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Summary Fruiting and seed set in two bumblebee-pollinated herbs, Melampyrum pratense L. (annual, Scrophulariaceae) and Viscaria vulgaris Bernh. (perennial, Caryophyllaceae) were studied on a dry meadow in southwestern Sweden in June 1986 and 1988. Both species produced seeds by self-fertilization. In Melampyrum (homogamous) fruiting and seed set by selfing were much lower than by natural pollination; in Viscaria (protandrous) fruiting by selfing and by natural polination were similar, but seed set per flower was lower by selfing than by natural pollination. Sequential hand pollinations increased seed set in Melampyrum, but not in Viscaria. Thus, the number of pollinations is important for high seed set in Melampyrum, and number of pollen grains deposited one pollination is important for high seed set in Viscaria. Late flowering resulted in the production of fewer seeds in both species, although the visitation rate in pure Viscaria stands was sufficient, because of limited resources. Pollen was the limiting resource in Viscaria, because hand pollination increased natural seed set. In Melampyrum pollen was limiting in 1988 but so were consumable resources, because the seedset decreased with time despite hand pollination. Pure stands of Viscaria had sced set similar to plants in mixed stands (with Melampyrum and Rhinanthus), although plants in mixed stands received fewer visits. Many seeds produced late in the season are the result of self pollination; emasculated Viscaria flowers had a very low seedset late in the season. Pollen loads containing approximately 50% heterospecific grains did not affect seed set in either species. Application of heterospecific (Lupinus) pollen to receptive Viscaria styles 6 h before conspecific pollen did not affect seed set.  相似文献   

Pollinator behavior influences plant reproduction in many ways. A traditional measure of pollination, the number of visits received, may be a poor predictor of plant reproductive success, particularly when there are trade-offs between visit quantity and components of visit quality. For example, the duration of pollinator visits may be negatively correlated with the number of visits received by a flower. We tested for a trade-off between the number of bumblebee visits and the duration of those visits in an experimental population of snapdragons (Antirrhinummajus: Scrophulariaceae). The duration of a bumblebee visit to a flower increased significantly with the time interval since the flower had last been visited. Over the lifetime of a flower the correlation between the total number and average duration of visits received by a flower was weakly negative. However, at the whole-plant level the correlation was positive: plants whose flowers received more visits also received visits of longer duration. Factors affecting the relationship between quantity and duration of pollinator visits to flowers also were investigated. Two factors weakened the negative dependence of average visit duration on number of visits received by individual snapdragon flowers: (1) the correlation between the total number of visits to a flower and the average interval between visits was only −0.53, as visits to individual flowers were not very evenly spaced over time, and (2) newly opened flowers received fewer and shorter visits than older flowers. Comparing whole plants, nectar production per flower varied dramatically across individuals, a probable explanation for the positive correlation between visit number and average duration per flower observed at the plant level. The potential for a trade-off between these two components of pollinator service exists when visit duration depends on reward quantity; whether the trade-off is realized will depend on variation in nectar production and on whether pollinators forage systematically. Received: 3 October 1997 / Accepted: 16 June 1998  相似文献   

1. Parasite effects on host behaviour frequently alter their hosts' trophic interactions. There are many compelling examples of such effects in herbivore‐based trophic interactions, but less attention has been paid to how parasite effects on host behaviour can alter mutualistic interactions. 2. Pollination mutualisms depend greatly on pollinator behaviour, and many pollinators are attacked by a wide range of parasites and parasitoids. 3. To investigate whether parasites affect pollination service via changes in host behaviour, natural variation in conopid fly parasitism was used to investigate the relationship between infection and Bombus impatiens Cresson behaviour foraging on arrays of Trifolium pretense L. flowers in the laboratory. The consequences of infection for seed set and seed mass were also examined. 4. Conopid parasitism was not related to any measured behavioural response; however, flowers visited by conopid‐parasitised bees set significantly heavier seeds than those visited by unparasitised bees. Larger bees were more likely to be parasitised, but the relationship between parasitism and seed set still held after accounting for body size. 5. The present results demonstrate that parasitoids may have positive impacts on per‐visit pollination, but, because larger bees were more frequently parasitised, parasitism could also affect pollination by removing the largest pollinators from the population.  相似文献   

Abstract Under a semi-natural setting the between-morph pollen exchange patterns were studied in distylous Primula sieboldii flowers by measuring pollen removal from the anthers on a single visit by a Bombus diversus tersatus queen, and stigmatic pollen deposition along the sequence of the visitation of the opposite-morph flowers by the bee. Despite the twofold larger number of pollen grains produced in a single flower of the long-styled morph compared to that of the short-styled morph, no significant difference in pollen removal from a flower was found between the morphs. The stigmas of the long-styled morph received significantly more opposite-morph pollen grains than those of the short-styled morph on a single visit by the bee. Sufficient legitimate pollen grains, surpassing the ovule number, were loaded on the stigmas of 27% and 17% of visited flowers of the long- and short-styled morphs, respectively. The short-styled morph could more efficiently donate pollen to the opposite morph stigmas than the long-styled morph.  相似文献   

It has been commonly suggested that ants negatively affect plant pollination, particularly in the tropics. We studied ant–flower–pollinator interactions in a lowland rainforest in Borneo. Frequency and duration of pollinator visits were compared between flowers attended by ants and flowers from which ants were excluded. In all four plant species studied, the activity of ants decreased the rate and/or duration of the pollinators’ floral visits. For this and other reasons it is expected that plants repel ants from flowers during anthesis. We tested this prediction for a different set of plant species in which we observed the behaviour of Dolichoderus thoracicus ants when encountering flowers. In eight out of 18 plant species studied, ants showed a significantly higher rejection rate when they encountered flowers than when they encountered controls. Our results are thus consistent with the hypothesis that ants may negatively affect plant fitness by reduced intensity of pollinator visits and that ants are repelled from flowers of many tropical plant species, although this repellence is clearly not ubiquitous.  相似文献   

Plant–plant interspecific competition via pollinators occurs when the flowering seasons of two or more plant species overlap and the pollinator fauna is shared. Negative sexual interactions between species (reproductive interference) through improper heterospecific pollen transfer have recently been reported between native and invasive species demonstrating pollination‐driven competition. We focused on two native Impatiens species (I. noli‐tangere and I. textori) found in Japan and examined whether pollinator‐mediated plant competition occurs between them. We demonstrate that I. noli‐tangere and I. textori share the same pollination niche (i.e., flowering season, pollinator fauna, and position of pollen on the pollinator's body). In addition, heterospecific pollen grains were deposited on most stigmas of both I. noli‐tangere and I. textori flowers that were situated within 2 m of flowers of the other species resulting in depressed fruit set. Further, by hand‐pollination experiments, we show that when as few as 10% of the pollen grains are heterospecific, fruit set is decreased to less than half in both species. These results show that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs between I. noli‐tangere and I. textori. This study suggests that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs in the wild even when interacting species are both native and not invasive.  相似文献   

G. W. Heil  M. Bruggink 《Oecologia》1987,73(1):105-107
Summary A combination of a removal and fertilization experiment in the field and a replacement experiment in containers in a cold frame was carried out to investigate the role of nutrient supply in the interactions between Calluna vulgaris and Molinia caerulea. It is concluded that the growth of Calluna as well as that of Molinia increased with increasing nutrient availability. However, the increase in biomass of Molinia was much larger than that of Calluna. It is also concluded that increased nutrient availability favours the competitive vigour of Molinia in interaction with Calluna.  相似文献   

Anaerobic consortia obtained from a wide variety of environments were tested for oxidizing several ecologically significant substrates with the humic model compound, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS), as terminal electron acceptor. All the substrates, including hydrogen, acetate, propionate, methanol and lactate, were completely or partially converted to methane when bicarbonate was the only electron acceptor available. Addition of AQDS (20 mM) to the cultures prevented methanogenesis in most cases and AQDS reduction became the preferred pathway. AQDS was shown to be toxic for methanogenesis and this effect played an important role in enabling quinone-respiring bacteria to outcompete methanogens. Furthermore, AQDS respiration is thermodynamically more favorable than methanogenesis. All the consortia evaluated were capable of oxidizing hydrogen linked to the reduction of AQDS. Most inocula tested were also able to oxidize acetate and lactate in the same way. When methanol was provided as an electron donor competition between methanogenesis and acetogenesis occurred. Acetate accumulated from the latter process was responsible for quinone respiration. These results suggest that quinone-respiring bacteria are ubiquitous and that quinones in humus may significantly contribute to carbon cycling process by serving as a terminal electron acceptor for the anaerobic microbial oxidation of a wide variety of ecologically important substrates.  相似文献   

  • Floral traits are recognized to have evolved under selection for abiotic and biotic factors. Complex zygomorphic flowers usually face horizontally. It has been proved that a horizontal orientation facilitates pollinator recognition and pollination efficiency, but its significance in adaptation to abiotic factors remains unknown.
  • The floral orientation of Abelia × grandiflora naturally varies around horizontal (with an angle of ?30 to +33° between the floral main axis and the horizontal). We examined whether three different floral orientations affected flower thermal conditions, response to rain and pollination.
  • Results showed that floral orientation had no effect on diurnal variations in flower temperature. The anthers of all three flower orientations were wetted by rainfall, but the inclined upward‐facing flowers contained significantly more rainwater. The horizontal flowers received significantly higher visitation by hawkmoths and had a higher stigmatic pollen load. In contrast, the upward flower orientation reduced pollination precision, while downward‐facing flowers had decreased pollinator attraction.
  • This study indicates that horizontal flowers may have evolved as a trade‐off between rain protection and pollination. Zygomorphic flowers that deviate from a horizontal orientation may have lower fitness because of flower flooding by rainwater and decreased pollen transfer.

Britton  Andrea  Marrs  Rob  Pakeman  Robin  Carey  Pete 《Plant Ecology》2003,166(1):93-105
Increasing dominance of grass species such as Deschampsia flexuosa on lowland dry heathlands is a major problem for land managers. This problem is especially acute in north-west Europe where replacement of dwarf-shrubs by grasses has been linked to high levels of nitrogen deposition. Interactions between Calluna vulgaris and D. flexuosa were examined using pot experiments under a variety of watering (drought vs. no drought), nitrogen addition (10 vs. 50 kg N ha–1 yr–1) and soil type (peaty vs. sandy) regimes. Two experiments using identical replacement series designs were used to investigate interactions between these two species at the seedling and young plant stage. Response of the two species to the environmental variables was different for seedlings and young plants. In the seedling experiment D. flexuosa responded significantly to soil type only, with greater cover on peaty soil than on sandy soil after 6 months. C. vulgaris germination showed a significant response to watering regime, with fewer seedlings in plots that had a drought treatment imposed. When the experiment was repeated using young plants of C. vulgaris and D. flexuosa both species responded significantly to soil type only. Height, % cover and shoot biomass of both species were greater when grown in peaty soil than when grown in sandy soil. Watering and nitrogen addition had few significant effects. Species interactions were mainly one-way. C. vulgaris biomass yield was reduced when grown in mixture with D. flexuosa, whilst D. flexuosa yield was unaffected by the presence of C. vulgaris. The yield density curve for D. flexuosa indicated that intra-specific competition was occurring at planting densities above 29 plants m–2 whilst this was not seen for C. vulgaris. The effect of soil type on species interactions was also investigated. C. vulgaris was best able to compete with D. flexuosa on sandy soils where the shoot biomass ratio was greatest (C. vulgaris:D. flexuosa= 1:4.4). Differences in the responses of these species to the environmental variables investigated may help to explain heathland vegetation changes seen under field conditions.  相似文献   

讨论一类具有脉冲和功能反应的两种群扩散时滞的竞争系统,利用重合度的理论得到了系统存在正周期解的充分条件,进而改进了现有的一些结果.  相似文献   

Concentrations of various essential and toxic elements (Ba, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Sr, Zn and Al, Ag, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Tl) were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in the acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus lucii and in different tissues of its host Perca fluviatilis. Nearly all the elements were found in significantly higher concentrations in the acanthocephalan than in the host tissues. Spearman correlation analysis revealed several strong inter-element associations within the organs of perch and within the parasites. Furthermore, statistical analysis revealed different competitive interactions. The concentrations of several essential elements (Ba, Ca, Fe, Mn, Sr and Zn) within the parasites decreased with an increasing number or weight of worms inside the intestine of the host. Additionally, the levels of some elements in the perch liver were negatively correlated with the weight of A. lucii in the intestine. Thus, it emerged that not only is there competition for essential elements between acanthocephalans inside the gut but there is also competition for these elements between the host and its parasites.  相似文献   

Summary Isotope dilution provides a method for measuring plant competition for mineral N and transfer of biologically fixed N from a legume to a grass. A plant growth medium was enriched with15N, and used to grow Siratro (Macropitilium atropurpureum D.C. Urb.) and Kleingrass 75 (Panicum coloratum L.) in 20 liter pots for 98 days in a glasshouse. The plants were grown in pure stand and in mixtures. When grown in 50∶50 mixture the grass obtained 59% of the labelled N and the legume obtained 41%. The grass produced nearly as much root mass as the legume even though biomass of the shoots were less than half that of the legume. Reducing the proportion of either plant species in the mixture reduced the proportion of the mineralized N absorbed by that species. The shoots of the grass were significantly more enriched (1.166 atom%15N excess) than the roots (1.036). The grass received 12% of its N as biologically fixed N from the legume.  相似文献   

The basis for the outcome of competition between sulfidogens and methanogens for H2 was examined by comparing the kinetic parameters of representatives of each group separately and in co-culture. Michaelis-Menten parameters (V max and K m) for four methanogens and five sulfate-reducing bacteria were determined from H2-depletion data. Further, Monod growth parameters (max, K s, Y H2) for Desulfovibrio sp. G11 and Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1 were similarly estimated. H2 K m values for the methanogenic bacteria ranged from 2.5 M (Methanospirillum PM1) to 13 M for Methanosarcina barkeri MS; Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1 and Methanobacterium PM2 had intermediate H2 K m estimates of 5 M. Average H2 K m estimates for the five sulfidogens was 1.2 M. No consistent difference among the V max estimates for the above sulfidogens (mean=100 nmol H2 min-1 mg-1 protein) and methanogens (mean=110 nmol H2 min-1 mg-1 protein) was found. A two-term Michaelis-Menten equation accurately predicted the apparent H2 K m values and the fate of H2 by resting co-cultures of sulfate-reducers and methanogens. Half-saturation coefficients (K s) for H2-limited growth of Desulfovibrio sp. G11 (2–4 M) and Methanospirillum JF-1 (6–7 M) were comparable to H2 K m estimates obtained for these organisms. Maximum specific growth rates for Desulfovibrio sp. G11 (0.05 h-1) were similar to those of Methanospirillum JF-1 (0.05–0.06 h-1); whereas G11 had an average yield coefficient 4 x that of JF-1. Calculated max and V max/K m values for the methanogens and sulfidogens studied predict that the latter bacterial group will process more H2 whether these organisms are in a growing or resting state, when the H2 concentration is in the first-order region.  相似文献   

How plant competition varies across environmental gradients has been a long debate among ecologists. We conducted a growth chamber experiment to determine the intensity and importance of competition for plants grown in changed environmental conditions. Festuca rubra and Trifolium pratense were grown in monoculturs and in two- and/or three-species mixtures under three environmental treatments. The measured competitive variations in terms of growth (height and biomass) were species-dependent. Competition intensity for Festuca increased with decreased productivity, whilst competition importance displayed a humpback response. However, significant response was detected in neither competition intensity nor importance for Trifolium. Intensity and importance of competition followed different response patterns, suggesting that they may not be correlated along an environmental gradient. The biological and physiological variables of plants play an important role to determine the interspecific competition associated with competition intensity and importance. However, the competitive feature can be modified by multiple environmental changes which may increase or hinder how competitive a plant is.  相似文献   

Competition in a chemostat between the versatile Thiobacillus A2 and the specialized T. neapolitanus for thiosulfate as the sole growth-limiting substrate, led to dominance of the specialized over the versatile organism, at dilution rates 0.025 h-1. Increasing concentrations of acetate or glycollate in the thiosulfate medium caused increased relative numbers of T. A2 in steady states at D=0.07 h-1. Eventually, with 10–12 mmol of organic substrate per litre, complete dominance of T. A2 over T. neapolitanus occurred.Mixed cultures of T. A2 and a specialized spirillumshaped heterotroph, competing for acetate as sole growth-limiting substrate resulted in complete dominance of the heterotroph at dilution rates of 0.07 and 0.15 h-1. In this case increasing concentrations of thiosulfate in the acetate medium, up to 10 mM, eventually led to the elimination of the heterotroph.These results have been interpreted as evidence that T. A2 was growing mixotrophically. As the concentration of the second substrate was raised, the number of T. A2 cells increased and as a result T. A2 consumed an increasing portion of the common substrate.In mixed chemostat cultures containing all three organisms, T. A2 could maintain itself with all tested ratios of acetate and thiosulfate in the inflowing medium. The heterotroph was excluded from the culture below a relatively low acetate to thiosulfate ratio, whilst above a relatively high acetate to thiosulfate ratio T. neapolitanus was completely eliminated.These results were discussed in relation to the ecological niche of Thiobacillus A2-type organisms.  相似文献   

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