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Summary Suppressor cells capable of enhancing tumor growth in vivo and of abrogating a potential anti-tumor immunity in vitro are generated in C57BL/6 mice inoculated with the high-leukemogenic A-RadLV. Mice inoculated with low-leukemogenic D-RadLV do not develop suppressor cells but contain anti-tumor reactive lymphocytes that can inhibit in vivo tumor growth. Cyclophosphamide (CyF) treatment of mice inoculated with A-RadLV hampered suppressor cell function and rendered the animals' lymphocytes responsive to A-RadLV induced tumor cells in vitro. Administration of CyF also reduced leukemia incidence in mice inoculated with A-RadLV, but had no effect on leukemia induction by D-RadLV in irradiated mice. It is suggested that the high leukemogenic activity of A-RadLV depends on the virus' ability to recruit CyF-sensitive suppressor cells early in latency and that tumor progression in mice inoculated with D-RadLV is arrested due to the host immune response.  相似文献   

Suppressor cells capable of enhancing tumor growth in vivo and of abrogating a potential anti-tumor immunity in vitro are generated in C57BL/6 mice inoculated with the high-leukemogenic A-RadLV. Mice inoculated with low-leukemogenic D-RadLV do not develop suppressor cells but contain anti-tumor reactive lymphocytes that can inhibit in vivo tumor growth. Cyclophosphamide (CyF) treatment of mice inoculated with A-RadLV hampered suppressor cell function and rendered the animals' lymphocytes responsive to A-RadLV induced tumor cells in vitro. Administration of CyF also reduced leukemia incidence in mice inoculated with A-RadLV, but had no effect on leukemia induction by D-RadLV in irradiated mice. It is suggested that the high leukemogenic activity of A-RadLV depends on the virus' ability to recruit CyF-sensitive suppressor cells early in latency and that tumor progression in mice inoculated with D-RadLV is arrested due to the host immune response.  相似文献   

Human peripheral T cells were transformed by human T cell leukemia virus (HTLV), and T cell lines producing BGDF (BCGF II) and BCDF were established. Among these cell lines, a cell line, TCL-Na1, secreted the highest level of both BGDF and BCDF, and the amount of BCDF secreted by TCL-Na1 cells was 900-fold more than that produced by PHA-stimulated T cells. Within the limits of our examination, none of the HTLV-transformed T cell lines produced IL 2 or BSF-p1 (BCGF I). BCDF produced by TCL-Na1 cells had a m.w. of 35,000 and a pI value of 5.5, being separated from BGDF, which was eluted in the fractions corresponding to m.w. of more than 60,000 and pI values of 5 to 6. BGDF induced both proliferation and IgM secretion in a mouse leukemic B cell line, BCL1, and these activities were not separated by either isoelectric focusing or gel filtration in the presence or absence of 0.1% Triton X-100, suggesting that the molecule designated BGDF exerted both growth and differentiation activities. BGDF acted on normal mouse B cells to induce proliferation as well as IgM secretion. The target cells of BGDF were in vivo activated B blast cells. BGDF acted on DXS-activated murine B cells to induce both proliferation and IgM secretion but not anti-Ig-activated B cells, indicating that BGDF and BSF-p1 were different molecules.  相似文献   

Ueda M  Ichiyama S  Sugawa H 《Peptides》2002,23(1):103-107
We previously reported that a synthetic peptide induced humoral autoimmunity to thyrotropin receptor (TSH-R) and the expansion of antigen-specific type 2 helper T (Th2) cell population in mice. The peptide corresponds to the human TSH-R C-terminal region. In the present study, we undertook a similar approach in patients with Graves' disease (GD). Peripheral lymphocytes from 5 healthy controls and 11 GD patients were prepared and analyzed for cytokines from helper T cells by an antigen specific enzyme-linked immuno spot (ELISPOT) assay. In GD patients, the total number of IL-4 producing cells increased significantly and the number of interferon-gamma(IFN-gamma) producing cells decreased. Further, co-incubation with several of the 20 kinds of TSH-R extracellular peptides increased the number of IL-4 producing cells in patients with GD. Such stimulatory peptides appear frequently in a TSH-R sequence. These peptides did not affect the numbers of IFN-gamma producing cells significantly. These results indicated that GD patients have an expanded Th2 population responding to TSH-R and the dominance of the humoral immune system in such patients.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the establishment and preliminary characterization of polyclonal hepatitis B virus (HBV) nucleoprotein (HBcAg)-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell lines derived from the hepatic lymphomononuclear cell infiltrate of several patients with chronic active hepatitis B. The isolated subsets from these lines were specifically activated by HBcAg and displayed antigen-specific help and suppression with respect to proliferation of the alternate subset. One of these lines was recently cloned by limiting dilution, and four HBcAg-specific CD3+ CD4+ CD8-DR+ T cell lines were produced that had a 95.3% likelihood of monoclonality. Antigenic specificity was confirmed by dose-dependent, HLA class II (DR)-restricted proliferation in response to recombinant and human serum-derived HBcAg and the lack of proliferation to HBV envelope antigens (HBsAg and pre-S(2)Ag). All cloned lines were interleukin 2 dependent, produced interferon-gamma in an antigen-specific manner, and provided antigen-specific help to autologous B cells with respect to anti-HBc production. We conclude that HBcAg-specific, HLA-class II restricted helper T cells capable of inducing antigen-specific functional responses by autologous B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes are present at the site of viral antigen synthesis and hepatocellular injury in HBV infection.  相似文献   

Production of interleukin 1 by adult T cell leukemia (ATL) cell lines   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The accessory function for T cell activation and the production of interleukin 1 (IL 1) of adult T cell leukemia (ATL) cell lines were studied in vitro. ATL cell lines such as Hut-102, MT-1, and MT-2 functioned as accessory cells for the stimulation of human T cell proliferative response induced with concanavalin A (Con A) and induced allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction. Cell lysates of three ATL cell lines and the culture supernatant of MT-2 cells had activities to stimulate murine thymocyte proliferative response. Then we studied physicochemical properties of the factors produced by MT-2 cells. The m.w. of the factors were approximately 15,000 by Sephacryl S-200 column chromatography, and their isoelectric point values were 5.4 and 4.8 by chromatofocussing technique. No fraction contained interleukin 2 (IL 2) activities to stimulate IL 2-dependent murine cytotoxic T cell line. The thymocyte-stimulating activities of the factors were absorbed with rabbit anti-IL 1 alpha antiserum, but not with anti-IL 1 beta antiserum. Furthermore, messenger RNA extracted from MT-2 cells hybridized to complementary DNA of IL 1 alpha, but not of IL 1 beta, by Northern blot hybridization analysis. The factors from MT-2 cells could stimulate the production of IL 2 and the expression of IL 2 receptors of human T cells in the presence of Con A as well as recombinant IL 1 alpha and IL 1 beta did, and these activities were also blocked by rabbit anti-IL 1 alpha antiserum, but not by anti-IL 1 beta antiserum. These results suggest that the factors produced by MT-2 cells correspond to IL 1 alpha. However, the accessory function of MT-2 cells for T cell activation was not blocked by rabbit anti-IL 1 antiserum. These results suggest that ATL cell lines produce IL 1-like factors, but the accessory function of ATL cell lines for T cell activation is mediated by some other mechanisms rather than by secreted IL 1-like factors.  相似文献   

Although type 2 antigens, such as PVP, generally do not activate specific TH, previous studies have established that low doses of PVP (0.0025 microgram) can activate TH in vivo which provide help in primed B cells for PVP-specific IgG responses. Doses of PVP that are optimally immunogenic for IgM antibody production (0.25 to 25 micrograms) preferentially activate PVP-specific TS, which suppress IgG antibody production. In the studies reported here, TH and TS that regulate PVP-specific IgG antibody responses were activated in vitro by culturing normal spleen cells for 4 days with PVP. Induction of the TH and TS is dependent upon the amount of PVP in culture: 10(-4) micrograms PVP activates TH, whereas 10(-2) micrograms PVP preferentially activates TS. TH induced in vitro express Thy-1, L3T4, and I-A determinants and help provided by these TH is similar in magnitude to that provided by TH from mice primed with 0.0025 microgram PVP in vivo. TH can also be activated in vitro if donor mice are treated with Cy before culture of their spleen cells with 10(-2) micrograms PVP. Cy pretreatment prevents TS activation, and TH are then induced in these cultures. The presence of TS does not prevent activation of TH by 10(-2) micrograms PVP, because removal of TS by treatment of T cells with anti-Lyt-2 + complement at the end of culture uncovers TH activity. This TH activity is comparable with that of TH obtained after culture with 10(-4) micrograms PVP. The ability to activate PVP-specific TH and TS in vitro should allow determination of the mechanisms involved in activation of T cells by type 2 antigens and the mechanisms by which TS and TH interact with one another.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of transformation by polyoma virus middle T antigen   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This review addresses a fundamental question of polyoma virus biology: What is the molecular mechanism by which the polyoma virus middle T antigen (MTAg) transforms cells in culture? Since MTAg has no known intrinsic biochemical activity, it is believed to act by modulating the properties of the host cell's proteins (see review by Courtneidge [26]). Experiments to date have largely focused on the interaction of MTAg with the cellular tyrosine kinase, pp60c-src. However, recent data from a number of laboratories have demonstrated the importance of other MTAg-associating cellular proteins in MTAg-mediated transformation, including pp62c-yes and a phosphatidylinositol kinase. In this review, we will summarize what is presently known about the proteins interacting with MTAg. The extent to which the currently known details of the biochemistry of MTAg and its associated proteins can explain the transforming properties of the various mutant alleles of MTAg will be assessed.  相似文献   

Primary chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) hepatocyte cultures were maintained in a serum-free medium containing hormones and growth factors and exhibited the de novo synthesis and secretion of numerous liver-specific plasma proteins for over 3 weeks in vitro. The long-term maintenance of differentiated, primate hepatocytes in this serum-free medium allowed for subsequent immortalization events to occur after infection with the amphoteric retrovirus U19, which encodes the simian virus 40 large T antigen oncogene. Several hepatocyte cell lines were selected and examined for the expression of liver-specific plasma proteins and the capacity to synthesize apolipoproteins. Several cell lines expressed a majority of the plasma proteins investigated, including apolipoproteins A1 and E. These results demonstrate the ability of this serum-free medium to maintain long-term differentiated primate hepatocytes, allowing for the experimental immortalization of this cell type in vitro and the maintenance of differentiated functions in the established cell lines. This methodology should be amenable to the study of the liver and its related diseases.  相似文献   

Implementation of the swine umbilical vein endothelial cells (SUVECs) model in vitro can be instrumental in determining the biology of endothelial cells. We have generated an immortalized endothelial cell line, G-1410, using Simian virus 40 T-antigen (SV40 T-ag) primarily to overcome the short life span before the onset of senescence and high variability among enzymatically isolated cells of primary cultures. Fast proliferating cells were selected from cultures and, after a fifth passage, examined for the presence of the SV40 T-ag by PCR and immunocytochemistry. Phase contrast and transmission electron microscopy revealed that G-1410 cells did not differ morphologically from SUVECs. The G-1410 cells exhibited positive staining for vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin and von Willebrand factor (vWF), and formed capillary-like tube structures on Matrigel. Despite the strong oncogenic signal provided by SV40 T-ag, these transformed G-1410 cells have remained karyotypically normal and non-tumorigenic. G-1410 cells also responded to stimulation with VEGF, FGF-2, and newborn calf serum. Moreover, G-1410 cells showed elevated expression of VEGF120, VEGF164 (VEGF-A), and FGF-2 at both mRNA and protein levels. In conclusion, based on the cytological and functional evaluation of the newly obtained immortalized cell line, it can be concluded that G-1410 cells provide a useful tool for studying the effects of VEGF and FGF systems, and other signal transduction pathways related to angiogenesis.  相似文献   

T cell helper defect in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Purified peripheral blood T lymphocytes from normal donors were shown to help allogeneic tonsillar B cells to differentiate and secrete specific anti-SRBC antibody in vitro in a plaque-forming assay. Utilizing this system, a comparison was made between the allogeneic helper activity generated by the T cells of normal individuals and patients with various disease states. Allogeneic helper activity was absent when T lymphocytes from patients with CLL were used. Conversely, relatively normal allogeneic helper function was provided by T cells of patients with a variety of other disorders studied. Thus, a functional deficiency was identified in CLL patients in the subpopulation of regulatory T cells responsible for providing helper activity in allogeneic interactions.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fraction of endotoxin induces a significant potentiation of the antigen-specific proliferative response of T helper (TH) cell lines. This effect was obtained with LPS from different bacterial sources and reproduced with the lipid A moiety of endotoxin. Purified adherent spleen cells used as antigen-presenting cells (APC) support this LPS-enhanced TH cell proliferation. In addition, the effect of endotoxin on specific TH cell responses was found to be absolutely dependent on the interaction between TH lymphocytes and APC through antigen-specific recognition. Thus, it was not observed in the absence of specific antigen or when monoclonal antibodies against class II MHC products or against L3T4 antigens were used to inhibit the T cell-APC interaction. Similarly, it was found that APC from the B6.CH-2bm12 mutant do not support the LPS-mediated enhancing effect. Furthermore, interleukin 1 (IL 1) appears not to be involved in LPS-mediated enhancement, and this effect is not reproduced by muramyl dipeptide (MDP)-mediated activation of APC.  相似文献   

We used site-specific mutagenesis to introduce a termination codon, TGA, into the reading frame for the polyoma virus medium T antigen. We induced this mutation in a region of the polyoma genome in which the overlapping coding regions for the large and medium TE antigens are translated in different reading frames. Therefore, the mutation terminated translation of the medium T antigen, but it caused only a single amino acid substitution in the large T antigen and did not affect the small T antigen. Cells infected by the mutant virus produced normal-size small and large T antigens. The infected cells produced a 28,000-dalton fragment of the 48,000-dalton medium T antigen, whose size and tryptic peptide map were consistent with its being a truncated N-terminal fragment terminating at the new termination codon of the mutant. Immunoprecipitates of mutant-infected cell extracts did not show medium-T-antigen-associated protein kinase activity. The mutant virus replicated normally in mouse 3T6 cells and induced cellular DNA synthesis in resting mouse 3T3 cells, but it failed to transform rat or hamster cells, as judged by focus formation and growth in agar. The mutant complemented a tsA mutant which affects the large T antigen for transformation, implying that the mutant defect for transformation was in the medium T antigen. These results imply that the small T antigen and the large T antigen together are insufficient to cause transformation and support the conclusion that the medium T antigen is essential for cell transformation by polyoma virus.  相似文献   

Murine L cells expressing the products of transfected HLA-DR1 genes functioned as APC for two influenza-specific, human Th cell clones with comparable efficiency to a DR1-expressing human lymphoblastoid cell line. In order to investigate the restriction specificity of the two Th clones, a transfectant expressing the species-mismatched MHC class II dimer DR1:I-E was tested as an APC. Both T cells showed no loss of Ag sensitivity due to substitution of the murine chain. One of the Th clones, TLC 72, showed even greater degeneracy by responding to Ag in the context of I-Ek. Taking into account the lower level of MHC class II expression on the I-Ek transfectant, there is remarkably little loss of efficiency of Ag-induced T cell activation due to the substitution of I-E for DR as restriction element. The Ag-specific responses of both clones were inhibited by anti-CD4 antibody when DR-transfected L cells or human lymphoblastoid cells were used as APC. This inhibition was also seen when Ag was presented to TLC72 by the I-Ek-expressing transfectant. Whether this inhibition is the result of negative signaling or of blocking an interaction between human CD4 and I-Ek is discussed. Similarly the inhibitory effects of mAb against the T cell accessory molecule LFA/1 were the same for both clones when either the transfectants or the lymphoblastoid cell line were used as APC, suggesting that L cells may express a molecule that is capable of acting as a ligand for human LFA/1. The results presented here further illustrate the value of transfectants in analyzing T cell recognition and accessory cell requirements. The patterns of degeneracy of MHC restriction exhibited by these clones provides a platform for a more detailed analysis of key residues involved in MHC class II-restricted T cell Ag recognition.  相似文献   

Induction fo B cell tolerance by antigen specific T cell factor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Treatment of helper T (Th) cells with saponins from soy bean and mung bean prevented their activation by inhibiting cell proliferation and cytokine secretion. However, the saponins did not affect the expression of major histocompatibility complex class II (Ab) and co-stimulatory molecule (CD86) on professional antigen-presenting cells. Instead, the saponins directly inhibited Th cell proliferation by blocking the G1 to S phase cell cycle transition. Moreover, blocking of the cell cycle by the saponins was achieved by decreased expression of cyclin D1 and cyclin E, and constitutive expression of p27KIP1. Saponins also increased stability of p27KIP1 in Th cells after antigenic stimulation.  相似文献   

Functional macrophage cell lines transformed by Abelson leukemia virus.   总被引:73,自引:0,他引:73  
W C Raschke  S Baird  P Ralph  I Nakoinz 《Cell》1978,15(1):261-267
Three cloned cell lines have been established from murine tumors induced with Abelson leukemia virus which express properties of macrophages. Two of the three original tumors in addition yielded lymphocyte cell lines, one typical of the Abelson virus disease and the other a thymic lymphoma. Two of the macrophage lines are tumorigenic when placed in syngeneic mice. All of the macrophage lines pinocytose neutral red, phagocytose zymosan and latex beads, mediate antibody-dependent killing and phagocytosis of sheep erythrocyte targets, and secrete high levels of lysozyme. None of these properties was exhibited by the lymphocyte lines. Of the two macrophage cell lines tested, neither was capable of replacing the adherent cell population required for the induction of in vitro immune responses. An agent that activates normal macrophages, bacterial lipopolysaccharide, specifically inhibits the growth of the transformed macrophages in culture. Secretion of infectious Abelson leukemia virus by two of the macrophage lines, RAW 309Cr and WR 19M, provides conclusive evidence that the Abelson virus is capable of productively infecting the macrophage cell type. The other macrophage line, RAW 264, fails to secrete detectable virus particles and is negative in the XC plaque formation assay, as well as the fibroblast transformation assay for Abelson virus, but becomes positive for Abelson virus production after rescue by Moloney leukemia virus.  相似文献   

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