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Actin-bundling protein L-plastin regulates T cell activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Engagement of TCRs induces actin rearrangements, which are critical for T cell activation. T cell responses require new actin polymerization, but the significance of higher-order actin structures, such as microfilament bundles, is unknown. To determine the role of the actin-bundling protein leukocyte-plastin (L-plastin; LPL) in this process, T cells from LPL(-/-) mice were studied. LPL(-/-) T cells were markedly defective in TCR-mediated cytokine production and proliferation. LPL(-/-) T cells also spread inefficiently on surfaces with immobilized TCR ligands and formed smaller immunological synapses with APCs, likely due to defective formation of lamellipodia. LPL(-/-) mice showed delayed rejection of skin allografts after release from immunosuppression. Moreover, LPL(-/-) mice developed much less severe neurologic symptoms in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, which correlated with impaired T cell responses to Ag, manifested by reduced proliferation and production of IFN-γ and IL-17. Thus, LPL-dependent actin bundling facilitates the formation of lamellipodia and normal immunological synapses and thereby enables T cell activation.  相似文献   

Human cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated in the presence and absence of histamine in order to define the role of this autacoid in immune regulation. Histamine (10(-8)-10(-4) M) suppressed the generation of class I specific CTL but, at 10(-4) M, actually increased class II specific cytolysis. Histamine acted at the level of CTL generation; histamine was not present in the cytolytic assay. When histamine was added to the cytolytic assay with CTL grown without histamine, the lytic ability of the effector cells was similar to that of controls. Histamine-induced suppression of class I specific cytolysis was blocked by continuous culture with the H2 antagonist ranitidine but not with the H1 antagonist pyrilamine. These data suggest that suppression was mediated by the H2 receptor. Continuous culture with histamine had no effect on T cell proliferation or the expression of cell surface molecules. Histamine-induced suppression of class I specific cytolysis was reversed by the addition of PHA to the cytotoxicity assay, showing that the cytolytic machinery was intact. These data provide evidence that histamine is involved in regulation of cytolytic T cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of actin polymerization is critical for many different functions of T lymphocytes, including cell migration. Here we show that the RhoA effector mDia is induced in vitro in activated PBL and is highly expressed in vivo in diseased tissue-infiltrating activated lymphocytes. mDia localizes at the leading edge of polarized T lymphoblasts in an area immediately posterior to the leading lamella, in which its effector protein profilin is also concentrated. Overexpression of an activated mutant of mDia results in an inhibition of both spontaneous and chemokine-directed T cell motility. mDia does not regulate the shape of the cell, which involves another RhoA effector, p160 Rho-coiled coil kinase, and is not involved in integrin-mediated cell adhesion. However, mDia activation blocked CD3- and PMA-mediated cell spreading. mDia activation increased polymerized actin levels, which resulted in the blockade of chemokine-induced actin polymerization by depletion of monomeric actin. Moreover, mDia was shown to regulate the function of the small GTPase Rac1 through the control of actin availability. Together, our data demonstrate that RhoA is involved in the control of the filamentous actin/monomeric actin balance through mDia, and that this balance is critical for T cell responses.  相似文献   

Estrogen regulates CCR gene expression and function in T lymphocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Estrogen has been implicated in the observed female bias in autoimmune diseases. However, the mechanisms behind this gender dimorphism are poorly defined. We have previously reported that in vivo T cell trafficking is gender- and estrogen-dependent. Chemokine receptors are critical determinants of T cell homing and immune response. In this study, we show that the female gender is associated with increased CD4(+) T cell CCR1-CCR5 gene and protein expression in mice. The increased CCR expression correlates with enhanced in vitro chemotaxis response to MIP-1beta (CCL4). In vivo treatment of young oophorectomized and postmenopausal female mice with 17beta-estradiol also increased CD4(+) T cell CCR expression. Finally, 17beta-estradiol enhances tyrosine phosphorylation in T cells stimulated with MIP-1alpha in a time-dependent manner. Our results indicate an important role of estrogen in determining T cell chemokine response that may help explain the increased susceptibility and severity of autoimmune diseases in females.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved intracellular bulk degradation pathway that plays critical roles in eliminating intracellular pathogens, presenting endogenous Ags, and regulating T lymphocyte survival and proliferation. In this study, we have investigated the role of autophagy in regulating the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) compartment in T lymphocytes. We found that ER content is expanded in mature autophagy-related protein (Atg) 7-deficient T lymphocytes. Atg7-deficient T cells stimulated through the TCR display impaired influx, but not efflux, of calcium, and ER calcium stores are increased in Atg7-deficient T cells. Treatment with the ER sarco/ER Ca(2+)-ATPase pump inhibitor thapsigargin rescues the calcium influx defect in Atg7-deficient T lymphocytes, suggesting that this impairment is caused by an intrinsic defect in ER. Furthermore, we found that the stimulation-induced redistribution of stromal interaction molecule-1, a critical event for the store-operated Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channel opening, is impaired in Atg7-deficient T cells. Together, these findings indicate that the expanded ER compartment in Atg7-deficient T cells contains increased calcium stores, and the inability of these stores to be depleted causes defective calcium influx in these cells. Our results demonstrate that autophagy plays an important role in maintaining ER and calcium homeostasis in T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Phosphoprotein associated with glycolipid-enriched membranes (PAG), also named Csk-binding protein (Cbp), is a transmembrane adaptor associated with lipid rafts. It is phosphorylated on multiple tyrosines located in the cytoplasmic domain. One tyrosine, tyrosine 314 (Y314) in the mouse, interacts with Csk, a protein tyrosine kinase that negatively regulates Src kinases. This interaction enables PAG to inhibit T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-mediated T-cell activation. PAG also associates with the Src-related kinase FynT. Genetic studies indicated that FynT was required for PAG tyrosine phosphorylation and binding of PAG to Csk in T cells. Herein, we investigated the function and regulation of PAG-associated FynT. Our data showed that PAG was constitutively associated with FynT in unstimulated T cells and that this association was rapidly lost in response to TCR stimulation. Dissociation of the PAG-FynT complex preceded PAG dephosphorylation and PAG-Csk dissociation after TCR engagement. Interestingly, in anergic T cells, the association of PAG with FynT, but not Csk, was increased. Analyses of PAG mutants provided evidence that PAG interacted with FynT by way of tyrosines other than Y314. Enforced expression of a PAG variant interacting with FynT, but not Csk, caused a selective enhancement of TCR-triggered calcium fluxes in normal T cells. Furthermore, it promoted T-cell anergy. Both effects were absent in mice lacking FynT, implying that the effects were mediated by PAG-associated FynT. Hence, besides enabling PAG tyrosine phosphorylation and the PAG-Csk interaction, PAG-associated FynT can stimulate calcium signals and favor T-cell anergy. These data improve our comprehension of the function of PAG in T cells. They also further implicate FynT in T-cell anergy.  相似文献   

The latent birefringence of lymphocyte membranes of various species may readily be studied and analysed by various topo-optical reactions. The membranes of glutaraldehyde-fixed and PBS-washed lymphocytes show continuous birefringence with thiazine- and quinoline dyes. According to polarization optical analysis thiazine dye-stained cells are radially positive, whereas quinoline dye-stained cells are radially negative spherites, i.e. thiazine dye molecules are in a perpendicular, quinoline dye molecules in a parallel orientation relative to the membrane surface. These findings suggest that in lymphocyte membranes glycoproteins are primarily responsible for the topo-optical reactions. The actual conformational state of the glycoprotein components is a decisive factor not only in dye binding but also in the orientation of dye molecules. Heparin treatment directs attention to an important interaction between heparin and membrane glycoproteins. With the aid of the critical electrolyte concentration (CEC) technique we were able to demonstrate an ultrastructural differences between human erythrocyte and human lymphocyte membranes. After this procedure the birefringence of erythrocyte membranes was lost, whereas that of lymphocyte membranes did not change. There were no differences between the topo-optical reactions of T and B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The IAN (immune-associated nucleotide-binding protein) family is a family of functionally uncharacterized GTP-binding proteins expressed in vertebrate immune cells and in plant cells during antibacterial responses. Here we show that all eight IAN family genes encoded in a single cluster of mouse genome are predominantly expressed in lymphocytes, and that the expression of IAN1, IAN4, and IAN5 is significantly elevated upon thymic selection of T lymphocytes. Gain-of-function experiments show that the premature overexpression of IAN1 kills immature thymocytes, whereas short hairpin RNA-mediated loss-of-function studies show that IAN4 supports positive selection. The knockdown of IAN5 perturbs the optimal generation of CD4/CD8 double-positive thymocytes and reduces the survival of mature T lymphocytes. We also show evidence suggesting that IAN4 and IAN5 are associated with anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, whereas IAN1 is associated with pro-apoptotic Bax. Thus, the IAN family is a novel family of T cell–receptor-responsive proteins that critically regulate thymic development and survival of T lymphocytes and that potentially exert regulatory functions through the association with Bcl-2 family proteins.  相似文献   

Expression of the ectoenzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is regulated on T lymphocytes. It is present at a low level on naive T cells, at a high level on activated T cells, and at an intermediate level on resting memory T cells. GGT cleaves the glutamyl group from glutathione, which is the first step in the uptake of extracellular glutathione. In vitro, purified GGT also metabolizes the naturally occurring nitrosothiol, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO). Because of this relationship, the effects of cellular GGT on the metabolism of and cellular response to GSNO were tested. The GGT-negative lymphoblasts Ramos and SupT1 were transfected with cDNA for human GGT. In the presence of cells lacking GGT, GSNO is extremely stable. In contrast, GGT-expressing cells rapidly metabolize GSNO leading to nitric oxide release. The nitric oxide causes a rapid (<2-h) inhibition of DNA synthesis. There is a concomitant decrease in the concentration of intracellular deoxyribonucleotides, suggesting that one effect of the nitric oxide generated from GSNO is the previously described inactivation of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase. GSNO also caused a rapid, GGT-dependent cytostatic effect in Hut-78, a human T cell lymphoma, as well as in activated peripheral blood T cells. Although DNA synthesis was decreased to 16% of control values in anti-CD3-stimulated Hut-78, the production of IL-2 was unchanged by GSNO. These data show that GGT, a regulated ectoenzyme on T cells, controls the rate of nitric oxide production from GSNO and thus markedly affects the physiological response to this biologically active nitrosothiol.  相似文献   

Development, angiogenesis, wound healing, and metastasis all involve the movement of cells in response to changes in the extracellular environment. To determine whether caveolin-1 plays a role in cell migration, we have used fibroblasts from knockout mice. Caveolin-1–deficient cells lose normal cell polarity, exhibit impaired wound healing, and have decreased Rho and increased Rac and Cdc42 GTPase activities. Directional persistency of migration is lost, and the cells show an impaired response to external directional stimuli. Both Src inactivation and p190RhoGAP knockdown restore the wild-type phenotype to caveolin-1–deficient cells, suggesting that caveolin-1 stimulates normal Rho GTP loading through inactivation of the Src–p190RhoGAP pathway. These findings highlight the importance of caveolin-1 in the establishment of cell polarity during directional migration through coordination of the signaling of Src kinase and Rho GTPases.  相似文献   

We previously described a cell surface antigen, termed Tp44, detected by monoclonal antibody 9.3 on approximately 80% of mature human T lymphocytes. Analysis by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing demonstrated that this antigen consists of two identical 44 kilodalton glycopeptides that form a disulfide-linked homodimer. Competitive binding experiments showed that antibody 9.3 and an anti-CD3 antibody (64.1) recognize distinct antigenic determinants; furthermore, the binding of antibody 9.3 was unaffected by prior modulation of CD3. Thus, Tp44 has no detectable cell surface association with CD3. By itself, antibody 9.3 had no detectable effect on either IL 2 receptor expression or IL 2 release, and did not cause T cell proliferation even when monocytes were present and exogenous IL 2 was provided, indicating that binding of antibody 9.3 does not provide a primary signal for T cell activation. However, the proliferative responses of T lymphocytes activated by phytohemagglutinin, concanavalin A, or an anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody were strikingly enhanced in the presence of antibody 9.3, an effect associated with increased IL 2 receptor expression and increased IL 2 secretion. Antibody 9.3 enabled anti-CD3-Sepharose-activated T cells and anti-CD3 antibody-activated Jurkat cells to release IL 2 in the absence of monocytes. Fab fragments of antibody 9.3 had no effect on anti-CD3-induced IL 2 release by Jurkat cells, whereas F(ab')2 fragments had activity comparable to that of unmodified antibody, indicating that bivalent binding of Tp44 molecules is required for IL 2 secretion. Together, these results suggest that TP44 may function as a receptor for accessory signals in the activation of T cells.  相似文献   

Polarization of T cells involves reorientation of the microtubule organizing center (MTOC). Because activated ERK is localized at the immunological synapse, we investigated its role by showing that ERK activation is important for MTOC polarization. Suspecting that ERK phosphorylates a regulator of microtubules, we next focused on stathmin, a known ERK substrate. Our work indicates that during T cell activation, ERK is recruited to the synapse, allowing it to phosphorylate stathmin molecules near the immunological synapse. Supporting an important role of stathmin phosphorylation in T cell activation, we showed that T cell activation results in increased microtubule growth rate dependent on the presence of stathmin. The significance of this finding was demonstrated by results showing that CTLs from stathmin(-/-) mice displayed defective MTOC polarization and defective target cell cytolysis. These data implicate stathmin as a regulator of the microtubule network during T cell activation.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes have an inherent ability to migrate along a chemotactic gradient, which enables them to exit the bloodstream and reach different tissues. Motile T cells display a polarized morphology with two distinct cell compartments: the leading edge and the uropod. During cell polarization, chemoattractant receptors, cell-adhesion molecules and cytoskeletal proteins are redistributed within these cellular compartments. The polarity of T lymphocytes changes during the establishment of antigen-specific cell-cell interactions, and this involves rearrangement of cytoskeletal proteins. This article discusses the regulation of these cytoskeletal rearrangements, and their role in the activation, migration and effector function of T cells.  相似文献   

The role of guanine nucleotide binding regulatory proteins (G proteins) in the regulation of phosphorylation of the gamma subunit of the CD3 antigen has been examined. CD3 gamma chain phosphorylation in isolated T cell microsomes was stimulated by the G protein activator guanosine 5'-0 thiotriphosphate (GTP gamma S), but cyclic adenosine monophosphate and guanosine 5'-diphosphate were ineffective at inducing gamma chain phosphorylation. The effect of GTP gamma S was rapid and transient; a half maximal effect was observed with 50 microM of the nucleotide. gamma polypeptide phosphorylated in vitro in GTP gamma S stimulated microsomes incorporated phosphate on Serines 123 and 126. These data are consistent with the involvement of a G protein in the signalling mechanisms that regulate the phosphorylation of the CD3 gamma chain.  相似文献   

Immature T lymphocytes in human neonatal blood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thirty-two cord blood samples taken after caesarean section or vaginal delivery and concurrent venous blood samples obtained from normal adult controls were evaluated using monoclonal antibodies. The percentage of circulating pan-T-cell+ lymphocytes was significantly lower in cord blood (46%) compared with adult controls (72%). In the cord cells, 22% showed reactivity with the common thymocyte antigen compared with less than 1% in adult controls. The helper:suppressor ratio was lower in cord blood (1.71) compared with 1.98 for adult blood. These figures reflect a unique population (12%) of immature T cells in cord blood that coexpress helper and suppressor phenotypes. These features are not found in adult blood. These double-labeling studies characterized a previously undescribed blood T-cell phenotype which correlates negatively with gestational age (R = -0.93). These studies reveal the presence of an immature population of T cells in normal human neonatal blood that exhibit the phenotype characteristic of normal developing thymocytes.  相似文献   

Purification of human T and B lymphocytes   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  

In vitro migration of human large granular lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Large granular lymphocyte (LGL)-enriched peripheral blood mononuclear cells were prepared on discontinuous gradients of Percoll. Migration into nitrocellulose filters was studied in a 2-hr assay with the use of modified Boyden chambers. LGL migrated into filters in response to casein or C5a. Migration depended on the presence of a concentration gradient of chemoattractant between the lower and upper compartment of the chambers. Percoll-purified high density small lymphocytes had little or no migratory capacity under these conditions, requiring a longer incubation time (4 hr) for consistent migration. Migratory capacity in response to stimuli correlated with the frequency of LGL in the various fractions of Percoll gradients. Fractionation of LGL-enriched Percoll preparations with monoclonal antibodies and immunoadsorbent columns or a cell sorter revealed that cells with migratory capacity in response to stimuli were B73.1+ and OKT3-, thus confirming that migrating cells were LGL. LGL preincubated with interferon (IFN) showed enhanced spontaneous motility but no increased responsiveness to chemoattractants. IFN did not modify the migratory capacity of small lymphocytes. The prompt migration of LGL in response to stimuli is consistent with the hypothesis that these cells may serve as one of the first easily mobilizable lines of resistance against infectious agents and tumors. The migration assay described here may offer a better insight into the functions and regulation of LGL.  相似文献   

Histones and non-histone chromosomal proteins were characterized in B and T human lymphocytes by means of polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. It was found that while histones do not present appreciable differences in the two examined populations, non-histone chromosomal proteins exhibit distinct electrophoretic profiles. Low molecular weight proteins predominate in B lymphocytes whereas high and intermediate proteins are largely represented in T lymphocytes. The latter proteins may be related to the capability of these resting cells to proliferate under appropriate antigenic stimuli.  相似文献   

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