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It has been believed that Dictyostelium discoideum cell membranes contain no sialic acid. In this study, however, we found that contact site A, the cell adhesion molecule of D. discoideum, is a major glycoprotein containing sialic acids. This suggests that sialic acid in non-reducing terminal plays an important role in the cell adhesion in which contact site A is involved.  相似文献   

At the aggregation stage of Dictyostelium discoideum development, a cell surface glycoprotein of Mr 80,000 (gp80) has been found to mediate the EDTA-resistant type of cell-cell adhesion via homophilic interaction (Siu, C.-H., A. Cho, and A. H. C. Choi. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 105:2523-2533). To investigate the structure-function relationships of gp80, we have isolated full length cDNA clones for gp80 and determined the DNA sequence. The deduced structure of gp80 showed three major domains. An amino-terminal globular domain composed of the bulk of the protein is supported by a short stalk region, which is followed by a membrane anchor at the carboxy terminus. Structural analysis suggested that the cell-binding domain of gp80 resides within the globular domain near the amino terminus. To investigate the relationship of the cell-binding activity to this region of the polypeptide, three protein A/gp80 (PA80) gene fusions were constructed using the expression vector pRIT2T. These PA80 fusion proteins were assayed for their ability to bind to aggregation stage cells. Binding of 125I-labeled fusion proteins PA80I (containing the Val123 to Ile514 fragment of gp80) and PA80II (Val123 to Ala258) was dosage dependent and could be inhibited by precoating cells with the cell cohesion-blocking mAb 80L5C4. On the other hand, there was no appreciable binding of PA80III (Ile174 to Ile514) to cells. Reassociation of cells was significantly inhibited in the presence of PA80I or PA80II. In addition, 125I-labeled PA80II exhibited homophilic interaction with immobilized PA80I, PA80II, or gp80. The results of these studies lead to the mapping of a cell-binding domain in the region between Val123 and Leu173 of gp80 and provide direct evidence that the cell-binding activity of gp80 resides in the protein moiety.  相似文献   

Cell-cell adhesion in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three separate mechanisms of cell-cell adhesion have been shown to appear at different stages of development in Dictyostelium discoideum. During the first few hours of development, the cells synthesize and accumulate a glycoprotein of 24,000 daltons (gp24) that is positioned in the membrane. The time of appearance of gp24 correlates exactly with the time of appearance of cell-cell adhesion in two strains in which temporal control varies by several hours. Antibodies specific to gp24 are able to block cell-cell adhesion during the first few hours of development but not during later development. By 8 hr of development, another glycoprotein, gp80, that is not recognized by antibodies to gp24 accumulates on the surface of cells. This membrane protein mediates an independent adhesion mechanism during the aggregation stage that is resistant to 10 mM EDTA. Antibodies specific to gp80 can block EDTA-resistant adhesion during this stage. During subsequent development, gp80 is removed from the cell surface and replaced by another adhesion mechanism that is insensitive to antibodies to either gp24 or gp80. A lambda gt11 expression vector carrying a Dictyostelium cDNA insert was isolated that directs the synthesis of a fusion protein recognized by antibodies specific to gp24. This cDNA was used to probe a genomic library. A clone carrying a 1.4-kb insert of genomic DNA was recognized by the cDNA and shown to hybridize to a 0.7-kb mRNA that accumulates early in development. This unusually small RNA could code for the small protein, gp24. Southern analysis of restriction fragments generated by various enzymes on Dictyostelium DNA with both the cDNA and genomic clones indicated the presence of two tandem copies of the gene. This may account for the failure to recover mutations resulting in the lack of gp24. Mutations have been recovered that result in the lack of accumulation of gp80, and cells carrying these mutations have been shown to be missing the second adhesion mechanism. These mutant strains are able to complete development because the other adhesion mechanisms are not impaired. Sequential addition of adhesion mechanisms provides a means for the formation of multicellular organisms from previously solitary cells.  相似文献   

During development of Dictyostelium, multiple cell types are formed and undergo a coordinated series of morphogenetic movements guided by their adhesive properties and other cellular factors. DdCAD-1 is a unique homophilic cell adhesion molecule encoded by the cadA gene. It is synthesized in the cytoplasm and transported to the plasma membrane by contractile vacuoles. In chimeras developed on soil plates, DdCAD-1-expressing cells showed greater propensity to develop into spores than did cadA-null cells. When development was performed on non-nutrient agar, wild-type cells sorted from the cadA-null cells and moved to the anterior zone. They differentiated mostly into stalk cells and eventually died, whereas the cadA-null cells survived as spores. To assess the role of DdCAD-1 in this novel behavior of wild-type and mutant cells, cadA-null cells were rescued by the ectopic expression of DdCAD-1-GFP. Morphological studies have revealed major spatiotemporal changes in the subcellular distribution of DdCAD-1 during development. Whereas DdCAD-1 became internalized in most cells in the post-aggregation stages, it was prominent in the contact regions of anterior cells. Cell sorting was also restored in cadA(-) slugs by exogenous recombinant DdCAD-1. Remarkably, DdCAD-1 remained on the surface of anterior cells, whereas it was internalized in the posterior cells. Additionally, DdCAD-1-expressing cells migrated slower than cadA(-) cells and sorted to the anterior region of chimeric slugs. These results show that DdCAD-1 influences the sorting behavior of cells in slugs by its differential distribution on the prestalk and prespore cells.  相似文献   

1. Antibodies to slime molds were produced by injecting D. discoideum and D. purpureum amebas from 48 hour cultures into rabbits. 2. Anti-D. discoideum and anti-D. purpureum sera caused agglutination of homologous amebas from 24 to 26 hour cultures, agglutination of certain heterologous amebas from 30 to 36 hour cultures, and agglutination of all heterologous amebas from 43 to 48 hour cultures. 3. The data show that new surface antigens are formed in cultures after 26 hours and it is suggested that the new antigens are concerned with cell adhesion. 4. The probable role of surface antigens in the interaction of cells of different species of slime molds was discussed.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum was used as a model system for elucidating the molecular mechanism of sexual cell fusion. In heterothallic strains NC4 and HM1 of D. discoideum, complements in mating type, amoeboid cells acquire fusion competence only under certain environmental conditions, such as the presence of excess water and a certain period of darkness, to fuse sexually. The surface of cells which acquired fusion competence was found to possess specific antigens. Monovalent antibodies prepared from rabbit antiserum against fusion-competent NC4 cells inhibit the sexual cell fusion of these cells completely. Two specific antigenic proteins, 39 and 138 k Da in relative molecular mass and specific for fusion-competent cells, were detected. Only one, the 138-k Da protein, was capable of neutralizing the fusion-inhibitory activity of the monovalent antibody. These results show that the 139-k Da protein is the one involved in the sexual cell fusion of NC4 and HM1 strains in D. discoideum.  相似文献   

Cell-cell adhesion and morphogenesis in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During development of Dictyostelium discoideum, cells acquire EDTA-resistant cell-cell adhesion at the aggregation stage. The EDTA-resistant cell binding activity is associated with a cell surface glycoprotein of Mr 80,000 (gp80), which mediates cell-cell binding via homophilic interaction. Analysis of the structure of gp80 deduced from cDNA sequence reveals the presence of three internally homologous segments in the NH2-terminal domain, which also contains regions with homology to the neural cell adhesion molecule. Secondary structure predictions show an abundance of beta-structures and very few alpha-helices. This is confirmed by circular dichroism measurements. It is likely that the homologous segments are organized into globular structures, extended from the cell surface by a Pro-rich stalk domain. The cell binding activity of gp80 resides within the first globular repeat of the NH2-terminal domain and has been mapped to a 51 amino acid region between Val123 and Leu173. Synthetic oligopeptides corresponding to sequences within this region have been prepared and assayed for their ability to bind to cell surface gp80. Results lead to identification of the homophilic binding site to an octapeptide sequence within this region. Synthetic peptides containing this octapeptide sequence and univalent antibodies directed against this site block the formation of organized cell streams during aggregation. Although cell aggregates are eventually formed, most fail to undergo further development to give rise to slugs and fruiting bodies, indicating that cell-cell adhesion involving gp80 is an important step in normal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

117 antigen is involved in the process of intercellular cohesion in Dictyostelium discoideum [Brodie et al., 1983]. The antigen, a 69- and 72-kDa doublet, was found to arise from a 60- and 62-kDa precursor. The mature antigen contains N-linked oligosaccharides that are sulfated and fucosylated [Sadeghi et al., 1987]. These oligosaccharide chains are resistant to endoglycosidase H digestion. 117 antigen also contains a post-translationally added carbohydrate-containing modification(s). Unlike the N-linked oligosaccharide, this carbohydrate moiety is sensitive to periodate oxidation. 117 antigen is developmentally regulated, and the changes in rate of 117 antigen synthesis reflect changes in the cellular levels of its mRNA. 117 mRNA accumulates in starving cells and reaches its maximum when cells become aggregation competent. The mRNA levels then decline, and by the time the slug structure is formed, no 117 mRNA is present. 117 mRNA reaccumulates for a brief period during early culmination and then returns to an undetectable level.  相似文献   

In the cell adhesion of aggregation-competent Dictyostelium cells, the requirement for the carbohydrate moiety of the glycoprotein appeared to be indirect in that it acts to protect the protein moiety from proteolytic degradation; however, the effect was limited to the tunicamycin (TM)-sensitive carbohydrate moiety (Hirano, T., et al. (1983) J. Biochem. 93, 1249-1257). In the present study, we showed that the EDTA-stable adhesion of aggregation-competent Dictyostelium cells was abolished by the treatment of intact cells with jack bean alpha-mannosidase, whereas neuraminidase, beta-galactosidase, beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase, or alpha-L-fucosidase had no effect. The EDTA-stable cohesiveness of TM-treated cells in the presence of leupeptin (TM/LP cells) was also abolished by the treatment of the cells with alpha-mannosidase. The effect of alpha-mannosidase was not prevented in the presence of LP. The N-glycoside-deficient contact site A (an adhesion-mediating glycoprotein) was obtained from TM/LP cells and was shown to have a molecular weight of 70,000. This protein (p 70) was shown to still have carbohydrates as detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and subsequent staining of the gel with periodic acid-silver stain. Moreover, p 70 reacted with anti-gp 68, which has a specificity against alpha-mannosyl residues of carbohydrate chains. However, p 70 treated with alpha-mannosidase showed decreased reactivity with anti-gp 68. The monovalent antibody fragment of anti-contact site A or anti-p 70 inhibited EDTA-stable cell adhesion of both control and TM/LP cells. These results indicated that TM-resistant mannosyl residues of contact site A are directly involved in EDTA-stable adhesion of aggregation-competent cells. This is the first report of the direct involvement of the carbohydrate moiety in cell adhesion of aggregation-competent Dictyostelium cells. A schematic model is presented of the role of the carbohydrate moiety in EDTA-stable cell adhesion, including the direct effect of carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Large-scale purification of a Dictyostelium discoideum cell surface glycoprotein, which is anchored in the membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) moiety, is described. The purification protocol involved four steps: separation of crude cell membranes by low-speed centrifugation, delipidization of these membranes using acetone, extraction of the membrane proteins using the detergent Octyl beta-D-thioglucopyranoside (OTP), and purification of a specific membrane protein by monoclonal antibody immunoaffinity chromatography. The protein purified, PsA (prespore-specific antigen), is a developmentally regulated membrane glycoprotein found on a subset of cells from the cellular slime mould, D. discoideum. The protocol provides an efficient, economical, and technically simple way to purify GPI proteins in sufficient quantities for structural and functional studies. PsA was recovered at a yield of about 60%; with a purity of 97%, the extraction of 1 x 10(10) cells (1.1 g dry weight) yielded about 0.5 mg PsA glycoprotein. Techniques are described for growing kilogram quantities of D. discoideum cells in stainless steel trays at little cost. D. discoideum has considerable potential as a novel expression system for the production of foreign membrane-associated proteins. The purification strategy provides a means of purifying other GPI proteins, including those produced by protein engineering techniques.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies block cell-cell adhesion in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Of 39 monoclonal antibodies that bind the cell surface of aggregating Dictyostelium discoideum, 4 block 76-98% of cell-cell adhesion measured in an in vitro assay. The active antibodies all bind in the range of 10(6) antigenic sites/cell surface and react with more than one material on nitrocellulose blots prepared after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of whole aggregating cells in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Active antibodies can by grouped into two classes, each with two very similar members. Class I binds several molecules that are prominent in aggregating cells but scarce or undetectable in vegetative cells, blocks cell adhesion only in the presence of EDTA, and has no detectable effect on cell morphology. Class II binds a wide range of molecules present in both vegetative and aggregating cells, inhibits adhesion as well in the absence as in the presence of EDTA, and reversibly alters cell shape.  相似文献   

EDTA-resistant cell-cell binding sites are expressed on Dictyostelium discoideum cells at the aggregation stage of development. A cell surface glycoprotein of Mr 80,000 (gp80) has been found to mediate these binding sites via homophilic interaction. We have previously raised a monospecific monoclonal antibody 80L5C4 against gp80, which blocks the cell binding site of gp80 (Siu, C.-H., Lam, T.Y. and Choi, A.H.C. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 16030-16036). To map the 80L5C4 epitope, gp80 was digested with protease V8, and the smallest proteolytic fragment that retained immunoreactivity with 80L5C4 was about 27,000 Da, corresponding to the amino-terminal fragment predicted from the cleavage sites. In addition, cDNA fragments containing different gp80 coding regions were used to construct trpE/gp80 gene fusions in the expression vector pATH10. An analysis of these fusion proteins led to the mapping of the 80L5C4 epitope to a 51 amino-acid segment between residues 123 and 173.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate requirement for cell adhesion of aggregation-competent cells of Dictyostelium discoideum has been examined by use of a selective glycosylation inhibitor of N-glycosyl protein, tunicamycin (TM). TM completely inhibited EDTA-stable cell adhesion and glycosylation of some membrane glycoproteins in aggregation-competent cells of D. discoideum (Yamada, H., et al. (1982) J. Biochem. 92, 399-406). The present study showed that the inhibition of EDTA-stable cell adhesion by TM was prevented significantly when the cells were treated with TM in the presence of a protease inhibitor, leupeptin (LP), whereas the inhibition of glycosylation by TM was not prevented. The cell extract of aggregation-competent cells contained acid proteases, and LP strongly inhibited acid protease from D. discoideum in vitro. On analysis by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), many protein bands present in the membrane fraction of control cells disappeared or decreased on TM treatment of the cells in the absence of LP, however, some of these proteins were restored when the cells were treated with TM in the presence of LP. These results strongly support an idea that EDTA-stable cell adhesion characteristic to aggregation-competent cells is mediated by glycoproteins with asparagine-linked carbohydrate. However, the requirement for the carbohydrate moiety of the glycoprotein in cell adhesion appears to be indirect in that it acts to protect the protein moiety from proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   

Fasciclin I is a homophilic neural cell adhesion molecule which is regionally expressed on a subset of fasciculating axons in both the grasshopper and Drosophila embryo, suggesting a role in axonal recognition. It is also dynamically expressed on a variety of other embryonic tissues. Biochemical analysis of the fasciclin I glycoprotein from Drosophila embryonic membranes and Schneider 1 cells indicates that it is tightly associated with the lipid bilayer by a phosphatidylinositol lipid moiety. In Drosophila embryos a large fraction of fasciclin I protein has lost its membrane anchor. The ratio of this soluble form to the phosphatidylinositol-linked form changes during embryogenesis. We speculate that removal of the phosphatidylinositol lipid from the fasciclin I protein could be a mechanism to regulate its adhesive function.  相似文献   

The regulation of cell polarity plays an important role in chemotaxis. GbpD, a putative nucleotide exchange factor for small G-proteins of the Ras family, has been implicated in adhesion, cell polarity, and chemotaxis in Dictyostelium. Cells overexpressing GbpD are flat, exhibit strongly increased cell-substrate attachment, and extend many bifurcated and lateral pseudopodia. These cells overexpressing GbpD are severely impaired in chemotaxis, most likely due to the induction of many protrusions rather than an enhanced adhesion. The GbpD-overexpression phenotype is similar to that of cells overexpressing Rap1. Here we demonstrate that GbpD activates Rap1 both in vivo and in vitro but not any of the five other characterized Ras proteins. In a screen for Rap1 effectors, we overexpressed GbpD in several mutants defective in adhesion or cell polarity and identified Phg2 as Rap1 effector necessary for adhesion, but not cell polarity. Phg2, a serine/threonine-specific kinase, directly interacts with Rap1 via its Ras association domain.  相似文献   

A membrane glycoprotein of 24,000 Da (gp24) was purified from developed cells of Dictyostelium discoideum and shown to neutralize a crude antiserum (R695) that blocks EDTA-sensitive cell-cell adhesion during the early developmental stages of this organism. Purified gp24 was used to raise rabbit polyclonal antibodies and mouse monoclonal antibodies. Rabbit antiserum R851 was shown to be highly specific to gp24 by both Western analysis and immunoprecipitation. IgG of R851 is able to block adhesion of dissociated cells swirled in suspension. Adhesion of wild-type cells is blocked by R851 antibodies during the first 8 hr of development but not thereafter when other adhesion mechanisms come into play. The glycoprotein gp80 plays an essential role in the second adhesion system that appears during the aggregation stage of D. discoideum. By adding both anti-gp24 and anti-gp80 antibodies, adhesion of aggregation stage cells could be blocked. Late in development a third adhesion mechanism appears that is not blocked by either antibodies to gp24 or gp80 or both antibodies together. Western analysis and immunoprecipitation with monoclonal antibody mLJ11, specific for gp24, indicated that gp24 is absent in cells growing exponentially on bacteria but is rapidly synthesized and accumulated following the initiation of development. Synthesis of gp24 is maximal during the first 4 hr of development and then continues at a reduced rate throughout the remainder of development. The coordinate appearance of gp24 and EDTA-sensitive cell-cell adhesion as well as the ability of this glycoprotein to neutralize the adhesion blocking activity of R695 and R851 antibodies indicates that it plays a role in early cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

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