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This paper reports the identification of a Rho family nucleotide exchange factor termed mNET1 as a candidate-interacting partner for the first PDZ domain of MAGI-1, a membrane-associated guanylate kinase with inverted arrangement of protein-protein interacting modules. mNET1 was identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen and has a consensus tripeptide for PDZ domain binding at its extreme carboxy-terminus. In addition to this sequence, a cluster of basic residues located near the carboxy terminus is essential for the binding. The interaction of the first PDZ domain of MAGI-1with mNET1 was documented using a variety of biochemical methods.  相似文献   

We investigated the coregulator (coactivator and corepressor) interactions with the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) that lead to activation and inhibition of the receptor in the presence of agonist and/or antagonist. Our results indicate that MR ligand binding domain (LBD) interacts strongly with only a few specific coactivator peptides in the presence of the agonist aldosterone and that these interactions are blocked by the antagonist eplerenone. We also discovered that cortisol, the preferred physiological ligand for the glucocorticoid receptor in humans, is a partial MR agonist/antagonist, providing a possible molecular explanation of the tissue-selective effects of glucocorticoids on MR. However, when we examined the coactivator and corepressor peptide interactions in the presence of cortisol, we found that MR bound with cortisol or aldosterone interacted with the same set of peptides. Thus, the partial agonism shown by cortisol is unlikely to be the result of differential interaction with known coactivators and corepressors. On the other hand, we have identified coactivator binding groove mutations that are critical for cortisol activation but not for aldosterone activation, suggesting that the two steroids induce different MR LBD conformations. In addition, we also show that cortisol becomes full agonist when S810L mutation is introduced in the LBD of MR. Interestingly, MR antagonists, such as eplerenone and progesterone, become partial agonist/antagonist of S810L but are still able to recruit LXXLL peptides to the mutant receptor. Together, these findings suggest a model to explain the MR activation by various ligands.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone receptor (TR) recruits the nuclear corepressors, nuclear receptor corepressor (NCoR) and silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT), to target DNA elements in the absence of ligand. While the TR preferentially recruits NCoR, the mechanism remains unclear. The corepressors interact with the TR via interacting domains (IDs) present in their C terminus which contain a conserved motif termed a CoRNR box. Despite their similarity, the corepressor IDs allow for nuclear receptor specificity. Here we demonstrate that NCoR stabilizes the TR homodimer when bound to DNA by preventing its dissociation from thyroid hormone response elements. This suggests that NCoR acts to hold the repression complex in place on target elements. The TR homodimer recruits NCoR through two of its three IDs, one of which is not present in SMRT. This unique ID, N3, contains a CoRNR box but lacks the extended helical motif present in each of the other IDs. Instead, N3 contains an isoleucine just proximal to this motif. This isoleucine is also conserved in N2 but not in the corresponding S2 domain in SMRT. On thyroid hormone response elements and in mammalian cells this residue is critical in both N3 and N2 for high-affinity TR binding. In addition, this residue also controls specificity for the interactions of TR with NCoR. Together these data suggest that the specific recruitment of NCoR by the TR through a unique motif allows for stabilization of the repression complex on target elements.  相似文献   

The orphan nuclear receptor TR2 functions as a constitutive activator for the endogenous retinoic acid receptor beta2 (RAR(beta2)) gene expression in P19 embryonal carcinoma cells and for reporters driven by the RAR(beta2) promoter in COS-1 cells. The activation of RAR(beta2) by TR2 is mediated by the direct repeat-5 (DR5) element located in the RAR(beta2) promoter. Furthermore, cAMP exerts an enhancing effect on the activation of RAR(beta2) by TR2, which is mediated by the cAMP response element located in the 5'-flanking region of the DR5. The constitutive activation function-1 (AF-1) of TR2 is mapped to amino acid residues 10-30 in its N-terminal A segment. A direct molecular interaction occurs between CREMtau and TR2, detected by co-immunoprecipitation, which is mediated by the N-terminal AB segment of TR2. In gel mobility shift assays, TR2 competes with P19 nuclear factor binding to the RAR(beta2) promoter, and TR2 and CREMtau bind simultaneously to this DNA fragment. The role of TR2 in the early events of RA signaling process is discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel assembly assay to examine structural changes in the ligand binding domain (LBD) of the thyroid hormone receptor (TR). Fragments including the first helix of the TR LBD interact only weakly with the remainder of the LBD in the absence of hormone, but this interaction is strongly enhanced by the addition of either hormone or the corepressor NCoR. Since neither the ligand nor the corepressor shows direct interaction with this helix, we propose that both exert their effects by stabilizing the overall structure of the LBD. Current models of activation of nuclear hormone receptors focus on a ligand-induced allosteric shift in the position of the C-terminal helix 12 that generates the coactivator binding site. Our results suggest that ligand binding also has more global effects that dynamically alter the structure of the receptor LBD.  相似文献   

Obesity and its associated complications, which can lead to the development of metabolic syndrome, are a worldwide major public health concern especially in developed countries where they have a very high prevalence. RIP140 is a nuclear coregulator with a pivotal role in controlling lipid and glucose metabolism. Genetically manipulated mice devoid of RIP140 are lean with increased oxygen consumption and are resistant to high-fat diet-induced obesity and hepatic steatosis with improved insulin sensitivity. Moreover, white adipocytes with targeted disruption of RIP140 express genes characteristic of brown fat including CIDEA and UCP1 while skeletal muscles show a shift in fibre type composition enriched in more oxidative fibres. Thus, RIP140 is a potential therapeutic target in metabolic disorders. In this article we will review the role of RIP140 in tissues relevant to the appearance and progression of the metabolic syndrome and discuss how the manipulation of RIP140 levels or activity might represent a therapeutic approach to combat obesity and associated metabolic disorders. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Translating nuclear receptors from health to disease.  相似文献   

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