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The application of phylogenetic methods to cultural variation raises questions about how cultural adaption works and how it is coupled to cultural transmission. Cultural group selection is of particular interest in this context because it depends on the same kinds of mechanisms that lead to tree-like patterns of cultural variation. Here, we review ideas about cultural group selection relevant to cultural phylogenetics. We discuss why group selection among multiple equilibria is not subject to the usual criticisms directed at group selection, why multiple equilibria are a common phenomena, and why selection among multiple equilibria is not likely to be an important force in genetic evolution. We also discuss three forms of group competition and the processes that cause populations to shift from one equilibrium to another and create a mutation-like process at the group level.  相似文献   

Comparison of two nomadic peoples, one pastoral, the other food-collecting, reveals that rapid bicultural oscillation of both is an adaptation to their multizoned environments. One may speak of their being flexible in the face of temporally variable environmental hazards and opportunities. For each people, the more nomadic of their two cultures is associated with norms of propriety, the more sedentary one entails what Freilich calls smart norms. It is argued that this complementation gives both cultures continuing appeal, thereby facilitating rapid change. A major difference between decisionmaking mechanisms in the two cases underscores that we treat a system type in a very abstract sense. Other, possibly similar cases are noted from ethnographic literature. A formal theory is put forward concerning the tendency of people under certain conditions to develop oscillating biculturalism. Such rapidly oscillating systems are proposed to have a biological analogue in versatile acclimatizers.  相似文献   

In recent years, laboratory studies of cultural evolution have become increasingly prevalent as a means of identifying and understanding the effects of cultural transmission on the form and functionality of transmitted material. The datasets generated by these studies may provide insights into the conditions encouraging, or inhibiting, high rates of innovation, as well as the effect that this has on measures of adaptive cultural change. Here we review recent experimental studies of cultural evolution with a view to elucidating the role of innovation in generating observed trends. We first consider how tasks are presented to participants, and how the corresponding conceptualization of task success is likely to influence the degree of intent underlying any deviations from perfect reproduction. We then consider the measures of interest used by the researchers to track the changes that occur as a result of transmission, and how these are likely to be affected by differing rates of retention. We conclude that considering studies of cultural evolution from the perspective of innovation provides us with valuable insights that help to clarify important differences in research designs, which have implications for the likely effects of variation in retention rates on measures of cultural adaptation.  相似文献   

We present two stochastic models of individual and social learningthat count the number of individuals exhibiting a learned, resource-producingtrait in a group of social foragers. The novelty of our modelingresults from incorporating the empirically based assumptionthat rates of both individual and social learning should dependon the frequency of the learned trait within the group. Whenresources occur as clumps shared by group members, a naive individual'sacquisition of the skill required for clump discovery/productionshould involve opposing processes of frequency dependence. Theopportunity to learn via cultural transmission should increasewith the trait's frequency, but the opportunity for learningindividually should decrease as the trait's frequency increases.The results of the model suggest that the evolution of the capacityfor cultural transmission may be promoted in environments wherescrounging at resource clumps inhibits rates of individual learning.  相似文献   

We show that mutual benefit cooperation can favor the evolution of a preference to interact with individuals that are similar to themselves with respect to one or several arbitrary cultural tags. One necessary requisite to obtain this result is an asymmetry between partners in such a way that one of them (actor) proposes the cooperation and elects the partner, whereas the other (receiver) never rejects the offer because cooperation always reports benefits. The advantage of individuals possessing allele for preferential assortment is due to receiving more offers of mutually beneficial cooperation when there is linkage disequilibrium between the assortment locus and the cultural tags. An especially favorable scenario for the evolution of such preference is a subdivided metapopulation. In this case, the homogeneity within populations and the divergence between populations is favored, facilitating the existence of ethnic groups.  相似文献   

A study of cultural transmission in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our study of cultural transmission in Taiwan is based on a survey of 1000 students, their families, and friends, for characters ranging from religion to various customs and beliefs, as well as entertainment and hygienic habits. The effects of father, mother, and an older sib on a propositus are tested by an additive model of transmission, using a novel statistical procedure, and compared with correlations with friends. For many traits there exist significant influences; older sibs are almost as important as father and mother, with effects differing somewhat with their sex. Formulas for recurrences and equilibrium frequency of a cultural character for which father, mother, and sib are active in transmission are given in the appendices along with formulas for estimation of their effects from real data.This research was supported in part by grant NIH GM 20467 and NIH GM 20816. In early part of this investigation K.H.C. was supported by a grant to SIMS from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper presents the hypothesis that linguistic capacity evolved through the action of natural selection as an instrument which increased the efficiency of the cultural transmission system of early hominids. We suggest that during the early stages of hominization, hominid social learning, based on indirect social learning mechanisms and true imitation, came to constitute cumulative cultural transmission based on true imitation and the approval or disapproval of the learned behaviour of offspring. A key factor for this transformation was the development of a conceptual capacity for categorizing learned behaviour in value terms - positive or negative, good or bad. We believe that some hominids developed this capacity for categorizing behaviour, and such an ability allowed them to approve or disapprove of their offsprings- learned behaviour. With such an ability, hominids were favoured, as they could transmit to their offspring all their behavioural experience about what can and cannot be done. This capacity triggered a cultural transmission system similar to the human one, though pre-linguistic. We suggest that the adaptive advantage provided by this new system of social learning generated a selection pressure in favour of the development of a linguistic capacity allowing children to better understand the new kind of evaluative information received from parents.  相似文献   

从旱生植物叶结构探讨其生态适应的多样性   总被引:56,自引:4,他引:56  
王勋陵  马骥 《生态学报》1999,19(6):787-792
以西北地区62种旱生植物的叶器官为研究对象,通过切片显微观察、生物学统计及模糊数学分析,探讨旱生植物生态适应的多样性,获得如下结果:①旱生植物依叶肉组成和细胞排列可划分为正常型、双栅型、环栅型、全栅型、不规则型,折迭和和无叶肉型;②叶肉类型的演化是以正常型与不规则型两条路线呈树枝状发展。深化较原始的偏向于中生,演化层次较高的更具适应旱生环境的能力;③进生植物的叶肉类型与生活型具有相关性,与环境具有  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore how experimental studies of cultural transmission in adult humans can address general questions regarding the 'who, what, when and how' of human cultural transmission, and consequently inform a theory of human cultural evolution. Three methods are discussed. The transmission chain method, in which information is passed along linear chains of participants, has been used to identify content biases in cultural transmission. These concern the kind of information that is transmitted. Several such candidate content biases have now emerged from the experimental literature. The replacement method, in which participants in groups are gradually replaced or moved across groups, has been used to study phenomena such as cumulative cultural evolution, cultural group selection and cultural innovation. The closed-group method, in which participants learn in groups with no replacement, has been used to explore issues such as who people choose to learn from and when they learn culturally as opposed to individually. A number of the studies reviewed here have received relatively little attention within their own disciplines, but we suggest that these, and future experimental studies of cultural transmission that build on them, can play an important role in a broader science of cultural evolution.  相似文献   

When individuals in a population can acquire traits through learning, each individual may express a certain number of distinct cultural traits. These traits may have been either invented by the individual himself or acquired from others in the population. Here, we develop a game theoretic model for the accumulation of cultural traits through individual and social learning. We explore how the rates of innovation, decay, and transmission of cultural traits affect the evolutionary stable (ES) levels of individual and social learning and the number of cultural traits expressed by an individual when cultural dynamics are at a steady‐state. We explore the evolution of these phenotypes in both panmictic and structured population settings. Our results suggest that in panmictic populations, the ES level of learning and number of traits tend to be independent of the social transmission rate of cultural traits and is mainly affected by the innovation and decay rates. By contrast, in structured populations, where interactions occur between relatives, the ES level of learning and the number of traits per individual can be increased (relative to the panmictic case) and may then markedly depend on the transmission rate of cultural traits. This suggests that kin selection may be one additional solution to Rogers's paradox of nonadaptive culture.  相似文献   

Unlike other animals, humans are heavily dependent on cumulative bodies of culturally learned information. Selective processes operating on this socially learned information can produce complex, functionally integrated, behavioural repertoires-cultural adaptations. To understand such non-genetic adaptations, evolutionary theorists propose that (i) natural selection has favoured the emergence of psychological biases for learning from those individuals most likely to possess adaptive information, and (ii) when these psychological learning biases operate in populations, over generations, they can generate cultural adaptations. Many laboratory experiments now provide evidence for these psychological biases. Here, we bridge from the laboratory to the field by examining if and how these biases emerge in a small-scale society. Data from three cultural domains-fishing, growing yams and using medicinal plants-show that Fijian villagers (ages 10 and up) are biased to learn from others perceived as more successful/knowledgeable, both within and across domains (prestige effects). We also find biases for sex and age, as well as proximity effects. These selective and centralized oblique transmission networks set up the conditions for adaptive cultural evolution.  相似文献   

西南地区文化多样性时空格局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沈园  毛舒欣  邱莎  李涛  邓红兵 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7596-7606
我国西南地区少数民族类别众多,各民族在历史发展中形成了许多优秀的文化传统和独特的生态意识。本研究以县级行政区为基本研究单元,基于民族类别及其人口定量测度了西南地区的文化多样性指数,并比较了1990年、2000年与2010年的动态变化。西南地区文化多样性指数具有明显的空间异质性,整体上呈现西北低东南高的格局。虽然文化多样性指数在时间序列上有一定程度的增加,但总体上县域尺度的文化多样性水平偏低。此外,随着空间尺度的扩大,文化多样性指数逐渐增加,即西南地区整体上表现为"大杂居,小聚居"的分布格局。省域尺度上,文化多样性的差异总和与各组分差异均随时间的推移而减少,同时,其民族构成的相似性趋于增加,表明西南地区各民族人口的分布更加融合,民族交融成为趋势。在西南地区的生态环境背景下,文化多样性的空间分布与平均坡度密切相关。研究探讨了民族融合的社会历史背景,分析了阶梯过渡带具有较高文化多样性的原因,并呼吁加强对西南地区优秀传统文化的重视与保护。  相似文献   

In this paper we apply reaction-diffusion models to explore the relationship between the rate of behavioural innovation and the level of cultural diversity. We investigate how both independent invention and the modification and refinement of established innovations impact on cultural dynamics and diversity. Further, we analyse these relationships in the presence of biases in cultural learning and find that the introduction of new variants typically increases cultural diversity substantially in the short term, but may decrease long-term diversity. Independent invention generally supports higher levels of cultural diversity than refinement. Repeated patterns of innovation through refinement generate characteristic oscillating trends in diversity, with increasing trends towards greater average diversity observed for medium but not low innovation rates. Conformity weakens the relationship between innovation and diversity. The level of cultural diversity, and pattern of temporal dynamics, potentially provide clues as to the underlying process, which can be used to interpret empirical data.  相似文献   

The cultural reproduction of lithic technology, long an implicit assumption of archaeological theories, has garnered increasing attention over the past decades. Major debates ranging from the origins of the human culture capacity to the interpretation of spatiotemporal patterning now make explicit reference to social learning mechanisms and cultural evolutionary dynamics. This burgeoning literature has produced important insights and methodological innovations. However, this rapid growth has sometimes led to confusion and controversy due to an under-examination of underlying theoretical and methodological assumptions. The time is thus ripe for a critical assessment of progress in the study of the cultural reproduction of lithic technology. Here we review recent work addressing the evolutionary origins of human culture and the meaning of artifact variation at both intrasite and intersite levels. We propose that further progress will require a more extended and context-specific evolutionary approach to address the complexity of real-world cultural reproduction.  相似文献   

Beta多样性研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Beta多样性度量时空尺度上物种组成的变化, 是生物多样性的重要组成部分, 与许多生态学和进化生物学问题密切相关, 并且其信息可用于保护区选址和布局规划, 因此在最近10年间成为生物多样性研究的热点问题之一。多年来, 学者们利用各种度量方式和分析方法, 在不同地理区域, 对许多生物类群beta多样性的时空格局和形成机制进行了大量研究。本文主要从beta多样性的度量方法、时空格局、形成机制及其在生物多样性保护中的应用等几个方面, 总结了最近10多年来相关研究的进展。Whittaker(1960)最初提出beta多样性概念时就缺乏严格的定义, 随着概念的不断演化, 度量方法也同样呈现出多样化, 而度量手段的多样化非常不利于不同研究之间的比较。目前应用最普遍的度量方法是采用相似性指数, 如Jaccard和Sørensen指数。最近几年, 新的度量方法还在不断出现, 其中一些方法非常值得注意。Beta多样性具有时空尺度和分类尺度依赖性, 一般随分析粒度(grain)的增加而降低。虽然有些研究表明beta多样性随纬度增加而降低, 但学者们并没有达成共识。山区和生物地理区的交界处beta多样性都比较高, 因而需要在这些地区增加保护区的面积或者数量以囊括物种变化梯度。对时间尺度上beta多样性的研究表明, 气候变化确实导致了物种组成在时间上的变化, 并且物种在不同大陆和地区间的迁移导致了生物同质化。扩散过程和生态位过程共同决定了beta多样性, 只是这两个过程的相对重要性依尺度、地理区域和物种类群的不同而有所差异。综上所述, 我们认为未来beta多样性研究的热点问题是:(1)不同生物类群的进化历史和生物学特征对beta多样性的影响; (2)不同的时空尺度对beta多样性及其维持机制的影响; (3)人类活动对beta多样性的影响。  相似文献   

This paper proposes models and examples of five principal modes of interaction between genes and culture in human evolution. Because genes and culture ultimately interact in the minds of individuals, the models are focused on individual level processes of constrained microevolution. The central hypotheses are (1) that cultural evolution as well as genetic evolution commonly proceeds by the differential transmission of alternative instructions among individuals, (2) that genetic and cultural processes directly interact through mutual influence on each other's differentials of transmission in a population, (3) that the cultural process is often self-selecting by its own criteria, and (4) that these criteria generally operate to enhance rather than oppose human adaptation. Evolutionary change at higher levels, which is particularly important in sociocultural evolution, is interpreted as restructuring the nature and extent of the variability available at the individual level. To clarify the conceptual differences of the models and hopefully to stimulate related analyses in other areas, I discuss selected examples of each of these interactions. I conclude with some remarks on the relative importance of the models to human ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

Focusing on the Baltic archipelago, we address the questions: to what extent are the rhythms of natural and social systems compatible and under which criteria can we make them coincide? Existing mismatches between resource availability and human demand are identified as well as human attempts to dampen ecosystem fluctuations. By means of examples from forestry and fisheries, we illustrate how changes in property rights and technology have altered the diversity and resilience of the archipelago system. Our results suggest that intermediate scale processes of years up to a century are most critical for bringing natural and cultural systems in concordance. The time frame relevant to management and policy in the archipelago seems to correlate with eutrophication processes and the regrowth of forests. In fisheries, a shift from traditional to recreational fisheries has created fishery patterns badly adapted to the dynamics of the coastal ecosystem in disregard of traditional ecological knowledge. A multipurpose and adaptive management of natural resources is advocated as the most appropriate approach for promoting ecological and cultural diversity in the Baltic archipelago. Existing mismatches between the two have to be addressed by governing institutions at many hierarchical levels.  相似文献   

Many recent studies of cultural inheritance have focused on small-scale craft traditions practised by single individuals, which do not require coordinated participation by larger social collectives. In this paper, we address this gap in the cultural transmission literature by investigating diversity in the vernacular architecture of the Pacific northwest coast, where communities of hunter-fisher-gatherers constructed immense wooden long-houses at their main winter villages. Quantitative analyses of long-house styles along the coastline draw on a range of models and methods from the biological sciences and are employed to test hypotheses relating to basic patterns of macro-scale cultural diversification, and the degree to which the transmission of housing traits has been constrained by the region's numerous linguistic boundaries. The results indicate relatively strong branching patterns of cultural inheritance and also close associations between regional language history and housing styles, pointing to the potentially crucial role played by language boundaries in structuring large-scale patterns of cultural diversification, especially in relation to 'collective' cultural traditions like housing that require substantial inputs of coordinated labour.  相似文献   

Recovering evidence of past human activities enables us to recreate behaviour where direct observations are missing. Here, we apply archaeological methods to further investigate cultural transmission processes in percussive tool use among neighbouring chimpanzee communities in the Taï National Park, Côte d''Ivoire, West Africa. Differences in the selection of nut-cracking tools between neighbouring groups are maintained over time, despite frequent female transfer, which leads to persistent cultural diversity between chimpanzee groups. Through the recovery of used tools in the suggested natal territory of immigrants, we have been able to reconstruct the tool material selection of females prior to migration. In combination with direct observations of tool selection of local residents and immigrants after migration, we uncovered temporal changes in tool selection for immigrating females. After controlling for ecological differences between territories of immigrants and residents our data suggest that immigrants abandoned their previous tool preference and adopted the pattern of their new community, despite previous personal proficiency of the same foraging task. Our study adds to the growing body of knowledge on the importance of conformist tendencies in animals.  相似文献   

中国近海浮游动物多样性研究的过去和未来   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国是世界上南北纬度跨度最大的国家之一.复杂的气候、水文和地形因素形成了我国海洋环境的多样性,也造就了浮游动物多样性的格局.我国浮游动物多样性的研究经历了分类、分布为主、环境变化对浮游动物的影响和浮游动物环境适应研究等阶段.在我国,地形、季风和水团是形成海洋环境格局的三大驱动力,因此不同环境对浮游动物的影响是较为活跃的研究方面.无论在我国还足在世界上,浮游动物对环境适应的研究是薄弱环节,研究方法的缺乏是重要的原因.近年来,已经解决了利用现场调查获得的多学科观测数据和资料(field data)结合统计方法求得种类最适温度、最适温度区间等生态学参数的技术难点.yield-density函数模型,麦夸特(Marquardt)法曲线拟合,中值定理,龙贝格(Romberg)积分法计算等数学方法得到应用.这些研究方法应用在生态类群划分是一项创新,对于浮游动物多样性成因分析有重大意义,未来浮游动物多样性应从不同生境、不同时空尺度、不同分类单元、不同粒径谱、不同生态类群和不同测度方法等多个方向展开,而这些领域的应用研究是浮游动物多样性最具前景的方向.  相似文献   

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