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多胺和赤霉素在莴苣种子萌发中的作用及其相互关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
非感光性莴苣(挂丝红品种)种子于22℃下萌发率在80%左右,而28℃下不萌发。22℃下外源亚精胺显著促进种子萌发,多胺生物合成抑制剂DFMA和DCHA明显抑制种子萌发,而DFMO无效。22℃诱导种子萌发过程中内源腐胺和亚精含量显著高于28℃下它们的含量。GA3处理能诱导28℃下种子的萌发,单独外源亚精胺处理效果不大,而外源亚精胺对GA3诱导效应有促进作用。DF-MA和DCHA能抑制GA3诱导28℃  相似文献   

IAA和Ca^2+对绿豆下胚轴切段伸长的影响及其相互关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
0.01 mmol/L IAA可以明显促进绿豆下胚轴切段的伸长,≤0.1 mmol/L CaCl_2也可促进其伸长,但当浓度为0.5 mmol/L时则有抑制作用。低浓度CaCl_2尚能加强IAA对绿豆下胚轴切段伸长的促进作用。Ca~(2+)专一性螯合剂EGTA、Ca~(2+)竞争性抑制剂LaCl_3及CaM拮抗剂CPZ均能抑制IAA促进绿豆下胚轴切段伸长的作用。增加培养介质中CaCl_2浓度可以逆转LaCl_3的抑制效应。  相似文献   

The rate of digestion, as determined by the increase in non-protein nitrogen or formol titration, of casein, gelatin, and hemoglobin with crystalline trypsin preparations increases nearly in proportion to the concentration of protein, but with crude pancreatic extract the rate of digestion becomes independent of the protein concentration in concentrations of more than 2.5 per cent. With both enzymes the rate of digestion of mixtures of 5 per cent casein and gelatin is greater than would be expected from the point of view of a compound between enzyme and substrate. The rate of digestion of 5 per cent casein in the presence of 5 per cent gelatin is exactly the same as that of 5 per cent casein alone. This result is obtained with both enzymes. The digestion of casein with crude trypsin follows the course of a monomolecular reaction quite closely while with purified trypsin the velocity constant decreases as the reaction proceeds. In the case of hemoglobin the monomolecular velocity constant decreases with both purified and crude enzyme. When the reaction is followed by changes in the viscosity of the solution the abnormal effect of changing substrate concentration disappears and the reaction is in fair agreement with the monomolecular equation. The results as a whole indicate that the abnormalities of the reaction are due to the occurrence of several consecutive reactions rather than to the formation of a substrate enzyme compound.  相似文献   

克罗烷二萜的昆虫拒食活性及构效关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐建华  陈焕明 《昆虫学报》1998,41(4):366-370
以饲料柱称重法测定25个克罗烷二萜新化合物对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenee)5龄幼虫的拒食活性,并进行构效关系分析。结果表明:立体效应对拒食活性意义 重大;C9边链、C18位的酯基对活性具有一定影响;C4处的螺环氧结构看来并非活性所必需。且在25μg/mL时选择法测定中,活性最高的化合物拒食率为57.9%,而500/μg/mL时非选择法测定中拒食率为43.2%。  相似文献   

肌肽棉酚对绵羊精子运动及超微结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肌肽促进绵羊精子运动增强,直线运动精子数目增多;棉酚则强烈抑制精子运动并使精子的运动方式发生改变;肌肽与棉酚混合处理精子,肌肽可不同程度抵消棉酚对精子产生的有害作用。但当棉酚完全抑制精子运动后,再加入肌肽则不能使精子恢复运动。电镜观察,肌肽对绵羊精子超微结构无任何不良影响;棉酚同造成精子严重损伤,导致生物膜系统损害、轴丝崩解、线粒体螺旋鞘紊乱等。本文通过肌肽,棉酚加入的时序不同,探讨两者对绵羊精子  相似文献   

1. The maltase of saliva and that of E. coli (B. coli communis) hydrolyze maltose but not α-methylglucoside or sucrose and are therefore to be considered glucomaltases. 2. Maltase is rapidly and completely inactivated and digested by trypsin.  相似文献   

1. The velocity of hydrolysis of gelatin by trypsin increases more slowly than the gelatin concentration and finally becomes nearly independent of the gelatin concentration. The relative velocity of hydrolysis of any two substrate concentrations is independent of the quantity of enzyme used to make the comparison. 2. The rate of hydrolysis is independent of the viscosity of the solution. 3. The percentage retardation of the rate of hydrolysis by inhibiting substances, is independent of the substrate concentration. 4. There is experimental evidence that the enzyme and inhibiting substance are combined to form a widely dissociated compound. 5. If the substrate were also combined with the enzyme, an increase in the substrate concentration should affect the equilibrium between the enzyme and the inhibiting substance. This is not the case. 6. The rate of digestion of a mixture of casein and gelatin is equal to the sum of the rates of hydrolysis of the two substances alone, as it should be if the rate is proportional to the concentration of free enzyme. This contradicts the saturation hypothesis. 7. If the reaction is followed by determining directly the change in the substrate concentration, it is found that this change agrees with the law of mass action; i.e., the rate of digestion is proportional to the substrate concentration.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对小麦叶片光合作用的影响及其与抗旱性的关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在水分胁迫初期,两个小麦品种叶片光合速率,气孔导度和细胞间隙CO_2浓度降低,气孔限制值增加,光合速率的降低主要是气孔因素的限制。中度到严重水分胁迫使叶片光合速率、气孔导度和气孔限制值降低,细胞间隙CO_2浓度明显增加,且叶圆片放氧能力,叶绿体Hill反应、叶绿素荧光强度和表观量子产额降低,此时光合速率的降低主要是叶肉细胞光合活性的下降引起的。抗旱性弱的郑引一号叶肉细胞光合活性比抗旱性强的丰抗13更容易受到水分胁迫的影响。  相似文献   

1. The effect of the addition of acid on the amount of ionized protein has been compared with the effect on the rate of digestion of gelatin, casein, and hemoglobin by pepsin. 2. A similar comparison has been made of the addition of alkali in the case of trypsin with gelatin, casein, hemoglobin, globin, and edestin. 3. In general, the rate of digestion may be predicted from the amount of ionized protein as determined by the titration curve or conductivity. The rate of digestion is a minimum at the isoelectric point of the protein and a maximum at that pH at which the protein is completely combined with acid or alkali to form a salt. 4. The physical properties of the protein solution have little or no effect on the rate of digestion.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory has shown that the β-amino acid taurine can support and stimulate hamster sperm motility during in vitro capacitation in the presence or absence of epinephrine. The present report describes in vitro results which demonstrate that hypotaurine, a precursor of taurine, can also support and stimulate motility under these conditions and that a higher number of acrosome reactions occur in the presence of taurine as compared to hypotaurine (both in the presence and absence of epinephrine). In all cases, the greates percentage of acrosome reactions occurs in the presence of epinephrine. Whether these β-amino acids act independently of epinephrine of in a synergistic manner with it remains to be determined. In addition to these in vitro studies, we report that hypotaurine and taurine are present at high levels in bovine follicular fluid, rabbit uterine and ampullar oviductal fluid (11 hr after mating, i.e., 1 hr after ovulation), monkey oviductal fluid, bovine adrenal cortex “motility factor” preparation and human, guinea pig and hamster sperm preparations. Based on these results, we suggest the possibility that taurine and hypotaurine may have roles in vivo in the maintenance and stimulation of sperm motility and stimulation of capacitation and/or acrosome reactions.  相似文献   

Epileptic seizures were induced electrically in rats paralyzed and ventilated with oxygen. Dissociation of brain polysomes and increase in ribosomal dimers were observed after multiple (25 or more) seizures, but were not seen after shorter treatments (up to 10 seizures). Polysomal dissociation and dimer formation occurred in vivo and were accompanied by decreased amino acid incorporation into brain proteins in cell-free systems in vitro. These events paralleled changes in brain energy reserves rather than changes in behavior.  相似文献   

通过光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜详细观察了相似生境条件下生长的海桑属(Sonneratia)植物以及低、高潮位生长的海桑(S. caseolaris)和杯萼海桑(S. alba)次生木质部的形态特征,应用Lasersharp软件测量了其次生木质部的数量特征.结果表明:海桑属植物次生木质部形态特征的特化是与潮间带生境相适应的,能在水分胁迫的生境中,有效地协调水分输导的有效性和安全性.其特化结构主要包括:1)宽、窄导管并存,2)管孔密度较大,复孔率高,3)存在纤维状导管、形状不规则的导管和少量环管管胞,4)螺旋雕纹、附物纹孔、管壁具疣等许多导管壁的微观结构,有利于水分输导的安全性,5)射线细胞和分隔木纤维内的淀粉粒是渗透调节的物质基础,有利于促进水分上升,6)薄的纤维壁厚和宽的纤维腔径有利于水分的贮存,7)具胶质纤维.相似生境条件下生长的海桑属植物次生木质部数量特征的测量结果表明海桑和拟海桑水分输导效率高,但水分输导安全性差,而杯萼海桑水分输导效率低,但其输导安全性高.与高潮位生长的海桑和杯萼海桑相比,低潮位生长的海桑和杯萼海桑次生木质部导管分子更加"小型化"(有更小的导管分子长度、管孔弦向直径、管孔面积),有更高的导管聚合度和管孔密度,数量特征随生境不同的种内变动有利于海桑和杯萼海桑提高水分输导的安全性,但海桑和杯萼海桑输导安全性的获得是以牺牲水分输导的有效性为前提的.与生长在高潮位生境的海桑和杯萼海桑相比,低潮位生境生长的海桑和杯萼海桑的木材结构有更小的管孔面积,更厚的纤维壁,更低的导管比率和射线比率,更高的纤维比率,胶质纤维分布均匀且数量增加,这些特征有利于低潮位生境生长的海桑和杯萼海桑提高木材的韧性和强度,增强抗风浪冲击的能力.  相似文献   

本实验研究了生、熟大豆中含有的胰蛋白酶抑制物(TI)对尼罗非鲫生长的影响。实验结果表明:沸水热处理不仅使生大豆中81.4%的TI失去活性,而且还显著地提高了大豆蛋白质系数,PER从1.12提高到1.76。当颗粒饲料的Tl含量低于0.9mg/g时,尼罗非鲫的生长正常;但高于此量吋,其生长速度明显降低。    相似文献   

超重对前庭系统及相关体系结构和功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙久荣 《动物学报》2001,47(3):343-346
超重环境中怀孕、出生或生存的动物返回正常环境后,行为活跃、站立姿势夸张、空中翻正及游泳和在转动横梁上行走的平衡能力下降,超重增加伸肌的力、改变耳石的形态和分布、降低毛细胞和前神经元对重力的敏感性、相应增加和减少某些神经递质(如云甲肾上腺素和5-HT)的合成和分泌,脑干内不同的核团构成特异性应答超重和减重刺激的神经网络。  相似文献   

下丘脑八肽胆囊收缩素对大鼠胃窦运动的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋剑雄  徐维 《生理学报》1989,41(6):567-574
下丘脑外侧区(LH)和腹内侧区(VMH)微量注射10ng八肽胆囊收缩素(CCK-8)明显抑制清醒大鼠胃窦运动,这一作用可被切断隔下迷走神经所减弱,被阿托品或酚妥拉明静脉灌流所阻断,表明迷走和交感神经都介导CCK-8作用。同时,在LH注射CCK-8后,迷走背核神经元自发放电活动明显减弱。LH微量注射抗CCK-8血清则明显刺激大鼠胃运动,表明在基础状态下,内源性CCK-8对胃窦运动有持续性抑制作用。用免疫组化PAP法显示出在LH和VMH都有CCK-8免疫反应性神经元存在。  相似文献   

用血管灌流大鼠离体胃制备,研究五肽胃泌素(G5)和八肽胆囊收缩素(CCK8)对胃窦收缩运动的影响。结果表明:(1)血管灌流G5和CCK8都能显著兴奋胃窦收缩运动,并有量效关系;(2)抗胃泌素血清(1:100)可完全取消G5对胃窦收缩运动的兴奋作用;(3)CCK受体阻断剂双丁酰环磷鸟苷和抗CCK8血清(1:100)都能完全取消CCK8对胃窦收缩运动的兴奋作用;(4)M受体阻断剂阿托品能完全阻断G5对胃窦收缩运动的兴奋作用,部分阻断CCK8对胃窦收缩运动的兴奋作用。上述结果提示:(1)G5可特异性兴奋血管灌流大鼠胃窦收缩运动,该作用通过壁内胆碱能神经系统介导;(2)CCK8对血管灌流大鼠胃窦收缩运动亦有特异性兴奋作用,该作用只是部分与壁内胆碱能神经系统有关。  相似文献   

Nanda , K. K. (Forest Res. Inst., Dehra Dun, India.) The emergence and development of branches in Crotalaria juncea and their relationship to flowering. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(4): 334–341. Illus. 1962.—Seeds of Crotalaria juncea L. were sown in pots on March 23, 1959, and records were kept of the dates of emergence of individual branches and the appearance of flower buds on them. Periodical observations were also made of the height of the main shoot as well as its branches and the number of nodes and leaves borne by them throughout the year. The main shoot elongates rapidly and terminates in an inflorescence. Development of lateral buds remains completely arrested during the period of rapid elongation and is initiated only after the appearance of the floral buds when it takes place in basipetal sequence. The flowering of the branches also takes place in a basipetal manner. This mode of emergence of branches and their flowering are exhibited even by secondary and tertiary branches. The length attained by these branches is very small as the flower buds appear soon after their emergence. In contrast, the branches formed towards the middle of May continue to elongate for a considerable period and become many times longer than the main shoot or the branches produced earlier in the season. The vegetative period of these branches is also very much prolonged. These differences in the height attained by branches produced at different times of the year and the basipetal sequence in the emergence of branches and their flowering appear to be under the control of some physio-chemical changes which cause the transformation of the growing apex from the vegetative to the reproductive state. This holds good irrespective of whether these changes are brought about as a result of a favorable environmental complex, as is the case with the main shoot and late-formed, much elongated branches, or are due to the favorable internal conditions produced within the plant as a result of the completion of the developmental process of the main shoot, as happens in the case of branches produced earlier in the season.  相似文献   

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