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Over the past two decades, our understanding of radiation biology has undergone a fundamental shift in paradigms away from deterministic "hit-effect" relationships and towards complex ongoing "cellular responses". These responses include now familiar, but still poorly understood, phenomena associated with radiation exposure such as bystander effects, genomic instability, and adaptive responses. All three have been observed at very low doses, and at time points far removed from the initial radiation exposure, and are extremely relevant for linear extrapolation to low doses; the adaptive response is particularly relevant when exposure is spread over a period of time. These are precisely the circumstances that are most relevant to understanding cancer risk associated with environmental and occupational radiation exposures. This review will provide a synthesis of the known, and proposed, interrelationships amongst low-dose cellular responses to radiation. It also will examine the potential importance of non-targeted cellular responses to ionizing radiation in setting acceptable exposure limits especially to low-LET radiations.  相似文献   

Lackinger D  Kaina B 《Mutation research》2000,457(1-2):113-123
The important regulatory proteins, c-Fos and p53 are induced by exposure of cells to a variety of DNA damaging agents. To investigate their role in cellular defense against genotoxic compounds, we comparatively analysed chromosomal aberrations and apoptosis induced by ultraviolet (UV-C) light and the potent alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in primary diploid mouse fibroblasts knockout for either c-Fos or p53, or double knockout for both genes. We show that c-Fos and p53 deficient fibroblasts are more sensitive than the corresponding wild-type cells as to the induction of chromosomal aberrations and apoptosis. Double knockout fibroblasts lacking both c-Fos and p53 are viable and were even more sensitive, showing additivity of the chromosomal breakage effects observed in the single knockouts. Regarding the endpoint apoptosis, double knockout fibroblasts displayed a sensitivity similar to c-Fos and p53 deficient cells. The data indicate that (a) both c-Fos and p53 are involved in cellular protection against the clastogenic effect of genotoxic agents, (b) p53 is not required for induction of apoptosis by UV light and MMS, but rather prevents fibroblasts from undergoing apoptotic cell death upon DNA damage, and (c) c-Fos and p53 seem to act independently in determining genotoxic resistance, which is hypothesized to be achieved by impaired DNA repair or differential cell cycle check point control.  相似文献   

We have compared the frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in skin fibroblasts from persons with Down's syndrome (trisomy 21) with those from normal diploid controls exposed to 60Co γ-radiation in vitro. No difference between the chromosomal radiosensitivities of the two groups was observed, nor did the two groups differ in the background frequency of spontaneous aberrations. These data support the hypothesis that the increased in vitro chromosomal radiosensitivity of lymphocytes reported to be associated with trisomy 21 is not typical of all tissues.  相似文献   

Scott BR 《Mutation research》2004,568(1):129-143
This paper links genomic instability, bystander effects, and adaptive response in mammalian cell communities via a novel biological-based, dose-response model called NEOTRANS3. The model is an extension of the NEOTRANS2 model that addressed stochastic effects (genomic instability, mutations, and neoplastic transformation) associated with brief exposure to low radiation doses. With both models, ionizing radiation produces DNA damage in cells that can be associated with varying degrees of genomic instability. Cells with persistent problematic instability (PPI) are mutants that arise via misrepair of DNA damage. Progeny of PPI cells also have PPI and can undergo spontaneous neoplastic transformation. Unlike NEOTRANS2, with NEOTRANS3 newly induced mutant PPI cells and their neoplastically transformed progeny can be suppressed via our previously introduced protective apoptosis-mediated (PAM) process, which can be activated by low linear energy transfer (LET) radiation. However, with NEOTRANS3 (which like NEOTRANS2 involves cross-talk between nongenomically compromised [e.g., nontransformed, nonmutants] and genomically compromised [e.g., mutants, transformants, etc.] cells), it is assumed that PAM is only activated over a relatively narrow, dose-rate-dependent interval (D(PAM),D(off)); where D(PAM) is a small stochastic activation threshold, and D(off) is the stochastic dose above which PAM does not occur. PAM cooperates with activated normal DNA repair and with activated normal apoptosis in guarding against genomic instability. Normal repair involves both error-free repair and misrepair components. Normal apoptosis and the error-free component of normal repair protect mammals by preventing the occurrence of mutant cells. PAM selectively removes mutant cells arising via the misrepair component of normal repair, selectively removes existing neoplastically transformed cells, and probably selectively removes other genomically compromised cells when it is activated. PAM likely involves multiple pathways to apoptosis, with the selected pathway depending on the type of cell to be removed, its cellular environment, and on the nature of the genomic damage.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that p53-dependent apoptosis induced in normal tissues during chemo- and radiotherapy can cause severe side effects of anti-cancer treatments that limit their efficiency.The aim of the present work was to further characterise the role of p53 in maintaining genomic stability and to verify whether the inhibition of p53 function in normal cells by pifithrin-alpha (PFT-alpha) may contribute in reducing the side effects of cancer therapy. Two human lymphoblastoid cell lines, derived from the same donor, TK6 (p53 wild type) and WTK1 (p53 mutated) have been treated with an anti-neoplastic drug, the etoposide (VP16), an inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase II in presence or in absence of the p53 inhibitor PFT-alpha. Following treatments with VP16 on TK6 and WTK1, we observed a higher induction of chromosome aberrations in WTK1 (p53 mutated) and of apoptosis in TK6 (p53 wild-type) cells. The p53 inhibition by PFT-alpha in VP16 treated TK6 cells produced an increase of chromosomal aberrations and a reduction of apoptosis. Therefore, the temporary suppression of the function of p53 by PFT-alpha, increasing the survival of the normal cells, could be a promising approach to reduce the side-effects of cancer therapy but it is important to consider that the surviving cells could be genetically modified and consequently the risk of secondary tumours could be increased.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced bystander effects are various types of responses displayed by nonirradiated cells induced by signals transmitted from neighboring irradiated cells. This phenomenon has been well studied after ionizing radiation, but data on bystander effects after UV radiation are limited and so far have been reported mainly after UVA and UVB radiation. The studies described here were aimed at comparing the responses of human dermal fibroblasts exposed directly to UV (A, B, or C wavelength range) and searching for bystander effects induced in unexposed cells using a transwell co-incubation system. Cell survival and apoptosis were used as a measure of radiation effects. Additionally, induction of senescence in UV-exposed and bystander cells was evaluated. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide radical anions, and nitric oxide inside the cells and secretion of interleukins 6 and 8 (IL-6 and IL-8) into the medium were assayed and evaluated as potential mediators of bystander effects. All three regions of ultraviolet radiation induced bystander effects in unexposed cells, as shown by a diminution of survival and an increase in apoptosis, but the pattern of response to direct exposure and the bystander effects differed depending on the UV spectrum. Although UVA and UVB were more effective than UVC in generation of apoptosis in bystander cells, UVC induced senescence both in irradiated cells and in neighbors. The level of cellular ROS increased significantly shortly after UVA and UVB exposure, suggesting that the bystander effects may be mediated by ROS generated in cells by UV radiation. Interestingly, UVC was more effective at generation of ROS in bystanders than in directly exposed cells and induced a high yield of superoxide in exposed and bystander cells, which, however, was only weakly associated with impairment of mitochondrial membrane potential. Increasing concentration of IL-6 but not IL-8 after exposure to each of the three bands of UV points to its role as a mediator in the bystander effect. Nitric oxide appeared to play a minor role as a mediator of bystander effects in our experiments. The results demonstrating an increase in intracellular oxidation, not only in directly UV-exposed but also in neighboring cells, and generation of proinflammatory cytokines, processes entailing cell damage (decreased viability, apoptosis, senescence), suggest that all bands of UV radiation carry a potential hazard for human health, not only due to direct mechanisms, but also due to bystander effects.  相似文献   

The controversial use of a linear, no threshold extrapolation model for low dose risk assessment has become even more so in light of the recent reports on the bystander phenomenon. The answer to the question as to which of the two phenomena, bystander versus adaptive response, is more important has practical implication in terms of low dose radiation risk assessment. In this review, genotoxicity is used as an endpoint to introduce the two phenomena, provide some insight into the mechanisms of bystander effect and to bridge the two low dose phenomena which operate in opposite directions: the bystander effect tends to exaggerate the effect at low doses, by communicating damage from hit to non-hit cells whereas the adaptive response confers resistance to a subsequent challenging dose by an initial low priming dose.  相似文献   

Samper E  Nicholls DG  Melov S 《Aging cell》2003,2(5):277-285
Reactive oxygen species are an inevitable by-product of mitochondrial respiration. It has been estimated that between 0.4 and 4% of molecular oxygen is converted to the radical superoxide (O2*-) and this level is significantly influenced by the functional status of the mitochondria. It is well established that exogenous oxidative stress and high doses of mitochondrial poisons such as paraquat and carbonyl cyanide 4 (trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone (FCCP) can lead to genomic instability. In this report we show for the first time that endogenous mitochondrial oxidative stress in standard cell culture conditions results in nuclear genomic instability in primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). We show that lack of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase in MEFs leads to a severe increase of double strand breaks, end-to-end fusions, chromosomal translocations, and loss of cell viability and proliferative capacity. Our results predict that endogenous mitochondrial oxidative stress can induce genomic instability, and therefore may have a profound effect in cancer and aging.  相似文献   

The developing human embryo and fetus undergo very radiosensitive stages during the prenatal development. It is likely that the induction of low dose related effects such as bystander effects, the adaptive response, and genomic instability would have profound effects on embryonic and fetal development. In this paper, I review what has been reported on the induction of these three phenomena in exposed embryos and fetuses. All three phenomena have been shown to occur in murine embryonic or fetal cells and structures, although the induction of an adaptive response (and also likely the induction of bystander effects) are limited in terms of when during development they can be induced and the dose or dose-rate used to treat animals in utero. In contrast, genomic instability can be induced throughout development, and the effects of radiation exposure on genome instability can be observed for long times after irradiation including through pre- and postnatal development and into the next generation of mice. There are clearly strain-specific differences in the induction of these phenomena and all three can lead to long-term detrimental effects. This is true for the adaptive response as well. While induction of an adaptive response can make fetuses more resistant to some gross developmental defects induced by a subsequent high dose challenge with ionizing radiation, the long-term effects of this low dose exposure are detrimental. The negative effects of all three phenomena reflect the complexity of fetal development, a process where even small changes in the timing of gene expression or suppression can have dramatic effects on the pattern of biological events and the subsequent development of the mammalian organism.  相似文献   

Fenech M 《Mutation research》2006,600(1-2):58-66
The cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay was originally developed as an ideal system for measuring micronuclei (MNi) however it can also be used to measure nucleoplasmic bridges (NPBs), nuclear buds (NBUDs), cell death (necrosis or apoptosis) and nuclear division rate. Current evidence suggests that (a) NPBs originate from dicentric chromosomes in which the centromeres have been pulled to the opposite poles of the cell at anaphase and are therefore indicative of DNA mis-repair, chromosome rearrangement or telomere end-fusions, (b) NPBs may break to form MNi, (c) the nuclear budding process is the mechanism by which cells remove amplified and/or excess DNA and is therefore a marker of gene amplification and/or altered gene dosage, (d) cell cycle checkpoint defects result in micronucleus formation and (e) hypomethylation of DNA, induced nutritionally or by inhibition of DNA methyl transferase can lead to micronucleus formation either via chromosome loss or chromosome breakage. The strong correlation between micronucleus formation, nuclear budding and NPBs (r = 0.75–0.77, P < 0.001) induced by either folic acid deficiency or exposure to ionising radiation is supportive of the hypothesis that folic acid deficiency and/or ionising radiation cause genomic instability and gene amplification by the initiation of breakage–fusion–bridge cycles. In its comprehensive mode, the CBMN assay measures all cells including necrotic and apoptotic cells as well as number of nuclei per cell to provide a measure of cytotoxicity and mitotic activity. The CBMN assay has in fact evolved into a “cytome” method for measuring comprehensively chromosomal instability phenotype and altered cellular viability caused by genetic defects and/or nutrional deficiencies and/or exogenous genotoxins thus opening up an exciting future for the use of this methodology in the emerging fields of nutrigenomics and toxicogenomics and their combinations.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that two of the biological effects associated with low-dose ionizing radiation, genomic instability and bystander responses, may be linked. To verify and validate the link between the two phenomena, the ability of Si490 ions (high-energy particles associated with radiation risk in space) to induce bystander responses and chromosomal instability in human bronchial epithelial (HBEC-3kt) cells was investigated. These studies were conducted at both the population and single cell level in irradiated and nonirradiated bystander cells receiving medium from the irradiated cultures. At the general population level, transfer of medium from silicon-ion (Si490)-irradiated cultures (at doses of 0.073?Gy, 1.2?Gy and 2?Gy) to nonirradiated bystander cells resulted in small increases in the levels of chromosomal aberrations at the first division. Subsequently, single cell clones isolated from irradiated and bystander populations were analyzed for the appearance of de novo chromosome-type aberrations after ~50 population doublings using mFISH. Both irradiated and bystander clones demonstrated chromosomal instability (as seen by the de novo appearance of translocations and chromosomal fragments), albeit to different degrees, whereas sham-treated controls showed relatively stable chromosomal patterns. The results presented here highlight the importance of nontargeted effects of radiation on chromosomal instability in human epithelial cells and their potential relevance to human health.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that apoptosis affects surrounding tissue, playing a role in diseases such as fibrosis, a significant global disease burden. Elucidating the mechanisms by which the different apoptotic cells present during fibrotic wound healing affect their environment would enable development of new therapies. We describe here a simple, rapid, and cost-effective method for inducing apoptosis of primary normal human dermal fibroblasts without affecting the overall cell viability of the population. Such population could be used for in vitro models of fibrotic wound healing in co-culture with other cells involved in this process to study events such as apoptosis-induced proliferation.  相似文献   

Porokeratosis is a rare genetic skin disorder known to be associated with a propensity to develop skin cancer. To further elucidate the previously reported cytogenetic and cellular abnormalities, we studied karyotypic changes and the sensitivity to X-ray irradiation of cultured fibroblasts derived from skin lesions and normal-appearing skin of 3 patients with porokeratosis. Cultured fibroblasts from normal-appearing skin of 9 controls were similarly examined. Porokeratosis subjects had a greater number of cells with chromosomal abnormalities than controls. Two porokeratosis strains which were derived from the normal-appearing skin of a patient had a noticeable clone of abnormal cells. Porokeratosis fibroblasts were hypersensitive to the lethal effects of X-radiation. This hypersensitivity was common to both the lesion-derived strains and the ones derived from normal-appearing skin. The 2 strains with clonal abnormal cells were also similarly hypersensitive to X-radiation. These results suggest that chromosomal instability is strongly related to porokeratosis and that X-ray hypersensitivity is an inherent abnormality in cultured fibroblasts of porokeratosis patients.  相似文献   

Genomic instability is observed in tumors and in a large fraction of the progeny surviving irradiation. One of the best-characterized phenotypic manifestations of genomic instability is delayed chromosome aberrations. Our working hypothesis for the current study was that if genomic instability is in part attributable to cis mechanisms, we should observe a non-random distribution of chromosomes or sites involved in instability-associated rearrangements, regardless of radiation quality, dose, or trans factor expression. We report here the karyotypic examination of 296 instability-associated chromosomal rearrangement breaksites (IACRB) from 118 unstable TK6 human B lymphoblast, and isogenic derivative, clones. When we tested whether IACRB were distributed across the chromosomes based on target size, a significant non-random distribution was evident (p < 0.00001), and three IACRB hotspots (chromosomes 11, 12, and 22) and one IACRB coldspot (chromosome 2) were identified. Statistical analysis at the chromosomal band-level identified four IACRB hotspots accounting for 20% of all instability-associated breaks, two of which account for over 14% of all IACRB. Further, analysis of independent clones provided evidence within 14 individual clones of IACRB clustering at the chromosomal band level, suggesting a predisposition for further breaks after an initial break at some chromosomal bands. All of these events, independently, or when taken together, were highly unlikely to have occurred by chance (p < 0.000001). These IACRB band-level cluster hotspots were observed independent of radiation quality, dose, or cellular p53 status. The non-random distribution of instability-associated chromosomal rearrangements described here significantly differs from the distribution that was observed in a first-division post-irradiation metaphase analysis (p = 0.0004). Taken together, these results suggest that genomic instability may be in part driven by chromosomal cis mechanisms.  相似文献   

Previously, we have isolated and characterized a novel human gene termed human WAPL that has the characteristics of an oncogene in uterine cervical cancer. WAPL is inducible by human papillomavirus (HPV) E6 and E7 oncoproteins. On the other hand, recent studies have revealed that WAPL regulates sister chromatid resolution by controlling the association of cohesin and chromatin. However, the effects of WAPL overexpression on cervical carcinogenesis are still unclear. Here, we show that WAPL overexpression induces generation of multinucleated cells. In addition, WAPL-overexpressing cells demonstrated increases in chromatid breaks in comparison with control cells. These results were obtained even in HPV-negative cell lines. High frequent premature sister separation by disregulation of cohesin may lead to these results. Thus, our study suggests that unscheduled overexpression of WAPL disturbs mitosis and cytokinesis, and contributes to tumor progression by induction of chromosomal instability (CIN).  相似文献   

Radiation-induced genomic instability (RIGI) manifests in the progeny of cells surviving ionizing radiation (IR), and can be measured using such endpoints as delayed mutation, micronuclei formation, and chromosomal instability. The frequency of RIGI is relatively high, exceeding the gene mutation rate of IR by orders of magnitude, leading to conjecture that a gene mutation is not the cause of the phenotype. We have started to explore whether differential gene expression patterns are associated with the instability phenotype, in order to shed light on its initiation and perpetuation. Using GM10115 human-hamster hybrid-derived chromosomally stable and radiation-induced unstable clones, gene expression patterns were analyzed using microarray analysis. Two methods were used to find differentially expressed genes, and all candidate genes identified by these methods were under-expressed relative to the chromosomally stable reference sample. Among this set differentially expressed genes identified were two candidates with a relationship to the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. While follow-up gene expression analyses have confirmed the under-expression of these two genes in some of our chromosomally unstable clones, preliminary functional studies have been unable to demonstrate a link to instability. It is anticipated that as we apply this technology to the study of radiation-induced genomic instability, clues to its onset will be revealed, ultimately contributing to a greater understanding of the mechanisms of radiation carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Chromosomal instability (CIN) is a hallmark of cancer, resulting from misalignment and missegregation of chromosomes during meta- and anaphase, due to non-precise regulation of spindle-MT dynamics. Diaphanous Related Formin 1 (DIAPH1) is an actin nucleator and also binds microtubule (MT) with high affinity. In this study, we analyzed the role of DIAPH1 in regulation of spindle MT-dynamics and CIN in HT29 and HCT-116 colorectal cancer (CRC) cells. Our data show that down-regulation of DIAPH1 in these cell lines decreased spindle-MT speed by 50 % and the fraction of cells with misaligned and missegregated chromosomes was significantly increased. Furthermore, in HCT-116 DIAPH1 depleted cells deviation of chromosome number was elevated and the number of cells with micronuclei and cytosolic DNA was increased in both DIAPH1-knock down cell lines. In line with these results, database analysis revealed a significant correlation with low DIAPH1 mRNA expression and aneuploidy. Thus, DIAPH1 is substantially involved in the control of CIN in CRC cells. Since in vitro, DIAPH1 directly increased MT-polymerization, we assume that DIAPH1 controls CIN by regulating spindle-MT dynamics.  相似文献   

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