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  • 1 The African armyworm Spodoptera exempta exhibits a phase polyphenism with insects capable of transforming from one‘phase’to another, which involves both physiological and behavioural changes. Amongst these changes, evidence from the laboratory and the field suggest that, given equivalent conditions of temperature and food, solitary phase insects take longer to complete their life cycles than gregarious phase insects, and the latter's generations are more synchronized. There is also some evidence that females of the solitary form sometimes lay more eggs.
  • 2 Using data from field and laboratory studies, estimates of the rates of increase of each form were calculated from Leslie matrix models. Assuming equivalent mortality rates for both phases, asynchronous development for the solitaries and synchronous development for the gregarious forms, with the latter having lower fecundities than the solitaries, the models suggest that the gregarious forms have higher values of their intrinsic rates of increase (r) than solitarious populations. These results are explored using a range of parameter values including variation in the percentage of solitaries with delayed development.
  • 3 The possible ecological and evolutionary significance of variations in rates of increase of gregarious and solitary populations are briefly discussed.

In an earlier study, we showed that the ingestive responses of the generalist caterpillar Spodoptera littoralis to foods imbalanced in their protein:carbohydrate content is similar to generalist locusts, but differs from that of specialist-feeding locusts. Here we further pursued the comparison by repeating the experiments using a closely related specialist caterpillar, Spodoptera exempta. First, caterpillars were allowed to self-compose a diet of preferred protein:carbohydrate balance by mixing between nutritionally complementary foods. Then, they were confined to one of five imbalanced foods, in which we measured the trade-off between over- and under-ingesting the two nutrients. On complementary foods, the caterpillars actively regulated their protein and carbohydrate intake. In the no-choice experiment, those fed excess-protein foods ingested small surpluses of protein compared with generalist feeders, thus showing a pattern of nutrient balancing similar to that observed in specialist locusts. Utilisation data indicated that ingested excesses and deficits were to some extent offset by differential utilisation. Evidence also showed that post-ingestive responses of the specialist S. exempta were less flexible than those observed in the generalist S. littoralis, a pattern which is again in accordance with comparisons of acridids differing in their host-plant range.  相似文献   

Eight pairs of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers that amplify polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta (Walker) to be used in the study of its population dynamics in sub‐Sahara Africa where the species is a major pest of cereals and rangeland. A magnetic beads based enrichment protocol was used; it appears that previously reported scarcity of microsatellites in Lepidoptera species does not apply to the African armyworm. All the loci showed significant heterozygote deficit; possibly because the samples were laboratory reared from limited stock. Four primer pairs successfully amplified single fragments of beet and fall armyworm DNA of comparable size to the African armyworm alleles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The existence of a trade-off between flight and reproduction in the migratory noctuid, Spodoptera exempta (Wlk.), was examined in experiments in which female moths were flown on flight balances and then provided with distilled water or sucrose solution. For individuals flight-tested from the night of eclosion (night 0) through night 1 and fed only distilled water, there was a linear, negative relationship between weight-related fecundity and flight duration. When flight was recorded through night 2, a curvilinear relationship was obtained suggesting that highly active moths suffer a smaller decrease in fecundity than predicted from its rate of decline with increasing flight duration in less persistent fliers. The hypothesis that this reflects an energetically expensive, initial phase of each flight, followed by a less costly, cruising phase is examined. Fecundity was independent of flight duration in females provided with sucrose after flight but was related to moth weight, as it was in all unflown moths. Effects of flight and feeding on longevity and mating frequency are also reported.
There is a clear trade-off between flight and fecundity in S.exempta which is only evident in moths denied access to a source of carbohydrate after flight. The results indicate the importance of nectar sources in the field in allowing restoration of lipid reserves depleted during migratory flight. An important implication of this conclusion is that lipid is the resource limiting to fecundity in this species and not protein as is generally supposed for leaf-feeding insects. This might be expected in highly active species as lipid is the resource for which the energetically expensive functions of flight and reproduction must compete.  相似文献   

Nutrient requirements by male and female insects are likely to differ, but relatively little is known regarding how sexes differ in their regulation of macronutrient acquisition. The present study reports the results from a laboratory experiment in which behavioural and physiological components of nutrient regulation were compared between male and female caterpillars of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius). When provided with choices between two nutritionally complementary foods (one is a protein-biased diet and the other a carbohydrate-biased diet), both males and females adjusted their food selection to defend an intake target. However, the composition of diet preferred by the two differed, with females selecting significantly more protein than males with no difference in carbohydrate intake between the two. When confined to single diets with varying mixtures of protein and carbohydrate [P:C ratios, expressed as the percentage of diet by dry mass: protein 42%:carbohydrate 0% (p42:c0), p35:c7, p28:c14, p21:c21, p14:c28, p7:c35], females consumed more macronutrients than did males across on all P:C diets except the extremely carbohydrate-biased diet (p7:c35). Under both choice and no-choice feeding condition, such sex differences in nutrient intake were not expressed until late in the feeding stage of the final stadium. Sexes also differed in post-ingestive utilization of ingested nutrients. Females utilized ingested protein for body growth with greater efficiency compared to males, presumably reflecting provisioning their adult needs for protein to develop eggs, whereas males were more efficient at depositing lipids from carbohydrate intake than females.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Female Spodoptera exempta (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) moths require access to water to achieve hydration and maturation of their oocytes if they are to achieve their potential fecundity. For moths provided with water, the main factor limiting fecundity is moth weight. There is some evidence that sucrose in the adult diet can increase fecundity, particularly in lighter moths from a suboptimal larval feeding regime. Moths fed sucrose live longer, but complete oviposition at about the same age as moths provided only with water. Dietary protein and amino acids have no effect on fecundity or longevity. Although- multiple matings are frequent in the laboratory, female S.exempta only need to mate once to complete oviposition. Differences are apparent in the relative contribution of larval and adult feeding to reproduction in Noctuidae. Some species, like S.exempta , require only water to achieve their reproductive potential, while others (e.g. Heliothis spp.) are dependent on sugars in the adult diet. Female S.exempta denied access to water or food until night 3 after eclosion and then provided with water or sucrose, commence oviposition on night 4 and have fecundities comparable with those moths fed from emergence.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. About 166,000 African armyworm moths, Spodoptera exempta (Walk.), were marked at an emergence site near Nairobi when they fed at night on trees baited with dyed molasses.
2. Six marked moths were captured in pheromone traps, including one at 90 km after flying for only one night, and another at 147 km.
3. Moth flight trajectories deduced from radar and from marking showed that migration was downwind.
4. During migration, moths become dispersed; hence the high densities that lead to outbreaks must be produced by concentration.
5. Some moths were ready to mate on the same night they completed their long-distance flight.  相似文献   

Spodoptera exempta exhibits a density-dependent phase polyphenism in which caterpillars reared in isolation (phase solitaria) tend to be green/brown and cryptic while those reared in groups (phase gregaria) are black and highly visible. Differences in coloration between solitaria and gregaria phase larvae become apparent in the third instar and are pronounced by the final instar. Larval rearing densities as low as two larvae per 250 ml container are sufficient to induce gregaria coloration in 61% of the insects and at higher densities this is the only coloration expressed. Larvae transferred from isolated to crowded conditions or vice versa tend to retain or adopt gregaria phase coloration which suggests that this is highly advantageous. Black coloration is also induced in single larvae reared with other species of caterpillar (S. littoralis). Isolated larvae reared at low temperature tend to become melanic while crowded larvae reared at high temperature tend to be less melanised although they do not adopt the solitaria phase coloration. These results suggest that phase coloration is determined by non species-specific inter-larval contact, although it can be modulated by temperature. Under laboratory conditions, gregaria phase larvae heat up faster than solitaria; this is partially a consequence of their black coloration but their smaller size is a more important factor. The cuticles of the gregaria larvae absorb significantly more ultraviolet radiation than those of solitaria but this does not confer any protection when larvae are irradiated at 254 nm.  相似文献   

  • 1 Studies were made in Kenya of the flight behaviour of African armyworm moths which had emerged from areas previously infested with‘gregarious’caterpillars. The use of radar and an infra-red optical detector permitted quantitative, direct observations of the flying moths, over all of their flight altitudes, without disturbing their behaviour.
  • 2 Almost all of the successfully emergent moths climbed to altitudes of several hundred metres above ground level and migrated from the emergence sites. Their migratory flights sometimes started on the night of emergence, but on other occasions the moths remained roosting in trees until dawn, then engaged in short dispersal flights, concealed themselves during the day. and commenced migration in mass flights at dusk the following night.
  • 3 The onset of these‘dusk flights’occurred when the irradiance level fell on average to 2.7 × 10?5Wm?2 nm?1 in the 450–800 nm range (in the photometric units appropriate for human vision this corresponds approximately to 2 lux). The‘dawn flights’began with the first sustained increase in irradiance at dawn, and terminated at the end of dawn twilight.
  • 4 Migratory flight in the strong, easterly winds which usually occurred during the first half of the night resulted in rapid, down-wind displacement to the west. Observations of groups of flying moths passing successively over two radars demonstrated that these migrations could cover at least 20 km.
  • 5 In the second half of the night, winds were usually weak and variable, and up-wind or cross-wind directions of displacement were sometimes observed.
  • 6 Moths were observed to disperse rapidly during their migration, so that the mass influxes which lead to outbreaks must be a consequence of subsequent reconcentration. The importance of meso-scale wind convergence zones in reconcentrating flying moths, and the role of rainfall in inducing descent, and possibly landing, are discussed.

Nutritional regulatory responses of the generalist caterpillar Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) were explored, in choice and no-choice experiments, using the Geometric Framework. In the choice experiment, newly moulted final instar larvae were provided with one of three protein-biased foods (PB-food: p35:c7, p28:c5.6 or p21:c4.2) and one of three equal protein-carbohydrate ratio foods (ER-food: p21:c21, p16.8:c16.8 or p12.6:c12.6). On five of the nine treatments, caterpillars independently regulated protein and carbohydrate intake to a mixture of 57 and 43%, respectively. However, when the concentration of the ER-food decreased and that of the paired PB-food increased, caterpillars progressively abandoned regulation and ate more of the PB-food. Despite these regulatory differences, performance (survivorship, growth and development) was similar across all nine treatments. In the no-choice experiment, caterpillars were given one of five foods (p35:c7, p28:c14, p21:c21, p14:c28 and p7:c35). Results indicated that caterpillars moved to a point in protein-carbohydrate space that was consistent with the Equal Distance Rule of compromise, a pattern previously predicted for generalist feeders. The insects on the two extreme foods, p35:c7 and p7:c35, showed reduced pupal mass and longer development, respectively. There was also strong evidence for post-ingestive regulation of nutrient utilisation, notably for protein.  相似文献   

Summary In the noctuid moth Spodoptera exempta, the distribution of visual pigments within the fused rhabdoms of the compound eyes was investigated by electron microscopy. Each ommatidium regularly contains eight receptor cells belonging to three morphological types: one distal, six medial, and one basal cell (Meinecke 1981); four different visual pigments — absorption maxima at approximately 355, 465, 515, and 560 nm — are known to occur within the eye (Langer et al. 1979). The compound eyes were illuminated in situ by use of monochromatic light of different wavelengths. This illumination produced a wide scale of structural changes in the microvilli of the rhabdomeres of individual cells. Preparation of eyes by freeze-substitution revealed the structural changes in the rhabdomeres to be effects of light occurring in vivo.The degree of structural changes may be considerably different in rhabdomeres within the same ommatidium; it was found to depend on the wavelength and the duration of illumination, the intensity received by the ommatidia as well as the spectral sensitivity of the receptor cells. Therefore, it was possible to estimate the spectral sensitivities of the morphological types of receptor cells. Generally, all medial cells are green receptors and all basal cells red receptors; distal cells are blue receptors in about two-thirds of the ommatidia, while in the remaining third of them distal cells are sensitive to ultraviolet light.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 114 (Bionach)  相似文献   

This study has demonstrated that low numbers of African armyworms (Spodoptera exempta) (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) can be found throughout the year in parts of the coastal and highland regions of Kenya where there is frequent rainfall. During the study period the numbers of moths caught in pheromone traps in these regions built up during the short and long rains, and decreased dramatically during the intervening dry seasons. There was a lag of one to two months between the peaks for rainfall and moth numbers. This contrasts with the situation at sites of the seasonal outbreaks of armyworm larvae, where a sudden preceding influx of moths coincides with the rainfall. A positive correlation was found, for the long rains seasons only, between the number of armyworm outbreaks throughout the country and the peak numbers of moths in coastal and highland regions.It is suggested therefore that the peak numbers of moths trapped in the eastern highlands and coastal regions during the rainy seasons arise principally from outbreaks in the extensive seasonal grasslands. These grassland areas diminish considerably during the prolonged dry periods between the two rainy seasons, and it is only the eastern highland and coastal regions that are likely to provide suitable habitats for breeding during the dry seasons. The significance of these populations for initiating the first outbreaks of the following season is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Flight durations of tethered female Anticarsia gemmatalis moths recorded in the laboratory were interpreted by Wales et al. as indicating a capacity for significant inter-reproductive displacements in the field. Indications that their data may not support this conclusion are discussed and evidence is presented that, in tethered Spodoptera exempta , prolonged flights starting early in the night represent migratory behaviour while those of similar durations starting after midnight do not.  相似文献   

The pre-calling behavior of female adults of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) collected in southern Japan and southeastern Asian countries was investigated. Most females started calling on days 1-4 after adult emergence. In three populations obtained in Saga prefecture in Kyushu mainland, Japan, two different patterns of pre-calling period (PCP) were observed: one was the above-mentioned pattern shown by most individuals, and the other was a pattern in which females sexually matured within several hours after emergence. Diel periodicity was shown in the time of calling activity, and its pattern varied among the populations. Pre-calling period was stable over successive generations in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Recent developments in insect gerontological and nutritional research have suggested that the dietary protein:carbohydrate (P:C) balance is a critical determinant of lifespan and reproduction in many insects. However, most studies investigating this important role of dietary P:C balance have been conducted using dipteran and orthopteran species. In this study, we used the mealworm beetles, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), to test the effects of dietary P:C balance on lifespan and reproduction. Regardless of their reproductive status, both male and female beetles had the shortest lifespan at the protein-biased ratio of P:C 5:1. Mean lifespan was the longest at P:C 1:1 for males and at both P:C 1:1 and 1:5 for females. Mating significantly curtailed the lifespan of both males and females, indicating the survival cost of mating. Age-specific egg laying was significantly higher at P:C 1:1 than at the two imbalanced P:C ratios (1:5 or 5:1) at any given age throughout their lives, resulting in the highest lifetime reproductive success at P:C 1:1. When given a choice, beetles actively regulated their intake of protein and carbohydrate to a slightly carbohydrate-biased ratio (P:C 1:1.54–1:1.64 for males and P:C 1:1.3–1:1.36 for females). The self-selected P:C ratio was significantly higher for females than males, reflecting a higher protein requirement for egg production. Collectively, our results add to a growing body of evidence suggesting the key role played by dietary macronutrient balance in shaping lifespan and reproduction in insects.  相似文献   

Different organic solvent crude extracts from the leaves of Alangium salviifolium (L.F.) Wangerin, were tested for their feeding deterrence, larvicidal activity and protein concentrations on the fourth instar larvae of Spodoptera litura L. under laboratory conditions. Treatments were given through two different host plant leaves such as brinjal and castor. The bioassay was carried out at different concentrations viz., 0.625, 1.25, 2.5 and 5%. The maximum antifeedant activity in brinjal (52.0%) and castor (29.97%) leaf discs was recorded in ethyl acetate extract as compared with hexane and chloroform extracts at 5% concentration. The result of larvicidal activity revealed that the maximum larval mortality was registered in brinjal leaves (65.81%) and castor with (57.48%) in ethyl acetate extract as compared to hexane and chloroform extracts at 5% concentration. The ethyl acetate extract of A. salviifolium contained alkaloids, diterpenoids, and saponins. The treatment also reduced haemolymph protein concentration after 48 h.  相似文献   

The survival of a braconid parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor was investigated on nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV)-infected Spodoptera exigua larvae. The second-instar larvae were exposed to 30, 51.4 and 180 PIB/mm2 of Mamestra brassicae NPV (MbMNPV) as under-LD50, LD50 and over-LD50 values, respectively. They were accessible to be parasitized by H. hebetor after 24, 48 and 72 h post-treatment. Infection of the larvae with MbNPV was deleterious to the survival and parasitism of H. hebetor. The survival of H. hebetor in MbNPV-infected S. exigua larvae was dependent on the interval between viral infection and parasitization, as well as on the treatment dose of MbMNPV; very few adults of parasitoid emerged from infected hosts when host larvae were exposed to 180 PIB/mm2 of MbNPV on 72-h interval treatment. The inoculation dose of MbNPV and the timing of parasitoid release had significant effect on the development of H. hebetor on virus-infected hosts. Field applications of virus for biocontrol of S. exigua may lead to substantial mortality of immature parasitoids.  相似文献   

一种快速鉴别甜菜夜蛾蛹及成虫雌雄的简易方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
描述了一种快速准确区分甜菜夜蛾蛹及成虫雌雄的方法。甜菜夜蛾雌、雄蛹的主要区别是:雌蛹第8腹节腹面有一较短的纵裂缝,裂缝两侧平坦无突起;雄蛹第9腹节腹面有一长的纵裂缝,裂缝两侧有半圆形瘤状突起。成虫期雌、雄蛾主要区别是:雄蛾体色较浅,腹部狭长且末端有一圈黄色长毛簇;雌蛾体色较深,腹部末端浑圆,毛簇较短,生殖孔清晰可见。以此标准所建立的甜菜夜蛾雌雄蛹及成虫的快速鉴定方法,对于田间性比、预测和种群动态以及人工饲养等具有重要作用。  相似文献   

铁硫亚基蛋白(rieske iron-sulfur protein, RISP) 是线粒体复合物Ⅲ的关键蛋白亚基之一, 在呼吸链电子传递过程中起到重要作用。本研究通过RT-PCR克隆得到斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura RISP基因SlitRISP的ORF, 构建了pET32a-SlitRISP原核表达载体, SDS-PAGE和Western blot检测结果显示, SlitRISP原核表达蛋白以包涵体的形式存在于菌体沉淀中, 且RISP抗体可成功用于该蛋白的免疫印迹检测。为了进一步鉴定SlitRISP在斜纹夜蛾离体细胞系SL-1中的功能, 通过向细胞内转染siRNA, 利用RNAi技术沉默SL-1中的SlitRISP。qRT-PCR结果表明, 分别经50 nmol/L和100 nmol/L siRNA处理48 h后, SL-1中SlitRISP的表达均几乎完全被抑制; Western blot结果显示, SL-1中SlitRISP含量显著低于CK。当SL-1 SlitRISP被成功沉默后, 通过检测SL-1线粒体膜电位、 细胞ATP含量和细胞增殖抑制率鉴定RISP在线粒体电子传递过程中的重要作用。流式细胞仪测定结果表明, 经50 nmol/L和100 nmol/L siRNA处理24 h后, SL-1线粒体膜电位相对于CK分别降低23.52%和11.32%, 而处理48 h后, SL-1线粒体膜电位则分别升高5.58%和27.66%; siRNA处理24 h和48 h后, SL-1 ATP含量相对于CK分别降低82.71%和84.50%, 最终导致SL-1细胞增殖抑制率分别为53.64%和67.94%。这些结果表明SlitRISP在SL-1中参与线粒体膜电位的形成和细胞ATP的合成。介于RISP在线粒体电子传递链中的重要作用, 其可能成为新型杀虫作用靶标, 这可为研制新型呼吸抑制剂提供参考。  相似文献   

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