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Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments were carried out in the absence of nucleotide (rigor) or in the presence of MgADP between fluorescent donor probes (IAEDANS (5((((2-iodoacetyl)amino)ethyl)amino)-naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid) at Cys-374 or DANSYL (5-dimethylamino naphthalene-1-(N-(5-aminopentyl))sulfonamide) at Gln-41 of actin and acceptor molecules (FHS (6-[fluorescein-5(and 6)-carboxamido] hexanoic acid succinimidyl ester) at Lys-553 of skeletal muscle myosin subfragment 1. The critical F?rster distance (R(0)) was determined to be 44 and 38 A for the IAEDANS-FHS and DANSYL-FHS donor-acceptor pairs, respectively. The efficiency of energy transfer between the acceptor molecules at Lys-553 of myosin and donor probes at Cys-374 or Gln-41 of actin was calculated to be 0.78 +/- 0.01 or 0.94 +/- 0.01, respectively, corresponding to distances of 35.6 +/- 0.4 A and 24.0 +/- 1.6 A, respectively. MgADP had no significant effect on the distances observed in rigor. Thus, rearrangements in the acto-myosin interface are likely to occur elsewhere than in the lower 50-kDa subdomain of myosin as its affinity for actin is weakened by MgADP binding.  相似文献   

荧光共振能量转移可用于对生物大分子之间的距离进行定性、定量检测。应用荧光共振能量转移技术对高通量低能量激光诱导肺腺癌细胞凋亡过程中caspase-3的激活过程进行实时动态监测。实验结果表明:高通量低能量激光可以诱导肺腺癌细胞(human lung adenocarcinoma cell,ASTC-a-1)凋亡。同时荧光共振能量转移技术是一个有效的监测caspase-3在凋亡过程中活性动态变化的方法。  相似文献   

荧光共振能量转移(fluorescenceresonanceenergytransfer,FRET),是指能量从一种受激发的荧光基团(fluorophore)以非辐射的方式转移到另一种荧光基团的物理现象.FRET的能量转移效率是两个荧光基团间距离的函数,并对此距离十分敏感,它的有效响应距离一般在1~10nm之间,因而可被用于测定原子间及分子间的距离.这一特点使FRET技术在大分子构象变化、大分子之间相互作用、细胞信号通路等研究中发挥重要作用,成为生物医学研究中的重要方法.但细胞内的生物学过程常常涉及多于两个的大分子间相互作用,二色荧光基团的FRET技术不能满足这种生物学研究的需求.最近,两个研究小组在这方面取得突破,建立了分别基于共聚焦显微镜和流式细胞仪的三色荧光级联FRET技术.这一技术的出现将会极大地促进生物学及相关研究领域的发展.  相似文献   

The interacting-heads motif (IHM) is a structure of myosin that has been proposed to modulate cardiac output by occluding myosin molecules from undergoing the force-generating cycle. It is hypothesized to be the structural basis for the super-relaxed state (SRX), a low-ATPase kinetic state thought to be cardioprotective. The goal of the present study was to test this hypothesis by determining directly and quantitatively the fractions of myosin in the IHM and SRX under the same conditions in solution. To detect the structural IHM, we used time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer to quantitate two distinct populations. One population was observed at a center distance of 2.0 nm, whereas the other was not detectable by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, implying a distance greater than 4 nm. We confirmed the IHM assignment to the 2.0-nm population by applying the same cross-linking protocol used previously to image the IHM by electron microscopy. Under the same conditions, we also measured the fraction of myosin in the SRX using stopped-flow kinetics. Our results show that the populations of SRX and IHM myosin were similar, unless treated with mavacamten, a drug that recently completed phase III clinical trials to treat hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and is proposed to act by stabilizing both the SRX and IHM. However, we found that mavacamten had a much greater effect on the SRX (55% increase) than on the IHM (4% increase). We conclude that the IHM structure is sufficient but not necessary to produce the SRX kinetic state.  相似文献   

In extension to previously applied techniques like yeast two-hybrid and GST pull-down assays, we successfully established a FACS-based FRET analysis to investigate the interaction of the Mint3 adaptor protein and the small Rab GTPase Rab6A in living mammalian cells. A Mint3 mutant containing only the PTB domain (Mint3Δ6) is able to interact with the constitutively active form of Rab6A. Mint3Δ4, a mutant lacking part of the PTB domain was unable to interact with Rab6A in GST pull-down analysis and did not produce FRET signals, when co-expressed with active Rab6A.We demonstrate that this FACS-based FRET analysis is a suitable method for interaction studies between two proteins in living cells.  相似文献   

Caspases play important roles in cell apoptosis. Measurement of the dynamics of caspase activation in tumor cells not only facilitates understanding of the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis but also contributes to the development, screening, and evaluation of anticancer drugs that target apoptotic pathways. The fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) technique provides a valuable approach for defining the dynamics of apoptosis with high spatio-temporal resolution. However, FRET generally functions in the single-cell level and becomes ineffective when applied in the high throughput detection of caspase activation. In the current study, a FRET sensor was combined with capillary electrophoresis (CE) to achieve a high throughput method for cellular caspase detection. The FRET-based CE system is composed of a homemade CE system and a laser source for detecting the dynamics of caspase-3 in various cells expressing sensors of caspase-3 that have been treated with anticancer drugs, such as cell cycle-independent drug cisplatin and specific cell cycle drugs camptothecin and etoposide, as well as their combination with tumor necrosis factor (TNF). A positive correlation between the caspase-3 activation velocity and drug concentration was observed when the cells were treated with cisplatin, but cells induced by camptothecin and etoposide did not show any apparent correlation with their concentrations. Moreover, different types of cells presented distinct sensitivities under the same drug treatment, and the combination treatment of TNF and anticancer drugs significantly accelerated the caspase-3 activation process. Its high throughput capability and detection sensitivity make the FRET-based CE system a useful tool for investigating the mechanisms of anticancer drugs and anticancer drug screening.  相似文献   

Formation of transport vesicles involves polymerization of cytoplasmic coat proteins (COP). In COPI vesicle biogenesis, the heptameric complex coatomer is recruited to donor membranes by the interaction of multiple coatomer subunits with the budding machinery. Specific binding to the trunk domain of γ-COP by the Golgi membrane protein p23 induces a conformational change that causes polymerization of the complex. Using single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer, we find that this conformational change takes place in individual coatomer complexes, independent of each other, and that the conformational rearrangement induced in γ-COP is transmitted within the complex to its α-subunit. We suggest that capture of membrane protein machinery triggers cage formation in the COPI system.  相似文献   

Initial polypeptide chain collapse plays a major role in the development of subsequent structure during protein folding, but it has been difficult to elucidate the coupling between its cooperativity and specificity. To better understand this important aspect of protein folding, nine different intramolecular distances in the protein have been measured by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in the product(s) of the initial, sub-millisecond collapse reaction during the folding of barstar, under different folding conditions. All nine distances contract in these initial folding products, when the denaturant concentration is reduced. Two of these distances were also measured in peptides corresponding to sequence segments 38-55 and 51-69 of the protein. Surprisingly, both distances do not contract in the peptides which remain fully unfolded when the denaturant concentration is reduced. This suggests that the contraction of at least some segments of the polypeptide chain may be facilitated only by contraction of other segments. In the case of the initial product of folding of the protein, the dependence on denaturant concentration of the relative change in each distance suggests that there are two components to the initial folding reaction. One is a nonspecific component, which appears to be driven by the change in denaturant concentration that is used to initiate refolding. This component corresponds to the collapse of completely unfolded protein (U) to unfolded protein in refolding conditions (U(C)). The extent of nonspecific collapse can be predicted by the response of completely unfolded protein to a change in denaturant concentration. All distances undergo such solvent-induced contraction, but each distance contracts to a different extent. There is also a specific component to initial sub-millisecond folding, in which some distances (but not all) contract more than that predicted by solvent-induced contraction. The observation that only some of the distances undergo contraction over and above solvent-induced contraction, suggest that this specific component is associated with the formation of a specific intermediate (I(E)). FRET efficiency and distance change differently for the different donor-acceptor pairs, with a change in denaturant concentration, indicating that the formation or dissolution of structure in U(C) and I(E) does not happen in a synchronized manner across different regions of the protein molecule. Also, all nine FRET efficiencies and intramolecular distances in the product(s) of sub-ms folding, change continuously with a change in denaturant concentration. Hence, it appears that the transitions from U to U(C) and to I(E) are gradual transformations, and not all-or-none structural transitions. Nevertheless, the product of these gradual transitions, I(E), possesses specific structure.  相似文献   

Holliday junctions are critical intermediates in DNA recombination, repair, and restart of blocked replication. Hexapeptides have been identified that bind to junctions and inhibit various junction-processing enzymes, and these peptides confer anti-microbial and anti-tumor properties. Earlier studies suggested that inhibition results from stabilization of peptide-bound Holliday junctions in the square planar conformation. Here, we use single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) and two model junctions, which are AT- or GC-rich at the branch points, to show that binding of the peptide KWWCRW induces a dynamic ensemble of junction conformations that differs from both the square planar and stacked X conformations. The specific features of the conformational distributions differ for the two peptide-bound junctions, but both junctions display greatly decreased Mg2+ dependence and increased conformational fluctuations. The smFRET results, complemented by gel mobility shift and small angle x-ray scattering analyses, reveal structural effects of peptides and highlight the sensitivity of smFRET for analyzing complex mixtures of DNA structures. The peptide-induced conformational dynamics suggest multiple stacking arrangements of aromatic amino acids with the nucleobases at the junction core. This conformational heterogeneity may inhibit DNA processing by increasing the population of inactive junction conformations, thereby preventing the binding of processing enzymes and/or resulting in their premature dissociation.  相似文献   

FRET技术及其在蛋白质-蛋白质分子相互作用研究中的应用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
简要综述了FRET方法在活细胞生理条件下研究蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用方面的最新进展.蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用在整个细胞生命过程中占有重要地位,由于细胞内各种组分极其复杂,因此一些传统研究蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用的方法,例如酵母双杂交、免疫沉淀等可能会丢失某些重要的信息,无法正确地反映在当时活细胞生理条件下蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用的动态变化过程.荧光共振能量转移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer, FRET)是近来发展的一项新技术,此项技术的应用,为在活细胞生理条件下对蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用进行实时的动态研究,提供一个非常便利的条件.  相似文献   

Linear DNAs of any sequence can be packaged into empty viral procapsids by the phage T4 terminase with high efficiency in vitro. Packaging substrates of 5 kbp and 50 kbp, terminated by energy transfer dye pairs, were constructed from plasmid and λ phage DNAs. Nuclease and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) assays showed that ∼ 20% of the substrate DNA was packaged and that the DNA dye ends of the packaged DNA were protected from nuclease digestion. Upon packaging, both 5-kbp and  50-kbp DNAs produced comparable fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between Cy5 and Cy5.5 double-dye terminated DNAs. Single-molecule FRET (sm-FRET) and photobleaching analysis shows that FRET is intramolecular rather than intermolecular upon packaging of most procapsids and demonstrates that single-molecule detection allows mechanistic analysis of packaging in vitro. FRET-FCS and sm-FRET measurements are comparable and show that both the 5-kbp and the  50-kbp packaged DNA ends are held within 8-9 nm of each other, within the dimensions of the long axis of the procapsid portal. The calculated distribution of FRET distances is relatively narrow for both FRET-FCS and sm-FRET, suggesting that the two packaged DNA ends are held at the same fixed distance relative to each other in most capsids. Because one DNA end is known to be positioned for ejection through the portal, it can be inferred that both DNAs ends are held in proximity to the portal entrance and ejection channel. The analysis suggests that a DNA loop, rather than a DNA end, is translocated by the packaging motor to fill the procapsid.  相似文献   

荧光共振能量转移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer,FRET)显微镜技术被广泛应用于在活细胞中研究蛋白质相互作用。随着流式细胞术(fluorescence activated cell sorting,FACS)的发展与应用,FACS-FRET技术不但可以检测活细胞中蛋白质相互作用,还可以进行定量统计分析。由于流式细胞仪价格昂贵、FRET技术对荧光基团发光光谱的特殊要求等原因,目前为止FACS-FRET技术仅仅被应用到一些特殊的科学研究。为了解决这些问题,构建了一对新的FRET荧光基团EGFP-m Cherry,并且在小型流式细胞仪C6上检测了EGFP-m Cherry融合蛋白的FRET信号,最后使用已明确有相互作用关系的p53蛋白和MDM2蛋白做验证,证明了所构建的EGFPm Cherry可以作为检测FRET信号的荧光基团。不仅促进了FACS-FRET技术的发展,还为人类疾病治疗的药物作用靶点研究提供了有利的研究手段。  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a cyto-skeleton-binding protein. Although purified EGFR can interact with acting in vitro and normally at least 10% of EGFR exist in the insoluble cytoskeleton fraction of A431 cells, interaction of cytosolic EGFR with actin can only be visualized by fluorescence resonance energy transfer when epidermal growth factor presents in the cell medium. Results indicate that the correct orientation between EGFR and actin is important in the signal transduction process.  相似文献   

脂多糖(LPS)的识别和信号转导是宿主发生防御反应的关键,Toll样受体4(TLR4)与髓样分化蛋白-2(MD-2)形成复合物在LPS的识别及其信号转导中发挥了重要作用.研究TLR4与MD-2结合的功能结构域,对于深入了解LPS信号转导机制及其内毒素休克的防治具有重要意义.运用基于强度的三通道荧光共振能量转移技术(FRET)及基因突变和转染技术,研究了活细胞TLR4与MD-2作用的结构域.结果表明:N端Glu24~Met41缺失使TLR4与MD-2结合能力明显下降;LPS刺激后TLR4聚合迅速增加,而缺失Glu24~Met41的TLR4不能聚合.上述结果提示,TLR4的Glu24~Met41不仅是结合MD-2的区域,并且还参与了LPS刺激后TLR4的聚合作用.  相似文献   

A1R-A2AR heterodimers regulate striatal glutamatergic neurotransmission. However, few researches about kinetics have been reported. Here, we combined Iem-spFRET and E-FRET to investigate the kinetics of A1R and A2AR interaction. Iem-spFRET obtains the energy transfer efficiency of the whole cell. E-FRET gets energy transfer efficiency with high spatial resolution, whereas, it was prone to biases because background was easily selected due to manual operation. To study the interaction with high spatio-temporal resolution, Iem-spFRET was used to correct the deviation of E-FRET. In this paper, A1R and A2AR interaction was monitored, and the changes of FRET efficiency of the whole or/and partial cell membrane were described. The results showed that activation of A1R or A2AR leads to rapid aggregation, inhibition of A1R or A2AR leads to slow segregation, and the interaction is reversible. These results demonstrated that combination of Iem-spFRET and E-FRET could measure A1R and A2AR interaction with high spatio-temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) from a donor-labelled molecule to an acceptor-labelled molecule is a useful, proximity-based fluorescence tool to discriminate molecular states on the surface and in the interior of cells. Most microscope-based determinations of FRET yield only a single value, the interpretation of which is necessarily model-dependent. In this paper we demonstrate two new measurements of FRET heterogeneity using selective donor photobleaching in combination with synchronous donor/acceptor detection based on either (1) full kinetic analysis of donor-detected and acceptor-detected donor photobleaching or (2) a simple time-based ratiometric approach. We apply the new methods to study the cell surface distribution of concanavalin A yielding estimates of FRET and non-FRET population distributions, as well as FRET efficiencies within the FRET populations.  相似文献   

Quinoline derivative, i.e. quinilone yellow with the scientific name [sodium 2-(2,3-dihydro-1,3-dioxo-1H-inden-2-yl)quinoline-6,8-disulphonate] (SQDS) is analysed for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Fluorescence quenching mechanism is studied by employing steady state and transient state spectroscopic measurements. Cobalt chloride is used as quencher in the present study. Linearity was observed in Stern–Volmer plots for transient state as well as steady state. This was further attributed to a mechanism of collisional quenching. Efficiency in fluorescence quenching is observed as there is a correlation between quenching constants of both transient and steady state. A significant energy transfer is reported between metal ions and SQDS molecule, according to FRET theory. Characterization results are studied and analysed. Application in the field of non-linear optics are predicted for SQDS. With Kurtz and Perry powder technique, SHG (second harmonic generation) efficiency was measured using Q-switched mode locked Nd:YAG laser emitting 1064 nm the first time with this compound.  相似文献   

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