornament expression are not always clear. Rare instances of female-specific ornament evolution (such as in some dance fly species) are particularly puzzling. While some evidence suggests that such rare instances represent straightforward reversals of sexual selection intensity, the distinct nature of trade-offs between ornaments and offspring pose special constraints in females. To examine whether competition for access to mates generally favors heightened ornament expression, we built a phylogeny and conducted a comparative analysis of Empidinae dance fly taxa that display female-specific ornaments. We show that species with more female-biased operational sex ratios in lek-like mating swarms have greater female ornamentation, and in taxa with more ornate females, male relative testis investment is increased. These findings support the hypothesis that ornament diversity in dance flies depends on female receptivity to mates, which is associated with contests for nutritious nuptial gifts provided by males. Moreover, our results suggest that increases in female receptivity lead to higher levels of sperm competition among males. The incidence of both heightened premating sexual selection on females and postmating selection on males contradicts assertions that sex roles are straightforwardly reversed in dance flies.  相似文献   

Specialization in pollination systems played a central role in angiosperm diversification, yet the evolution of specialization remains poorly understood. Competition through interspecific pollen transfer may select for specialization through costs to male fitness (pollen lost to heterospecific flowers) or female fitness (heterospecific pollen deposited on stigmas). Previous theoretical treatments of pollination focused solely on seed set, thus overlooking male fitness. Here we use individual-based models that explicitly track pollen fates to explore how competition affects the evolution of specialization. Results show that plants specialize on different pollinators when visit rates are high enough to remove most pollen from anthers; this increases male fitness by minimizing pollen loss to foreign flowers. At low visitation, plants generalize, which minimizes pollen left undispersed in anthers. A model variant in which plants can also evolve differences in sex allocation (pollen/ovule production) produces similar patterns of specialization. At low visitation, plants generalize and allocate more to female function. At high visitation, plants specialize and allocate equally to both sexes (in line with sex-allocation theory). This study demonstrates that floral specialization can be driven by selection through male function alone and more generally highlights the importance of community context in the ecology and evolution of pollination systems.  相似文献   

Eyes play a vital role in human social interactions. In fact, some prior work indicates that simply the presence of eyes or eye-like stimuli increases people's prosocial behavior, arguably because the eyes serve as cues of being watched and thus elicit reputational concerns. The current study was designed to address two questions in this regard. First, we examined how salient the eyes are among the human features. Second, we asked whether individual differences in attentiveness to eyes (but not other human features such as ears or hands) are predictive of reputation-enhancing behavior. Using an eye-tracking paradigm, we found that participants looked longest to eyes compared to other human features. Critically, greater attentiveness to eyes correlated with greater generosity on a donation task, but only in a reputation-relevant context (i.e., when donations were public but not when they were anonymous). Attentiveness to other human features did not predict donation behavior. Eyes are thus an especially salient human feature, and attentiveness to eyes may signal individuals' concerns about their reputations.  相似文献   

Infectious triggers for inflammatory neurological diseases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Leks are mating arenas visited by females seeking copulationsand can be thought of as patches differing in female encounterrate. Recently, the ideal free distribution model of unequalcompetitors with interference has been applied to explain maledistributions between leks. This model predicts that the malesof highest competitive ability should be present on the lekswith the highest female encounter rates and should be most successful.I tested the predictions from the model with empirical datafrom the ruff, Philomachus pugnax. Contrary to the predictionsfrom the model, low-ranking males preferentially visited theleks with highest female encounter rates, where the degree ofmale aggression was greatest Furthermore, there was no generalrelationship between female encounter rate and male success,and the empirical data again refute the predictions from themodel. The results illustrate the problem of using male per-capitasuccess when predicting individual behavior. Several more generalproblems with applying the ideal free distribution of unequalcompetitors model to competition for mates are also discussed.  相似文献   

Among the theories that have been proposed to explain the evolution of altruism are direct reciprocity and indirect reciprocity. The idea of the latter is that helping someone or refusing to do so has an impact on one's reputation within a group. This reputation is constantly assessed and reassessed by others and is taken into account by them in future social interactions. Generosity in indirect reciprocity can evolve if and only if it eventually leads to a net benefit in the long term. Here, we show that this key assumption is met. We let 114 students play for money in an indirect and a subsequent direct reciprocity game. We found that although being generous, i.e., giving something of value to others, had the obvious short-term costs, it paid in the long run because it builds up a reputation that is rewarded by third parties (who thereby themselves increase their reputation). A reputation of being generous also provided an advantage in the subsequent direct reciprocity game, probably because it builds up trust that can lead to more stable cooperation.  相似文献   

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