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Glycosylation is the most common type of post-translational modification (PTM) and is known to affect protein stability, folding and activity. Inactivity of enzymes mediating glycosylation can result in serious disorders including colon cancer and brain disorders. Out of five main types of glycosylation, N-linked glycosylation is most abundant and characterized by the addition of a sugar group to an Asparagine residue at the N-X-S/T motif. Enzyme mediating such transfer is known as oligosaccharyl transferase (OST). It has been hypothesized before that a significant number of proteins serve as glycoproteins. In this study, we used programming implementations of Python to statistically quantify the representation of glycoproteins by scanning all the available proteome sequence data at ExPASy server for the presence of glycoproteins and also the enzyme which plays critical role in glycosylation i.e. OST. Our results suggest that more than 50% of the proteins carry N-X-S/T motif i.e. they could be potential glycoproteins. Furthermore, approximately 28-36% (1/3) of proteins possesses signature motifs which are characteristic features of enzyme OST. Quantifying this bias individually reveals that both the number of proteins tagged with N-X-S/T motif and the average number of motifs per protein is significantly higher in case of eukaryotes when compared to prokaryotes. In the light of these results we conclude that there is a significant bias in the representation of glycoproteins in the proteomes of all species and is manifested substantially in eukaryotes and claim for glycosylation to be the most common and ubiquitous PTM in cells, especially in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The theory of a chemoautotrophic origin of life in a volcanic iron-sulphur world postulates a pioneer organism at sites of reducing volcanic exhalations. The pioneer organism is characterized by a composite structure with an inorganic substructure and an organic superstructure. Within the surfaces of the inorganic substructure iron, cobalt, nickel and other transition metal centres with sulphido, carbonyl and other ligands were catalytically active and promoted the growth of the organic superstructure through carbon fixation, driven by the reducing potential of the volcanic exhalations. This pioneer metabolism was reproductive by an autocatalytic feedback mechanism. Some organic products served as ligands for activating catalytic metal centres whence they arose. The unitary structure-function relationship of the pioneer organism later gave rise to two major strands of evolution: cellularization and emergence of the genetic machinery. This early phase of evolution ended with segregation of the domains Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya from a rapidly evolving population of pre-cells. Thus, life started with an initial, direct, deterministic chemical mechanism of evolution giving rise to a later, indirect, stochastic, genetic mechanism of evolution and the upward evolution of life by increase of complexity is grounded ultimately in the synthetic redox chemistry of the pioneer organism.  相似文献   

The accurate copying of genetic information in the double helix of DNA is essential for inheritance of traits that define the phenotype of cells and the organism. The core machineries that copy DNA are conserved in all three domains of life: bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. This article outlines the general nature of the DNA replication machinery, but also points out important and key differences. The most complex organisms, eukaryotes, have to coordinate the initiation of DNA replication from many origins in each genome and impose regulation that maintains genomic integrity, not only for the sake of each cell, but for the organism as a whole. In addition, DNA replication in eukaryotes needs to be coordinated with inheritance of chromatin, developmental patterning of tissues, and cell division to ensure that the genome replicates once per cell division cycle.The genetic information within the cells of our body is stored in the double helix of DNA, a long cylinderlike structure with a radius that is only 10 Å or one billionth of a meter but can be of considerable length. A single DNA molecule within a bacterium that grows in our gut flora is approximately 5 million base pairs in length and when stretched out, is about 1.6 mm in length, roughly the diameter of a pinhead. In contrast, the single DNA molecule in the largest human chromosome is 245,203,898 base pairs or about 8.33 cm long. The entire human genome, consisting of its 24 different chromosomes in a male is about 3 billion base pairs or 1 m long. Each cell in our body, with rare exceptions, contains two copies of the genome and thus 2 m of total DNA. Thus the scale and complexity of duplicating genomes is remarkable. For example, ∼2200 human cells can sit on the top of a 1.5 mm pinhead and when extracted and laid out in a line, the DNA from these cells would be ∼4.5 km (2.8 miles) long. In our body, about 500–700 million new blood cells are born every minute in the bone marrow (Doulatov et al. 2012), containing a total of about 1 million km of DNA, or enough DNA to wrap around the equator of the earth 25 times. Thus DNA replication is a serious business in our body, occurring from the time that a fertilized egg first begins duplicating DNA to yield the many trillions of cells that make up an adult body and continuing in all tissues of the adult body throughout our life. The amount of DNA duplicated in an entire human body represents an unimaginable amount of information transfer. Moreover, each round of duplication needs to be highly accurate, making one mistake in less than 100 million bases copied per cell division. How copying of the double helix occurs and how it is so highly accurate is the topic of this collection. Inevitably the processes of accurate copying of the genome can go awry, yielding mutations that affect our lives, and thus the collection outlines the disorders that accelerate human disease.However, the problem of copying DNA is much more complicated than indicated above. The 2 m of DNA in each human cell is wrapped up with histone proteins within the cell’s nucleus that is only about 5 μm wide, presenting a compaction in DNA length of about 2 million-fold. How can the copying process deal with the fact that the DNA is wrapped around proteins and scrunched into a volume that creates a spatial organization problem of enormous magnitude? Not only is the DNA copied, but the proteins associated with the DNA need to be duplicated, along with all the chemical modifications attached to DNA and histones that greatly influence developmental patterning of gene expression. The protein machineries that replicate DNA and duplicate proteins within the chromosomes are some of the most complex and intriguing machineries known. Furthermore, the regulations of the processes are some of the most complex because they need to ensure that each DNA molecule in each chromosome is copied once, and only once each time before a cell divides. Errors in the regulation of DNA replication lead to accelerated mutation rates, often associated with increased rates of cancer and other diseases.The process of accurately copying a genome can be broken down into various subprocesses that combine to provide efficient genome duplication. Central to the entire process is the machinery that actually copies the DNA with high fidelity, including proteins that start the entire process and the proteins that actually copy one helix to produce two. Superimposed on this fundamental process are mechanisms that detect and repair errors and damage to the DNA. Also associated with the DNA replication apparatus are the proteins that ensure that the histone proteins and their modifications in chromatin are inherited along with the DNA. Finally, other machineries cooperate with the DNA replication apparatus to ensure that the resulting two DNA molecules, the sister chromatids, are tethered together until the cell completes duplicating all of its DNA and segregates the sister chromatids evenly to the two daughter cells. Only by combining all of these processes can genetic inheritance ensure that each cell has a faithful copy of its parent’s genome.  相似文献   

Most serpins irreversibly inactivate specific serine proteinases of the chymotrypsin family. Inhibitory serpins are unusual proteins in that their native structure is metastable, and rapid conversion to a relaxed state is required to trap target enzymes in a covalent complex. The evolutionary origin of the serpin fold is unresolved, and while serpins in animals are known to be involved in the regulation of a remarkable diversity of metabolic processes, the physiological functions of homologues from other phyla are unknown. Addressing these questions, here we analyze serpin genes identified in unicellular eukaryotes: the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense, and the human pathogens Entamoeba spp., Eimera tenella, Toxoplasma gondii, and Giardia lamblia. We compare these sequences to others, particularly those in the complete genome sequences of Archaea, where serpins were found in only 4 of 13 genera, and Bacteria, in only 9 of 56 genera. The serpins from unicellular organisms appear to be phylogenetically distinct from all of the clades of higher eukaryotic serpins. Most of the sequences from unicellular organisms have the characteristics of inhibitory serpins, and where multiple serpin genes are found in one genome, variability is displayed in the region of the reactive-center loop important for specificity. All the unicellular eukaryotic serpins have large hydrophobic or positively charged residues at the putative P1 position. In contrast, none of the prokaryotic serpins has a residue of these types at the predicted P1 position, but many have smaller, neutral residues. Serpin evolution is discussed.[Reviewing Editor: Dr. Peer Bork]  相似文献   

The ubiquity of mechanosensitive (MS) channels triggered a search for their functional homologs in Archaea. Archaeal MS channels were found to share a common ancestral origin with bacterial MS channels of large and small conductance, and sequence homology with several proteins that most likely function as MS ion channels in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell-walled organisms. Although bacterial and archaeal MS channels differ in conductive and mechanosensitive properties, they share similar gating mechanisms triggered by mechanical force transmitted via the lipid bilayer. In this review, we suggest that MS channels of Archaea can bridge the evolutionary gap between bacterial and eukaryotic MS channels, and that MS channels of Bacteria, Archaea and cell-walled Eukarya may serve similar physiological functions and may have evolved to protect the fragile cellular membranes in these organisms from excessive dilation and rupture upon osmotic challenge.  相似文献   

Of the many post-translational modifications proteins can undergo, glycosylation is the most prevalent and the most diverse. Today, it is clear that both N-glycosylation and O-glycosylation, once believed to be restricted to eukaryotes, also transpire in Bacteria and Archaea. Indeed, prokaryotic glycoproteins rely on a wider variety of monosaccharide constituents than do those of eukaryotes. In recent years, substantial progress in describing the enzymes involved in bacterial and archaeal glycosylation pathways has been made. It is becoming clear that enhanced knowledge of bacterial glycosylation enzymes may be of therapeutic value, while the demonstrated ability to introduce bacterial glycosylation genes into Escherichia coli represents a major step forward in glyco-engineering. A better understanding of archaeal protein glycosylation provides insight into this post-translational modification across evolution as well as protein processing under extreme conditions. Here, we discuss new structural and biosynthetic findings related to prokaryotic protein glycosylation, until recently a neglected topic.  相似文献   

Histones and nucleosomes in Archaea and Eukarya: a comparative analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Archaeal histones from mesophilic, thermophilic, and hyperthermophilic members of the Euryarchaeota have primary sequences, the histone fold, tertiary structures, and dimer formation in common with the eukaryal nucleosome core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Archaeal histones form nucleoprotein complexes in vitro and in vivo, designated archaeal nucleosomes, that contain histone tetramers and protect approximately 60 base pairs of DNA from nuclease digestion. Based on the sequence and structural homologies and experimental data reviewed here, archaeal nucleosomes appear similar, and may be homologous in evolutionary terms and function, to the structure at the center of the eukaryal nucleosome formed by the histone (H3+H4)2 tetramer. Received: January 22, 1998 / Accepted: February 16, 1998  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The discovery of giant viruses with genome and physical size comparable to cellular organisms, remnants of protein translation machinery and virus-specific parasites (virophages) have raised intriguing questions about their origin. Evidence advocates for their inclusion into global phylogenomic studies and their consideration as a distinct and ancient form of life. RESULTS: Here we reconstruct phylogenies describing the evolution of proteomes and protein domain structures of cellular organisms and double-stranded DNA viruses with medium-to-very-large proteomes (giant viruses). Trees of proteomes define viruses as a 'fourth supergroup' along with superkingdoms Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Trees of domains indicate they have evolved via massive and primordial reductive evolutionary processes. The distribution of domain structures suggests giant viruses harbor a significant number of protein domains including those with no cellular representation. The genomic and structural diversity embedded in the viral proteomes is comparable to the cellular proteomes of organisms with parasitic lifestyles. Since viral domains are widespread among cellular species, we propose that viruses mediate gene transfer between cells and crucially enhance biodiversity. CONCLUSIONS: Results call for a change in the way viruses are perceived. They likely represent a distinct form of life that either predated or coexisted with the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) and constitute a very crucial part of our planet's biosphere.  相似文献   

Although DNA replication is the universal process for the transmission of genetic information in all living organisms, until very recently evidence was lacking for a related structure and function in the proteins (initiators) that trigger replication in the three 'Life Domains' (Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya). In this article new data concerning the presence of common features in the initiators of chromosomal replication in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes are reviewed. Initiators are discussed in the light of: (i) The structure and function of their conserved ATPases Associated with various cellular Activities (AAA+) and winged-helix domains. (ii) The nature of the macromolecular assemblies that they constitute at the replication origins. (iii) Their possible phylogenetic relationship, attempting to sketch the essentials of a hypothetical DNA replication initiator in the micro-organism proposed to be the ancestor of all living cells.  相似文献   

Analysis of 100 complete sets of the cytoplasmic elongator tRNA genes from Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya pointed to correspondences between types of anticodon and composition of the rest of the tRNA body. The number of the hydrogen bonds formed between the complementary nucleotides in the anticodon-codon duplex appeared as a major quantitative parameter determining covariations in all three domains of life. Our analysis has supported and advanced the "extended anticodon" concept that is based on the argument that the decoding performance of the anticodon is enhanced by selection of a matching anticodon stem-loop sequence, as reported by Yarus in 1982. In addition to the anticodon stem-loop, we have found covariations between the anticodon nucleotides and the composition of the distant regions of their respective tRNAs that include dihydrouridine (D) and thymidyl (T) stem-loops. The majority of the covariable tRNA positions were found at the regions with the increased dynamic potential--such as stem-loop and stem-stem junctions. The consistent occurrences of the covariations on the multigenomic level suggest that the number and pattern of the hydrogen bonds in the anticodon-codon duplex constitute a major factor in the course of translation that is reflected in the fine-tuning of the tRNA composition and structure.  相似文献   

The main family of serine/threonine/tyrosine protein kinases present in eukarya was defined and described by Hanks et al. in 1988 (Science, 241, 42–52). It was initially believed that these kinases do not exist in bacteria, but extensive genome sequencing revealed their existence in many bacteria. For historical reasons, the term “eukaryotic-type kinases” propagated in the literature to describe bacterial members of this protein family. Here, we argue that this term should be abandoned as a misnomer, and we provide several lines of evidence to support this claim. Our comprehensive phylostratigraphic analysis suggests that Hanks-type kinases present in eukarya, bacteria and archaea all share a common evolutionary origin in the lineage leading to the last universal common ancestor (LUCA). We found no evidence to suggest substantial horizontal transfer of genes encoding Hanks-type kinases from eukarya to bacteria. Moreover, our systematic structural comparison suggests that bacterial Hanks-type kinases resemble their eukaryal counterparts very closely, while their structures appear to be dissimilar from other kinase families of bacterial origin. This indicates that a convergent evolution scenario, by which bacterial kinases could have evolved a kinase domain similar to that of eukaryal Hanks-type kinases, is not very likely. Overall, our results strongly support a monophyletic origin of all Hanks-type kinases, and we therefore propose that this term should be adopted as a universal name for this protein family.  相似文献   

The use of an oxyphobic index (OI) based on the propensity of amino acids to enter more frequently the proteins of anaerobes makes it possible to make inferences on the environment in which the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) lived. The reconstruction of the ancestral sequences of proteins using a method based on maximum likelihood and their attribution by means of the OI to the set of aerobe or anaerobe sequences has led to the following conclusions: the LUCA was an anaerobic 'organism', as were the ancestors of Archaea and Bacteria, whereas the ancestor of Eukarya was an aerobe. These observations seem to falsify the hypothesis that the LUCA was an aerobe and help to identify better the environment in which the first organisms lived.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the Tree of Life is a central goal in biology. Although numerous novel phyla of bacteria and archaea have recently been discovered, inconsistent phylogenetic relationships are routinely reported, and many inter-phylum and inter-domain evolutionary relationships remain unclear. Here, we benchmark different marker genes often used in constructing multidomain phylogenetic trees of bacteria and archaea and present a set of marker genes that perform best for multidomain trees constructed from concatenated alignments. We use recently-developed Tree Certainty metrics to assess the confidence of our results and to obviate the complications of traditional bootstrap-based metrics. Given the vastly disparate number of genomes available for different phyla of bacteria and archaea, we also assessed the impact of taxon sampling on multidomain tree construction. Our results demonstrate that biases between the representation of different taxonomic groups can dramatically impact the topology of resulting trees. Inspection of our highest-quality tree supports the division of most bacteria into Terrabacteria and Gracilicutes, with Thermatogota and Synergistota branching earlier from these superphyla. This tree also supports the inclusion of the Patescibacteria within the Terrabacteria as a sister group to the Chloroflexota instead of as a basal-branching lineage. For the Archaea, our tree supports three monophyletic lineages (DPANN, Euryarchaeota, and TACK/Asgard), although we note the basal placement of the DPANN may still represent an artifact caused by biased sequence composition. Our findings provide a robust and standardized framework for multidomain phylogenetic reconstruction that can be used to evaluate inter-phylum relationships and assess uncertainty in conflicting topologies of the Tree of Life.  相似文献   

The study of of the distribution of microorganisms through space (and time) allows evaluation of biogeographic patterns, like the species-area index (z). Due to their high dispersal ability, high reproduction rates and low rates of extinction microorganisms tend to be widely distributed, and they are thought to be virtually cosmopolitan and selected primarily by environmental factors. Recent studies have shown that, despite these characteristics, microorganisms may behave like larger organisms and exhibit geographical distribution. In this study, we searched patterns of spatial diversity distribution of bacteria and archaea in a contiguous environment. We collected 26 samples of a lake sediment, distributed in a nested grid, with distances between samples ranging from 0.01 m to 1000 m. The samples were analyzed using T-RFLP (Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism) targeting mcrA (coding for a subunit of methyl-coenzyme M reductase) and the genes of Archaeal and Bacterial 16S rRNA. From the qualitative and quantitative results (relative abundance of operational taxonomic units) we calculated the similarity index for each pair to evaluate the taxa-area and distance decay relationship slopes by linear regression. All results were significant, with mcrA genes showing the highest slope, followed by Archaeal and Bacterial 16S rRNA genes. We showed that the microorganisms of a methanogenic community, that is active in a contiguous environment, display spatial distribution and a taxa-area relationship.  相似文献   

The genome sequences of Rhodopirellula baltica, formerly Pirellula sp. strain 1, Blastopirellula marina, Gemmata obscuriglobus, and Kuenenia stuttgartiensis were used in a series of pairwise reciprocal best-hit analyses to evaluate the contested evolutionary position of Planctomycetes. Contrary to previous reports which suggested that R. baltica had a high percentage of genes with closest matches to Archaea and Eukarya, we show here that these Planctomycetes do not share an unusually large number of genes with the Archaea or Eukarya, compared with other Bacteria. Thus, best-hit analyses may assign phylogenetic affinities incorrectly if close relatives are absent from the sequence database.  相似文献   

Diversity in Chemotaxis Mechanisms among the Bacteria and Archaea   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
The study of chemotaxis describes the cellular processes that control the movement of organisms toward favorable environments. In bacteria and archaea, motility is controlled by a two-component system involving a histidine kinase that senses the environment and a response regulator, a very common type of signal transduction in prokaryotes. Most insights into the processes involved have come from studies of Escherichia coli over the last three decades. However, in the last 10 years, with the sequencing of many prokaryotic genomes, it has become clear that E. coli represents a streamlined example of bacterial chemotaxis. While general features of excitation remain conserved among bacteria and archaea, specific features, such as adaptational processes and hydrolysis of the intracellular signal CheY-P, are quite diverse. The Bacillus subtilis chemotaxis system is considerably more complex and appears to be similar to the one that existed when the bacteria and archaea separated during evolution, so that understanding this mechanism should provide insight into the variety of mechanisms used today by the broad sweep of chemotactic bacteria and archaea. However, processes even beyond those used in E. coli and B. subtilis have been discovered in other organisms. This review emphasizes those used by B. subtilis and these other organisms but also gives an account of the mechanism in E. coli.  相似文献   

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