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DNA glycosylase and glycosylase/abasic (AP) lyases are the enzymes responsible for initiating the base excision repair pathway by recognizing the damaged target base and catalyzing the breakage of the base-sugar glycosyl bond. The subset of glycosylases that have an associated AP lyase activity also catalyze DNA strand breakage at the resulting or preexisting AP site via a beta-elimination reaction, proceeding from an enzyme-DNA imino intermediate. Two distinct mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of this intermediate. These mechanisms essentially differ in the nature of the first bond broken and the timing of the opening of the deoxyribose ring. The data presented here demonstrate that the combined rate of sugar ring opening and reduction of the sugar is significantly slower than the rate of formation of a T4-pyrimidine dimer glycosylase (T4-pdg)-DNA intermediate. Using a methyl-deoxyribofuranose AP-site analogue that is incapable of undergoing sugar ring opening, it was demonstrated that the T4-pdg reaction can initiate at the ring-closed form, albeit at a drastically reduced rate. T4-pdg preferentially cleaved the beta-anomer of the methyl-deoxyribofuranose AP site analogue. This is consistent with a mechanism in which the methoxy group is backside-displaced by the amino group from the alpha-face of the deoxyribofuranose ring. In addition, studies examining rates of sugar-aldehyde reduction and the sodium borohydride concentration dependence of the rate of formation of the covalent imine intermediate suggest that the reduction of the intermediate is rate-limiting in the reaction.  相似文献   

Hot piperidine is often used to cleave abasic and UV-irradiated DNA at the sites of damage. It can inflict non-specific damage on DNA, probably because it is a strong base and creates significant concentrations of hydroxyl ions which can attack purines and pyrimidines. We show that several other amines can cleave abasic DNA at or near neutral pH without non-specific damage. One diamine, N,N'-dimethylethylenediamine, efficiently cleaves abasic DNA at pH 7.4 by either beta- or beta,delta-elimination, depending on temperature. Using end-labelled oligonucleotides we show that cleavage depends mainly on elimination reactions, but that 4',5'-cyclization is also significant. This reagent also cleaves at photoproducts induced by UVC and UVB, producing the same overall pattern as piperidine, but with no non-specific damage. It should prove valuable in locating low levels of photoproducts in DNA, such as those induced by natural sunlight.  相似文献   

One of the most frequent lesions formed in cellular DNA are abasic (apurinic/apyrimidinic, AP) sites that are both cytotoxic and mutagenic, and must be removed efficiently to maintain genetic stability. It is generally believed that the repair of AP sites is initiated by the AP endonucleases; however, an alternative pathway seems to prevail in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. A mutant lacking the DNA glycosylase/AP lyase Nth1 is very sensitive to the alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), suggesting a role for Nth1 in base excision repair (BER) of alkylation damage. Here, we have further evaluated the role of Nth1 and the second putative S.pombe AP endonuclease Apn2, in abasic site repair. The deletion of the apn2 open reading frame dramatically increased the sensitivity of the yeast cells to MMS, also demonstrating that the Apn2 has an important function in the BER pathway. The deletion of nth1 in the apn2 mutant strain partially relieves the MMS sensitivity of the apn2 single mutant, indicating that the Apn2 and Nth1 act in the same pathway for the repair of abasic sites. Analysis of the AP site cleavage in whole cell extracts of wild-type and mutant strains showed that the AP lyase activity of Nth1 represents the major AP site incision activity in vitro. Assays with DNA substrates containing base lesions removed by monofunctional DNA glycosylases Udg and MutY showed that Nth1 will also cleave the abasic sites formed by these enzymes and thus act downstream of these enzymes in the BER pathway. We suggest that the main function of Apn2 in BER is to remove the resulting 3′-blocking termini following AP lyase cleavage by Nth1.  相似文献   

In response to DNA damage such as from UV irradiation, mammalian Y-family translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases Polη and Rev1 colocalize with proliferating cell nuclear antigen at nuclear foci, presumably representing stalled replication sites. However, it is unclear whether the localization of one polymerase is dependent on another. Furthermore, there is no report on the in vivo characterization of the Rev3 catalytic subunit of the B-family TLS polymerase Polζ. Here we describe the detection of endogenous human Polη, Rev1, and Rev3 by immunocytochemistry using existing or newly created antibodies, as well as various means of inhibiting their expression, which allows us to examine the dynamics of endogenous TLS polymerases in response to UV irradiation. It is found that Rev1 and Polη are independently recruited to the nuclear foci, whereas the Rev3 nuclear focus formation requires Rev1 but not Polη. In contrast, neither Rev1 nor Polη recruitment requires Rev3. To further support these conclusions, we find that simultaneous suppression of Polη and Rev3 results in an additive cellular sensitivity to UV irradiation. These observations suggest a cooperative and sequential assembly of TLS polymerases in response to DNA damage. They also support and extend the current polymerase switch model.  相似文献   

Evidence has emerged that repair of clustered DNA lesions may be compromised, possibly leading to the formation of double-strand breaks (DSB) and, thus, to deleterious events. The first repair event occurring at a multiply damaged site (MDS) is of major importance and will largely contribute to the hazardousness of MDS. Here, using protein extracts from wild type or hOGG1-overexpressing Chinese hamster ovary cells, we investigated the initial incision rate at base damage and the formation of repair intermediates in various complex MDS. These MDS comprise a 1nt gap and 3–4 base damage, including 8-oxoguanine (oG) and 5-hydroxyuracil (hU). We report a hierarchy in base excision that mainly depends on the nature and the distribution of the damage. We also show that excision at both oG and hU, and consequently DSB formation, can be modulated by hOGG1 overexpression. Anyhow, for all the MDS analyzed, DSB formation is limited, due to impaired base excision. Interestingly, repair intermediates contain a short single-stranded region carrying a potentially mutagenic base damage. This in vitro study provides new insight into the processing of MDS and suggests that repair intermediates resulting from the processing of such MDS are rather mutagenic than toxic.  相似文献   

Sung JS  Demple B 《The FEBS journal》2006,273(8):1620-1629
Base excision DNA repair (BER) is fundamentally important in handling diverse lesions produced as a result of the intrinsic instability of DNA or by various endogenous and exogenous reactive species. Defects in the BER process have been associated with cancer susceptibility and neurodegenerative disorders. BER funnels diverse base lesions into a common intermediate, apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites. The repair of AP sites is initiated by the major human AP endonuclease, Ape1, or by AP lyase activities associated with some DNA glycosylases. Subsequent steps follow either of two distinct BER subpathways distinguished by repair DNA synthesis of either a single nucleotide (short-patch BER) or multiple nucleotides (long-patch BER). As the major repair mode for regular AP sites, the short-patch BER pathway removes the incised AP lesion, a 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate moiety, and replaces a single nucleotide using DNA polymerase (Polbeta). However, short-patch BER may have difficulty handling some types of lesions, as shown for the C1'-oxidized abasic residue, 2-deoxyribonolactone (dL). Recent work indicates that dL is processed efficiently by Ape1, but that short-patch BER is derailed by the formation of stable covalent crosslinks between Ape1-incised dL and Polbeta. The long-patch BER subpathway effectively removes dL and thereby prevents the formation of DNA-protein crosslinks. In coping with dL, the cellular choice of BER subpathway may either completely repair the lesion, or complicate the repair process by forming a protein-DNA crosslink.  相似文献   

The structure of the major human apurinic/ apyrimidinic endonuclease (HAP1) has been solved at 2.2 A resolution. The enzyme consists of two symmetrically related domains of similar topology and has significant structural similarity to both bovine DNase I and its Escherichia coli homologue exonuclease III (EXOIII). A structural comparison of these enzymes reveals three loop regions specific to HAP1 and EXOIII. These loop regions apparently act in DNA abasic site (AP) recognition and cleavage since DNase I, which lacks these loops, correspondingly lacks AP site specificity. The HAP1 structure furthermore suggests a mechanism for AP site binding which involves the recognition of the deoxyribose moiety in an extrahelical conformation, rather than a 'flipped-out' base opposite the AP site.  相似文献   

Endonuclease IV is the archetype for a conserved apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease family that primes DNA repair synthesis by cleaving the DNA backbone 5' of AP sites. The crystal structures of Endonuclease IV and its AP-DNA complex at 1.02 and 1.55 A resolution reveal how an alpha8beta8 TIM barrel fold can bind dsDNA. Enzyme loops intercalate side chains at the abasic site, compress the DNA backbone, bend the DNA approximately 90 degrees, and promote double-nucleotide flipping to sequester the extrahelical AP site in an enzyme pocket that excludes undamaged nucleotides. These structures suggest three Zn2+ ions directly participate in phosphodiester bond cleavage and prompt hypotheses that double-nucleotide flipping and sharp bending by AP endonucleases provide exquisite damage specificity while aiding subsequent base excision repair pathway progression.  相似文献   

HU is one of the most abundant DNA binding proteins in Escherichia coli. We find that it binds strongly to DNA containing an abasic (AP) site or tetrahydrofuran (THF) (apparent Kd ≈50 nM). It also possesses an AP lyase activity that cleaves at a deoxyribose but not at a THF residue. The binding and cleavage of an AP site was observed only with the HUαβ heterodimer. Site-specific mutations at K3 and R61 residues led to a change in substrate binding and cleavage. Both K3A(α)K3A(β) and R61A(α)R61A(β) mutant HU showed significant reduction in binding to DNA containing AP site; however, only R61A(α)R61A(β) mutant protein exhibited significant loss in AP lyase activity. Both K3A(α)K3A(β) and R61K(α)R61K(β) showed slight reduction in AP lyase activities. The function of HU protein as an AP lyase was confirmed by the ability of hupA or hupB mutations to further reduce the viability of an E. coli dut(Ts) xth mutant, which generates lethal AP sites at 37°C; the hupA and hupB derivatives, respectively, had a 6-fold and a 150-fold lower survival at 37°C than did the parental strain. These data suggest, therefore, that HU protein plays a significant role in the repair of AP sites in E. coli.  相似文献   

We introduced multiple abasic sites (AP sites) in the chromosome of repair-deficient mutants of Escherichia coli, in vivo, by expressing engineered variants of uracil-DNA glycosylase that remove either thymine or cytosine. After introduction of AP sites, deficiencies in base excision repair (BER) or recombination were associated with strongly enhanced cytotoxicity and elevated mutation frequencies, selected as base substitutions giving rifampicin resistance. In these strains, increased fractions of transversions and untargeted mutations were observed. In a recA mutant, deficient in both recombination and translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), multiple AP sites resulted in rapid cell death. Preferential incorporation of dAMP opposite a chromosomal AP site ('A rule') required UmuC. Furthermore, we observed an 'A rule-like' pattern of spontaneous mutations that was also UmuC dependent. The mutation patterns indicate that UmuC is involved in untargeted mutations as well. In a UmuC-deficient background, a preference for dGMP was observed. Spontaneous mutation spectra were generally strongly dependent upon the repair background. In conclusion, BER, recombination and TLS all contribute to the handling of chromosomal AP sites in E.coli in vivo.  相似文献   

X-ray analysis of enzyme–DNA interactions is very informative in revealing molecular contacts, but provides neither quantitative estimates of the relative importance of these contacts nor information on the relative contributions of specific and nonspecific interactions to the total affinity of enzymes for specific DNA. A stepwise increase in the ligand complexity approach is used to estimate the relative contributions of virtually every nucleotide unit of synthetic DNA containing abasic sites to its affinity for apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE1) from human placenta. It was found that APE1 interacts with 9–10 nt units or base pairs of single-stranded and double-stranded ribooligonucleotides and deoxyribooligonucleotides of different lengths and sequences, mainly through weak additive contacts with internucleotide phosphate groups. Such nonspecific interactions of APE1 with nearly every nucleotide within its DNA-binding cleft provides up to seven orders of magnitude (ΔG° ~ −8.7 to −9.0 kcal/mol) of the enzyme affinity for any DNA substrate. In contrast, interactions with the abasic site together with other specific APE1–DNA interactions provide only one order of magnitude (ΔG° ~ −1.1 to −1.5 kcal/mol) of the total affinity of APE1 for specific DNA. We conclude that the enzyme's specificity for abasic sites in DNA is mostly due to a great increase (six to seven orders of magnitude) in the reaction rate with specific DNA, with formation of the Michaelis complex contributing to the substrate preference only marginally.  相似文献   

Interstrand DNA–DNA cross-links are highly toxic lesions that are important in medicinal chemistry, toxicology, and endogenous biology. In current models of replication-dependent repair, stalling of a replication fork activates the Fanconi anemia pathway and cross-links are “unhooked” by the action of structure-specific endonucleases such as XPF-ERCC1 that make incisions flanking the cross-link. This process generates a double-strand break, which must be subsequently repaired by homologous recombination. Recent work provided evidence for a new, incision-independent unhooking mechanism involving intrusion of a base excision repair (BER) enzyme, NEIL3, into the world of cross-link repair. The evidence suggests that the glycosylase action of NEIL3 unhooks interstrand cross-links derived from an abasic site or the psoralen derivative trioxsalen. If the incision-independent NEIL3 pathway is blocked, repair reverts to the incision-dependent route. In light of the new model invoking participation of NEIL3 in cross-link repair, we consider the possibility that various BER glycosylases or other DNA-processing enzymes might participate in the unhooking of chemically diverse interstrand DNA cross-links.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli [formamidopyrimidine]DNA glycosylase catalyses the nicking of both the phosphodiester bonds 3' and 5' of apurinic or apyrimidinic sites in DNA so that the base-free deoxyribose is replaced by a gap limited by 3'-phosphate and 5'-phosphate ends. The two nickings are not the results of hydrolytic processes; the [formamidopyrimidine]DNA glycosylase rather catalyses a beta-elimination reaction that is immediately followed by a delta-elimination. The enzyme is without action on a 3'-terminal base-free deoxyribose or on a 3'-terminal base-free unsaturated sugar produced by a beta-elimination reaction nicking the DNA strand 3' to an apurinic or apyrimidinic site.  相似文献   

Inhibition of DNA repair can result in accumulation of unrepaired and partially repaired lesions in DNA. Such lesions are important, not only for their primary disruption of information fidelity, but because they may serve as inducers for repair pathways which may be error prone. Inhibition of UV repair by quinacrine and anthralin (50μM each) was detected in 3H thymidine-labeled mouse L1210 cells by sedimentation of nucleoids on neutral sucrose gradients. Quinacrine delayed strand-nicking (and presumably lesion removal) following uv irradiation and anthralin exerted its strongest effects on some other repair step(s) subsequent to strand-incision with accumulation of strand disruptions. Since anthralin is a potent tumor promoter, it will be interesting to examine other promoters to see if they also cause accumulation of repair ‘intermediates’ which could act as inducers of error prone repair.  相似文献   

Lomax ME  Cunniffe S  O'Neill P 《Biochemistry》2004,43(34):11017-11026
Ionizing radiation induces clustered DNA damage sites which have been shown to challenge the repair mechanism(s) of the cell. Evidence demonstrating that base excision repair is compromised during the repair of an abasic (AP) site present within a clustered damage site is presented. Simple bistranded clustered damage sites, comprised of either an AP-site and 8-oxoG or two AP-sites, one or five bases 3' or 5' to each other, were synthesized in oligonucleotides, and repair was carried out in xrs5 nuclear extracts. The rate of repair of an AP-site when present opposite 8-oxoG is reduced by up to 2-fold relative to that when an AP-site is present as an isolated lesion. The mechanism of repair of the AP-site shows asymmetry, depending on its position relative to 8-oxoG on the opposite strand. The AP-site is rejoined by short-patch base excision repair when the lesions are 5' to each other, whereas when the lesions are 3' to one another, rejoining of the AP-site occurs by both long-patch and short-patch repair processes. The major stalling of repair occurs at the DNA ligase step. 8-OxoG and an AP-site present within a cluster are processed sequentially, limiting the formation of double-strand breaks to <4%. In contrast, when two AP-sites are contained within the clustered DNA damage site, both AP-sites are incised simultaneously, giving rise to double-strand breaks. This study provides new insight into understanding the processes that lead to the biological consequences of radiation-induced DNA damage and ultimately tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Mismatch uracil DNA glycosylase (Mug) from Escherichia coli is an initiating enzyme in the base-excision repair pathway. As with other DNA glycosylases, the abasic product is potentially more harmful than the initial lesion. Since Mug is known to bind its product tightly, inhibiting enzyme turnover, understanding how Mug binds DNA is of significance when considering how Mug interacts with downstream enzymes in the base-excision repair pathway. We have demonstrated differential binding modes of Mug between its substrate and abasic DNA product using both band shift and fluorescence anisotropy assays. Mug binds its product cooperatively, and a stoichiometric analysis of DNA binding, catalytic activity and salt-dependence indicates that dimer formation is of functional significance in both catalytic activity and product binding. This is the first report of cooperativity in the uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily of enzymes, and forms the basis of product inhibition in Mug. It therefore provides a new perspective on abasic site protection and the findings are discussed in the context of downstream lesion processing and enzyme communication in the base excision repair pathway.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases specifically insert the hydrophobic pyrene deoxynucleotide (P) opposite tetrahydrofuran (F), an stable abasic site analog, and DNA duplexes containing this non-hydrogen-bonded pair possess a high degree of thermodynamic stability. These observations support the hypothesis that steric complementarity and stacking interactions may be sufficient for maintaining stability of DNA structure and specificity of DNA replication, even in the absence of hydrogen bonds across the base pair. Here we report the NMR characterization and structure determination of two DNA molecules containing pyrene residues. The first is a 13mer duplex with a pyrene·tetrahydrofuran pair (P·F pair) at the ninth position and the second mimics a replication intermediate right after incorporation of a pyrene nucleoside opposite an abasic site. Our data indicate that both molecules adopt right-handed helical conformations with Watson– Crick alignments for all canonical base pairs. The pyrene ring stays inside the helix close to its baseless partner in both molecules. The single-stranded region of the replication intermediate folds back over the opposing strand, sheltering the hydrophobic pyrene moiety from water exposure. The results support the idea that the stability and replication of a P·F pair is due to its ability to mimic Watson–Crick structure.  相似文献   

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