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Experimental autoimmune thyroiditis is induced in mice by immunization with thyroglobulin emulsified in Freund's complete adjuvant. The disease is characterized both by thyroid infiltration with mononuclear cells and by circulating thyroglobulin antibodies. The magnitude of the thyroid infiltration and the titer of thyroglobulin antibodies are controlled by genes in the I-A subregion of the major histocompatibility complex (H-2). We investigated the in vivo effect of monoclonal anti-Ia antibodies on experimental autoimmune thyroiditis in susceptible mice. Antibodies were given around the time of immunization, later after immunization, and to mice with established disease. Monoclonal antibody produced by the hybridoma line 10-3.6 (anti-I-Ak, s, u, v, z, f) completely prevented both production of thyroglobulin antibodies and thyroid infiltrates, when given shortly before or at the time of antigen administration. This effect was dose-dependent and this monoclonal antibody decreased the severity of the disease when given after the antigen challenge but did not fully suppress established thyroiditis. The same antibody markedly decreased the number of B lymphocytes in the spleen and decreased the thyroglobulin-induced spleen cell proliferation when either given in vivo or added in vitro to cell cultures. Antibodies produced by the hybridoma line 11.2.12 (anti-I-Ak) did not show an inhibitory effect on the disease. These experiments suggest that in this model of murine thyroiditis anti-Ia antibodies act on antigen-presenting cells. Furthermore, only one monoclonal antibody, anti-Ia, suppressed the immune response to thyroglobulin, suggesting a possible role for the isotype and specificity of anti-Ia antibody.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that mice immunized with TNP-Ficoll when young, adult, or aged expressed different repertoires of anti-TNP antibodies. The aim of the present study was to find out whether this age-related nonrandom progression was driven by antigen, and whether it was regulated by the immune network through surface-Ig receptors on B lymphocytes. The approach utilized was to block receptor expression on B lymphocytes of mice by the chronic administration of anti-IgM from birth for approximately 1 year, and then compare their subsequent antibody response to that of age-matched control animals. The results obtained have shown that the age-dependent shift in the anti-TNP repertoire expressed could take place in animals whose B lymphocytes were blind to antigen and anti-id for the greater part of their lives and thus suggest that the regulatory events responsible for this shift may be (surface Ig) receptor independent.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease. The chronic stage of infection is characterized by a production of neutralizing antibodies in the vertebrate host. A polyclonal antibody, anti-egressin, has been found to inhibit egress of parasites from the host cell late in the intracellular cycle, after the parasites have transformed from the replicative amastigote into the trypomastigote. It has also been found that BALB/c mouse fibroblasts in the late stages of parasite infection become permeable to molecules as large as antibodies, leading to the possibility that anti-egressin affects the intracellular parasites. This project addresses the fate of the intracellular trypomastigotes that have been inhibited from egressing the host cell. Extended cultures of infected fibroblasts treated with chronic mouse serum reduced parasite egress at all time points measured. Parasites released from infected fibroblasts treated with chronic serum had a reduced ability to infect fibroblasts in culture, yet did not lose infectivity entirely. Absorption of chronic serum with living trypomastigotes removed the anti-egressin effect. The possibility that the target of anti-egressin is a parasite surface component is further indicated by the agglutination of extracellular trypomastigotes by chronic serum. The possibility that cross-linking by antibody occurs intracellularly, thus inhibiting egress, was reinforced by cleaving purified IgG into Fab fragments, which did not inhibit egress when added to infected cultures. From this work, it is proposed that the current, best explanation of the mechanism of egress inhibition by anti-egressin is intracellular agglutination, preventing normal parasite-driven egress.  相似文献   

To examine the role of T-cell subsets in the development of thyroid lesions, female CBA/J mice were immunized with 60 μg mouse thyroglobulin (MTg) in 0.1 ml complete Freund's adjuvant in both hind footpads. The thyroids were removed 12–21 days later, pooled, and dispersed. The cell suspension was examined by membrane immunofluorescence for the distribution of Thy-1+, Lyt-1+, Lyt-2+, and sIg+ lymphocytes. For comparison, peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) from the same animals were similarly examined. Throughout this 10-day interval, B cells in the thyroid were consistently below 5%, whereas B cells represented 19–24% of PBL. Thy-1+ cells in PBL ranged from 45 to 59%, whereas Thy-1+ cells in the thyroid were 37–50%. However, only thyroidal T cells showed a consistent decline with time and were replaced gradually by cells without T or B cell markers. In particular, there was a clear shift in the Lyt-1+:Lyt-2+ ratio from about 7 down to 2 in the thyroid as the early predominance of Lyt-1+ cells was followed by a relative increase in Lyt-2+ cells. Our results show that there is an accumulation of Lyt-1+ and Lyt-2+ cells in the infiltrated thyroid. These cells may include MTg-reactive, helper, and cytotoxic T cells which localize (or differentiate) in the thyroid and initiate the lesions.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from CBA/J or SJL mice sensitized with mouse thyroglobulin (MTg) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) could be activated in vitro with MTg to transfer experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) to normal syngeneic recipients. EAT induced by these transferred cells was similar in incidence and severity to EAT induced by active immunization of mice with MTg and adjuvant and cells from EAT-resistant Balb/c mice could not be activated to induce EAT. The specific antigen MTg was required both for initial sensitization of the mice and for activation of spleen cells in vitro. The cells that were active in transferring EAT to mice were shown to be T cells. Removal of B cells from the cultured spleen cells had no effect on the ability of the cells to induce EAT.  相似文献   

Previous studies of murine IgM hybridoma protein 18-2-3, derived from an (NZB/NZW)F1 secondary response to fluorescein (FL) presented on T-dependent carrier, demonstrated a high binding affinity for FL (KA = 2.9 X 10(10) M-1) and cryoprecipitation, which could be abrogated upon FL binding. Based on these unusual properties and their possible association with defective immune regulation in lupus-prone mice, further studies were carried out to evaluate the basis of 18-2-3 cryoprecipitation, expression of characteristics related to the 18-2-3 clonotype, and structure/function aspects of additional homogeneous IgM and IgG antibodies of similar origin and specificity. Solubility experiments in which the effect of ionic strength on macroscopic aggregation was measured indicated that 18-2-3 intrinsically possessed both cryoglobulin and euglobulin properties in the absence of auxiliary gamma-globulin components. Rates of hapten fluorescence quenching by 18-2-3 were limited by factors other than diffusion and were dependent on solution temperature and ionic strength. Thirty-seven additional IgM and IgG monoclonal antibodies were shown to possess normal low-temperature solubility and hapten fluorescence-quenching properties, suggesting that 18-2-3 was derived from a relatively rare B cell progenitor. Collective results from FL binding and spectrotype analyses indicated that the majority of proteins were diverse with respect to variable region structure and binding mechanisms but unusually restricted in binding affinities (KA less than 5 X 10(6) M-1). Relative subclass frequencies for 30 monoclonal IgG proteins (IgG1 greater than IgG2b greater than IgG2a greater than IgG3) were consistent with polyclonal IgG subclass expression in normal mice in response to T-dependent immunogen.  相似文献   

Mice treated from birth with mouse monoclonal anti-IgD antibodies develop low frequencies of B cells in the spleen, a small percentage of which express very low levels of sIgD on their cell surface and extremely low frequencies of B cells in their lymph nodes, lacking sIgD entirely. However, the splenic B cells are phenotypically mature in that a high percentage of these cells express Lyb-5, indicating that the expression of sIgD is not a prerequisite for the acquisition of a mature surface antigen repertoire of B cells. In contrast, a high density of sIgM on splenic B cells is expressed, which suggests a predominance of cells with the phenotype of immature B cells and/or activated B cells. Furthermore, the spleen cells from anti-IgD-treated mice lack cells that respond to in vitro stimulation by LPS with an increase in the density of their sIa.  相似文献   

In mice treated with anti-IgM antibodies from birth, small lymphocytes in the bone marrow and spleen have been characterized by their incidence, surface markers, and turnover. Essentially complete elimination of IgM-bearing small lymphocytes followed injections of anti-IgM but this treatment did not deplete the IgM-negative small lymphocytes in the marrow. These IgM-negative cells also lacked other markers of B lymphocytes, such as receptors for Fc and complement; they failed to bind anti-mouse T-lymphocyte serum and they formed a rapidly renewing population within the marrow. This population may represent cells whose normal differentiation has been aborted by the anti-IgM antibodies or, alternatively, they may be “null” cells, distinct from B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

In Obese strain (OS) chickens the role of maternal antibodies, passively transferred through the egg to the developing chick, was evaluated as a causative factor in the early development of spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis (SAT). In the egg, passive antibody titers were highest in the yolk and lower in the allantoic fluid and sera of developing embryos. This passage of antibodies was documented by use of radiolabeled antibodies. In dams with high antibody titers, antibodies could be found in the sera of chicks at the time of hatch. Thyroglobulin was absent in the yolk of OS eggs during embryonal life, as compared with its detection in normal eggs. Immune complexes (thyroglobulin-autoantibody) detected in the thyroids of OS, but not CS, chicks at the time of hatch, or earlier, appear to reflect the presence of the maternally transferred antibodies. A pair of crosses between OS chickens, with thyroiditis, and the C strain (CS), without thyroiditis, was made to evaluate the role of transferred antibodies in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease. When an OS chicken was the dam, maternal antibodies could be passively transferred; when a CS chicken was the dam, no maternal antibodies were present to be transferred. Nevertheless, both hybrids developed full-blown thyroiditis, demonstrating that binding of transferred maternal antibody to thyroglobulin is not a prerequisite for the induction of SAT. However, presence of maternal antibodies precipitated the onset of disease. Immune complexes formed in the embryonic thyroid are likely to participate in early autoimmune disease, although the development of full-blown thyroiditis may await the competency of the chick's immune system to provide the characteristic cellular infiltrate.  相似文献   

Induction of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis in IL-12-/- mice   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Granulomatous experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (G-EAT) is induced by transfer of mouse thyroglobulin (MTg)-sensitized spleen cells activated in vitro with MTg and anti-IL-2R or MTg and IL-12. Previous work suggested that IL-12 was required in vitro for development of G-EAT. To determine whether IL-12 was also required during the induction and/or effector phases, DBA/1 mice with a disrupted IL-12-P40 gene (IL-12(-/-)) were used for EAT induction. Cells from MTg-sensitized IL12(-/-) donors activated in vitro by MTg or MTg and anti-IL2R induced severe EAT in recipient mice. Compared with effector cells from IL-12(+/+) donors, effector cells from IL-12(-/-) donors induced thyroid lesions dominated by lymphocytes with minimal granulomatous changes. Thyroids of recipients of IL-12(-/-) cells expressed less IFN-gamma mRNA and more TGF-beta, IL-4, and IL-10 compared with recipients of IL-12(+/+) cells. When IL-12 was added during in vitro activation, cells from both IL-12(-/-) and IL-12(+/+) donors induced severe G-EAT, and expression of all cytokines except IL-12 was comparable in thyroids of both IL-12(+/+) and IL-12(-/-) recipients. Transfer of cells from IL-12(+/+) or IL-12(-/-) donors into IL-12(+/+) or IL-12(-/-) recipients indicated that IL-12 expressed in thyroids was derived from recipients. Thus, endogenous IL-12 is not absolutely essential for the sensitization and activation of EAT effector cells to induce severe EAT, although it is required in vitro to promote activation of cells to induce severe granulomatous histopathology.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice, immunosuppressed from birth with goat anti-mouse IgM, were able to recover from influenza virus infection in the absence of detectable serum and nasal antibody. Recovery was delayed a few days when compared with control animals. Antibody-deficient mice, that had recovered from an initial influenza virus infection, i.e., convalescent mice, were subsequently rechallenged with homologous influenza virus in order to study the importance of nasal and serum antibody in prevention of infection. Convalescent mice were susceptible to reinfection when nasal and serum antibody were not detectable. The mice were resistant to reinfection when serum and/or nasal antibody was detectable by radioimmunoassay. Normal mice that were passively immunized with high titer mouse anti-influenza virus serum were susceptible to challenge with homologous influenza virus. The serum antibody levels in these mice were higher than most of those found in the immune convalescent mice suppressed with anti-IgM, thereby suggesting that the serum antibody, found in convalescent suppressed mice, is not protective. We conclude that 1) mice can recover from influenza virus infection in the absence of detectable levels of nasal and serum antibody, thus indirectly confirming the role of cell-mediated immunity in recovery; 2) serum IgM, IgG2A, IgG2B, IgG3, and probably IgG1 antibody levels are not responsible for protection against influenza virus infection of the upper respiratory tract; and 3) nasal IgA antibody correlates best with protection against reinfection of the upper respiratory tract, but some other locally protective agent cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Mice born to mothers deprived of B lymphocytes by their chronic treatment with anti-IgM antibodies (Su/N) do not possess naturally occurring anti-ids (present in sera of normal mice at 2 weeks of age) up to 10 weeks, despite the presence of normal levels of B cells and serum Ig (in these animals). Su/N mice of the same age also lack a T cell subset which together with anti-ids are thought to participate in an antisuppressor regulatory pathway. It is suggested that early development of these T cells may be linked and be dependent on the presence of these anti-ids synthesized early in ontogeny, providing one explanation for a selective T cell deficiency of B cell-deprived mice.  相似文献   

A procedure is described to convert rates of (14)CO(2) production into rates of mitochondrial acetyl-CoA production from a (14)C-labelled substrate. The principle is illustrated in perfused rat liver and kidney by the differential yield of (14)CO(2) from 4-methyl-2-oxo[1-(14)C]valerate and 4-methyl-2-oxo[2-(14)C]valerate.  相似文献   

Catalytic Abs (catAbs) preferentially evolved in autoimmune MRL/MPJ-lpr/lpr (MRL/lpr) mice upon immunization with the phosphonate transition-state analogue (TSA), but this did not happen in normal BALB/c mice. The majority of the catAbs from MRL/lpr mice were from several independent clones of the same family. Most of them had a lysine at position 95 in the heavy chain (H95), which is at the junctional region. This residue, which interacts with the phosphonate moiety of the TSA and presumably is involved in the catalytic activity, was not changed even after expansive evolution following multiple mutations. By contrast, the majority that arose from BALB/c mice were the non-catAbs, which were quite different in the sequence from the catAbs from MRL/lpr mice, but they were clonally related to one another, so most of them were originated from a single clone. In the MRL/lpr mice, the catalytic subsets that existed in the initial repertoire were effectively captured by the phosphonyl oxygens in the TSA by interacting with the lysine at H95. In the BALB/c mice, however, another noncatalytic subset with only the binding capability directed to a moiety other than the phosphonate moiety was alternatively evolved, because of the lowest abundance or elimination of the catalytic subsets.  相似文献   

An IgM monoclonal antibody, designated mAb 1.G1, has been generated from spleen cells of mice immunized with irradiated Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. As determined by indirect immunofluorescence, mAb 1.G1 binds to the surface membrane of schistosomula and to the ciliated plates of miracidia. mAb 1.G1 also binds to the protonephridial systems of live adult worms and denuded, acetone-fixed schistosomula. Western blot analysis shows that the target epitope of this mAb is found on Nonidet P-40-solubilized schistosomular antigens ranging in molecular size from 85 to 130 kDa and ciliated plate antigens of miracidia at 92, 95, and 102 kDa. The recognized epitope in an 8 M urea adult worm extract is found on a 97-kDa molecule. In addition, mAb 1.G1 mediates a high level of complement-dependent cytotoxic activity against schistosomula when used in an in vitro assay. In passive immunization experiments, approximately 40% protection was provided mice when mAb 1.G1 was administered either at the time of challenge or when given 8 days postchallenge. However, when administered 15 days postchallenge, mAb 1.G1 failed to mediate passive protection. The ability of mAb 1.G1 to mediate protection in vivo correlates with its recognition of epitopes on the surfaces of live schistosomula up to 8 days but not at 15 days. Western blot analysis showed that the antigens were contained within Nonidet P-40 extracts of schistosomula during the same time period. Furthermore, a second monoclonal antibody (mAb 4.4B) derived from mice chronically infected with S. mansoni exhibits the identical properties as described for mAb 1.G1.  相似文献   

Natural thymocytotoxic autoantibody (NTA) developed spontaneously in New Zealand Black (NZB) mice consists of two autoantibodies in terms of target cell specificity. One of the autoantibodies, NTA-2, is strongly cytotoxic only against desialized lymphocytes, whereas the other one, NTA-1, is cytotoxic against both intact thymocytes and asialolymphocytes. To study the pathogenic role of NTA in murine autoimmunity, DBA/2 mice were injected every other day with affinity-purified NTA (NTA-1, NTA-2). Control mice received normal mice sera (NMS) or saline. After 20 days of treatment, spleen cells from DBA/2 mice treated with NTA-1 or NTA-2 showed a significant increase in the number of anti-ssDNA plaque-forming cells and IgM-producing cells. Sera from NTA-treated mice showed greater DNA binding than sera from control mice did. The levels of proteinuria were moderately increased in NTA-2-treated mice. Con A responsiveness of thymocytes was markedly reduced in NTA-2-treated mice. On the other hand, Con A-activated spleen cells from both control and NTA-treated mice equally suppressed anti-SRBC antibody production in vitro, suggesting that NTA treatment didn't affect the direct precursors of suppressor T cells. Finally, prior absorption of NTA-1 by thymocytes prevented its ability to induce anti-DNA antibodies; however, prior absorption of NTA-2 by thymocytes didn't affect its activity.  相似文献   

This study was performed on a lot of 51 patients and intends to correlate the autoimmune thyroiditis to the synthesis of Th1 cytokines and to the activation of T lymphocytes. We find out that CD25, an activation marker of T lymphocytes, is significantly increased in these patients. We also find out that certain cytokine serum levels are increased (IL-2, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma). These cytokines correspond to the secretor profile of the Th1 subset. Mononuclear cell culture supernatants showed an increased level of IL-2 and TNF-alpha in samples stimulated with ConA in comparison to unstimulated samples from the same patient, suggesting the existence of an expansioned Th1 and CD8+ cytotoxic population.  相似文献   

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