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The porcine neuropeptide Y (NPY), a 36-residue peptide amide, was synthesized by assembling six peptide fragments followed by thioanisole-mediated deprotection with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid in trifluoroacetic acid. beta-Cycloheptyl aspartate, Asp(OChp), was employed to suppress base-catalyzed succinimide formation. When administered to dogs, the purified peptide (10 micrograms/kg) caused prolonged increase of systemic arterial blood pressure and decreased pancreatic blood flow.  相似文献   

神经肽Y(NPY)的生理功能研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
神经肽Y(NPY)是机体内的一种重要且保守的神经递质,一般以前体形式存在,释放的有活性的NPY主要通过与其受体结合发挥作用。NPY受体包含了亚型Y1、Y2、Y3、Y4、Y5、Y6、Y7、Y8。Y1和Y2是NPY发挥收缩血管作用的关键受体;Y1、Y2和Y5是NPY调节动物摄食行为的关键受体;Y1、Y2和Y4是NPY调控动物焦虑、沮丧行为的必要受体。着重对NPY与其各种受体结合后如何行使动物的相关生理功能的情况进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the distribution of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the human hypothalamus, an immunocytochemical localization of this peptide was performed. Using antibodies developed against synthetic porcine neuropeptide Y (NPY), we have been able to localize immunoreactivity in neuronal cell bodies located exclusively in the infundibular nucleus. Immunostained fibers were found in several regions in the hypothalamus with a high concentration in the periventricular areas. Fibers were also found in the neurovascular zone of the median eminence, the pituitary stalk and the posterior pituitary. These results suggest that immunoreactive material related to porcine NPY is present in the human hypothalamus, with a distribution similar to that observed in the rat.  相似文献   



Neurogenic inflammation plays a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We examined the role of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in modulating colitis.


Colitis was induced by administration of dextran sodium sulphate (3% DSS) or streptomycin pre-treated Salmonella typhimurium (S.T.) in wild type (WT) and NPY (NPY−/−) knockout mice. Colitis was assessed by clinical score, histological score and myeloperoxidase activity. NPY and nNOS expression was assessed by immunostaining. Oxidative stress was assessed by measuring catalase activity, glutathione and nitrite levels. Colonic motility was assessed by isometric muscle recording in WT and DSS-treated mice.


DSS/S.T. induced an increase in enteric neuronal NPY and nNOS expression in WT mice. WT mice were more susceptible to inflammation compared to NPY−/− as indicated by higher clinical & histological scores, and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity (p<0.01). DSS-WT mice had increased nitrite, decreased glutathione (GSH) levels and increased catalase activity indicating more oxidative stress. The lower histological scores, MPO and chemokine KC in S.T.-treated nNOS−/− and NPY−/−/nNOS−/− mice supported the finding that loss of NPY-induced nNOS attenuated inflammation. The inflammation resulted in chronic impairment of colonic motility in DSS-WT mice. NPY –treated rat enteric neurons in vitro exhibited increased nitrite and TNF-α production.


NPY mediated increase in nNOS is a determinant of oxidative stress and subsequent inflammation. Our study highlights the role of neuronal NPY and nNOS as mediators of inflammatory processes in IBD.  相似文献   

Available data on the effect of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on insulin release are conflicting and little data exist regarding the effect of NPY on glucagon secretion. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to characterize the direct effect of NPY on the release of these pancreatic hormones and to examine the role of glucose on these interactions. Using a perifused mouse islet system, we found that NPY suppressed both basal and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Thus, basal insulin release assessed as mean integrated area under the curve/20 min (AUC/20 min) decreased from 1446 +/- 143 pg to 651 +/- 112 pg (P less than 0.05) with the addition of 2 x 10(-8) M NPY and the AUC/20 min for glucose stimulated insulin output decreased from 1973 +/- 248 pg to 1426 +/- 199 pg (P less than 0.05). In both cases, this inhibitory effect was followed after removing NPY by a stimulation of insulin secretion which was typical of a 'rebound off-response'. In contrast, NPY exerted a stimulatory effect on basal glucagon release and significantly reversed the suppressive effect of high glucose on glucagon output. The basal glucagon AUC/20 min increased from 212 +/- 103 pg to 579 +/- 316 pg (P less than 0.05), while glucagon secretion in the presence of 27.7 mM glucose increased from 75 +/- 26 pg to 255 +/- 28 pg (P less than 0.01). In conclusion, we have shown that the direct effect of NPY on the endocrine pancreas is to suppress insulin but stimulate glucagon secretion. These data are compatible with a role for NPY in the regulation of pancreatic hormone output.  相似文献   

The four functionally expressed human neuropeptide Y receptor subtypes (hY(1)R, hY(2)R, hY(4)R, hY(5)R) belong to class A of the G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and interact with pertussis toxin-sensitive G(i/o)-proteins. The number of small molecules described as ligands for hY(1)R and hY(5)R exceeds by far those for hY(2)R. Potent non-peptidergic ligands for the hY(4)R are not available so far. Here, we report on the functional reconstitution of the hY(2)R and the hY(4)R in Sf9 insect cells using the baculovirus system. Sf9 cells were genetically engineered by infection with up to four different baculoviruses, combining the receptors with G-proteins of the G(i/o) family and regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins to improve signal-to-noise ratio. In steady-state GTPase assays, using pNPY (Y(2)) and hPP (Y(4)), the GPCRs coupled to various G(i)/G(o)-proteins and both, RGS4 and GAIP, enhanced the signals. Co-expression systems hY(2)R + G?(i2) and hY(4)R + G?(i2)/G?(o) + RGS4, combined with G?(1)?(2), yielded best signal-to-noise ratios. hY(2)R function was validated using both agonistic peptides (NPY, PYY, NPY(13?36)) and selective non-peptidergic antagonists (BIIE0246 and derivatives), whereas the hY(4)R model was characterized with peptidergic agonists (PP, NPY, GW1229, and BW1911U90). Tunicamycin inhibited receptor N-glycosylation diminished NPY signals at hY(2)R and abolished hY(4)R function. Investigations with monovalent salts showed sensitivity of hY(4)R toward Na(+), revealing moderate constitutive activity. After validation, an acylguanidine (UR-PI284) was identified as a weak non-peptide Y(4)R antagonist. In summary, the established steady-state GTPase assays provide sensitive test systems for the characterization of Y(2) and Y(4) receptor ligands.  相似文献   

In this study, goldfish demonstrate preference for high carbohydrate and high fat diets, with no preference shown for high protein diets. Fish fed high (45% and 55%) carbohydrate (CHO) diets for 1 and 4 weeks exhibited decreased NPY gene expression in telencephalon-preoptic area (TEL-POA) and optic tectum-thalamus (OT-THAL) compared to fish fed low CHO (35% and 40%) diets. In hypothalamus (HYP), NPY gene expression was significantly increased after 1 week in fish fed both low and high CHO diets compared to control diet (40% CHO); after 4 weeks, the pattern in HYP was reversed. Fish fed a high fat (9%) diet had low NPY gene expression in TEL-POA after 1 and 4 weeks; however, HYP NPY expression was increased in fish fed a low (3%) fat diet after 1 week, and 2% and 3% fat diets after 4 weeks. In OT-THAL, NPY gene expression was decreased in fish fed a 2% fat diet for 1 week, and increased after 4 weeks. Feeding diets with different protein contents for 1 or 4 weeks did not influence NPY gene expression in goldfish brain. The results demonstrate, for the first time in a lower vertebrate, that NPY gene expression in goldfish brain is influenced by macronutrient intake.  相似文献   

Lee EW  Grant DS  Movafagh S  Zukowska Z 《Peptides》2003,24(1):99-106
Which of Y1-Y5 receptors (Rs) mediate NPY's angiogenic activity was studied using Y2R-null mice and R-specific antagonists. In Y2R-null mice, NPY-induced aortic sprouting and in vivo Matrigel capillary formation were decreased by 50%; Y1R-antagonist blocked the remaining response. NPY-induced sprouting was equally inhibited by Y2R- (and Y5R- but less by Y1R-) antagonists in wild type mice. Spontaneous and NPY-induced revascularization of ischemic gastrocnemius muscles were similarly reduced in Y2R-null mice. Thus, NPY-induced angiogenesis, spontaneous and ischemic, is primarily mediated by Y2Rs. However, Y5Rs and, to a lesser degree Y1Rs, also may play a role in NPY-mediated angiogenesis.  相似文献   

A Undén  T Bartfai 《FEBS letters》1984,177(1):125-128
The Na+-motive NADH oxidase activity from Vibrio alginolyticus was extracted with octylglucoside and reconstituted into liposomes by dilution. On the addition of NADH, the reconstituted proteoliposomes generated delta psi (inside positive) and delta pH (inside alkaline) in the presence of a proton conductor CCCP, and accumulated Na+ in the presence of valinomycin. These results indicate that the NADH oxidase activity, reconstituted in opposite orientation, leads to the generation of an electrochemical potential of Na+ by the influx of Na+.  相似文献   

Summary An immunohistochemical investigation of the mink pineal gland was performed by use of antibodies raised in rabbits against neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Cys-NPY (32–36)-amide recognizing neuropeptide Y with an amidation at position 36 (NPYamide). NPY-immunoreactive nerve fibers were located predominantly in the rostral part of the pineal gland and in the pineal stalk. Immunoreactive nerve fibers were found throughout the pineal gland, but the number of fibers in the caudal part of the gland was low. The fibers were present both in the perivascular spaces and between the pinealocytes. Many NPY-immunoreactive fibers were also located in the posterior and habenular commissures; some of these fibers were connected with the fibers in the rostral part of the mink pineal gland, indicating that at least some of the NPY-immunoreactive nerve fibers are of central origin. The nerve fibers immunoreactive to amidated NPY were distributed in a similar manner. However, the number of fibers immunoreactive to NPYamide was lower than the number of fibers immunoreactive to NPY itself. After removal of the superior cervical ganglia bilaterally 22 days or 12 months before sacrifice, NPY-immunoreactive nerve fibers remained in the gland. This immunohistochemical study of the mink pineal gland therefore shows that the NPY/NPYamide-immunoreactive nerve fibers innervating the pineal gland in this spegcies are a component of the central innervation or originnate from extracerebral parasympathetic ganglia.  相似文献   

In patients with a variety of illnesses, serum concentrations of T3 decrease without giving rise to elevated serum levels of TSH, a phenomenon known as the sick euthyroid syndrome or nonthyroidal illness (NTI). Our previous studies in postmortem brain material showed decreased thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) messenger RNA (mRNA) in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of patients with NTI, suggesting a role for TRH cells in the persistence of low TSH levels in NTI.In the present study, we hypothesized that changes in neuropeptide Y (NPY) input from the infundibular nucleus (IFN) to TRH cells in the PVN might be a determinant of decreased TRH expression in NTI. We investigated the hypothalamus of nine patients whose endocrine status had been assessed in a serum sample taken less than 24h before death and we examined NPY expression in the IFN by means of immunocytochemistry and mRNA in situ hybridization using an image analysis system. There was a negative correlation (r = -0.88; p = 0.01) between serum leptin concentrations and total NPY mRNA in the IFN. The total amount of NPY immunoreactivity in the IFN correlated with total NPY mRNA (r = 0.69; p = 0.04). In contrast to the situation in food-deprived rodents, total NPY immunoreactivity in the IFN showed a positive correlation with total TRH mRNA in the PVN (r = 0.77; p = 0.02). The results suggest a role for decreased NPY input from the IFN in the resetting of thyroid hormone feedback on hypothalamic TRH cells in NTI.  相似文献   

In mammals, NPY is a key factor in the regulation of feeding behavior. In the present study, the effects of refeeding for 1-3 h in 72-75-h food deprived (FD) goldfish on the levels of NPY mRNA in telencephalon-preoptic (TEL-POA), hypothalamus (HYP) and optic tectum-thalamus (OT-THAL) were examined, using Northern blot analysis. Goldfish FD for 72 h exhibited a significant increase in NPY mRNA levels in all brain regions. At 1 h after 72-h FD (73-h FD), NPY mRNA was significantly increased in TEL-POA and OT-THAL, but remained the same as 72-h FD fish in HYP. At 3 h after 72-h FD (75 h), all brain regions exhibited a significant increase in NPY mRNA levels. However, subsequent refeeding for 1-3 h rapidly and completely reversed the effects of FD in all brain regions, reaching fed levels within 1-3 h of refeeding. Serum GH levels were highest in 72-h FD fish, but decreased significantly over 1-3 h after 72-h FD; whereas, refeeding reversed the increase in serum GH levels only at 3 h after refeeding. Taken together, these results further support that NPY is a physiological brain transducer involved in the regulation of daily appetite and feeding in goldfish.  相似文献   

The distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the central nervous system of the frog Rana ridibunda was determined by immunofluorescence using a highly specific antiserum. NPY-like containing perikarya were localized in the infundibulum, mainly in the ventral and dorsal nuclei of the infundibulum, in the preoptic nucleus, in the posterocentral nucleus of the thalamus, in the anteroventral nucleus of the mesencephalic tegmentum, in the part posterior to the torus semicircularis, and in the mesencephalic cerebellar nucleus. Numerous perikarya were also distributed in all cerebral cortex. Important tracts of immunoreactive fibers were found in the infundibulum, in the preoptic area, in the lateral amygdala, in the habenular region, and in the tectum. The cerebral cortex was also densely innervated by NPY-like immunoreactive fibers. A rich network of fibers was observed in the median eminence coursing towards the pituitary stalk. Scattered fibers were found in all other parts of the brain except in the cerebellum, the nucleus isthmi and the torus semicircularis, where no immunoreactivity could be detected. NPY-immunoreactive fibers were observed at all levels of the spinal cord, with particularly distinct plexus around the ependymal canal and in the distal region of the dorsal horn. At the electron microscope level, NPY containing perikarya and fibers were visualized in the ventral nuclei of the infundibulum, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase and the immunogold techniques. NPY-like material was stored in dense core vesicles of 100 nm in diameter. A sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay was developed. The detection limit of the assay was 20 fmole/tube. The standard curves of synthetic NPY and the dilution curves for acetic acid extracts of cerebral cortex, infundibulum, preoptic region, and mesencephalon plus thalamus were strictly parallel. The NPY concentrations measured in these regions were (pmole/mg proteins) 163±8, 233±16, 151±12 and 60±13, respectively. NPY was not detectable in cerebellar extracts. After Sephadex G-50 gel filtration of acetic acid extracts from whole frog brain, NPY-like immunoreactivity eluted in a single peak. Reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and radioimmunoassay were used to characterize NPY-like peptides in the frog brain. HPLC analysis revealed that infundibulum, preoptic area and telencephalon extracts contained a major peptide bearing NPY-like immunoreactivity. The retention times of frog NPY and synthetic porcine NPY were markedly different. HPLC analysis revealed also the existence, in brain extracts, of several other minor components cross-reacting with NPY antibodies. These results provide the first evidence for the presence of NPY in the brain of a non-mammalian chordate and indicate that the structure of NPY is preserved among the vertebrate phylum. The abundance of NPY producing neurons in the hypothalamus and telencephalon suggests that this peptide may play both neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter functions in amphibians.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide Y(NPY) Y2 receptors are detected largely as dimers in the clonal expressions in CHO cells and in particulates from rabbit kidney cortex. However, in two areas of the forebrain (rat or rabbit piriform cortex and hypothalamus), these receptors are found mainly as monomers. Evidence is presented that this difference relates to large levels of G proteins containing the Gi alpha -subunit in the forebrain areas. The predominant monomeric status of these Y2 receptors should also be physiologically linked to large synaptic inputs of the agonist NPY. The rabbit kidney and the human CHO cell-expressed Y2 dimers are converted by agonists to monomers in vitro at a similar rate in the presence of divalent cations.  相似文献   

In conditions precluding activation of G proteins, the binding of agonists to dimers of the neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y2 receptor shows two components of similar size, but differing in affinity. The dimers of all NPY receptors are solubilized as approximately 180-kDa complexes containing one G protein alpha beta gamma trimer. These heteropentamers are stable to excess agonists, chelators, and alkylators. However, dispersion in the weak surfactant cholate releases approximately 300-kDa complexes. These findings indicate that both protomers in the Y2 dimer are associated with G protein heterotrimers, but the extent of interaction depends on affinity for the agonist peptide. The G protein in contact with the first-liganded, higher-affinity protomer should have a stronger interaction with the receptor and a larger probability of activation.  相似文献   

Hsieh YS  Hsu JD  Yang SF  Kuo DY 《Peptides》2004,25(12):2155-2161
Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) is an appetite suppressant. The mechanism for the anorectic effect of PPA has been attributed to its action on the site of hypothalamic paraventriculum. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an appetite stimulant that is widely distributed in the site of hypothalamus. It is not clear whether hypothalamic NPY is involved in the anorectic action of PPA. This study was aimed to investigate the mechanism underlying the involvement of NPY gene in the anorectic action of PPA. Results revealed that PPA treatment in rats could decrease both NPY content and mRNA level in the hypothalamus. In addition, the expression of NPY immunoreactivity following PPA treatment was decreased in areas of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, paraventricular nucleus and periventricular area using immunohistochemical staining, suggesting an involvement of NPYergic pathway in the action of PPA anorexia. Our results provided immunohistochemical and genomic evidence to suggest that PPA might reduce feeding by altering NPY gene expression.  相似文献   

Human neuropeptide Y Y2 receptors expressed in CHO cells are largely oligomeric, and upon solubilization are recovered by density gradient centrifugation as approximately 180 kDa complexes of receptor dimers and G-protein heterotrimers. A large fraction of the receptors is inactivated in the presence of pertussis toxin, in parallel with inactivation of Gi alpha subunits (with half-periods of about 4 h for both). This is accompanied by a very long-lasting loss of receptor dimers and of masked surface Y2 sites (an apparent receptor reserve pre-coupled mainly to Gi alpha subunit-containing G-proteins). However, surface Y2 receptors accessible to large peptide agonists are much less sensitive to the toxin. All surface Y2 receptors are rapidly blocked by Y2 antagonist BIIE0246, with a significant loss of the dimers, but with little change of basal Gi activity. However, both dimers and Y2 receptor compartmentalization are restored within 24 h after removal of the antagonist. In CHO cells, the maintenance and organization of Y2 receptors appear to critically depend on functional pertussis toxin-sensitive G-proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The colocalization of the peptides neuropeptide Y (NPY) and Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 (FMRFamide) in the brain of the Atlantic salmon was investigated with double immunofluorescence labeling and peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical techniques. Colocalization of NPY-like and FMRE amide-like immunoreactivities was observed in neuronal cell bodies and fibers in four brain regions: in the lateral and commissural nuclei of the area ventralis telencephali, in the nucleus ventromedialis thalami, in the laminar nucleus of the mesencephalic tegmentum, and in a group of small neurons situated among the large catecholaminergic neurons in the isthmal region of the brainstem. All cell bodies in these nuclei were immunoreactive to both NPY and FMRF. We consistently observed larger numbers of FMRF-immunoreactive than NPY-immunoreactive fibers. In the nucleus ventromedialis thalami NPY- and FMRFamide-like immunoreactivities were colocalized in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neurons. NPY-immunoreactive, but not FMRF-immunoreactive, neurons were found in the stratum periventriculare of the optic tectum, and at the ventral border of the nucleus habenularis (adjacent to the nucleus dorsolateralis thalami). Neurons belonging to the nucleus of the nervus terminalis were FMRF-immunoreactive but not NPY-immunoreactive. The differential labeling indicates, as do our cross-absorption experiments, that the NPY and FMRFamide antisera recognize different epitopes. Thus, it is probable that NPY-like and FMRFamide-like substances occur in the same neurons in some brain regions.  相似文献   

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