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We previously showed, in normal subjects, a positive correlation between the esophageal contraction amplitude and peak muscle thickness. The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between esophageal muscle thickness and contraction amplitude in patients with high-amplitude peristaltic and simultaneous contractions. Eleven patients with high-amplitude peristaltic contractions, 8 with diffuse esophageal spasm (DES), 7 with nonspecific (NS) motor disorder of the esophagus, and 10 normal subjects were studied using simultaneous pressure and ultrasound imaging. Pressure was recorded by manometry and ultrasound imaging with a high-frequency ultrasound probe catheter. Recordings were performed in the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 cm above the LES during resting state and swallow-induced contractions. Baseline esophageal muscle was thicker in the distal, compared with the proximal esophagus both in normal subjects and patient groups. Patients with DES and nutcracker esophagus (NC) have a higher baseline muscle thickness compared with normal and NS patients. Correlation between the peak pressure and the peak muscle thickness was weaker in patients with NC and DES compared with normal subjects and patients with NS. Whereas normal subjects have good correlation between delta (difference between peak and baseline) muscle thickness and peak pressures, this relationship was absent in patients with NC and DES. Increase in contraction amplitude in patients with NC and DES was associated with an increase in baseline thickness of esophageal muscularis propria. Increase in baseline thickness was specific to patients with spastic motor disorders and was not seen in patients with NS.  相似文献   

Diffuse esophageal spasm is an uncommon esophageal motor disorder characterized clinically by chest pain and difficulty swallowing. A case is described in which failure of conventional medical treatment in the face of continued weight loss led to consideration for surgery. The need for surgery was obviated by the successful application of relaxation training, which resulted in a significant reduction in painful esophageal spasms, weight gain, and an improvement in psychological state; there was, however, no change in the underlying esophageal motor disorder. The use of a second coping strategy—double swallowing—had an additional beneficial effect, and clinical improvements were maintained and increased at 6-month follow-up. The rationale and the effects of this method at the physiological level are described. It is suggested that double swallowing is a promising new approach to helping patients cope with disordered esophageal motility and that its more general applicability warrants further study.This study was supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada. I appreciate the assistance provided by E. E. Daniel, J. E. Fox, W. E. Waterfall, and J. Espstein, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   

Bill morphology reflects female independence from male parental help   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of territorial polygyny in birds has been influential in the development of the theory of social mating systems. Alternative female mating options have been studied within the framework of the polygyny-threshold model and later as the outcome of conflicts of interest between individuals. However, little attention has been given to variations between individual females, and how this affects their mating behaviour. Here, we test the hypothesis that some females are better adapted to raise nestlings without male assistance, and thus to mate polygynously. Specifically, we investigate whether intraspecific variation in female bill morphology is related to mating behaviour. This hypothesis is derived from earlier studies showing that, in both intra- and interspecific comparisons, uniparental care by females is correlated with the catching of larger prey items than when both parents provision the young. Using the polygynous dusky warbler (Phylloscopus fuscatus) as a model species, we found that, in accordance with our prediction, females with deep bills were more likely to mate as a secondary female. Moreover, regardless of mating status, females with deep bills settled in territories with more food and they received less male assistance in feeding their offspring. We argue that females with stronger bills are better adapted to exploit the abundance of large food items in rich territories and thus to raise young on their own. Our results demonstrate the importance of studying variations between individual females, and provide evidence for an extended version of the 'constrained-female hypothesis'. As bill depth is a highly heritable trait, our study strongly suggests that variation in female mating behaviour is not only related to ecological factors and female condition (as shown elsewhere) but also to heritable morphological traits.  相似文献   

A new device for the assessment of instantaneous angular and linear accelerations of the head is presented, which is based on four linear tri-axial accelerometers suitably attached to the head by an helmet. A procedure for reproducible helmet placement and calibration is given. A method is also illustrated to work out the different linear accelerations sensed by the vestibular organs in the left and right labyrinths and the components of the angular acceleration sensed by their semicircular canals. The computation is based on few individual parameters describing the helmet position with respect to external landmarks and on the average internal position and orientation of the vestibula. The purpose is to study the components of internal inertial forces, which represent the primary inputs to the vestibular system devoted to equilibrium and oculomotor control. The system is designed to be of easy application during rehabilitation exercises and in clinical environment during diagnostic and therapeutic manoeuvres. The prototype is tested with simple free movements such as "yes", "no", and gait.  相似文献   

Meta-barcoding of 'dirt' DNA from soil reflects vertebrate biodiversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA molecules originating from animals and plants can be retrieved directly from sediments and have been used for reconstructing both contemporary and past ecosystems. However, the extent to which such 'dirt' DNA reflects taxonomic richness and structural diversity remains contentious. Here, we couple second generation high-throughput sequencing with 16S mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) meta-barcoding, to explore the accuracy and sensitivity of 'dirt' DNA as an indicator of vertebrate diversity, from soil sampled at safari parks, zoological gardens and farms with known species compositions. PCR amplification was successful in the full pH range of the investigated soils (6.2 ± 0.2 to 8.3 ± 0.2), but inhibition was detected in extracts from soil of high organic content. DNA movement (leaching) through strata was evident in some sporadic cases and is influenced by soil texture and structure. We find that DNA from the soil surface reflects overall taxonomic richness and relative biomass of individual species. However, one species that was recently introduced was not detected. Furthermore, animal behaviour was shown to influence DNA deposition rates. The approach potentially provides a quick methodological alternative to classical ecological surveys of biodiversity, and most reliable results are obtained with spatial sample replicates, while relative amounts of soil processed per site is of less importance.  相似文献   

Anderson AK  Sobel N 《Neuron》2003,39(4):581-583
In this issue of Neuron, Small and colleagues used fMRI to find evidence for a neural segregation of two dimensions underlying human gustatory experience: intensity and valence. These results join several recent reports that challenge long-held notions regarding amygdaloid representation of negatively valenced events.  相似文献   

Neurocalcin-like immunoreactivity in the rat esophageal nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurocalcin is a newly identified neuronal calcium-binding protein. We tried here to investigate the immunohistochemical distribution of neurocalcin in the rat esophagus. Nerve cell bodies having neurocalcin immunoreactivity were found throughout the myenteric plexus. In the myenteric ganglia, two types of nerve terminals showed neurocalcin immunoreactivity. One was varicose terminals containing numerous small clear vesicles and forming a synapse with nerve cells. The other terminals were characterized by laminar or pleomorphic structure and many mitochondria. These laminar terminals were supposed to be sensory receptors of the esophageal wall. In the motor endplates of the striated muscles, nerve terminals containing many small clear vesicles and mitochondria also had neurocalcin immunoreactivity. After left vagus nerve cutting under the nodose ganglia, the number of immunopositive thick nerve fibers, laminar endings and nerve terminals on the striated muscles decreased markedly. Retrograde tracing experiments using Fast Blue showed extrinsic innervation of esophagus from ambiguus nucleus, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, superior cervical ganglia, celiac ganglia, nodose ganglia and dorsal root ganglia. In the celiac ganglia, nodose ganglia and dorsal root ganglia, retrogradely labeled nerve cells were neurocalcin-immunoreactive. Neurons in the celiac ganglia may project varicose terminals, while nodose and dorsal root neurons project laminar terminals. Although cell bodies of motoneurons in the ambiguus nucleus lacked neurocalcin immunoreactivity, these neurons may contain neurocalcin only in the nerve terminals in the motor endplates. Neurocalcin immunoreactivity is distributed in many extrinsic and intrinsic neurons in the esophagus and this protein may play important roles in regulating calcium signaling in the neurons.  相似文献   

Human polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) responses to G protein-coupled chemoattractants are highly dependent upon store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE). Recent research suggests that SOCE currents can be mediated by a variety of related channel proteins of the transient receptor potential superfamily. SOCE has been regarded as a specific response to depletion of cell calcium stores. We hypothesized that net SOCE might reflect the contributions of more than one calcium entry pathway. SOCE was studied in normal human PMN using Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) ions. We found that PMN SOCE depends on at least two divalent cation influx pathways. One of these was nonspecific and Sr(2+) permeable; the other was Ca(2+) specific. The two pathways show different degrees of dependence on store depletion by thapsigargin and ionomycin, and differential sensitivity to inhibition by 2-aminoethyoxydiphenyl borane and gadolinium. The inflammatory G protein-coupled chemoattractants fMLP, platelet-activating factor, and IL-8 elicit unique patterns of Sr(2+) and Ca(2+) influx channel activation, and SOCE responses to these agonists displayed differing degrees of linkage to prior Ca(2+) store depletion. The mechanisms of PMN SOCE responses to G protein-coupled chemoattractants are physiologically diverse. They appear to reflect Ca(2+) transport through a variety of channels that are independently regulated to varying degrees by store depletion and by G protein-coupled receptor activation.  相似文献   

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