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Pollen-mediated movement of transgenes from transplastomic oilseed rape (Brassica napus) into wild relatives will be avoided if chloroplasts are maternally transmitted. We assess the probability of chloroplast exchange between conventional oilseed rape and wild Brassica rapa to model the future behavior of transplastomic cultivars. Primers specific to cpDNA were used to demonstrate maternal inheritance of chloroplasts in 47 natural hybrids between cultivated B. napus and wild B. rapa. We conclude that there will be no or negligible pollen-mediated chloroplast dispersal from oilseed rape. Transgene introgression could still occur in mixed populations, however, if B. napus acted as the recurrent female parent. Rate of transfer would then depend on the abundance of mixed populations, their persistence as mixtures, and hybridization frequency within stands. A low incidence of sympatry (0.6-0.7%) between wild B. rapa and cultivated B. napus along the river Thames, UK, in 1997 and 1998, suggests mixed stands will form only rarely. Eighteen feral populations of B. napus also showed a strong tendency toward rapid decline in plant number, seed return, and ultimately, extinction within 3 years. Conversely, hybrid production is significant in mixed stands, and the absence of control practices means that oilseed rape will have slightly greater persistence. We infer that some introgression from transplastomic B. napus into B. rapa is inevitable in mixed populations even though such populations will occur infrequently and will tend to lose B. napus plants relatively quickly. Chloroplast exchange will be extremely rare and scattered.  相似文献   

One concern over growing herbicide-tolerant crops is that herbicide-tolerance genes may be transferred into the weeds they are designed to control. Brassica napus (oilseed rape) has a number of wild relatives that cause weed problems and the most widespread of these is Sinapis arvensis (charlock). Sinapis arvensis seed was collected from 102 populations across the UK, within and outside B. napus-growing areas. These populations were tested for sexual compatibility with B. napus and it was found that none of them hybridized readily in the glasshouse. In contrast to previous studies, we have found that hybrids can be formed naturally with S. arvensis as the maternal parent. Six diverse B. napus cultivars (Capricorn, Drakkar, Falcon, Galaxy, Hobson and Regent) were tested for their compatibility with S. arvensis but no cultivar hybridized readily in the glasshouse. We were unable to detect gene transfer from B. napus to S. arvensis in the field, confirming the extremely low probability of hybridization predicted from the glasshouse work.  相似文献   

We have earlier shown extensive introgression between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and B. rapa in a weedy population using AFLP markers specific for the nuclear genomes. In order to describe the progress of this introgression, we examined 117 offspring from 12 maternal plants from the introgressed population with the same AFLP-markers; AFLP data were supported by chromosome counting. We also analysed the offspring with a species-specific chloroplast marker and finally evaluated the reproductive system in selected maternal plants. Our results indicated a high outcrossing rate of the introgressed maternal plants. It seemed that B. rapa most often functioned as the maternal plant in the introgression process and that the amount of oilseed rape DNA was highly diminished in the offspring compared to their introgressed maternal plants. However, our analysis of plants from the weedy population indicated that introgression can lead to both (1) exchange of chloroplast DNA between species producing B. rapa-like plants with B. napus chloroplasts and (2) incorporation of B. napus C-genome DNA into the B. rapa genome. Therefore, we question whether it can be regarded as containment to position transgenes in the chloroplast or in specific parts of the nuclear genome of B. napus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(1):101844
Brassica rapa L., is a crop grown globally and studies have indicated that insect pollination can improve yields. However, the importance of insect pollination in this crop depends on cultivar reproductive biology, insect pollinator species and their abundances. In Bangladesh, the acreage of B. rapa for oilseed production has been expanding, but little is known about whether insects contribute to yield improvements. Using the commonly grown variety Tori-7, we found that plants with inflorescences left exposed to flower visiting insects (body width > 1.5 mm) had a 30.8% greater seed yield compared to those where insect flower visitors were excluded. Of 794 insect flower visiting individuals recorded from observation and trapping surveys conducted across four separate fields, Apis bees (four spp.) were the most abundant (66.1%), followed by flies Musca domestica (14.7%), Sepsis fulgens (6.3%) and hoverflies (3.0%; 3 spp; Syrphidae). Other flower visitors included ants, wasps, beetles, butterflies and moths. For the cultivar assessed, we calculated the economic value of oilseed rape was $US 87.5 million per annum in Bangladesh, of which the economic value of insect pollination was $US 26.92 million per annum. Thus, one in every four dollars earned by our Bangladeshi growers resulted from insect crop pollination. This demonstrates to growers the need to promote and protect insect pollination to optimize their economic returns.  相似文献   

An F1 individual derived from a cross between two distinct lines of spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus) was used to produce a pair of complementary backcross populations, each consisting of 90 individuals. The F1 donated male gametes to the Male population and female gametes to the Female population. Genetic maps were generated from both populations and aligned using 117 common loci to form an integrated genome map of B. napus with 243 RFLP-defined loci. A comparison of the frequency and distribution of crossovers in the two populations of F1 gametes (assayed in the Male and Female populations) detected no differences. The genetic maps derived from the Male and Female populations each consisted of 19 linkage groups spanning 1544 and 1577 cM, respectively. The maps were aligned with other B. napus maps, and all 19 equivalent linkage groups were unambiguously assigned. The genetic size and general organisation of the new maps were comparable with those of pre-existing B. napus maps in most respects, except that the levels of polymorphism in the constituent A and C genomes were unusually similar in the new cross.  相似文献   

Before novel transgenic plant genotypes are grown outside containment facilities and evaluated under field conditions, it is necessary to complete a risk assessment to consider the possible consequences of that release. An important aspect of risk assessment is to consider the likelihood and consequences of the transgene being transferred by cross-pollination to related species, including other crops, weeds and ruderal populations. The purpose of this report is to review the literature to assess the ease with whichBrassica napus can hybridize with related species. The evidence for hybridization is considered at three levels: a) by open pollination, b) by hand pollination and c) by the use ofin vitro ovule and embryo rescue techniques; and also examines the fertility and vigour of the F1, F2 and backcross generations. Four species are reported to hybridize withB. napus by open pollination:B. rapa andB. juncea using fully fertile parents; andB. adpressa andR. raphanistrum using a male-sterileB. napus parent. Seventeen species are reported to form hybrids (including the four species above) withB. napus when pollination is carried out manually. At least 12 of these species were unable to form F2 progeny, and eight were unable to produce progeny when the F1 was backcrossed to one of the parental species. Many factors will influence the success of hybridization under field conditions, including: distance between the parents, synchrony of flowering, method of pollen spread, specific parental genotypes used, direction of the cross and the environmental conditions. Even where there is a possibility of hybridization betweenB. napus and a related species growing in the vicinity of a release, poor vigour and high sterility in the hybrids will generally mean that hybrids and their progeny will not survive in either an agricultural or natural habitat.  相似文献   

Fitness of interspecific hybrids is sometimes high relative to their parents, despite the conventional belief that they are mostly unfit. F(1) hybrids between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and weedy B. rapa can be significantly more fit than their weedy parents under some conditions; however, under other conditions they are less fit. To understand the reasons, we measured the seed production of B. napus, B. rapa, and different generations of hybrid plants at three different densities and in mixtures of different frequencies (including pure stands). Brassica napus, B. rapa, and backcross plants (F(1) ♀ × B. rapa) produced many more seeds per plant in pure plots than in mixtures and more seeds in plots when each was present at high frequency. The opposite was true for F(1) plants that produced many more seeds than B. rapa in mixtures, but fewer in pure stands. Both vegetative and reproductive interactions may be responsible for these effects. Our results show that the fitness of both parents and hybrids is strongly frequency-dependent and that the likelihood of introgression of genes between the species thus may depend on the numbers and densities of parents and their various hybrid offspring in the population.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the use of trap crops as components of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. Understanding the mechanisms underlying host plant preferences of herbivorous pests can lead to improved effectiveness and reliability of the trap crop. We investigated the behavioural and chemical ecology underlying the success of turnip rape, Brassica rapa, trap crops in protecting oilseed rape, Brassica napus, from the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus, which feeds in the flowers and lays its eggs in the buds causing yield loss. Using a semi-field arena bioassay, plant growth stage was found to be a major factor in the preference of this pest for B. rapa over B. napus. Plants at early-flowering growth stages were preferred over plants in the bud stage, irrespective of species. No preference was found when both species were flowering. As B. rapa develops faster than B. napus in the field, this could explain part of the mechanism of its success as a trap crop. However, B. rapa was preferred over B. napus when both species were in the bud stage, indicating some inherent preferences for B. rapa. Responses of M. aeneus in olfactometer tests to the odours of B. napus and B. rapa at the bud and flowering growth stages, reflected those of the semi-field arena bioassay. These behavioural responses can be explained by volatile compounds associated with the flowering stage. Phenylacetaldehyde, indole and (E,E)-α-farnesene were found to be present in air entrainment samples of both plant species at the flowering growth stage, but only in those of B. rapa at the bud stage. The former two compounds were behaviourally-active in olfactometer tests. These compounds are likely to be involved in host location by M. aeneus, and, at least partially, responsible for the attractiveness of B. rapa and its success as a trap crop to protect B. napus from this pest.  相似文献   

转基因油菜的基因流及生态风险   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
综合评述了转基因油菜的基因流及其生态风险.油菜作为最早的转基因作物之一目前已在加拿大和澳大利亚大面积商业化应用.(常)异花授粉作物油菜的天然异交率可达30%左右,也易与其它芸苔属作物杂交,因此转基因油菜的生态风险已引起各国科学家的高度重视.转基因油菜主要通过与其野生近缘种的花粉交换和与非转基因油菜的花粉交换两种方式进行花粉的输出.基因可能逃逸到相关野生近缘种,但在大田环境下能够得到杂种的可能性很小;由于基因的漂流在油菜田块间确实存在,因此在种植转基因油菜的过程中必须考虑其间隔距离.  相似文献   

The likelihood that two species hybridise and backcross may depend strongly on environmental conditions, and possibly on competitive interactions between parents and hybrids. We studied the paternity of seeds produced by weedy Brassica rapa growing in mixtures with oilseed rape (B. napus) and their F(1) hybrids at different frequencies and densities. Paternity was determined by the presence of a transgene, morphology, and AFLP markers. In addition, observations of flower and pollen production, and published data on pollen fertilisation success, zygote survival, and seed germination, allowed us to estimate an expected paternity. The frequency and density of B. napus, B. rapa, and F(1) plants had a strong influence on flower, pollen, and seed production, and on the paternity of B. rapa seeds. Hybridisation and backcrossing mostly occurred at low densities and at high frequencies of B. napus and F(1), respectively. F(1) and backcross offspring were produced mainly by a few B. rapa mother plants. The observed hybridisation and backcrossing frequencies were much lower than expected from our compilation of fitness components. Our results show that the male fitness of B. rapa, B. napus, and F(1) hybrids is strongly influenced by their local frequencies, and that male fitness of F(1)hybrids, when pollinating B. rapa seeds, is low even when their female fitness (seed set) is high.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate pollen dispersal inBrassica napus (oilseed rape). The selectable marker, used to follow pollen movement, was a dominant transgene (bar) conferring resistance to the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium. Transgenic and non-transgenic plants of the cultivar Westar were planted in a 1.1 ha field trial, with the transgenic plants in a 9 m diameter circle at the centre, surrounded by non-transgenic plants to a distance of at least 47 m in all directions. A 1 m circle of non-transgenic plants was sown in the centre of the transgenic area to allow estimation of the level of pollen dispersal when plants were in close contact. Honeybee hives were placed at the trial site to optimize the opportunity for cross-pollination. During the flowering period, regular observations were made of the number of plants flowering and the number and type of insects present in 60 1 m2 areas. These areas were located uniformly around the plot at distances of 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 and 47 m from the edge of the 9 m circle of transgenic plants. Seed samples were harvested from each of the 7 distances so that approximately 20% of the circumference of the plot was sampled at each distance. The centre non-transgenic circle was also sampled. Plants were grown from the seed samples and sprayed with glufosinate to estimate the frequency of pollen dispersal at each distance. In order to screen enough samples to detect low frequency cross-pollination events, seed samples were tested in the greenhouse and on a larger scale in the field. Results were confirmed by testing progeny for glufosinate resistance and by Southern blot analysis. The estimated percentage of pollen dispersal in the non-transgenic centre circle was 4.8%. The frequency was estimated to be 1.5% at a distance of 1 m and 0.4% at 3 m. The frequency decreased sharply to 0.02% at 12 m and was only 0.00033% at 47 m. No obvious directional effects were detected that could be ascribed to wind or insect activity.  相似文献   

The screening of wild populations for evidence of gene flow from a crop to a wild related species requires the unambiguous detection of crop genes within the genome of the wild species, taking into account the intraspecific variability of each species. If the crop and wild relatives share a common ancestor, as is the case for the Brassica crops and their wild relatives (subtribe Brassiceae), the species-specific markers needed to make this unambiguous detection are difficult to identify. In the model oilseed rape (Brassica napus, AACC, 2n=38)-wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum, RrRr, 2n=18) system, we utilized the presence or absence of a short-interspersed element (SINE) at a given locus to develop oilseed rape-specific markers, as SINE insertions are irreversible. By means of sequence-specific amplified polymorphism (SINE-SSAP) reactions, we identified and cloned 67 bands specific to the oilseed rape genome and absent from that of wild radish. Forty-seven PCR-specific markers were developed from three combinations of primers anchored either in (1) the 5- and 3-genomic sequences flanking the SINE, (2) the 5-flanking and SINE internal sequences or (3) the SINE internal and flanking 3-sequences. Seventeen markers were monomorphic whatever the oilseed rape varieties tested, whereas 30 revealed polymorphism and behaved either as dominant (17) or co-dominant (13) markers. Polymorphic markers were mapped on 19 genomic regions assigned to ten linkage groups. The markers developed will be efficient tools to trace the occurrence and frequency of introgressions of oilseed rape genomic region within wild radish populations.  相似文献   

Precise control of chromosome pairing is vital for conferring meiotic, and hence reproductive, stability in sexually reproducing polyploids. Apart from the Ph1 locus of wheat that suppresses homeologous pairing, little is known about the activity of genes that contribute to the cytological diploidization of allopolyploids. In oilseed rape (Brassica napus) haploids, the amount of chromosome pairing at metaphase I (MI) of meiosis varies depending on the varieties the haploids originate from. In this study, we combined a segregation analysis with a maximum-likelihood approach to demonstrate that this variation is genetically based and controlled mainly by a gene with a major effect. A total of 244 haploids were produced from F(1) hybrids between a high- and a low-pairing variety (at the haploid stage) and their meiotic behavior at MI was characterized. Likelihood-ratio statistics were used to demonstrate that the distribution of the number of univalents among these haploids was consistent with the segregation of a diallelic major gene, presumably in a background of polygenic variation. Our observations suggest that this gene, named PrBn, is different from Ph1 and could thus provide complementary information on the meiotic stabilization of chromosome pairing in allopolyploid species.  相似文献   

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) lines transformedwith the coat protein (CP) gene of Turnip mosaic virus(TuMV) were used to determine the effectiveness of resistance to TuMV mediatedby CP RNA or coat protein. Lines with one, two, or more copies of transgeneswere produced. T2 and T3 lines containing the CP genewitha functional start codon synthesised coat protein and showed high, but variablelevels of resistance to TuMV (21–96% resistant plants per line). TheT1 and T2 progeny of all lines carrying the CP gene withamutated start codon so that RNA but not protein was expressed, were assusceptible to TuMV as controls. Thus, in these experiments we were able toinduce CP-mediated resistance, but not RNA-mediated resistance.  相似文献   

Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) and cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) have been found infecting field crops of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) in South Warwickshire. Other viruses found include broccoli necrotic yellows virus (BNYV) and a member of the beet western yellows virus group. Systemic leaf symptoms caused by TuMV varied within and between cultivars; the three predominant reaction types were classified as necrotic, mosaic and immune. Some recently introduced cultivars of oilseed rape were more severely affected by TuMV infection than older cultivars. Reactions to CaMV were less varied and immunity was not found. The seed yield from TuMV and CaMV-infected plants was less than that of healthy control plants. This effect was due to infected plants producing either fewer seeds, smaller seeds or both. Germination of seeds from infected plants was unaffected if sown soon after harvest. After storage for one year the germination of seed from a virus infected plant was significantly less than that of seed from a virus-free plant. All commercial cultivars tested were experimentally susceptible to turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) and some American strains of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).  相似文献   

Dong X  Ji R  Guo X  Foster SJ  Chen H  Dong C  Liu Y  Hu Q  Liu S 《Planta》2008,228(2):331-340
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causes a highly destructive disease in oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Oxalic acid (OA) secreted by the pathogen is a key pathogenicity factor. Oxalate oxidase (OXO) can oxidize OA into CO2 and H2O2. In this study, we show that transgenic oilseed rape (sixth generation lines) constitutively expressing wheat (Triticum aestivum) OXO displays considerably increased OXO activity and enhanced resistance to S. sclerotiorum (with up to 90.2 and 88.4% disease reductions compared with the untransformed parent line and a resistant control, respectively). Upon application of exogenous OA, the pH values in transgenic plants were maintained at levels slightly lower than 5.58 measured prior to OA treatment, whereas the pH values in untransformed plants decreased rapidly and were markedly lower than 5.63 measured prior to OA treatment. Following pathogen inoculation, H2O2 levels were higher in transgenic plants than in untransformed plants. These results indicate that the enhanced resistance of the OXO transgenic oilseed rape to Sclerotinia is probably mediated by OA detoxification. We believe that enhancing the OA metabolism of oilseed rape in this way will be an effective strategy for improving resistance to S. sclerotiorum. Xiangbai Dong and Ruiqin Ji contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

A model of pollen-mediated gene flow for oilseed rape   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The development of genetically modified (GM) crops has precipitated the need for risk assessment and regulation of pollen-mediated gene flow. In response to this need we present a mathematical model to predict the spatial distribution of outcrossing between progenitor populations of oilseed rape. The model combines the processes of pollen dispersal and pollination, resulting from wind and insect activity. It includes the effects of post-pollination reproductive processes by relating the number of progeny to both pollen deposition and competition at the stigma. Predictions compare well with a range of experimental results for different-sized GM source crops (i.e. 0.0064-0.8 ha) and non-GM target crops with different fertilities (i.e. self-fertile to 80% male-sterile). For these comparisons, we represent the variation caused by wind and insect exposure as a constrained set of random functions and limit the range of insect transport to typical plant-scale distances. In addition, the model is used to examine the relative sensitivity to the factors that determine gene flow. Target-crop fertility and source-crop size are shown to be more important than other factors, including background pollen and the natural range of insect activity. The concept of isolation distance to regulate gene flow is most effective for self-fertile target crops, but is ineffective for male-sterile target crops with low background pollen.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1987,53(3):243-248
‘Polima’ cytoplasmic male sterility (cms) was transferred in one step from spring to winter lines of oilseed rape (Brassica. napus L.) by protoplast fusion. The transfer was confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of cytoplasmic DNA. Amphidiploid individuals with normal female fertility were recovered. The regenerated plants retained the winter habit. All traits studied were stable through subsequent sexual generations. The introduction of cms to winter lines by a conventional backcross normally takes 3 years; a similar alloplasmic substitution was achieved in approximately 9 months by protoplast fusion.  相似文献   

Summary The response of oilseed rape cultivars to infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes and the possibility of regenerating genetically transformed oilseed rape plants were examined. The frequency at which Agrobacterium induced galls or hairy-roots on in vitro cultured plants ranged from 10% to 70%, depending on the cultivar. From galls induced by the tumorigenic strain T37, known to be strongly shoot inducing on tobacco, roots developed frequently. Occasionally, shoots formed and some of these produced tumour cell specific nopaline. Attempts to grow the transformed shoots into plants have so far been unsuccessful. Whole plants transformed with Ri-T-DNA, however, were regenerated. These had crinkled leaves and abundant, frequently branching roots that showed reduced geotropism, similar to previously isolated Ri T-DNA transformed tobacco and potato plants. The transformed oilseed rape plants flowered, but failed to form seeds.  相似文献   

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