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The treatment of fingertip amputations distal to the distal interphalangeal joint when the amputated part is saved is difficult and controversial. Both reattachment of the amputated portion as a composite graft and microvascular anastomosis are prone to failure in this distal location. The authors have evolved a reconstructive plan that uses the nail matrix, perionychium, and hyponychium of the amputated fingertip as a full-thickness graft when the amputation is between the midportion of the nail bed andjust proximal to the eponychial fold. Various flaps are used to lengthen and augment the finger pulp, and skeletal pinning is carried out as necessary. The charts of 15 patients who underwent this procedure over a 38 month period were evaluated retrospectively. Seven returned to the office for examination at least 1 year after the fingertip reconstruction described above; four others were interviewed by telephone. Nail deformity, fingertip sensation, and joint range of motion were evaluated, and the reconstructed fingertips were photographed in standardized views. In six of the seven patients seen in the office, aesthetic and functional results were judged as good by both patient and physician; one of the six had minimal nail curvature. The seventh patient had no nail growth, although finger length was retained and there was no functional disability. The four patients interviewed by phone reported normal fingertip use with no dysesthesias or cold intolerance; all had nail growth, although three patients described slight nail curvature that required care in trimming. The authors favor salvage of all perionychial parts when a distal fingertip amputation occurs. Reconstruction of the fingertip with grafting of the hyponychium, perionychium, and nail matrix from the amputated part combined with local flaps can provide a very satisfactory functional and aesthetic result.  相似文献   

Distal lower leg local random fasciocutaneous flaps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Significant open wounds of the distal third of the lower leg that require some form of vascularized flap have historically been covered with distant cross-leg flaps or more appropriately with microsurgical tissue transfers. The rediscovery of the "random" fasciocutaneous flap as a reliable single-stage option for proximal lower leg defects has been extended distally to allow an expedient alternative in lieu of these more complicated procedures. Over the past 7 years, 17 selected patients had closure of distal leg and ankle wounds with 19 local antegrade-oriented fasciocutaneous flaps. All eventually healed without serious sequelae, although 5 (26 percent) had minor complications, except for one case that could only be salvaged with a free-tissue transfer in order to prevent limb amputation. For small- or moderate-sized, uncontaminated injuries, this approach warrants consideration under appropriate circumstances as a simpler option that may permit satisfactory healing and avoids the known risks of microsurgical tissue transfers.  相似文献   

When the secondary nasal deformity is so serious that it presents loss of the soft structures, often its correction requires a neighboring flap besides the cartilage auto-grafts. In such serious cases, which are fortunately infrequent, the surgeon must resort to reconstructive techniques that typically provide very good results. Such is the case with the midforehead Indian flap, which rotated 180 degrees, allows reconstruction of the columella in the same surgical stage. In the same manner, Denonvilliers' flap may be employed to restore contour of the nasal ala, since its scar sequel is very acceptable, and Dieffenbach's flap may be used to reconstruct the columella. The flap of labial mucosa (which other authors have employed to correct septal perforations) is rotated 90 degrees to appose with another similar contralateral flap and is used to correct the seriously retracted columella. In this paper we present some cases that demanded the application of these techniques.  相似文献   

Oral incompetence following composite reconstruction of total and subtotal lower lip defects without any functioning lower lip muscle is a difficult problem for reconstructive surgeons. The authors retrospectively reviewed the use of a novel bilateral temporalis suspension technique for oral incompetence following lower lip reconstruction over a 10-year period. The timing of the reconstruction, cause of the defect, period of follow-up, and any complications were noted. Three cases of lower lip resuspension using bilateral temporalis flaps and fascia lata grafts were performed from 2000 to 2010. Two cases were secondary to burn trauma and one was from ballistic trauma. All patients underwent traditional means of reconstruction using free microvascular composite tissue transfer with and without fascial slings. All three patients presented with persistent lower lip incompetence. The average interval between the initial reconstructive operations and the resuspension operations was 1.6 years. All patients achieved dynamic oral competence at the first postoperative visit. At a mean follow-up of 3.6 years, all patients had maintained lower lip function. Dynamic lower lip resuspension with bilateral temporalis flaps and fascia lata grafts is an option for refractory lower lip drooping following total and subtotal loss, especially after conventional static reconstruction and without any functional orbicularis muscle. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic, V.  相似文献   

Complications of 100 consecutive local fasciocutaneous flaps.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A resurgence of interest in the fasciocutaneous flap has been predicated on its simplicity, availability, and versatility. Its dependability in addition is documented in this analysis of complications accrued in 100 consecutive local applications. Major complications that required further surgical intervention occurred in 15 percent of patients, with an additional 11 percent of patients suffering other minor untoward events. Lower extremity wounds, particularly with concomitant peripheral vascular insufficiency, had a disproportionate share of complications. Early coverage of the acute wound ensured minimal problems, avoiding the enhanced risk of a contaminated wound. No difference in efficacy was apparent upon comparison of the various subtypes of these fasciocutaneous flaps. Not only did the fasciocutaneous flap provide salvage following failure of more conventional techniques, but it has even been proven in the proper circumstances to be a reliable initial alternative to free-flap or muscle-flap transpositions.  相似文献   

Mechanics of movement for rotation flaps and a local flap template   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After studying the mechanics of rotational movement, it has become apparent that there exists a local flap template for triangulated defects. Predominant rotation and transposition movements lie at extreme ends of its spectrum. This concept offers a design improvement by which these flaps can be executed with ease and confidence in all areas of the body. Several design variations are available from the template, making the hypothesis versatile and flexible. Underlying this success is the strategic placement of the triangulated defect within an imaginary circle of skin tissue around it. The concept also provides a logical and comprehensive teaching model.  相似文献   


The effect of repair techniques on the biomechanics of the aorta is poorly understood, resulting in significant levels of postoperative complications for patients worldwide. This study presents a computational analysis of the influence of Nitinol-based devices on the biomechanical performance of a healthy patient-specific human aorta. Simulations reveal that Nitinol stent-grafts stretch the artery wall so that collagen is stretched to a straightened high-stiffness configuration. The high-compliance regime (HCR) associated with low diastolic lumen pressure is eliminated, and the artery operates in a low-compliance regime (LCR) throughout the entire cardiac cycle. The slope of the lumen pressure–area curve for the LCR post-implantation is almost identical to that of the native vessel during systole. This negligible change from the native LCR slope occurs because the stent-graft increases its diameter from the crimped configuration during deployment so that it reaches a low-stiffness unloading plateau. The effective radial stiffness of the implant along this unloading plateau is negligible compared to the stiffness of the artery wall. Provided the Nitinol device unloads sufficiently during deployment to the unloading plateau, the degree of oversizing has a negligible effect on the pressure–area response of the vessel, as each device exerts approximately the same radial force, the slope of which is negligible compared to the LCR slope of the native artery. We show that 10% oversizing based on the observed diastolic diameter in the mid descending thoracic aorta results in a complete loss of contact between the device and the wall during systole, which could lead to an endoleak and stent migration. 20% oversizing reaches the Dacron enforced area limit (DEAL) during the pulse pressure and results in an effective zero-compliance in the later portion of systole.


Radiation effects after reconstructive surgery (free-skin grafts and skin flaps) were studied in the rat, and the optimum time for irradiation was determined. The radiosensitivity of both free-skin grafts and skin flaps showed the same trend depending on time of irradiation after operation. The grafts or flaps irradiated in the hypervascular stage showed severe reactions to irradiation, whereas those irradiated in the hypovascular stage showed milder reactions in gross and microangiographic observation. Vascular damage should be given primary consideration when deciding the proper time for irradiation after reconstructive surgery. In general, free-skin grafts showed more severe reactions than skin flaps, especially in the grafts irradiated in the early stage after operation. The experimental results of this study cannot be readily transferred to a clinical setting, but they suggest that postoperative irradiation could be begun 3 to 4 weeks after operation with respect to graft or flap survival, and the results of the clinical cases almost coincide with these experimental results.  相似文献   

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