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Slit2-Mediated chemorepulsion and collapse of developing forebrain axons   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Diffusible chemorepellents play a major role in guiding developing axons toward their correct targets by preventing them from entering or steering them away from certain regions. Genetic studies in Drosophila revealed a novel repulsive guidance system that prevents inappropriate axons from crossing the CNS midline; this repulsive system is mediated by the Roundabout (Robo) receptor and its secreted ligand Slit. In rodents, Robo and Slit are expressed in the spinal cord and Slit can repel spinal motor axons in vitro. Here, we extend these findings into higher brain centers by showing that Robo1 and Robo2, as well as Slit1 and Slit2, are often expressed in complementary patterns in the developing forebrain. Furthermore, we show that human Slit2 can repel olfactory and hippocampal axons and collapse their growth cones.  相似文献   

We report that Slit proteins, a family of secreted chemorepellents, are crucial for the proper development of several major forebrain tracts. Mice deficient in Slit2 and, even more so, mice deficient in both Slit1 and Slit2 show significant axon guidance errors in a variety of pathways, including corticofugal, callosal, and thalamocortical tracts. Analysis of multiple pathways suggests several generalizations regarding the functions of Slit proteins in the brain, which appear to contribute to (1) the maintenance of dorsal position by prevention of axonal growth into ventral regions, (2) the prevention of axonal extension toward and across the midline, and (3) the channeling of axons toward particular regions.  相似文献   

The upper rhombic lip (URL), a germinal zone in the dorsoanterior hindbrain, has long been known to be a source for neurons of the vertebrate cerebellum. It was thought to give rise to dorsally migrating granule cell precursors (Figure 1e); however, recent fate mapping studies have questioned the exclusive contributions of the URL to granule cells. By taking advantage of the clarity of the zebrafish embryo during the stages of brain morphogenesis, we have followed the fate of neuronal precursor cells generated within the upper rhombic lip directly. Combining a novel GFP labeling strategy with in vivo time-lapse imaging, we find, contrary to the former view, that most URL-descendants migrate anterior toward the midhindbrain boundary (MHB) and then course ventrally along the MHB (Figure 1f). As the migrating neuronal precursors reach the MHB, they form ventrally extending projections, likely axons, and continue ventral migration to settle outside of the cerebellum, in the region of the ventral brainstem. Thus, we define a new pathway for URL-derived neuronal precursor cells consistent with the recent fate maps. In addition, our results strongly suggest that the MHB plays a crucial role, not only in induction and patterning of the cerebellar anlage, but also in organizing its later morphogenesis by influencing cell migration.  相似文献   

Modes of neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The conventional scheme of cortical formation shows that postmitotic neurons migrate away from the germinal ventricular zone to their positions in the developing cortex, guided by the processes of radial glial cells. However, recent studies indicate that different neuronal types adopt distinct modes of migration in the developing cortex. Here, we review evidence for two modes of radial movement: somal translocation, which is adopted by the early-generated neurons; and glia-guided locomotion, which is used predominantly by pyramidal cells. Cortical interneurons, which originate in the ventral telencephalon, use a third mode of migration. They migrate tangentially into the cortex, then seek the ventricular zone before moving radially to take up their positions in the cortical anlage.  相似文献   

Origin, timing and direction of neuronal migration during brain development determine the distinct organization of adult structures. Changes in these processes might have driven the evolution of the forebrain in vertebrates. GABAergic neurons originate from the ganglionic eminence in mammals and migrate tangentially to the cortex. We are interested in differences and similarities in tangential migration patterns across corresponding telencephalic territories in mammals and reptiles. Using morphological criteria and expression patterns of Darpp-32, Tbr1, Nkx2.1 and Pax6 genes, we show in slice cultures of turtle embryos that early cohorts of tangentially migrating cells are released from the medial ganglionic eminence between stages 14 and 18. Additional populations migrate tangentially from the dorsal subpallium. Large cohorts of tangentially migrating neurons originate ventral to the dorsal ventricular ridge at stage 14 and from the lateral ganglionic eminence from stage 15. Release of GABAergic cells from these regions was investigated further in explant cultures. Tangential migration in turtle proceeds in a fashion similar to mammals. In chimeric slice culture and in ovo graft experiments, the tangentially migrating cells behaved according to the host environment - turtle cells responded to the available cues in mouse slices and mouse cells assumed characteristic migratory routes in turtle brains, indicating highly conserved embryonic signals between these distant species. Our study contributes to the evaluation of theories on the origin of the dorsal cortex and indicates that tangential migration is universal in mammals and sauropsids.  相似文献   

Cells migrate via diverse pathways and in different modes to reach their final destinations during development. Tangential migration has been shown to contribute significantly to the generation of neuronal diversity in the mammalian telencephalon. GABAergic interneurons are the best-characterized neurons that migrate tangentially, from the ventral telencephalon, dorsally into the cortex. However, the molecular mechanisms and nature of these migratory pathways are only just beginning to be unravelled. In this study we have first identified a novel dorsal-to-ventral migratory route, in which cells migrate from the interganglionic sulcus, located in the basal telencephalon between the lateral and medial ganglionic eminences, towards the pre-optic area and anterior hypothalamus in the diencephalon. Next, with the help of transplantations and gain-of-function studies in organotypic cultures, we have shown that COUP-TFI and COUP-TFII are expressed in distinct and non-overlapping migratory routes. Ectopic expression of COUP-TFs induces an increased rate of cell migration and cell dispersal, suggesting roles in cellular adhesion and migration processes. Moreover, cells follow a distinct migratory path, dorsal versus ventral, which is dependent on the expression of COUP-TFI or COUP-TFII, suggesting an intrinsic role of COUP-TFs in guiding migrating neurons towards their target regions. Therefore, we propose that COUP-TFs are directly involved in tangential cell migration in the developing brain, through the regulation of short- and long-range guidance cues.  相似文献   

The signalling molecule WNT4 has been associated with sex reversal phenotypes in mammals. Here we show that the role of WNT4 in gonad development is to pattern the sex-specific vasculature and to regulate steroidogenic cell recruitment. Vascular formation and steroid production in the mammalian gonad occur in a sex-specific manner. During testis development, endothelial cells migrate from the mesonephros into the gonad to form a coelomic blood vessel. Leydig cells differentiate and produce steroid hormones a day later. Neither of these events occurs in the XX gonad. We show that WNT4 represses mesonephric endothelial and steroidogenic cell migration in the XX gonad, preventing the formation of a male-specific coelomic blood vessel and the production of steroids. In the XY gonad, Wnt4 expression is downregulated after sex determination. Transgenic misexpression of Wnt4 in the embryonic testis did not inhibit coelomic vessel formation but vascular pattern was affected. Leydig cell differentiation was not affected in these transgenic animals and our data implies that Wnt4 does not regulate steroidogenic cell differentiation but represses the migration of steroidogenic adrenal precursors into the gonad. These studies provide a model for understanding how the same signalling molecule can act on two different cell types to coordinate sex development.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons are born in the nasal placode and migrate along olfactory and vomeronasal axons to reach the forebrain and settle in the hypothalamus, where they control reproduction. The molecular cues that guide their migration have not been fully identified, but are thought to control either cell movement directly or the patterning of their axonal substrates. Using genetically altered mouse models we show that the migration of GnRH neurons is directly modulated by Slit2 and Robo3, members of the axon guidance Slit ligand and Robo receptor families. Mice lacking Slit2 or Robo3 have a reduced number of GnRH neurons in the forebrain, but a normal complement of their supporting axons, pointing to a direct role for these molecules in GnRH neuron migration.  相似文献   

Long distance cell migration occurs throughout the developing CNS, but the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. We show that the directed circumferential migration of basilar pontine neurons from their origin in the neuroepithelium of the dorsal hindbrain to the ventral midline involves the extension of long (>1 mm) leading processes, which marker analyses suggest are molecularly distinct from axons. In vivo analysis of knockout mice implicates the axonal chemoattractant netrin-1, functioning via its receptor Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC), in attracting the leading process to the ventral midline. Direct evidence for this chemoattractant mechanism is provided, using explant cultures and time-lapse analysis in vitro. Our results demonstrate the attraction of migrating neurons in the mammalian brain by an axon guidance molecule and the chemotactic responsiveness of their leading processes.  相似文献   

Cell cycle proteins are critical regulators of proliferation in dividing cells. Paradoxically, accumulating evidence supports the view that core components of the cell cycle also play key roles in the development of terminally differentiated postmitotic neurons. Distinct cell cycle proteins including cell cycle-dependent kinases may contribute to naturally occurring programmed neuronal cell death in the developing mammalian brain. In addition, recent studies have uncovered a novel role for the cell cycle-associated ubiquitination machinery in the control of axonal growth and patterning in the developing brain. The underlying molecular mechanisms regulating these distinct cell cycle-based developmental events in neurons are just beginning to be understood.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins are expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) in complex and developmentally regulated patterns. The ECM provides a number of critical functions in the CNS, contributing both to the overall structural organization of the CNS and to control of individual cells. At the cellular level, the ECM affects its functions by a wide range of mechanisms, including providing structural support to cells, regulating the activity of second messenger systems, and controlling the distribution and local concentration of growth and differentiation factors. Perhaps the most well known role of the ECM is as a substrate on which motile cells can migrate. Genetic, cell biological, and biochemical studies provide strong evidence that ECM glycoproteins such as laminins, tenascins, and proteoglycans control neuronal migration and positioning in several regions of the developing and adult brain. Recent findings have also shed important new insights into the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which reelin regulates migration. Here we will summarize these findings, emphasizing the emerging concept that ECM glycoproteins promote different modes of neuronal migration such as radial, tangential, and chain migration. We also discuss several studies demonstrating that mutations in ECM glycoproteins can alter neuronal positioning by cell nonautonomous mechanisms that secondarily affect migrating neurons.  相似文献   

A prolific neuronal progenitor cell population in the anterior portion of the neonatal rat forebrain subventricular zone, the SVZa, is specialized for the production of olfactory bulb interneurons. At all ages, SVZa-derived cells traverse a tangential migratory pathway, the rostral migratory stream (RMS), while en route to the olfactory bulb. Unlike other neuronal progenitor cells of the forebrain, migrating progeny of SVZa progenitors express neuronal-specific proteins and continue to divide into adulthood. Recent studies indicate that in the adult, migrating SVZa-derived cells are ensheathed by astrocytes, although the function of these astrocytes has not been determined. To explore the possible role(s) of astrocytes in the rat SVZa and RMS, we examined the expression of astroglial-specific genes in the postnatal SVZa and RMS using RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemistry during (Postnatal Days 1-10) and after the period of peak olfactory bulb interneuron generation. We also examined the expression of neuronal-specific genes throughout the rostral-caudal extent of the postnatal subventricular zone to determine if differential cell type-specific gene expression could distinguish the neurogenic SVZa as a region distinct from the remainder of the SVZ. We found little to no astrocyte-specific gene expression in the P0-P7 SVZa, although the neuron-specific isoforms of tubulin (T alpha 1 and beta-III tubulin) were expressed abundantly in the SVZa and RMS. In contrast, astrocyte-specific genes were strongly expressed in the SVZ posterior to the SVZa. GFAP expressions begins to appear in some restricted areas of the rostral migratory stream after the first postnatal week. These data suggest that astroglia are not involved in the generation or migration of most olfactory bulb interneurons. Moreover, the scarcity of glial markers in the neonatal SVZa indicates that the forebrain subventricular zone includes a distinct neurogenic anterior region containing predominantly committed neuronal progenitor cells.  相似文献   

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