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Although many immunostimulants have been shown to increase the lytic activity of natural killer (NK) cells in the periphery, little is known about their effects on NK cells in the bone marrow, the primary site of NK production. In the experiments reported here, we tested OK-432, a pharmaceutical preparation of Streptococcus pyogenes, for its effects on both the primary production and lytic activity of NK cells in C57BL/6J mice. NK activity in bone marrow cells (BMC) and spleen cells (SC) was significantly increased following intravenous administration of OK-432, peaking on day 2 in BMC and on day 3 in SC. Concomitantly, there were marked changes in the cellularity in the two compartments. Bone marrow cellularity fell significantly on day 1 post-OK-432 and then gradually returned to normal, whereas spleen cellularity rose rapidly and remained elevated. As a consequence, the total NK activity (per femur or per spleen) was significantly increased at 48-96 h after administration of OK-432. The target specificity was unchanged. The phenotype of NK cells in BMC as determined by cytotoxic depletion was unchanged by OK-432, but splenic NK activity shifted to a 'less mature' phenotype, intermediate between that of normal BMC and SC. Cytokinetic studies using 3H-TdR revealed an increase in the production of NK cells in the bone marrow following administration of OK-432. Proliferating NK cells also appeared in the spleen. Whether these were recently produced NK cells from the bone marrow that still retained the ability to proliferate or mature NK cells that were stimulated into cell cycle cannot be determined from these experiments. These data are the first to directly demonstrate the modulation of the primary production of NK cells by an immunologically active drug.  相似文献   

Combined effects of cis-DDP and OK-432 on the ascites mastocytoma was studied in mice laying emphasis on the best timing for the administration of the OK-432. Mice were transplanted with FMA3 mastocytoma cells into the abdominal cavity at a dose of 10(5) cells per mouse. They were injected with cis-DDP next day at a single shot of 8 mg/kg in the abdominal cavity. A streptococcal preparation, OK-432, was i.p. injected two times at intervals of one week at a dose of 50 KE/kg per injection. The pair of injections started 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 weeks after the transplantation. Mean survival time (M. S. T.) of mice was 16.8, 16.2 and 52.3 in the groups of mice nontreated, given OK-432 alone, and given cis-DDP alone, respectively. In comparison of M. S. T. within the groups of mice treated with the combination of cis-DDP and OK-432, the highest value was observed in the group which was given OK-432 between 3 and 4 weeks after the transplantation.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of OK-432, an inactivated and lyophilized preparation of a low-virulence strain of Streptococcus pyogenes, were evaluated on the cytotoxicity of lymphoid cells against a natural killer (NK)-sensitive erythroleukemic cell line K562 in patients with malignant diseases. When ten patients were treated postoperatively with daily injections of OK-432, a significant degree of augmentation in the cytotoxicity of peripheral blood lymphoid cells was evoked in all the patients, and the maximum level of cytotoxicity was on the third day after the beginning of the treatment. In spite of the successive daily administration, the level of cytotoxicity declined thereafter, but stayed higher than the pretreatment level. When OK-432 was injected IP in three patients with carcinomatous peritonitis, the cytotoxic activity of ascitic lymphoid cells was significantly enhanced. Cytotoxicity of in vitro-cultured lymphoid cells taken from peripheral blood of normal donors was also augmented by the addition of OK-432.  相似文献   

A streptococcal preparation OK-432 is reported to be an immunopotentiator and a potent antitumor agent. In order to elucidate the mechanism of biologic action, effects of OK-432 on arachidonic acid metabolism in rat peritoneal macrophages were investigated. Prostaglandin E2 production and release of radioactivity from [3H]arachidonic acid-labeled macrophages were found to be stimulated by OK-432 in a concentration-dependent manner (5 to 80 micrograms/ml). Heat-treatment of OK-432 further stimulated its effects. These stimulative effects on arachidonic acid metabolism by OK-432 were not observed in MDCK cells that have no phagocytotic activity. Furthermore, cytochalasin B treatment completely suppressed the stimulative effects induced by OK-432 in macrophages. These results strongly indicate that the stimulative effects by OK-432 on arachidonic acid metabolism are dependent on phagocytosis of OK-432 particles. Significance of stimulation of arachidonic acid metabolism in macrophages by OK-432 for its biological effects is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was designed to investigate the in vitro effect of OK-432 on interleukin-2-(IL-2) induced lymphokine activated killer (LAK) generation, and especially to test whether OK-432 can substitute for IL-2 or act in synergism with IL-2 for activation of cytotoxic lymphocytes. Surprisingly, our results showed that the addition of OK-432 to 4-day LAK activation cultures significantly inhibited both the generation of cytotoxic effectors to the natural killer (NK) resistant Daudi cell line and the proliferative responses of lymphocytes in a dose dependent manner. The inhibition of activation was total at 0.5 KE/ml of OK-432, a dose which was still effective in augmenting NK activity against K562. The addition of penicillin G potassium (PCGk), which is contained in OK-432 at a concentration of 134,700 units/mg of dried cocci, to the LAK culture system also inhibited LAK generation at equivalent concentrations as contained in the OK-432 preparation. This inhibition of LAK generation by OK-432 was significantly eliminated by dialysis of OK-432. These results indicated that the inhibition of LAK generation was partly due to PCGk contained in the OK-432 preparation, and that OK-432 did not act synergistically with IL-2 in standard LAK activation systems.  相似文献   

Summary The present study examined the effects of various treatments on the antiproliferative activity of mouse serum. Its activity was estimated against the growth of EL4 tumor cells and L929 cells and against splenic blastogenesis in culture. The activity varied among mouse strains tested and among individuals in any strain. However, normal outbred NIH Swiss mice showed the highest activity among the strains and the least variation among individuals. The activity of serum from NIH Swiss mice constantly decreased 7 or 14 days after an injection of 106 Ehrlich or sarcoma 180 tumor cells subcutaneously in the right-hind footpad, intradermally in the right side of the chest or into the palm. Other routes, such as intraperitoneal, intravenous in the tail vein, subcutaneous in the right side of the chest and intramuscular in the left thigh, however, hardly affected the activity. The activity also decreased 7 days after an injection into the footpad of a biological response modifier such as PSK or OK-432. The antiproliferative activity of mouse serum seems to depend on macrophages but not natural killer-cell activity, because treatment with silica but not anti-(asialo-GM1) antibody totally reduced the activity. The active fraction was heat-stable (100° C, 30 min) and its molecular mass was 127–140 kDa.  相似文献   

Summary More than 80% of BALB/c mice bearing BAMC-1 ascites tumor were completely cured after five consecutive (once every 2 days) i. p. injections of a 0.1 mg dose of OK-432, beginning on day 2 after tumor implantation. The antitumor effect of OK-432 was abolished in athymic nu/nu mice and in anti-thymocyte globulin-treated euthymic BALB/c mice, so although OK-432 treatment did increase the length of survival, all animals eventually died as a result of tumor growth. When peritoneal exudate cells (PEC), obtained on day 12 from OK-432-treated BAMC-1-bearing euthymic mice were evaluated for in vivo tumor neutralization activity, all mice receiving an i. p. injection of the admixture of the nonadherent PEC (1×107 cells) with BAMC-1 cells (1×105) survived for more than 60 days. When the same nonadherent PEC (1×107 cells) were i. p. transferred adoptively 1 day after the inoculation of 1×105 BAMC-1 tumor cells, again all mice survived.When these in vivo active PEC were tested for cytotoxicity in vitro against fresh BAMC-1 tumor cells, natural killer (NK) sensitive syngeneic RL 1, NK-sensitive allogeneic YAC-1 cells, NK-resistant syngeneic Meth-A cells, allogeneic tumor cells (EL4, B16, and P815) and xenogenic human cells, the PEC were found to be capable of lysing BAMC-1 tumor cells together with almost all of the other tumor cells, including NK-resistant cells. Nonadherent PEC contained at least two subpopulations of killer cells. One, directed to syngeneic BAMC-1 cells, was both Thy1.2 and asialo GM1 positive, and another, directed to allogeneic YAC-1 cells, was asialo GM1 positive but Thy1.2 negative. A cold target inhibition assay also suggested the presence of more than two subpopulations.These results indicate that T cells play a determined role in the immunotherapeutic effect of OK-432 on BALB/c mice bearing BAMC-1 tumor, although the participation of activated macrophages could not be excluded. The cells responsible for killing BAMC-1 and other tumor cells appearing in the PEC on day 12 were characterized as containing at least two kinds of lymphokine-activated killer cells.  相似文献   

Intratumoral (i.t.) injection of OK-432, a streptococcal preparation, into implanted tumors of mouse hepatocellular carcinoma (MIH-2) showed antitumor effect including tumor eradication. Intraperitoneal administration of same dose OK-432 did not exhibit tumor suppressive effect. In vitro cytotoxic test suggested that direct cytotoxic effect of OK-432 was not associated with antitumor activity by i.t.-OK-432 treatment. It was also found that Toll-like receptor 4 signaling was not involved in i.t.-OK-432 treatment. Three mice out of five, which had shown tumor eradication by i.t.-OK-432 treatment did not reject re-challenge of MIH-2 cells. Splenocytes from i.t.-OK-432 treated mice did not produce IFN-gamma by stimulation with MIH-2 cells in vitro, but produced abundant IFN-gamma by stimulation with OK-432. Immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that CD4+T cells, but not CD8+T cells, infiltrated to i.t.-OK-432 treated tumor tissue produced IFN-gamma. Tumor-infiltrating CD4+T cells from i.t.-OK-432 treated tumor tissue produced IFN-gamma by in vitro stimulation with OK-432 higher than those from untreated tumor tissue. IFN-gamma directly induced apoptosis of MIH-2 cells in vitro. Collectively, i.t.-OK-432 treatment induced priming of CD4+T cells to antigenecity of OK-432, and repetitive i.t.-OK-432 treatment induced IFN-gamma production from OK-432-sensitized CD4+T cells in tumor site, leading to apoptosis of MIH-2 cells susceptible to IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Peritoneal polymorponuclear leukocytes (PMNs) were collected from the peritoneal cavity of C3H/He mice 6 hrs after intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of 2.5 mg/head of PSK, 1 KE (100 µg)/head of OK-432 or 200 µg/head ofNocardia rubra cell wall skeleton (N-CWS). Withoutin vitro stimulation, these PMNs did not show cytotoxicity to syngeneic MM46 mammary carcinoma cells in51Cr release assay. Cytotoxicity of these PMNs was augmented by the addition of 25 µg/ml of N-CWS but not of PSK or OK-432 to cultures for the assay at the beginning of the culture. H2O2 production of PSK-induced PMNs was increased by thein vitro addition of 25 µg/ml of N-CWS but not of PSK. These results suggest that PSK as well as OK-432 and N-CWS can induce PMNs capable of responding further to N-CWS as the second stimulant.  相似文献   

When the streptococcal preparation OK-432 was intraperitoneally injected for the treatment of carcinomatous peritonitis, antitumor polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) accumulated in the peritoneal cavity. We examined the mechanism of this PMN accumulation using an in vivo system in rats. FUT-175, EDTA and K76 inhibited C5a generation by OK-432 in vitro, but EGTA, prednisolone and inhibitors of arachidonic acid cascade did not. In in vivo experiments, EDTA, FUT-175, antirat C3 serum and K76 reduced the accumulation of PMNs onto filter membranes, when these reagents were reacted with OK-432 for 3 h through filter membranes placed on the turned rat peritoneum. EGTA failed to inhibit PMN accumulation. Prednisolone, indomethacin, OKY046 and AA861 inhibited PMN accumulation in a dose-dependent manner. These inhibitions of PMN accumulation were confirmed by histological examination. It was concluded that complement-derived chemotactic factor C5a generated by OK-432 induced PMN accumulation in association with chemotactic arachidonic acid metabolites.  相似文献   

 Biological response modifier antitumor effects are enhanced by the activation of the host defense mechanisms. We have investigated the antitumor effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) and/or local administration of a biological response modifier, the streptococcal preparation OK-432, on transplanted NR-S1 mouse squamous cell carcinoma. Hematoporphyrin oligomers (20 mg/kg body weight) were used to photosensitize PDT. A pulsed Nd:YAG dye laser, tuned at 630 nm, was used as the light source. The laser power was 15 mJ cm−2 pulse−1, and the irradiation time was 40 min. The photosensitizer was injected intraperitoneally 48 h before laser irradiation. Where used, OK-432 was injected into the tumor either 3 h prior to PDT or immediately afterwards. The antitumor effects were evaluated 48 h after each protocol by (a) estimating the area of tumor necrosis (%) in hematoxylin/eosin-stained specimens, and (b) bromodeoxyuridine immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, the tumor sizes were evaluated 3, 7 and 10 days after each protocol, and the survival time after each protocol was evaluated as well. The anti-tumor effect of PDT was enhanced by administration of OK-432 3 h before PDT, whereas the administration of OK-432 immediately after PDT did not potentiate a PDT antitumor effect. Treatment with OK-432 alone had little effect on tumors. Photodynamic therapy in combination with local administration of OK-432 3 h before PDT is considered to be a useful treatment modality. Received: 23 July 1999 / Accepted: 31 May 2000  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of supernatant from human spleen cell culture stimulated with a streptococcal preparation, OK-432 (OK sup), on the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (CL) of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). The fMLP-stimulated CL of PMN was markedly enhanced by the pretreatment with OK sup. This result indicates that OK sup contained the factor(s) that primes fMLP-stimulated CL of PMN. The priming factor(s) in OK sup was partially inactivated by the treatment at 56 C for 30 min and pH 2 or pH 10 treatments. Since the enhancing effect of OK sup on the CL was inhibited by the treatment of sodium azide and the addition of catalase or taurine, it was assumed that OK sup augments the activity of MPO-H2O2-HOCl system of fMLP-stimulated PMN.  相似文献   

Summary The antitumor effects of the streptococcal preparation OK-432 were analyzed in a murine ovarian teratocarcinoma (MOT) model. Administration of OK-432 i.p. prevented tumor outgrowth in 75% of mice challenged with 103 MOT cells i.p. 24 h previously. Treatment was less successful in mice challenged with 104 or 105 cells, preventing tumor growth in 25% of the former and only 5% of the latter group. Tumor-challenged mice cured by injections of OK-432 were not rendered resistant to a subsequent challenge with 103 MOT cells 75 days after initial treatment. Only the i.p. route of administration was effective as i.v. OK-432 did not prolong survival of tumor-challenged mice. An antitumor response was detected as early as 24 h after i.p. treatment. This correlated temporally with an influx of neutrophils into the peritoneal cavity. Peritoneal cells obtained between 6 and 24 h after treatment were capable of lysing MOT targets in vitro. A single cell cytotoxicity assay demonstrated that peritoneal neutrophils, elicited by i.p. injection of OK-432, could bind to and lyse MOT targets. These data indicate that OK-432 is effective against small tumor cell inocula in this murine model of ovarian cancer and, furthermore, that the neutrophilic response into the peritoneal cavity plays a role in tumor rejection.  相似文献   

A patient presented with deep venous thrombosis and an elevated CA-125 level, but normal pelvic ultrasound and abdominal and pelvic CT scans. Laparoscopy revealed diffuse carcinomatosis and a diagnosis of stage IIIc, poorly differentiated epithelial ovarian carcinoma was made. Laparoscopy may provide an alternative means of diagnosis when conventional imaging fails, and may facilitate the placement of catheters for subsequent intraperitoneal therapy.  相似文献   

Peritoneal carcinomatosis from gastrointestinal cancer has new treatment options for surgical management. The approach uses cytoreductive surgery which combines peritonectomy and visceral resection in an effort to remove all visible cancer within the abdomen and pelvis. Then the peritoneal cavity is flooded with chemotherapy solution in an attempt to eradicate residual disease. In order to select patients for this approach the quantitative prognostic indicators for carcinomatosis were reviewed, compared and contrasted. Prognostic indicators to be used to select patients for this aggressive approach at the initiation of surgery and after completion of cytoreduction were studied. Four quantitative assessments to be used at the time of abdominal exploration were the Gilly staging, Japanese gastric cancer P score, peritoneal cancer index (PCI), and the simplified peritoneal cancer index (SPCI). All have value with the PCI being the most validated and most precise. Preoperative assessments include the tumor histopathology and the prior surgical score. The completeness of cytoreduction score is an assessment of residual disease after a maximal surgical effort. An opportunity for long-term survival following treatment for carcinomatosis requires a complete cytoreduction in all reports for gastrointestinal cancer. Quantitative prognostic indicators need to be knowledgeably employed when patients with carcinomatosis are being treated. Improved patient selection with greater benefit and reduced morbidity and mortality should result.  相似文献   

Summary When a bacterial immunopotentiator, OK-432, was injected to intact DDI mice, a viral inhibitor with the properties of immune interferon (IF) was induced in the circulation. The maximum titer of antiviral activity (10,240 units/ml) was observed 24 h after intraperitoneal (IP) injection of 50 KE OK-432/kg body weight. The possibility that the induction of immune IF may depend upon the action of thymus-derived (T) lymphocytes and macrophages was inferred from experiments with thymus-defective nude mice and DDI mice treated with either X-rays or immunosuppressive agents.  相似文献   

OK-432, a streptococcal preparation, was studied for its effect on the concanavalin A (Con A)-induced mitogenesis of the host spleen cells. When mice were given a single intraperitoneal injection of OK-432, there was a substantial increase in the mitogenic response of splenocytes, whereas multiple injections conversely resulted in a marked reduction of the mitogenic response, when the spleen cells were cultured at high cell densities of over than 5 X 10(5) cells/well. The reduced Con A-responsiveness in the latter was not restored by mixing spleen cells from mice given multiple OK-432 injections with those from normal mice. Moreover, splenic macrophages from OK-432-injected mice exhibited marked inhibitory activity against Con A-mitogenesis of normal splenocytes, while normal splenic macrophages failed to show such an effect. Splenic T cells from OK-432-injected mice also showed an inhibitory activity against Con A-mitogenesis of normal splenocytes and similar activity was also noted in normal splenic T cells. Therefore, the OK-432-spleen cells contain two types of suppressor cells; one is a newly elicited suppressor macrophage and the other is a suppressor T cell supposedly resident also in normal spleen cells. In the OK-432-injected spleen cells, accessory cell function for T cell Con A-mitogenesis was markedly reduced. On the other hand, it was noted that the interleukin 2-producing ability of the OK-432-splenocytes was augmented more than that of normal splenocytes, indicating that multiple OK-432 injections also cause an increase in the helper T cell activity of the host spleen cells.  相似文献   

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