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We identified two regulators of denitrification genes in Brucella melitensis 16M: NarR, which regulates the nitrate reductase (nar) operon, and NnrA, which is involved in the expression of the last three reductases of the denitrification pathway (nirK, norB, and nosZ). NnrA is required for virulence in mice and for intracellular resistance to nitric oxide.  相似文献   

Denitrification genes regulate Brucella virulence in mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Brucella is the causative agent of the zoonotic disease brucellosis, which is endemic in many parts of the world. Genome sequencing of B. suis and B. melitensis revealed that both are complete denitrifiers. To learn more about the role of denitrification in these animal pathogens, a study of the role of denitrification in the closely related B. neotomae was undertaken. In contrast to B. suis and B. melitensis, it was found that B. neotomae is a partial denitrifier that can reduce nitrate to nitrite but no further. Examination of the B. neotomae genome showed that a deletion in the denitrification gene cluster resulted in complete loss of nirV and the partial deletion of nirK and nnrA. Even though the nor operon is intact, a norC-lacZ promoter fusion was not expressed in B. neotomae. However, the norC-lacZ fusion was expressed in the related denitrifier Agrobacterium tumefaciens, suggesting that the lack of expression in B. neotomae is due to inactivation of NnrA. A narK-lacZ promoter fusion was found to exhibit nitrate-dependent expression consistent with the partial denitrifier phenotype. Complementation of the deleted region in B. neotomae by using nirK, nirV, and nnrA from B. melitensis restored the ability of B. neotomae to reduce nitrite. There was a significant difference in the death of IRF-1-/- mice when infected with B. neotomae containing nirK, nirV, and nnrA and those infected with wild-type B. neotomae. The wild-type strain killed all the infected mice, whereas most of the mice infected with B. neotomae containing nirK, nirV, and nnrA survived.  相似文献   

Identification of Brucella spp. genes involved in intracellular trafficking   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
After uptake by host cells, the pathogen Brucella transits through early endosomes, evades phago–lysosome fusion and replicates in a compartment associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The molecular mechanisms underlying these processes are still poorly understood. To identify new bacterial factors involved in these processes, a library of 1800 Brucella melitensis 16M mini-Tn 5catkm mutants was screened for intracellular survival and multiplication in HeLa cells and J774A.1 macrophages. Thirteen mutants were identified as defective for their intracellular survival in both cell types. In 12 of them, the transposon had inserted in the virB operon, which encodes a type IV-related secretion system. The preponderance of virB mutants demonstrates the importance of this secretion apparatus in the intracellular multiplication of B. melitensis . We also examined the intracellular fate of three virB mutants ( virB2 , virB4 and virB9 ) in HeLa cells by immunofluorescence. The three VirB proteins are not necessary for penetration and the inhibition of phago–lysosomal fusion within non-professional phagocytes. Rather, the virB mutants are unable to reach the replicative niche and reside in a membrane-bound vacuole expressing the late endosomal marker, LAMP1, and the sec61β protein from the ER membrane, proteins that are present in autophagic vesicles originating from the ER.  相似文献   

Brucella pathogenesis, genes identified from random large-scale screens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pathogenicity islands, specialized secretion systems, virulence plasmids, fimbriae, pili, adhesins, and toxins are all classical bacterial virulence factors. However, many of these factors, though widespread among bacterial pathogens, are not necessarily found among bacteria that colonize eukaryotic cells in a pathogenic/symbiotic relationship. Bacteria that form these relationships have developed other strategies to infect and grow in their hosts. This is particularly true for Brucella and other members of the class Proteobacteria. Thus far the identification of virulence factors for Brucella has been largely dependent on large-scale screens and testing in model systems. The genomes of the facultative intracellular pathogens Brucella melitensis and Brucella suis were sequenced recently. This has identified several more potential virulence factors for Brucella that were not found in large screens. Here, we present an overall view of Brucella virulence by compiling virulence data from the study of 184 attenuated mutants.  相似文献   

Denitrification is the process by which nitrates are converted to nitrogen gas under the action of microor-ganism, and in a bioenergetics viewpoint, a kind of respiration of bacteria in anoxia condition. In such a process, nitrogen in oxidation state replaces oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in cell membrane, gen-erates potential gradient with the action of a series of oxidoreductase, and finally converts nitrate into nitro-gen[1]. Denitrification is widely present in nature, and resea…  相似文献   

Brucellae are facultative intracellular Gram-negative coccobacilli that chronically infect various mammals and cause brucellosis. Human brucellosis is among the most common bacterial zoonoses and the vast majority of cases are attributed to B. melitensis. Using transposon sequencing (Tn-seq) analysis, we showed that among 3369 predicted genes of the B. melitensis genome, 861 are required for optimal growth in rich medium and 186 additional genes appeared necessary for survival of B. melitensis in RAW 264.7 macrophages in vitro. As the mucosal immune system represents the first defense against Brucella infection, we investigated the early phase of pulmonary infection in mice. In situ analysis at the single cell level indicates a succession of killing and growth phases, followed by heterogenous proliferation of B. melitensis in alveolar macrophages during the first 48 hours of infection. Tn-seq analysis identified 94 additional genes that are required for survival in the lung at 48 hours post infection. Among them, 42 genes are common to RAW 264.7 macrophages and the lung conditions, including the T4SS and purine synthesis genes. But 52 genes are not identified in RAW 264.7 macrophages, including genes implicated in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis, methionine transport, tryptophan synthesis as well as fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism. Interestingly, genes implicated in LPS synthesis and β oxidation of fatty acids are no longer required in Interleukin (IL)-17RA-/- mice and asthmatic mice, respectively. This demonstrates that the immune status determines which genes are required for optimal survival and growth of B. melitensis in vivo.  相似文献   

Cohesin-dependent regulation of Runx genes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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