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Helicoverpa armigera (the cotton bollworm) is a significant agricultural pest endemic to Afro-Eurasia and Oceania. Gene suppression via RNA interference (RNAi) presents a potential avenue for management of the pest, which is highly resistant to traditional insecticide sprays. This article reviews current understanding on the fate of ingested double-stranded RNA in H. armigera. Existing in vivo studies on diet-delivered RNAi and their effects are summarized and followed by a discussion on the factors and hurdles affecting the efficacy of diet-delivered RNAi in H. armigera.  相似文献   

Background and objectiveSince ancient times, honey has been used due to its nutritional and therapeutic value. The role of honey has been acknowledged in the scientific literature however, its use has been controversially discussed and has not been well accepted in modern medicine especially for diabetic patients. This study aimed to investigate the role of honey in diabetic patients.MethodsIn this study, we identified 107 research articles from data based search engines including “PubMed”, “ISI-Web of Science”, “Embase” and “Google Scholar”. The research papers were selected by using the primary key-terms including “Honey”, “Honey bee” and “Diabetes Mellitus”. The research documents in which “Honey” and “Diabetes Mellitus” were debated are included. After screening, we reviewed 66 papers and finally we selected 35 studies which met the inclusion criteria and the remaining documents were excluded.ResultsThis study investigated the preclinical, clinical, human and animal model studies on honey and diabetes mellitus and found that honey decreases the fasting serum glucose, increases the sting C-peptide and 2-h postprandial C-peptide. Although, there is a dearth of data and literature also contrary discussed the use of honey in diabetic patients.ConclusionHoney decreases the fasting serum glucose, increases fasting C-peptide and 2-h postprandial C-peptide. Honey had low glycemic index and peak incremental index in diabetic patients. The use of honey in diabetic patients still has obstacles and challenges and needs more large sample sized, multi-center clinical controlled studies to reach better conclusions.  相似文献   

Proteins with up to 100 amino acids have been largely overlooked due to the challenges associated with predicting and identifying them using traditional methods. Recent advances in bioinformatics and machine learning, DNA sequencing, RNA and Ribo-seq technologies, and mass spectrometry (MS) have greatly facilitated the detection and characterisation of these elusive proteins in recent years. This has revealed their crucial role in various cellular processes including regulation, signalling and transport, as toxins and as folding helpers for protein complexes. Consequently, the systematic identification and characterisation of these proteins in bacteria have emerged as a prominent field of interest within the microbial research community. This review provides an overview of different strategies for predicting and identifying these proteins on a large scale, leveraging the power of these advanced technologies. Furthermore, the review offers insights into the future developments that may be expected in this field.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, a considerable attention has been focused on the microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) owing to its multifaceted properties, i.e. biodegradability, biocompatibility, non-toxicity and thermo-plasticity. This article presents a critical review of the foregoing research, current trends and future perspectives on the value added applications of PHAs in the biomedical, environmental and industrial domains of life.  相似文献   

Shallow lakes respond to nutrient loading reductions. Major findings in a recent multi-lake comparison of data from lakes with long time series revealed: that a new state of equilibrium was typically reached for phosphorus (P) after 10–15 years and for nitrogen (N) after <5–10 years; that the in-lake Total N:Total P and inorganic N:P ratios increased; that the phytoplankton and fish biomass often decreased; that the percentage of piscivores often increased as did the zooplankton:phytoplankton biomass ratio, the contribution of Daphnia to zooplankton biomass, and cladoceran size. This indicates that enhanced resource and predator control often interact during recovery from eutrophication. So far, focus has been directed at reducing external loading of P. However, one experimental study and cross-system analyses of data from many lakes in north temperate lakes indicate that nitrogen may play a more significant role for abundance and species richness of submerged plants than usually anticipated when total phosphorus is moderate high. According to the alternative states hypothesis we should expect ecological resistance to nutrient loading reduction and P hysteresis. We present results suggesting that the two alternative states are less stable than originally anticipated. How global warming affects the water clarity of shallow lakes is debatable. We suggest that water clarity often will decrease due to either enhanced growth of phytoplankton or, if submerged macrophytes are stimulated, by reduced capacity of these plants to maintain clear-water conditions. The latter is supported by a cross-system comparison of lakes in Florida and Denmark. The proportion of small fish might increase and we might see higher aggregation of fish within the vegetation (leading to loss of zooplankton refuges), more annual fish cohorts, more omnivorous feeding by fish and less specialist piscivory. Moreover, lakes may have prolonged growth seasons with a higher risk of long-lasting algal blooms and at places dense floating plant communities. The effects of global warming need to be taken into consideration by lake managers when setting future targets for critical loading, as these may well have to be adjusted in the future. Finally, we highlight some of the future challenges we see in lake restoration research.  相似文献   



Studying root biomass, root system distribution and belowground interactions is essential for understanding the composition of plant communities, the impact of global change, and terrestrial biogeochemistry. Most soil samples and minirhizotron pictures hold roots of more than one species or plant individual. The identification of taxa by their roots would allow species-specific questions to be posed; information about root affiliation to plant individuals could be used to determine intra-specific competition.


Researchers need to be able to discern plant taxa by roots as well as to quantify abundances in mixed root samples. However, roots show less distinctive features that permit identification than aboveground organs. This review discusses the primary use of available methods, outlining applications, shortcomings and future developments.


Methods are either non-destructive, e.g. visual examination of root morphological criteria in situ, or require excavated and excised root samples. Among the destructive methods are anatomical keys, chemotaxonomic approaches and molecular markers. While some methods allow for discerning the root systems of individual plants, others can distinguish roots on the functional group or plant taxa level; methods such as IR spectroscopy and qPCR allow for quantifying the root biomass proportion of species without manual sorting.  相似文献   

The species of the Cynodonteae tribe show great morphological diversity in their reproductive structures. Previous studies where inflorescences were comparatively analysed in the context of phylogeny have shown that although grass inflorescences seem to be excessively variable, there are certain aspects of inflorescences that store relevant information on the evolution and systematics in Poaceae. We have analysed and compared the inflorescence structures of species belonging to the Hilariinae, Monanthochloinae, Scleropogoninae, and Muhlenbergiinae subtribes. Considering the most relevant morphological characters, the most recurrent types of inflorescences in the lineage were determined by means of a principal coordinates analysis. To understand the evolution of inflorescence morphology, ancestral reconstructions of inflorescence characters were performed using the Bayesian inference method. The results obtained demonstrate that the processes of homogenization and truncation might account for the diversity observed in adult inflorescences. Five different types of inflorescences were identified out of 36 theoretical possibilities. Amongst these, inflorescence type 1 (panicle of spikelets, with a terminal spikelet, non-homogenized, and bearing third- or higher-order branches) was found to be the most frequent in the studied group. Ancestral reconstructions of morphological characters allowed us to suggest that the ancestor of the group might have had an inflorescence with the form of a raceme of spikelets, non-truncated and bearing first-order branches. More complex inflorescences bearing no terminal spikelets and having branches of higher order might have diverged this lineage.  相似文献   

It is well documented that global warming is unequivocal. Dairy production systems are considered as important sources of greenhouse gas emissions; however, little is known about the sensitivity and vulnerability of these production systems themselves to climate warming. This review brings different aspects of dairy cow production in Central Europe into focus, with a holistic approach to emphasize potential future consequences and challenges arising from climate change. With the current understanding of the effects of climate change, it is expected that yield of forage per hectare will be influenced positively, whereas quality will mainly depend on water availability and soil characteristics. Thus, the botanical composition of future grassland should include species that are able to withstand the changing conditions (e.g. lucerne and bird's foot trefoil). Changes in nutrient concentration of forage plants, elevated heat loads and altered feeding patterns of animals may influence rumen physiology. Several promising nutritional strategies are available to lower potential negative impacts of climate change on dairy cow nutrition and performance. Adjustment of feeding and drinking regimes, diet composition and additive supplementation can contribute to the maintenance of adequate dairy cow nutrition and performance. Provision of adequate shade and cooling will reduce the direct effects of heat stress. As estimated genetic parameters are promising, heat stress tolerance as a functional trait may be included into breeding programmes. Indirect effects of global warming on the health and welfare of animals seem to be more complicated and thus are less predictable. As the epidemiology of certain gastrointestinal nematodes and liver fluke is favourably influenced by increased temperature and humidity, relations between climate change and disease dynamics should be followed closely. Under current conditions, climate change associated economic impacts are estimated to be neutral if some form of adaptation is integrated. Therefore, it is essential to establish and adopt mitigation strategies covering available tools from management, nutrition, health and plant and animal breeding to cope with the future consequences of climate change on dairy farming.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic and systematic position of all species of Acer section Acer from North America, East Asia, and western Eurasia are evaluated using various splits-based networks (distance networks, bipartition networks), ITS motif analysis, and morphology. Molecular analyses are based on 276 ITS clones obtained from 101 specimens collected mainly from natural stands. The large sample size ensures to cover sufficiently inter- and intraspecific ITS variability of this group. Formerly recognised species are generally supported by ITS data and morphology; the combination of molecular (ITS) and morphological criteria allows defining seven (supraspecific) taxonomic groups prior to a phylogenetic reconstruction. Phylogenetic signals captured in modern ITS sequences are partly incompatible but clearly suggest that Acer section Acer underwent three major radiations. Horizontal gene flow is indicated between ancestors of extant taxa that are isolated at present times. The level of ITS derivation can be estimated and corresponds to levels of morphological differentiation and (palaeo-) biogeographical patterns. Based on our results we question the potential of cladistic approaches to infer low-level evolution in an adequate manner and demonstrate that speciation in members of Acer section Acer is not generally linked to cladogenesis. The data and methodologies provided here allow to trace pathways of low-level evolution and to analyse such data sets with a less restricted (non-dichotomous) dynamic concept. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at  相似文献   

《Fungal Biology Reviews》2018,32(3):143-155
Fungi are of pivotal importance for terrestrial ecosystems. They occur globally and show extremely high species diversities. In this review, we compiled information about the adaptability of pileate basidiomycetes by illustrating their habits in contrasting biomes, the arctic regions and tropical lowland rainforests. Mushrooms are faced with differing stress factors and levels in the two ecozones. They fight such challenges by using, by and large, similar physiological and morphological toolkits. They make them fit for extreme environmental conditions, by expressing traits according to biome characteristics. This way, fungal assemblages are formed and pheno- and genotypic plasticity is capitalised. Still, many questions remain open and need further clarification, such as trade-offs between thermal protection and predator defence, prevailing dispersal modes in the main ecozones, interactions with animals and the mechanisms that create genetic plasticity.  相似文献   

RT Schuh 《ZooKeys》2012,(209):255-267
Arguments are presented for the merit of integrating specimen databases into the practice of revisionary systematics. Work flows, data connections, data outputs, and data standardization are enumerated as critical aspects of such integration. Background information is provided on the use of "barcodes" as unique specimen identifiers and on methods for efficient data capture. Examples are provided on how to achieve efficient workflows and data standardization, as well as data outputs and data integration.  相似文献   

The percentage of germination of wild oat was significantly inhibited by increasing the concentrations of phenolic compounds. Ferulic acid was the most effective compound which completely inhibited germination at a concentration of 3.0 mM. At the same time, wheat and barley were slightly affected with different concentrations of the four phenolic compounds. The percentage of germination of wheat significantly decreased with increasing of ferulic acid reaching a maximum inhibition at 3.0 mM concentration. On the other hand, the germination of wheat was not affected with the other three phenolic compounds. The percentage of germination of barley was not affected with all phenolic compounds except for hydroxy phenolic acetic acid which has significant effect at a concentration of 3.0 mM. Salicylic acid significantly inhibited the growth parameters gradually in wild oat, wheat and barley. The shoot/root ratio was decreased in wild oat and barley, while the ratio increased in wheat. The growth parameters were completely inhibited at 3.0 mM of ferulic acid for both wild oat and wheat but slightly inhibited for barley. The shoot/root ratio was increased in all concentrations of ferulic acid except at 3.0 mM which was completely inhibited for both wild oat and wheat, while the ratio was increased in all treatments of ferulic acid in the case of barley. The growth parameters were highly significant and decreased in wild oat, wheat and barley with increasing the concentrations of hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxyphenyl acetic acid. The shoot/root ratio was not changed in all concentrations except at 3.0 mM in the case of wild oat, the ratio was decreased at 2.0 and 3.0 mM in the case of wheat, while the ratio increased in most of hydroxybenzoic acid concentrations in the case of barley. The shoot/root ratio was increased with increasing of the hydroxyphenyl acetic acid concentrations.  相似文献   

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