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We have previously described a series of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-based vectors in which efficient RNA encapsidation appeared to correlate with the presence of a 1.1-kb env gene fragment encompassing the Rev-responsive element (RRE). In this report, we explore in detail the role of the RRE and flanking env sequences in vector expression and RNA encapsidation. The analysis of a new series of vectors containing deletions within the env fragment failed to identify a discrete packaging signal, although the loss of certain sequences reduced packaging efficiency three- to fourfold. Complete removal of the env fragment resulted in a 100-fold decrease in the vector transduction titer but did not abolish RNA encapsidation. We conclude that the RRE and 3' env sequences are not essential for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 vector encapsidation but may be important in vectors in which a heterologous gene has been placed adjacent to the 5' packaging signal, potentially disrupting its structure.  相似文献   

RNA trafficking signals in human immunodeficiency virus type 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Intracellular trafficking of retroviral RNAs is a potential mechanism to target viral gene expression to specific regions of infected cells. Here we show that the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome contains two sequences similar to the hnRNP A2 response element (A2RE), a cis-acting RNA trafficking sequence that binds to the trans-acting trafficking factor, hnRNP A2, and mediates a specific RNA trafficking pathway characterized extensively in oligodendrocytes. The two HIV-1 sequences, designated A2RE-1, within the major homology region of the gag gene, and A2RE-2, in a region of overlap between the vpr and tat genes, both bind to hnRNP A2 in vitro and are necessary and sufficient for RNA transport in oligodendrocytes in vivo. A single base change (A8G) in either sequence reduces hnRNP A2 binding and, in the case of A2RE-2, inhibits RNA transport. A2RE-mediated RNA transport is microtubule and hnRNP A2 dependent. Differentially labelled gag and vpr RNAs, containing A2RE-1 and A2RE-2, respectively, coassemble into the same RNA trafficking granules and are cotransported to the periphery of the cell. tat RNA, although it contains A2RE-2, is not transported as efficiently as vpr RNA. An A2RE/hnRNP A2-mediated trafficking pathway for HIV RNA is proposed, and the role of RNA trafficking in targeting HIV gene expression is discussed.  相似文献   

The genomic viral RNA (vRNA) segments of influenza A virus contain specific packaging signals at their termini that overlap the coding regions. To further characterize cis-acting signals in segment 7, we introduced synonymous mutations into the terminal coding regions. Mutation of codons that are normally highly conserved reduced virus growth in embryonated eggs and MDCK cells between 10- and 1,000-fold compared to that of the wild-type virus, whereas similar alterations to nonconserved codons had little effect. In all cases, the growth-impaired viruses showed defects in virion assembly and genome packaging. In eggs, nearly normal numbers of virus particles that in aggregate contained apparently equimolar quantities of the eight segments were formed, but with about fourfold less overall vRNA content than wild-type virions, suggesting that, on average, fewer than eight segments per particle were packaged. Concomitantly, the particle/PFU and segment/PFU ratios of the mutant viruses showed relative increases of up to 300-fold, with the behavior of the most defective viruses approaching that predicted for random segment packaging. Fluorescent staining of infected cells for the nucleoprotein and specific vRNAs confirmed that most mutant virus particles did not contain a full genome complement. The specific infectivity of the mutant viruses produced by MDCK cells was also reduced, but in this system, the mutations also dramatically reduced virion production. Overall, we conclude that segment 7 plays a key role in the influenza A virus genome packaging process, since mutation of as few as 4 nucleotides can dramatically inhibit infectious virus production through disruption of vRNA packaging.  相似文献   

We used a series of deletion mutations in the untranslated leader region of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) to seek cis-acting packaging signals. Sequences between the 5' major splice donor and the gag initiation codon, where such signals have been identified in HIV-1, appear to make a measurable but very minor contribution to genomic RNA packaging, and deletions here had little effect on viral replication in vitro. Immediately 5' to the splice donor, two regions were identified which, when deleted, caused a significant replication defect. The most proximal of these to the splice donor demonstrated a phenotype consistent with its being a major cis-acting packaging signal in HIV-2.  相似文献   

Lentivirus Vif proteins are potent regulators of virus infectivity. However, relatively little is known about the functional domains, peptide motifs, or residues of any Vif protein. In this report, we present the first extensive mutagenesis analysis of the 192-amino-acid human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vif protein. A large number of scanning missense (mostly alanine substitution) and deletion mutations were introduced into the HIV-1HXB3 vif gene, and the resulting proteins were evaluated for the induction of virus infectivity as well as subcellular localization. The results show that amino acids dispersed throughout Vif's linear sequence are important for function. However, because many of the inactive proteins also appear to be mislocalized, we suggest that many of them may actually be misfolded rather lacking an intracellular targeting signal. Interestingly, disruptions within an internal region spanning residues 114 to 146 give rise to mutant proteins that either retain function or are inactive but are not substantially mislocalized. We therefore speculate that this region, which harbors two essential cysteine residues and one essential serine residue, may contain aspects of a putative Vif effector domain.  相似文献   

The dimer initiation site/dimer linkage sequence (DIS/DLS) region in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA genome is suggested to play important roles in various steps of the virus life cycle. However, due to the presence of a putative DIS/DLS region located within the encapsidation signal region (E/psi), it is difficult to perform a mutational analysis of DIS/DLS without affecting the packaging of RNA into virions. Recently, we demonstrated that duplication of the DIS/DLS region in viral RNA caused the production of partially monomeric RNAs in virions, indicating that the region indeed mediated RNA-RNA interaction. We utilized this system to assess the precise location of DIS/DLS in the 5' region of the HIV-1 genome with minimum effect on RNA packaging. We found that the entire lower stem of the U5/L stem-loop was required for packaging, whereas the region important for dimer formation was only 10 bases long within the lower stem of the U5/L stem-loop. The R/U5 stem-loop was required for RNA packaging but was completely dispensable for dimer formation. The SL1 lower stem was important for both dimerization and packaging, but surprisingly, deletion of the palindromic sequence at the top of the loop only partially affected dimerization. These results clearly indicated that the E/psi of HIV-1 is much larger than the DIS/DLS and that the primary DIS/DLS is completely included in the E/psi. Therefore, it is suggested that RNA dimerization is a part of RNA packaging, which requires multiple steps.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr is a virion-associated, regulatory protein that is required for efficient viral replication in monocytes/macrophages. The protein is believed to act in conjunction with the Gag matrix protein to allow import of the viral preintegration complex in nondividing cells. In cells, Vpr localizes to the nucleus. Recently, we showed that Vpr prevents the activation of p34cdc2-cyclin B. This results in arrest of Vpr-expressing cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Here, we use a panel of expression vectors encoding Vpr molecules mutated in the amino-terminal alpha-helical region, the central hydrophobic region, or the carboxy-terminal basic region to define the functional domains of the protein. The results showed cell cycle arrest was largely controlled by the carboxy-terminal basic domain of the protein. In contrast, the amino-terminal alpha-helical region of Vpr was required for nuclear localization and packaging into virions. The carboxy terminus appeared to be unnecessary for nuclear localization. In the alpha-helical region, mutation of Ala-30 to Pro resulted in a protein that localized to the cytoplasm. Surprisingly, fusion of Vpr to luciferase resulted in a molecule that failed to localize to the nucleus. In addition, we show that simian immunodeficiency virus Vpr, but not Vpx, induces G2 arrest. We speculate that Vpr has two sites for interaction with cellular factors: one in the alpha-helical region that specifies nuclear localization and one in the carboxy-terminal domain that is required for Cdc2 inhibition.  相似文献   

The leader region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome has a highly folded structure, comprising at least two RNA stem-loops [the transactivation response (TAR) and poly(A) hairpins] near its 5' end and four others (SL1 to SL4) downstream. Each of these stem-loops contributes to the function of the HIV-1 packaging signal, which efficiently targets genomic RNA into nascent virions. The central 140-base region of the leader, which includes the U5 and primer binding site (PBS) sequences, is also believed to adopt a complex structure, but the nature of this structure and its possible role in RNA packaging have not been extensively explored. Here we report a mutational analysis identifying at least three separate loci within the U5-PBS region which, when mutated, impair both HIV-1 packaging specificity and infectivity in a single-round proviral assay. In common with those of all previously described packaging signals in the leader, the function of one of these loci appeared to depend on secondary structure rather than on sequence alone. By contrast, the activity of the other two loci did not correlate with any predicted conformations. Moreover, unlike SL1 to SL4, the TAR, poly(A), and U5-PBS hairpins were not bound with high affinity by the nucleocapsid portion of the HIV-1 Gag protein in vitro, implying that they contribute to packaging through a mechanism distinct from that of SL1 to SL4. Our findings confirm the existence and importance of secondary structure around the PBS and demonstrate that functional packaging signals are distributed across the entire HIV-1 leader.  相似文献   

Inducible human immunodeficiency virus type 1 packaging cell lines.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
H Yu  A B Rabson  M Kaul  Y Ron    J P Dougherty 《Journal of virology》1996,70(7):4530-4537

The genome of retroviruses, including human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), consists of two identical RNA strands that are packaged as noncovalently linked dimers. The core packaging and dimerization signals are located in the downstream part of the untranslated leader of HIV-1 RNA-the Psi and the dimerization initiation site (DIS) hairpins. The HIV-1 leader can adopt two alternative conformations that differ in the presentation of the DIS hairpin and consequently in their ability to dimerize in vitro. The branched multiple-hairpin (BMH) structure folds the poly(A) and DIS hairpins, but these domains are base paired in a long distance interaction (LDI) in the most stable LDI conformation. This LDI-BMH riboswitch regulates RNA dimerization in vitro. It was recently shown that the Psi hairpin structure is also presented differently in the LDI and BMH structures. Several detailed in vivo studies have indicated that sequences throughout the leader RNA contribute to RNA packaging, but how these diverse mutations affect the packaging mechanism is not known. We reasoned that these effects may be due to a change in the LDI-BMH equilibrium, and we therefore reanalyzed the structural effects of a large set of leader RNA mutations that were presented in three previous studies (J. L. Clever, D. Mirandar, Jr., and T. G. Parslow, J. Virol. 76:12381-12387, 2002; C. Helga-Maria, M. L. Hammarskjold, and D. Rekosh, J. Virol. 73:4127-4135, 1999; R. S. Russell, J. Hu, V. Beriault, A. J. Mouland, M. Laughrea, L. Kleiman, M. A. Wainberg, and C. Liang, J. Virol. 77:84-96, 2003). This analysis revealed a strict correlation between the status of the LDI-BMH equilibrium and RNA packaging. Furthermore, a correlation is apparent between RNA dimerization and RNA packaging, and these processes may be coordinated by the same LDI-BMH riboswitch mechanism.  相似文献   

cis elements required for the encapsidation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA have been investigated by using a replication-competent helper virus to package a series of HIV-1-based vectors which had been stably transfected into human CD4 T-cell lines. A previously identified packaging signal in the 5' leader region was not sufficient for the encapsidation of small vectors containing heterologous genes. In contrast, vectors containing additional gag and env sequences were packaged with high efficiency and transduced into CD4-expressing target cells with titers exceeding 10(4) CFU/ml. The presence of gag sequences did not enhance vector packaging efficiency. A 1.1-kb env gene fragment encompassing the Rev-responsive element was absolutely required for the expression and encapsidation of vectors containing cis-acting repressive sequences and appeared also to contain an important packaging signal. Vectors as small as 2.6 kb were successfully packaged in this system. The presence of abundant, packageable vector RNA did not appear to interfere with encapsidation of the wild-type HIV-1 genome, suggesting that HIV-1 RNA packaging capacity is not saturated during acute infection.  相似文献   

W R Lee  X F Yu  W J Syu  M Essex    T H Lee 《Journal of virology》1992,66(3):1799-1803
Amino acid substitutions were introduced into four conserved N-linked glycosylation sites of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope transmembrane glycoprotein, gp41, to alter the canonical N-linked glycosylation sequences. One altered site produced a severe impairment of viral infectivity, which raises the possibility that N-linked sugars at this site may have an important role in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 life cycle.  相似文献   

Processing of the retroviral gag and pol gene products is mediated by a viral protease. Bacterial expression systems have been developed which permit genetic analysis of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease as measured by cleavage of the pol protein precursor. Deletion analysis of the pol reading frame locates the sequences required to encode a protein with appropriate proteolytic activity near the left end of the pol reading frame but largely outside the gag-pol overlap region, which is at the extreme left end of pol. Most missense mutations within an 11-amino-acid domain highly conserved among retroviral proteases and with sequence similarity to the active site of aspartic proteinases abolish appropriate processing, suggesting that the retrovirus proteases share a catalytic mechanism with aspartic proteinases. Substitution of the amino acids flanking the scissile bond at three of the processing sites encoded by pol demonstrates distinct sequence requirements for cleavage at these different sites. The inclusion of a charged amino acid at the processing site blocks cleavage. A subset of these substitutions also inhibits processing at the nonmutated sites.  相似文献   

The structural requirements for proteolytic cleavage of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 env gene product, gp160, to gp120 and gp41 have been assessed by specific mutagenesis of the sequence Lys Ala Lys Arg Arg Val Val Glu Arg Glu Lys Arg located between amino acids 500 and 511, i.e., at the putative C terminus of gp120. The basic amino acids underlined have been mutated, individually and in combination, to neutral amino acids, and the cleavability of the mutated env gene products was examined after expression in CV-1 cells. The results show that the replacement of Arg-511 (cleavage presumably occurs C terminal to this amino acid) with Ser completely abolishes recognition and cleavage by the cellular protease(s), i.e., the remaining basic amino acids in the vicinity do not serve as alternative substrates. However, Arg-508 and Lys-510 are important features of the recognition site since, when they are individually changed to neutral amino acids, cleavage is severely impaired. The basic amino acids 500, 502, and 504 are, individually, not important for cleavage, since their individual replacement by neutral amino acids does not impair cleavage. However, when all four basic amino acids 500, 502, 503, and 504 are changed to neutral amino acids, cleavage is almost completely abolished. This shows that the sequence Arg Glu Lys Arg at the cleavage site is alone not sufficient for cleavage but that a contribution of other amino acids is required, whether the other amino acids provide a basic character or a certain structure in the vicinity of the cleavage site. When noncleavable or poorly cleavable mutant env genes are expressed from the infectious plasmid pNL4-3 in CD4+ human lymphoblastoid cells, noninfectious virus, incapable of spread throughout the culture, is produced.  相似文献   

To identify RNA and protein sequences involved in packaging of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), various mutations were introduced into the viral genome. Portions of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 genome between the first splice donor site and the gag initiation codon were deleted to investigate the RNA packaging site (psi). Point mutations that alter cysteine residues in one or both zinc finger motifs of p7, a cleavage product of the gag precursor, were created to study the role of the gag zinc fingers in packaging. The psi site mutants and the gag mutants exhibited similar phenotypes. Cells transfected with the mutant genomes, while expressing normal levels of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA and proteins, produced viral particles that were normal in protein content but lacked detectable viral RNA. These mutant virions were unable to productively infect cells. The combination of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 packaging mutations should minimize fortuitous assembly of infectious virus and may provide a means to produce noninfectious particles for candidate vaccines.  相似文献   

Replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 requires the functional expression of the virally encoded Rev protein. The binding of this nuclear trans activator to its viral target sequence, the Rev-response element, induces the cytoplasmic expression of unspliced viral mRNAs. Mutation of the activation domain of Rev generates inactive proteins with normal RNA binding capabilities that inhibit wild-type Rev function in a trans-dominant manner. Here, we report that the activation domain comprises a minimum of nine amino acids, four of which are critically spaced leucines. The preservation of this essential sequence in other primate and nonprimate lentivirus Rev proteins indicates that this leucine-rich motif has been highly conserved during evolution. This conclusion, taken together with the observed permissiveness of a variety of eukaryotic cell types for Rev function, suggests that the target for the activation domain of Rev is likely to be a highly conserved cellular protein(s) intrinsic to nuclear mRNA transport or splicing.  相似文献   

Sequences required for efficient packaging of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome RNA into virus particles were identified. Deletion of 19 base pairs between the 5' long terminal repeat and the gag gene initiation codon of HIV-1 resulted in a virus markedly attenuated for replication in human T lymphocytes. The mutant virus was characterized by nearly wild-type ability to encode viral proteins and to produce virion particles. The mutant virions exhibited a significant reduction in the content of HIV-1-specific RNA. These results identify an important component of the HIV-1 packaging signal.  相似文献   

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