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Summary The localization of bombesin- (BOMB) and enkephalin-(ENK) immunoreactive (IR) nerves was studied in rat coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion complex in relation to neuropeptide Y (NPY)- and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive neurons with an immunofluorescence double-staining method. Very dense networks of BOMB-IR nerve terminals surrounded the majority of the principal ganglion cells, wheter or not they were TH-IR. BOMB-IR nerves were specifically related to the non-NPY-IR neurons. Moderately dense networks of ENK-IR fibers were unevenly distributed among the ganglion cells. Majority of these neurons exhibited TH-IR and some of them also contained NPY-IR. In sections double stained with antibodies to ENK and BOMB some nerve fibers contained both peptides. The findings suggest that BOMB-IR nerves, which have been previously demonstrated to originate from gut, control the function of non-NPY-IR ganglion cells. ENK-IR nerves apparently control the adrenergic neurons which project to gut and also some NPY-IR vasomotoric neurons. The finding that ENK- and BOMB-IR coexist in some nerves suggests that some ENK-IR nerves may originate from gut, although the major part probably represents preganglionic fibers originating from spinal cord.  相似文献   

Summary The localization and distribution of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the guinea-pig heart were studied by use of immunohistochemical methods. A widespread distribution of immunoreactive processes was observed in all regions of the heart. They occur either singly or together with several other immunoreactive processes and are most often aligned parallel to the myocardial bundles. A dense network of processes is present in the region of both the sinuatrial and atrioventricular nodes and single fibers are occasionally observed to be closely associated with nodal ganglion cells. Positive cell bodies were not seen within the heart. All small, medium and large coronary vessels are surrounded by a dense network of immunoreactive processes. A rich innervation at the media-adventitia junction of the aorta, pulmonary trunk, superior and inferior vena cava was also observed. Comparison of adjacent sections stained with antisera directed to avian pancreatic polypeptide, carboxyl-terminal hexapeptide of pancreatic polypeptide or neuropeptide Y demonstrated a very similar immunoreactive pattern, suggesting that these antisera are reacting with the same or a closely related substance. Likewise, the same immunoreactive patterns were observed in adjacent sections incubated in antiserum to neuropeptide Y or tyrosine hydroxylase, and analysis of elution-restained sections demonstrated that the same processes contain both neuropeptide Y- and tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity. Neuropeptide Y- and tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity was reduced by the same magnitude after treatment with the sympathetic neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine, but it was not affected by the primary sensory neurotoxin capsaicin. Furthermore, the pattern of neuropeptide Y- and tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity did not match the staining patterns observed with antisera to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide or substance P or with the acetylcholinesterase staining pattern. In conclusion, neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the heart and great vessels coexists with that for catecholamines and is likely to originate from sympathetic ganglia.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of l-glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), the GABA-synthesizing enzyme, was studied in the rat major pelvic ganglion and in the coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion complex by indirect immunofluorescence technique with a specific antiserum raised in rabbits. GAD immunoreactivity was demonstrated in small cells of these ganglia. The GAD-immunoreactive small cells were 10–20 m in diameter and formed clusters or occured as solitary cells. The principal neurons were non-reactive but they were surrounded by immunoreactive processes. Studies on colocalization of GAD with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme of the catecholamine synthesis, in the major pelvic ganglion and in the coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion complex indicated that all GAD-immunoreactive small cells were also labelled with TH. In the major pelvic ganglion all TH-immunoreactive SIF cells were also immunoreactive for GAD. However, in the coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion complex there occured TH-immunoreactive small cells which showed no immunoreactivity to GAD. It is suggested that the small GAD-immunoreactive cells represent small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells.  相似文献   

T Karhula  O H?pp?l?  T Joh  J Y Wu 《Histochemistry》1988,90(4):255-260
The localization of L-glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), the GABA-synthesizing enzyme, was studied in the rat major pelvic ganglion and in the coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion complex by indirect immunofluorescence technique with a specific antiserum raised in rabbits. GAD immunoreactivity was demonstrated in small cells of these ganglia. The GAD-immunoreactive small cells were 10-20 microns in diameter and formed clusters or occurred as solitary cells. The principal neurons were non-reactive but they were surrounded by immunoreactive processes. Studies on colocalization of GAD with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme of the catecholamine synthesis, in the major pelvic ganglion and in the coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion complex indicated that all GAD-immunoreactive small cells were also labelled with TH. In the major pelvic ganglion all TH-immunoreactive SIF cells were also immunoreactive for GAD. However, in the coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion complex there occurred TH-immunoreactive small cells which showed no immunoreactivity to GAD. It is suggested that the small GAD-immunoreactive cells represent small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells.  相似文献   

Enkephalin (ENK)- and neurotensin (NT)-immunoreactivities (IR) were localized in cat adrenal medulla using immunocytochemistry. ENK was localized mainly in adrenaline cells, 70%-80% of which were heavily labelled. About 5%-10% of the noradrenaline cells were ENK-immunoreactive (IR). A dense network of ENK-IR nerves was localized among adrenaline cells. NT was localized only in the noradrenaline cells, 60%-70% of which were immunoreactive. NT- and ENK-IR were localized in separate noradrenaline cells. A dense network of NT-IR nerves was restricted among noradrenaline cells. The present findings confirm that ENK- and NT-like peptides are localized in separate adrenal medullary cells and demonstrate that also the preganglionic nerves are divided in subpopulations according to their neuropeptide content. These nerves have a selective localization among adrenaline and noradrenaline cells and may have physiological significance in the control of secretion of catecholamines and neuropeptides from adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

Summary Enkephalin (ENK)- and neurotensin (NT)-immunoreactivities (IR) were localized in cat adrenal medulla using immunocytochemistry. ENK was localized mainly in adrenaline cells, 70%–80% of which were heavily labelled. About 5%–10% of the noradrenaline cells were ENK-immunoreactive (IR). A dense network of ENK-IR nerves was localized among adrenaline cells. NT was localized only in the noradrenaline cells, 60%–70% of which were immunoreactive. NT- and ENK-IR were localized in separate noradrenaline cells. A dense network of NT-IR nerves was restricted among noradrenaline cells.The present findings confirm that ENK- and NT-like peptides are localized in separate adrenal medullary cells and demonstrate that also the preganglionic nerves are divided in subpopulations according to their neuropeptide content. These nerves have a selective localization among adrenaline and noradrenaline cells and may have physiological significance in the control of secretion of catecholamines and neuropeptides from adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

Summary Using the immunoperoxidase technique in conjunction with specific antisera to -atrial natriuretic polypeptide (-ANP), it was shown that immunoreactive cell bodies and varicose fibers are widely distributed throughout the rat brain. The highest concentrations of -ANP-containing neuronal cell bodies and fibers were found in the hypothalamus and septum. This result confirms the radioimmunological determination of -ANP immunoreactivity in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Uridine was administered in the drinking water (0.5 mg/ml) in adult 6 month-old rats for 6 months. The mean daily dose of uridine was 12.5 mg/rat. The effects of this treatment on tyrosine hydroxylase, galanin, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y and cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivities were studied by means of semiquantitative immunocytochemistry using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure in combination with image analysis. A decrease of somatostatin, cholecystokinin and galanin-like immunoreactivities in nerve terminals was observed in various brain areas of 12 month-old animals compared with 3 month-old animals, while the levels of tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity were unchanged. Uridine-treated animals showed a decrease of galanin, neuropeptide Y and cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivities in nerve terminals of some diencephalic areas and an increase of cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity in nerve terminals of most of the telencephalic brain areas in comparison with vehicle treated animals of the same age. It is suggested that the pyrimidine nucleoside uridine can affect the synthesis and/or degradation of mRNAs involved in the synthesis of neuropeptides via direct nuclear actions and/or indirect actions involving effects on receptor activated phosphoinositide metabolism. Uridine offers a new way to modulate central peptide synapses.  相似文献   

Summary Sympathetic post-ganglionic neurones in the coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglion (CSMG) complex of aged (24 month) rats have been studied by glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence and electron microscopy. Comparisons have been made with the CSMG of young adult (4 month) rats. In the aged rats the noradrenaline fluorescence of the majority of neuronal perikarya was very low or absent and few intraganglionic fluorescent varicosities were seen. Lipofuscin pigment was very prominent at the nuclear pole region of neurones and also in dendrites and axonal processes. Ultrastructural studies revealed large accumulations of residual bodies at the nuclear poles and in axons and dendritic profiles. Within the perikarya many mitochondria were distorted or swollen, the rough endoplasmic reticulum was disarranged and much dilated as were Golgi cisternae. Primary lysosomes were encountered throughout the neurone perikaryon and its axonal or dendritic processes.In contrast to the young adult CSMG, no evidence for loading of transmitter storage vesicles with an identical dose level of 5-hydroxydopamine was detected in any part of the neurones of aged rats. This might reflect an impairment of the uptake mechanisms and/or storage of noradrenaline in aged sympathetic neurones and their axonal and dendritic processes.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence and distribution of several neuropeptides and transmitter enzymes have been investigated by means of indirect immunofluorescence histochemistry in preaortal and carotid body-like paraganglia of the fetal guinea pig and the newborn pig. Preaortal paraganglia from the celiac and inferior mesenteric ganglion regions in fetal guinea pigs showed cell bodies immunoreactive (IR) for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine -hydroxylase (DBH), neuropeptide Y (NPY), galanin (GAL) and metenkephalin (ENK). Almost all cells were IR for TH and DBH, whereas NPY-like immunoreactivity (-LI), GAL-LI and ENK-LI occurred less frequently. Direct double-labeling revealed the coexistence of NPY/GAL, NPY/ENK and GAL/ENK in paraganglion cells from the celiac and inferior mesenteric region. Nerve fibers and terminals were IR for ENK; fibers IR for calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) were present in the inferior mesenteric ganglion region. Preaortal paraganglia cells from the newborn pig showed TH-LI, DBH-LI, GAL-LI and ENK-LI, the distribution pattern being similar to that seen in the guinea pig; however, NPY-LI was absent. Carotid-body-like paraganglia from the newborn pig showed cell bodies IR to TH, GAL and ENK. Few cells were seen with DBH-LI. A rich supply of nerve fibers with CGRP-LI was present; some fibers exhibited ENK-LI and CCK-LI. In the adjacent superior cervical ganglion, ganglion cell bodies showed immunoreactivity to TH, DBH and NPY. A small number of cells were positive for GAL, CGRP and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Physiological activation of the paraganglia, leading to release or increase in catecholamines, may also change the content of the neuropeptides present in the paraganglia.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY)- and somatostatin (SS)-like immunoreactivities (LI) were investigated in tumor tissues of one ganglioneuroma (GN), 3 ganglioneuroblastomas (GNB) and one neuroblastoma (NB) by radioimmunoassay. NPY-LI was detected from all 5 tumor tissues (16.4-1247 pmol/g wet tissue). Sephadex G-50 column chromatography and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that most of the NPY-LI in tumor extracts was eluted in an identical position to synthetic human NPY except one GNB (case 2). In this case, most of the NPY-LI was eluted in a higher molecular weight region than synthetic human NPY in Sephadex G-50 column chromatography and in a more hydrophobic position in HPLC. SS-LI was detected from 4 tumor extracts except one GNB (case 2) (21.3-787 pmol/g wet tissue). Sephadex G-25 column chromatography and reverse phase HPLC revealed that SS-LI in tumor extracts was eluted just after the void volume and then in the same positions as SS-28 and SS-14. These results suggest that NPY, SS-14 and SS-28 exist in tumor tissues of GN, GNB and NB, and most of the NPY-LI in one GNB was a higher molecular and more hydrophobic form of NPY-LI.  相似文献   

The distribution and relative proportions of neuropeptide Y (NPY)- and [Met]enkephalyl-Arg-Gly-Leu (ME-RGL)-containing sympathetic neurones in the rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) and their projections to submaxillary lymph nodes (SLN) were determined by retrograde tracing and immunocytochemistry. Three subpopulations of neurones were detected in the SCG: 64% contained NPY, 30% contained ME-RGL, and 6% were immunonegative for both. Immunoreactive neurones were also present inside the external carotid nerve of the SCG. An injection of Fluoro-Gold (FG) into the left SLN retrogradely labeled a few neurones in the ipsilateral SCG. FG-labeled neurones contained tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and were either positive for ME-RGL or for NPY. FG-labeled neurones immunostained for ME-RGL outnumbered by 4:1 FG-labeled neurones immunopositive for NPY. It is suggested that the sympathetic/peptidergic innervation to SLN may have distinct vasoregulatory and immunomodulatory functions.  相似文献   

Summary The relationships of immunoreactive neuropeptide Y, enkephalin and tyrosine hydroxylase, on the one hand, and acetylcholinesterase histochemical activity, on the other, were studied in human lumbar sympathetic ganglia. Two thirds of the ganglion cells contained immunoreactive neuropeptide Y. Electron microscopically the immunoreaction was localized in the Golgi apparatus and in large dense-cored vesicles in the nerve endings. Most of the neuropeptide-containing neurons and nerve fibres were also reactive for tyrosine hydroxylase. Nerve fibres reactive for neuropeptide Y were found around ganglion cells regardless of their transmitter contents, whereas enkephalin-reactive nerve terminals surrounded only acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons. The results demonstrate that neuropeptide Y is colocalized with noradrenaline in most of the human sympathetic neurons and that the nerve fibres may innervate selectively the noradrenergic and cholinergic subpopulations of ganglion cells depending on the transmitters of the nerves.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactivity of regulatory peptides has been demonstrated in the fetal lung of Macaca mulatta by the peroxidase anti-peroxidase method. Serotonin-immunoreactive neuroepithelial bodies are distributed in the airways from the bronchi to the alveolar ducts. Many neuroepithelial bodies also show bombesin-like immunoreactivity; a very few are immunoreactive to somatostatin antiserum. Four populations of neuroepithelial bodies were identified which contain immunoreactivity for 1) serotonin alone, 2) serotonin and bombesin, 3) serotonin and somatostatin, and 4) serotonin, bombesin, and somatostatin. Since bombesin and somatostatin have been demonstrated to have opposite effects on the release of other peptide hormones, it seems likely that the presence of these same peptides in neuroepithelial bodies may have a similar regulatory role in the lung.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of peptides in the gastrointestinal tract of the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, was investigated immunocytochemically. VIP-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in nerves in all layers of the stomach and the intestine, whereas substance P-like immunoreactivity was localized to endocrine cells, predominantly in the mucosa of the stomach, and to nerves mainly concentrated in the myenteric plexus throughout the gut. Endocrine cells reactive to gastrin/CCK antiserum were demonstrated in the intestinal mucosa, while no immunoreactivity was found in the stomach. Bombesin-immunoreactive and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were localized in the stomach mucosa, and cells reactive to glucagon antiserum in the intestinal mucosa. Radioimmunoassay of stomach mucosa and muscle confirmed the presence of VIP-like and substance P-like immunoreactivity in these tissues, while gastrin/CCK-like immunoreactivity was low and bombesin-like immuno-reactivity was insignificant. In conclusion, molecules resembling the mammalian brain-gut peptides may be involved in the neuronal and hormonal control of gut function in fish.  相似文献   

Summary In addition to differences between the two submucosal ganglionic neural networks, i.e., the plexus submucosus externus (Schabadasch) and the plexus submucosus internus (Meissner), with respect to the occurrence and distribution of serotonin as neurotransmitter, immunocytochemistry also revealed a distinct distribution for various neuropeptides in these two plexuses. Immunoreactivity for galanin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P, neuromedin U, enkephalin, somatostatin and neuropeptide Y was found in varicose and non-varicose nerve fibres of both submucosal ganglionic plexuses, albeit with a distinct distributional pattern. The difference in neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator content between both neural networks became even more obvious when attention was focussed on the immunoreactivity of the nerve cell bodies for these substances. Indeed, neuropeptide Y, enkephalin-and somatostatin-immunoreactive neuronal perikarya as well as serotonergic neuronal cell bodies appear solely in the plexus submucosus externus. Neuromedin U-immunoreactive perikarya, mostly coexisting with substance P, are observed in large numbers in the plexus submucosus internus, whilst they are rare in the plexus submucosus externus. Double-labelling immunostaining for substance P with CGRP and galanin revealed a different coexistence pattern for the two submucosal ganglionic plexuses. The differing chemical content of the neuronal populations supports the hypothesis that the existence of the two submucosal ganglionic plexuses, present in most large mammals including man, not only reflects a morphological difference but also points to differentiated functions.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY), immunoreactive (IR), and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-IR nerve fibers were scarce at birth in rat heart, but increased rapidly during the first 2 postnatal weeks, reaching approximately adult levels by the third week. The sequence of development was: interatrial septum and atrial wall, free ventricular wall starting from the epicardium, and finally the atrial appendages and interventricular septum. In ventricles and atrial appendages both fiber types developed similarly. In interatrial septum and atrial walls more NPY-IR than TH-IR fibers were evident, and NPY-IR, but not TH-IR, neurons were detected in intrinsic ganglia. Doublelabel immunohistochemistry provided further evidence that NPY is located in ventricular and atrial noradrenergic nerves, but is also located in nonnoradrenergic nerves in atria.  相似文献   

The effect of three endothelin (ET) agonists [ET-1, ET-3, and sarafotoxin (STX6C)] on the nerve stimulation-induced release of norepinephrine (NE) and neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive compounds (NPY-ir) from the perfused mesenteric arterial bed of the rat as well as the effect on perfusion pressure were examined. ET-1, ET-3, and STX6C all produced a significant, concentration-dependent decrease in the evoked release of NPY-ir but had no effect on the release of NE. In contrast, all three ETs potentiated the nerve stimulation-induced increase in perfusion pressure. The inhibition of nerve stimulation-induced NPY-ir release by ET-1 was significantly blocked by the ET(A)/ET(B) antagonist PD-142893 and the ET(B) antagonist RES-701-1 but not by the ET(A) antagonist BQ-123. The potentiation of the nerve stimulation-induced increase in perfusion pressure by ET-1 was significantly blocked by PD-142893 and BQ-123 and attenuated by RES-701-1. Prior exposure of the preparation to indomethacin or meclofenamate failed to alter the attenuation of the evoked release of NPY-ir or the potentiation of the increase in perfusion pressure produced by ET-1 or ET-3. These results are consistent with the idea that sympathetic cotransmitters can be preferentially modulated by paracrine mediators at the vascular neuroeffector junction.  相似文献   

S Collins  D Walker  P Forsyth  L Belbeck 《Life sciences》1983,32(19):2223-2229
Intraperitoneal (IP) administration of the glutaramic acid derivative proglumide inhibited satiety induced by all IP doses of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-OP) in 3-hour food-deprived intact rats. Proglumide did not influence satiety when administered alone and did not inhibit satiety induced by IP glucagon. While proglumide did not inhibit satiety induced by low doses of IP bombesin, it partially and significantly inhibited the satiety effects produced by high doses of this peptide. Since bombesin is a known secretagogue for CCK in several species, these results indicate that while bombesin and CCK act independently to induce satiety, the effect induced by high doses of bombesin is mediated, in part, by the release of endogenous CCK or a structurally related peptide. Furthermore, these results illustrate that proglumide is a specific antagonist of CCK-induced satiety and is, therefore, a potentially useful tool for investigating the physiologic role of this peptide in the control of food intake.  相似文献   

Summary The origin and distribution in the urinary bladder of nerve fibers containing neuropeptide Y (NPY), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and substance P (SP) were investigated in rats. Experimental procedures comprised preganglionic decentralization or postganglionic denervation of the bladder and also chemical sympathectomy as well as capsaicin treatment of newborn rats.Nerve fibers containing NPY were richly distributed in the detrusor muscle and also in the pelvic ganglia. Numerous NPY-containing nerve cell bodies were found in pelvic ganglia. A rich occurrence of VIP fibers and a more sparse distribution of SP-containing fibers were also found in the bladder as well as a relatively rich representation of VIP- containing nerve cell bodies in the pelvic ganglia. After decentralization the intensity of VIP and NPY immunofluorescence increased in nerve cell bodies of the pelvic ganglia and in nerve fibers in the wall of the bladder. Postganglionic denervation, on the other hand, eliminated all peptides examined in the bladder wall. After postganglionic denervation the situation in the ganglia was approximately the same as after decentralization. Chemical sympathectomy (6-OHDA) did not seem to change significantly the frequency and distribution of VIP-, SP- and NPY-fibers in the muscle layer of the bladder or in the pelvic ganglia, while the NPY-containing nerve fibers in the submucosal layer and around blood vessels of the bladder disappeared. Adrenergic nerve fibers in the wall of the bladder (visualized by histofluorescence) were markedly reduced in number after administration of 6-OHDA. Capsaicin-treatment of newborn rats caused a loss of SP-fibers in the wall of the bladder, supporting the view that these fibers are sensory in nature in the urinary bladder. Although it cannot be entirely excluded that NPY-containing fibers in the wall of the bladder are adrenergic, the present results suggest that the NPY-fibers as well as the VIP-fibers of the bladder wall originate mainly in non-adrenergic cell bodies of the pelvic ganglia. However, perivascular NPY-containing nerve fibers are adrenergic in nature.  相似文献   

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