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A null allele of the Gpi-1s structural gene, that encodes glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI-1; E.C., arose in a mutation experiment and was designated Gpi-1sa-m1H. The viability of homozygotes has been investigated. No offspring homozygous for the null allele were produced by intercrossing two heterozygotes, so the homozygous condition was presumed to be embryonic lethal. Embryos were produced by crossing Gpi-1sa/null heterozygous females and Gpi-1sb/null heterozygous males. Homozygous null embryos were identified at different stages of development by electrophoresis and staining either for GPI-1 alone or GPI-1 plus phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) activity. At 6 1/2 and 7 1/2 days post coitum homozygous null embryos were present at approximately the expected 25% frequency (37/165; 22.4% overall) although at 7 1/2 days the homozygous null embryos tended to be small. By 8 1/2 days most homozygous null embryos were developmentally retarded and had not developed significantly further than at 7 1/2 days; some were dead or dying. By 9 1/2 days the homozygous null conceptus was characterised by a small implantation site that contained trophoblast and often a small amount of extraembryonic membrane. Surviving trophoblast tissue was also detectable at 10 1/2 days. Previous studies have shown that oocyte-coded GPI-1 persists only until 5 1/2 or 6 1/2 days. Survival of homozygous null embryos to 7 1/2 or 8 1/2 days and survival of certain extraembryonic tissue to 10 1/2 days suggests that the homozygous null condition may not be cell-lethal although it is certainly embryo-lethal. Mutant cells that are deficient in glycolysis may use the pentose phosphate shunt to bypass the block in glycolysis created by the deficiency of glucose phosphate isomerase, and/or might be rescued by the transport, from the maternal blood, of energy sources other than glucose (such as glutamine). Either strategy may only permit slow cell growth that would not be adequate to support normal embryogenesis. Transport of maternal nutrients would be more efficient to the trophoblast and extraembryonic membranes and this may help to explain why these tissues survive for longer than the embryo itself. The morphological similarity between homozygous nulls and androgenetic conceptuses, where the trophoblast also survives better than the embryo, is discussed.  相似文献   

Glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) allozymes were compared in eggs and embryos of the mouse strains C57BL/6-JHan (GPI-1BB) and 129/Sv (GPI-1AA) under different experimental conditions. The quantitative differences in eggs of the two strains disappeared by the blastocyst stage at day 4 to 5, both in fertilized and diploid parthenogenetic embryos. The degree of degradation of oocyte-coded enzyme molecules and the activation of the embryonic genome for GPI appeared to be equivalent in parthenogenetic embryos from heterozygous females when only one or other maternal allele type remained in the egg after meiosis. Also in tetraploid embryos, generated by electrofusion of homozygous fertilized eggs from the two strains, both genomes seemed to be activated at the same time at day 4; here, however, the GPI-1BB allozyme remained predominant up to day 6.  相似文献   

Quantitative electrophoretic studies of the three allozymes of glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI-1) produced byGpi-1s a/Gpi-1sc heterozygous mice revealed two opposing influences on GPI-1 activity. First, the GPI-1 AC heterodimer is less stable than GPI-1 AA but more stable than the GPI-1 CC homodimer. Second, a genetic determinant that maps close to or within theGpi-1s structural gene causes elevated activity of GPI-1 AC and probably also GPI-1 CC dimers. The relative lability of these allozymes masks this elevated activity in some tissues but the effect is probably ubiquitous. The significance of these observations is discussed.This study was begun while JDW was at the MRC Radiobiology Unit and continued at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the University of Edinburgh, where it was supported, in part, by a grant from the Moray Endowment Fund.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular basis of zymodeme analysis in the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, genes encoding glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) were isolated from four representative E. histolytica strains belonging to zymodeme II, II-, XIV, or XIX. Two alleles were obtained from each strain; six alleles with eight polymorphic nucleotide positions were identified among the four strains. Two of these eight polymorphic nucleotides resulted in non-conserved amino acid substitutions. Three GPI isoenzymes with distinct predicted isoelectric points were identified, which agrees well with the observed electrophoretic patterns of GPI from these strains. Amino acid comparisons of GPI from E. histolytica and other organisms revealed that all amino acid residues implicated for substrate binding and catalysis were conserved. Biochemical characterization of recombinant E. histolytica GPI confirmed that it possessed kinetic parameters similar to GPI from other organisms. The electrophoretic mobility of three GPI isoenzymes was examined by starch gel electrophoresis. Thus, we have established the molecular basis of the classical isoenzymes patterns that have been used for grouping E. histolytica isolates and for differentiation of E. histolytica from non-pathogenic Entamoeba dispar.  相似文献   

Hybrid Mus musculus x Mus caroli embryos were produced by inseminating M. musculus (C57BL/OlaWs) females with M. caroli sperm. Control M. caroli embryos developed more rapidly than did control M. musculus embryos and implanted approximately 1 day earlier. At 1 1/2 days, both the hybrid embryos and those of the maternal species (M. musculus) had cleaved to the 2-cell stage. By 2 1/2 days some of the hybrids were retarded compared to M. musculus, and by 3 1/2 days most were lagging behind. This is consistent with the idea that the rate of development of hybrid embryos declines once it becomes dependent on embryo-coded gene products. We have used this difference in rate of preimplantation development, between hybrid and M. musculus embryos, to try to determine whether the activation of embryonic Gpi-1s genes, that encode glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI-1), is age-related or stage-related. In control M. musculus embryos (both mated and Al groups), the GPI-1AB and GPI-1A allozyme, indicative of paternal gene expression, were detected in 7 of 9 samples of 3 1/2-day compacted morula stage embryos and were seen in all 19 samples of 3 1/2-day blastocysts. In hybrid embryos, these allozymes were detected 1 day later. They were not detected in any 3 1/2-day samples (12 samples of compacted morulae) but were consistently detected at 4 1/2 days (4 samples of blastocysts and 2 samples of uncompacted morulae). Our interpretation of the results is that gene activation in hybrid embryos is stage-specific, rather than age-specific, and probably begins around the 8-cell stage, with detectable levels of enzyme accumulating later. Analysis of GPI-1 electrophoresis indicated that both the paternal (M. caroli) and maternal (M. musculus) Gpi-1s alleles were equally expressed in hybrid embryos and that the paternally derived allele was not activated before the maternally derived allele.  相似文献   

Polyclonal xenoantisera against mouse GPI-1B and GPI-1C were produced in rabbits and analyzed for their ability to recognize allozyme-specific determinants. These studies showed a high degree of serological similarity among the three allozymes of mouse glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI). However, GPI-1B and GPI-1C could be differentiated from GPI-1A as well as GPI-1A and GPI-1B from GPI-1C using quantitative solid-phase immunobinding assays. In addition, polyclonal and monoclonal alloantibodies specific for GPI-1C were produced in BALB/c (Gpi-1a/Gpi-1a) mice. As indicated by immunoblotting data, the allozyme specificity of rabbit antisera and monoclonal alloantibodies against GPI-1C is dependent on the native structure of that allozyme.  相似文献   

Summary. A new variant of red cell glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI), designated GPI-C, was observed in the chow-chow breed of dog. GPI-C could be separated from the previously reported dog GPI variants (A and B), both by starch gel electrophoresis and by isoelectric focusing (pH 3–10). Family data supported the hypothesis that GPI-C is controlled by a third codominant allele ( GPI C ). GPI C occurred as a rare allele in the Dutch chow-chow population.  相似文献   

A new variant of glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI), also known as phosphohexose isomerase (PHI), was detected in a primitive pig population.  相似文献   

I C Arnold  J Bouw 《Animal genetics》1989,20(2):217-220
A new variant of red cell glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI), designated GPI-C, was observed in the chow-chow breed of dog. GPI-C could be separated from the previously reported dog GPI variants (A and B), both by starch gel electrophoresis and by isoelectric focusing (pH 3-10). Family data supported the hypothesis that GPI-C is controlled by a third codominant allele (GPI C). GPI C occurred as a rare allele in the Dutch chow-chow population.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) was found in the erythrocytes of dogs of six Japanese breeds by using starch gel electrophoresis. Analysis of parentage records of dogs revealed that the phenotypic variation of erythrocyte glucose phosphate isomerase was controlled by one autosomal locus with two codominant alleles, GPIA and GPIB. The allele GPIB was observed in the following breeds: San'in-Shiba, Shinshu-Shiba, Shikoku, Kai and Kishu, but not in Hokkaidoes and Akitas. All the dogs belonging to 25 European breeds, 5 oriental or China-origin (except Japan) breeds examined in this experiments had the genotype constitution GPIA/GPIA, whereas one Dalmation dog was heterozygous GPIA/GPIB.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) was found in the erythrocytes of dogs of six Japanese breeds by using starch gel electrophoresis. Analysis of parentage records of dogs revealed that the phenotypic variation of erythrocyte glucose phosphate isomerase was controlled by one autosomal locus with two codominant alleles, GPIAand GPIB. The allele GPIBwas observed in the following breeds: San'in-Shiba, Shinshu-Shiba, Shikoku, Kai and Kishu, but not in Hokkaidoes and Akitas. All the dogs belonging to 25 European breeds, 5 oriental or China-origin (except Japan) breeds examined in this experiments had the genotype constitution GPIA/GPIA, whereas one Dalmation dog was heterozygous GPIA/GPIB.  相似文献   

The activity of blood glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI-1) in mice heterozygous for various alleles at the Gpi-1s structural locus (heterozygotes a/b, a/c and b/c) was significantly higher than expected, on the basis of additive inheritance, from the levels in parental homozygotes. Moreover, the GPI-1 activity was higher in a/b heterozygotes than in either parent (heterosis). Studies of heat stability with kidney homogenates revealed that the relative stabilities of GPI-1 dimers was AA greater than AB greater than BB greater than AC greater than or equal to BC greater than CC. Differences in dimer stabilities in vivo would affect the total GPI-1 levels in heterozygotes and could account for non-additive inheritance but would be insufficient to explain heterosis for GPI-1 activity. Other possible contributing factors include unequal production or stability of monomers, or higher catalytic activity of heterodimers. Monomers could also associate non-randomly but this would not be sufficient to explain heterosis. It is clear that non-additive inheritance patterns may be produced by variants of either structural or regulatory genes.  相似文献   

1. Purified rabbit-muscle and -liver glucose phosphate isomerase, free of contaminating enzyme activities that could interfere with the assay procedures, were tested for inhibition by fructose, fructose 1-phosphate and fructose 1,6-diphosphate. 2. Fructose 1-phosphate and fructose 1,6-diphosphate are both competitive with fructose 6-phosphate in the enzymic reaction, the apparent Ki values being 1·37×10−3−1·67×10−3m for fructose 1-phosphate and 7·2×10−3−7·9×10−3m for fructose 1,6-diphosphate; fructose and inorganic phosphate were without effect. 3. The apparent Km values for both liver and muscle enzymes at pH7·4 and 30° were 1·11×10−4−1·29×10−4m for fructose 6-phosphate, determined under the conditions in this paper. 4. In the reverse reaction, fructose, fructose 1-phosphate and fructose 1,6-diphosphate did not significantly inhibit the conversion of glucose 6-phosphate into fructose 6-phosphate. 5. The apparent Km values for glucose 6-phosphate were in the range 5·6×10−4−8·5×10−4m. 6. The competitive inhibition of hepatic glucose phosphate isomerase by fructose 1-phosphate is discussed in relation to the mechanism of fructose-induced hypoglycaemia in hereditary fructose intolerance.  相似文献   

The mouse embryo, when grown in media containing glucose, synthesizes and accumulates glycogen. In certain strains, glucose could be responsible for the 2 cell block; it can be replaced for a short time by glutamine, but with an increase in embryo degeneration. We have tested the hypothesis according to which the problems of glycogen accumulation and the developmental arrest could be due to a metabolic lock involving glucose 6 phosphate isomerase (EC Fructose is located immediately downstream from this metabolic lock. We have exactly replaced the glucose in Whittingham M16 culture medium by fructose: Medium F.M. With this culture medium, Swiss one cell embryos, which normally block in M16 medium (greater than 90%), do not block any longer at the 2 cell stage (11.6%). They can be cultured for 4 days with high rates of blastocyst formation (53.6%). Embryo degeneration (23.6%) is lower than that observed in CZB (31%), and not different from our control degeneration in vivo. Moreover fructose seems to be adequate all through the culture period as there is no need for further addition of metabolites, to obtain blastocysts, as observed for CZB. This demonstrates that a lock at the Glucose phosphate isomerase level is responsible for glycogen accumulation and the 2 cell block in the mouse embryo in vitro.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variants of glucose phosphate isomerase have been used to study the time of paternal gene activation during early embryogenesis of the mouse. Hybrid embryos obtained from matings of GPI-1A ♀ X GPI-1B ♂ were examined electrophoretically, and assayed for GPI activity during preimplantation stages. The heteropolymeric GPI-1AB band was detected in late blastocysts and all three bands of the hybrid pattern were discernible in samples of expanded blastocysts, day 6. These findings indicate that the Gpi-1 paternal locus is expressed by day 5. Activity levels of GPI were comparable to values reported for G6PD. The activity of GPI was constant for days 1, 2, and 3; however, a marked decrease in activity occurred by day 4. A slight decrease in activity was observed in embryos from days 5 and 6. Our results demonstrate the value of using electrophoretic variants to pinpoint synthesis of new enzyme which may not be reflected in changes in levels of activity.  相似文献   

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